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The Controversial Genesis Gap Doctrine: Belief in a PreAdamic Creation | - 0 views

    I'm more about my topic, global warming, right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is what might happen nest. I researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it talked about how earth was described as a sea of all water. There was no land when god had created earth. Bible scholars who recognize this destruction of the original earth, as being a flood, have found reference to a catastrophic flood mentioned in the scriptures that do not match Noah's flood, as described in Genesis chapter 8, which receded off of the earth slowly. This earlier flood and/or destruction of the earth, is also believed to be referred-to in the following scriptures. The quote I chose here is basically saying that god created earth with all water at first. This however is not related to Noah's ark. I think this might be true because water is most dominant on earth and is covers a lot more land than dry land. Some new thoughts that i have is can this be true, because if this really happened, maybe the origin of humans may have started in the ocean that we live next to.
Veronica EWSIS

Astrological sign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Each sign is associated with one of the classical elements (fire, earth, air, or water) and one of the three qualities or modalities (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). It is also associated with an area of concern: personal, social, or universal.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      Just a little information on aspects in personality that are affected by the ideas in astrology. For example, concerns that you might have under a certain sign.
  • Each sign is associated one of the classical elements (water, fire, earth and air.) [3] Fire and Air signs are positive or extrovert, masculine signs; while Water and Earth signs are negative, introvert, feminine signs.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      I wonder how they formed decided these ideas regarding the elements?
  • A common feature of all three traditions however, is the significance of the ascendant or rising sign, namely the zodiac sign that is rising (due to the rotation of the earth) on the eastern horizon at the moment of a person's birth.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      A person's life and personality is affected directly by the day he or she was born.
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  • According to astrology, celestial phenomena reflect or govern human activity on the principle of "as above, so below", so that the twelve signs are held to represent twelve basic personality types or characteristic modes of expression.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      This is important because it gives information on where these ideas come from. With this I could probably dig deeper into the history of astrology to find out more.
  • Personal Signs - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer - are principally aware of and concerned with individual concerns. Interpersonal Signs - Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio - are principally aware of and concerned with social and societal concerns. Transpersonal Signs - Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - are principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      I wonder if I could interview people to compare how accurate these descriptions are.
  • Wood and Metal are elements alongside Earth, Fire and Water. In addition, the elements also govern various aspects of one's personality, and are assigned to various other things such as directions (North, South, East and West), colours, seasons and planets.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      There are five elements that govern a person's characteristics, interests, lucky colors, etc, in Chinese astrology.
  • Unlike the Western or Indian zodiacs, the Chinese zodiac signs are not derived from constellations, and are not assigned to sections of the ecliptic. Instead, Chinese astrological signs operate on cycles of years, lunar months, and two-hour periods of the day (also known as shichen).
    • Veronica EWSIS
      This shows why Chinese astrology differs so much from Western and Indian astrology.
  • Metal: The metal person is rigid and resolute in expression and intense, with strong feelings. The direction associated with Metal is West, and the season is autumn, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Monkey, Rooster and Dog. Water: The water person is a good communicator and persuader, intuitive and sympathetic to others and good at conveying feelings and emotions. The direction associated with Water is North, and the season is winter, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Pig, Rat and Ox. Wood: The wood person has high morals, is self confident, expansive and co-operative, with wide and varied interests. The direction associated with Wood is East, and the season is spring, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon. Fire: The fire person has leadership qualities, and is decisive, self confident, positive and assertive. The direction associated with Fire is South, and the season is summer, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Snake, Horse and Sheep. Earth: The earth person is functional, practical, solid, reliable, organized and methodical. The direction associated with Earth is the Centre. Some Chinese astrologers associate Earth with late summer.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      I know that Chinese astrological signs have counterparts in Western astrology. So, I'm wondering how the traits of the Chinese signs compare to their Western counterparts.
  • These are known as Exaltation (see below), Triplicity , Terms or bounds, and Face or Decan , which together are known as describing a planet's Essential dignity, the quality or ability to give of one's true nature.
    • Veronica EWSIS
      This is important because now I have some traits and times that I can compare with a person's actual personality at that time.
  • ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Fire signs ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Earth signs ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Air signs ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Water signs
    • Veronica EWSIS
      This is a link to a site that gives more information on traits for a given sign and the history of astrology

