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Anne Bubnic

Should social networking sites be used to determine employment? - 0 views

    More employees are asking for and viewing social networking sites of job applicants. Most employees like to get a clear picture of the person they are hiring. Lets face it most companies want to make sure they know what they are getting before they spend the time and resources to hire and train a person. Recently officials in Bozeman, Montana requested for all job applicants to turn over their usernames and password of all of their social networking sites as part of the background check. Is that crossing the line?
Anne Bubnic

Proposed social media policy for school employees | - 7 views

    One school district's proposed policy. Note the meaty discussion of the policy points at the end of the article.
Anne Bubnic

Jeff's Law [Bullying and Cyberbullying in Florida] - 0 views

    HB 669 prohibits the bullying or harassment, including cyber bullying, of any public K-12 student or employee. It requires the Department of Education to adopt a model policy to prohibit bullying and harassment and directs all school districts to adopt a similar policy. School districts are directed to work with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and local law enforcement on developing this policy. School districts will be required to report all instances of bullying or harassment and to notify the parents of the bully and the parents of the victim.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Natives and the Myth of Multi-Tasking - 0 views

  • Dave Crenshaw discussed his latest book, The Myth of Multitasking. Crenshaw makes a strong distinction behind “background tasking”—reading a magazine while waiting in line, for instance, or listening to music while coding—and “switch-tasking.” Most of the time, when we talk about “multi-tasking,” we’re actually talking about the very costly practice of “switch-tasking.” Every time you switch your attention from one place to another—even from one browser window to another—you take a significant hit to your focus
  • Switch-tasking, he definitively proves, causes you to execute each task more slowly than you would otherwise, with more errors
  • pecifically, what can parents, teachers, and employers do to help their kids, students, and employees focus their attention more effectively? As a kid, student, and employee myself, I have to say that I believe the solution is emphatically not to limit access—at least not for older teens. Rather, I think the key lies in laying out the facts and discussing strategies. Information overload and the allure of infinite access, after all, are challenges that affect everyone with an internet connection—not just young people. And, though writing a stellar book report might not be a cause compelling enough to warrant total focus, every young person will at some point find a pursuit worth paying attention to. Maybe it’s writing short stories; maybe writing music. Maybe it’s making art. But when that pursuit comes along, they’re going to want to know how to firewall their attention, focus their efforts, and—for once—stop switching.
    What ever happened to old-fashioned "discipline?" This question has come up constantly in my conversations with parents and teachers over the course of my involvement with the Digital Natives project. When parents glance over and see not only 50 browser tabs open on the family computer, but iTunes and a computer game and AIM too-with a book report relegated to a tiny corner of the screen-they're understandably bewildered. How do kids ever get anything done? "I'm just really good at multi-tasking, Mom," a savvy student might reply. And, as long as the work gets done, it seems hard to argue with that logic.
Anne Bubnic

Ruling: Schools must archive eMail - 0 views

    New rules make eMail, instant messages subject to legal review. According to new federal rules that went into effect Dec. 1, schools, businesses, and other organizations are required to keep tabs on all eMail, instant messages (IM), and other digital communications produced by their employees.
Anne Bubnic

Cyberbullying: Threat or Teachable Moment? - 1 views

    Students have always gossiped and complained about their teachers. But in cyberspace such behaviour can take on a life of its own. Cases of cyberbullying are opportunities to teach about responsibilities, consequences and healthy relationships. Employers are starting to check prospective employees' online habits: your resumé is one thing, but what kind of person are you online? We all leave digital footprints.
Anne Bubnic

Facebook Firings: Employees' Online Vents, Twitter Postings Can Cost Them Their Jobs - 6 views

    Teachable moment/Good lesson for kids: online actions have offline consequences, even in the adult world.
Anne Bubnic

Bullying Policy at Hudson Area School District - 0 views

  • Bullying or other aggressive behavior toward a student, whether by other students, staff, or third parties, including Board members, parents, guests, contractors, vendors, and volunteers, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, including hazing, gestures, comments, threats, or actions to a student, which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm, reasonable fear for personal safety or personal degradation. Demonstration of appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment or bullying is expected of administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers to provide positive examples for student behavior. This policy applies to all activities in the District, including activities on school property, in a school vehicle, and those occurring off school property if the student or employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the school’s control, or where an employee is engaged in school business. Misconduct occurring outside of school may also be disciplined if it interferes with the school environment. "Bullying" is any gesture or written, verbal, graphic, or physical act (including electronically transmitted acts – i.e. internet, telephone or cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or wireless hand held device) that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or a mental, physical, or sensory disability or impairment; or by any other distinguishing characteristic. Such behavior is considered harassment or bullying whether it takes place on or off school property, at any school-sponsored function, or in a school vehicle.
    Includes a clause for cyberbullying.
Anne Bubnic

