Autosys Introduction - ABC LEARN - 0 views
abclearn on 28 Feb 17What is Autosys? In simple terms, Autosys is an automated job control system for scheduling,monitoring and reporting jobs. The jobs can reside on an Autosys configured machine attached to a network. Before getting more details about autosys, let's try to understand some basics terms of it. Let's understand, What is meant by Job on a system? The job is nothing but a particular activity on a system. For Example, I want to copy a particular file on Unix/Windows machine from one directory to another one. This is considered as activity/task. It involves a manual process of executing a command on that machine. But using (cron job or Windows-AT) we can automate it based on time. What is Cron tab & Windows-AT? Explain about them? One may have a question why we require a third party software when this can be achieved through cron Utility in Unix. Cron indeed a feature available in Unix but still it lacks some of the functionalities like job dependencies, run window,calendar features(You will learn about these in coming sessions) Why do we need Autosys? As we have discussed above, most basic job scheduling is done using Unix - cron (or windows - AT), which is time-based. It will fire the job based on the clock. However, in real business, you need to fire jobs not just based on scheduled time, but also based on events (like an arrival of a file), and, based on the success or failure of other jobs. Autosys is a total job scheduling solution that allows you to define these events, dependencies, time schedules, alerts, etc, making it a complete data center automation tool. A reliable, easy to use the system that enables the user to completely manage their entire Job Processing requirements. This is a product from Computer Associates. What is an Autosys-job? An autosys job can be, A single command executed on a validated machine, (command, in turn, could have multiple tasks). Autosys-jobs can