1. As soon as you select text, the highlight button greys itself out before you even get a chance to click it. 2. Not that you could click it. 3. Search for a tag and click the search highlight button, and then hit highlight, and it will highlight that. but highlighting selected text is completely impossible. 4. No popup menu anymore. Nada. when i select text, the popup menu doesnt work anymore. I miss it. 5. Can only highlight if I select text and hit the bookmarking button. over and over.
no new installs, nothing different. just stopped! I did reinstall it - no luck.
Hi: What's browser you use, FF or IE? What's the browser version?
> 4. No popup menu anymore. Nada. when i select text, the popup menu doesnt work anymore. I miss it. ========> You can go to Options ===>Toolbar ====> Context select menu section to see whether "Show drop-down menu when some content is selected on a web page.
If you'd like a video of symptom #1 in Firefox, you can download one at http://www.rooksdeal.com/diigo7.avi. The Diigo buttons were on my bookmark bar in the video, but I still can't highlight text if the highlight button is in the normal Diigo toolbar.
The highlight button works fine in IE7.
joel wrote: > Hi: > What's browser you use, FF or IE? What's the browser version? > > > > 4. No popup menu anymore. Nada. when i select text, the popup menu doesnt work anymore. I miss it. > ======== > You can go to Options === >Toolbar ==== > Context select menu section to see whether "Show drop-down menu when some content is selected on a web page.
Here are the symptoms:
1. As soon as you select text, the highlight button greys itself out before you even get a chance to click it.
2. Not that you could click it.
3. Search for a tag and click the search highlight button, and then hit highlight, and it will highlight that. but highlighting selected text is completely impossible.
4. No popup menu anymore. Nada. when i select text, the popup menu doesnt work anymore. I miss it.
5. Can only highlight if I select text and hit the bookmarking button. over and over.
no new installs, nothing different. just stopped! I did reinstall it - no luck.
What's browser you use, FF or IE? What's the browser version?
> 4. No popup menu anymore. Nada. when i select text, the popup menu doesnt work anymore. I miss it.
========> You can go to Options ===>Toolbar ====> Context select menu section to see whether "Show drop-down menu when some content is selected on a web page.
I use firefox, version
If you'd like a video of symptom #1 in Firefox, you can download one at http://www.rooksdeal.com/diigo7.avi. The Diigo buttons were on my bookmark bar in the video, but I still can't highlight text if the highlight button is in the normal Diigo toolbar.
The highlight button works fine in IE7.
joel wrote:
> Hi:
> What's browser you use, FF or IE? What's the browser version?
> > 4. No popup menu anymore. Nada. when i select text, the popup menu doesnt work anymore. I miss it.
> ======== > You can go to Options === >Toolbar ==== > Context select menu section to see whether "Show drop-down menu when some content is selected on a web page.