Implications for teachers who socialize with students online - 1 views

  • Always exercise extreme care when communicating online with students and if at all possible, avoid socializing. These measures, along with district policy that preempts the possibility of inappropriate relationships developing online between staff and students, seems the best way to go.
    Significant concerns raised about student-teacher intractions in a social media environment, including the issue that students flirt. Relatedly, anything performed online by a public school employee - including information and images posted on social networking sites - will be used to judge the character of that individual. There is also the concern that the friends of the staff member may post unflattering information or tag inappropriate images of them which will quickly be used to prompt one major question: "Is this the kind of person we trust to be responsible for our children?"
Anne Bubnic

Six Career-Killing Facebook Mistakes - 4 views

    Recent surveys suggest that approximately 70% of employers are using Facebook to screen potential employees - even more than those who check LinkedIn, a strictly professional social networking site. Don't make these Facebook faux-pas - they might cost you a great opportunity.
Anne Bubnic

Policy Decisions: Social networking in schools - 0 views

    Since social-media use is so multi-faceted, no single approach will apply to all situations. Some schools may opt to place an outright ban on social-media access at school as well as prohibit "friending" parents, students and other employees. Other schools may simply prohibit employees from identifying their school online. As the use of social-networking sites for educational and community communication purposes increases, schools may need to adapt to the mainstream use of such sites and recognize that a blanket prohibition simply isn't practical. Regardless, your school should take action now to safeguard against social media mishaps.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Literacy: Not Just For Kids Anymore - 4 views

    What happens if someone posts an unflattering, or worse, a scandalous or compromising picture of you on Facebook? What are your rights? That's a sensitivity that we need to start nurturing by training our kids -- and our employees -- to use online tools responsibly', says Anna O'Brian, a PHD student in digital technology. What happens when only some of us know how to use these connective technologies to improve our lives (as opposed to overwhelming ourselves even more). In other words, what happens when only a small portion of online users is actually digitally literate?
Anne Bubnic

Facebook's 'Porn Cops' Are Key to Its Growth - 0 views

    Fcebook describes these staffers as an internal police force, charged with regulating users' decorum, hunting spammers and working with actual law-enforcement agencies to help solve crimes. Part hall monitors, part vice cops, these employees are key weapons in Facebook's efforts to maintain its image as a place that's safe for corporate advertisers-more so than predecessor social networks like Friendster and MySpace.
Go Jobio

Employers, and Job Seekers - 0 views

shared by Go Jobio on 11 Dec 14 - No Cached
    Recruiters, Employers, and Job Seekers let our 60 second video pitches help you land a new employee or your dream job! GoJobio Launching Soon!
Go Jobio

Confidence - 0 views

shared by Go Jobio on 23 Dec 14 - No Cached
    We can also call this high self-esteem. It's not that you think you're perfect and never make mistakes. It's about being able to deal with the pressures of making mistakes, figuring out where things went wrong, and correcting the issues. Knowing how to be calm in the midst of not knowing the answer, patiently but vigorously searching, and finding the solution! Confidence ensures high levels of work. No employer wants to hire a falsely humble employee who hates themselves when making a mistake. An employer wants to know that if and when you make a mistake, or challenges arise, you will do whatever it takes to overcome that challenge and conquer it.

salesforce online course Bangalore | salesforce online course - 0 views

    The Salesforce CRM offers cloud services such as Sales Cloud which can be used by your organization's Sales team and Marketing Cloud which can be used by your marketing team, Chatter a social application which your organization can use to connect employees and various other services Get more info salesforce online training Bangalore.

workday online training Hyderabad | workday online course - 0 views

    Workday HCM course will cover the features of the Trended employee's data source, requirements for enabling employee trending, and configuration steps for calculating additional metrics such as turnover rate and span of control. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to use trended data to perform time series analysis of worker data Get more info workday online training Hyderabad.
    simply you can check it out through a website

21 Cardinal Rules for Solopreneurs - 0 views

    A solopreneur is a person who runs his or her business all by themselves. Getting almost zero assistance from anyone like employees, for example, being a solopreneur requires you to maintain certain habits and follow rules in order to effectively manage your time. This time then converts to money. Although you're not a freelancer or a contractor, you need to understand that, if you're not in the office working things out for your business, then you won't earn a single cent!

Benefits of Operating Under a Business Entity - 0 views

    Being classified as an independent contractor (or a small business enterprise), rather than an employee, has its pros and cons. Having the power to negotiate and charge what you think is fair for your services, deciding what hours you will work, and flexibility of work location are all great features of working as an independent contractor. When it comes time to file your taxes each year, however, the cons rise to the surface and make themselves apparent.

online hnd courses - 0 views

    Online HND Courses provided by the PEARSON education has opened many opportunities for students all around the world to achieve a qualification which has value in the industry. Nowadays, many employers in the industry emphasise on the importance of practical skills and training in an employee while hiring them. In the UK the employers hire many HND graduates because of the quality of knowledge the qualification provides in a working environment
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