Global warming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The most commonly discussed measure of global warming is the trend in globally averaged temperature near the Earth's surface.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      This is impotant, many people do not know that the temperature of the earth is cahnging significantly.
  • An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.[7] The continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice is expected, with warming being strongest in the Arctic. Other likely effects include increases in the intensity of extreme weather events, species extinctions, and changes in agricultural yields.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The temperature is affecting not only regular temperature but also changes in the agriculture facilities. It is merans that food industry prices as well as food companies will "sky rocket", because of temperature changes.
  • Political and public debate continues regarding climate change, and what actions (if any) to take in response. The available options are mitigation to reduce further emissions; adaptation to reduce the damage caused by warming; and, more speculatively, geoengineering to reverse global warming. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      Politics is making the Climate Chnge issue, unimportant, I beleive that Govermnets are just "selling their image", so they would look good. There are many, many policies pacts that have been made in order to "control Clmiate Change/ Global Warming". When will there be a policy that actually help the meniviroment?
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  • Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide. The concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively since the mid-1700s.[23] These levels are much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years, the period for which reliable data has been extracted from ice cores.[24] Less direct geological evidence indicates that CO2 values this high were last seen about 20 million years ago.[25] Fossil fuel burning has produced about three-quarters of the increase in CO2 from human activity over the past 20 years. Most of the rest is due to land-use change, particularly deforestation.[26]
    • Munaza EWSIS
      Industrial Revolution was bound to happen, people would live in the stone age for the rest their lives. When the Industrial Revlotion did occur things did not look bad, as of 2002 and futher did the climate change was becoming a issue to looked upon as an issue.
  • If the atmosphere is warmed, the saturation vapor pressure increases, and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere will tend to increase. Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the increase in water vapor content makes the atmosphere warm further; this warming causes the atmosphere to hold still more water vapor (a positive feedback), and so on until other processes stop the feedback loop
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The atmosphere is warming up, there is no way for stoppiong the warming up but there is a way of slowing this down or going green
  • When ice melts, land or open water takes its place. Both land and open water are on average less reflective than ice and thus absorb more solar radiation. This causes more warming, which in turn causes more melting, and this cycle continues.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The Ice is melting. If you look at the The cold continent of Antartica, the ice caps are melting there. The North and the South Poles are melting. The sea levels are rising and inhabitants such as polar bears and Penguins are getting affected. The sea levels are afftecting Island Nations as well as sea bordering nations.
  • Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) between the start and the end of the 20th century.
    • Mei EWSIS
      basic information about global warming.
  • However, warming is expected to continue beyond 2100 even if emissions stop, because of the large heat capacity of the oceans and the long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
    • Mei EWSIS
      people are using air conditioner in the summer and the gases come out of air conditioner are bad for the o-zone.
  • Temperature changes vary over the globe. Since 1979, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures (0.25 °C per decade against 0.13 °C per decade).
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this sentence is important because this shows that global warming is causing the earth to get warmer. This changes things lik melting of ice bergs which can lead to rising sea level and cause major changes.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This is important because it descibes why and how the temperatures all around the world are going up. This also shows that as we get more technology, we are destroying the earth more and more.
  • The IPCC also concludes that variations in natural phenomena such as solar radiation and volcanoes produced most of the warming from pre-industrial times to 1950 and had a small cooling effect afterward.
  • The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future greenhouse gas emissions.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this means that no one can predict what would happen or how much emissions we produce. Less is the best, but none is great
  • The greenhouse effect is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in the atmosphere warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that how much emissions we would make is how much global warming we create or how much we would make our own doom.
  • Clouds also affect the radiation balance, but they are composed of liquid water or ice and so are considered separately from water vapor and other gases.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if this can also help since it can cool down the face of the earth and also it can help by reflecting solar light back into space as it makes it's way through the atmosphere.
  • Global dimming, a gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface, has partially counteracted global warming from 1960 to the present.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that global dimming helps by reflecting the warm sunlight away from earth so that we can keep it cool itstead of hot.
  • Observations show that temperatures in the stratosphere have been steady or cooling since 1979, when satellite measurements became available.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if this can really help out since it has really little effect, while we release tons of gas into our atmosphere.
  • Warming is expected to change the distribution and type of clouds. Seen from below, clouds emit infrared radiation back to the surface, and so exert a warming effect; seen from above, clouds reflect sunlight and emit infrared radiation to space, and so exert a cooling effect.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important since it might trap heat, but it relfects even more heat out than it traps. It also helps cool the earth, but trapping those gases in can harm us since those gas can be toxic.
  • Measures including water conservation,[99] water rationing, adaptive agricultural practices,[100] construction of flood defences,[101] Martian colonization,[102] changes to medical care,[103] and interventions to protect threatened species[104] have all been suggested. A wide-ranging study of the possible opportunities for adaptation of infrastructure has been published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.[
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if we would really need to evacuate earth if there is no possible answer for saving our lives and the earth as well.
  • Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth's natural environment on a large scale to suit human needs.[106] An example is greenhouse gas remediation, which removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, usually through carbon sequestration techniques such as carbon dioxide air capture.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important because if we do have to evacuate the earth, then we would need to bring this information to our new planet so that we can preserve that planet and hopefully learn from our mistakes.
  • In 2007–2008 Gallup Polls surveyed 127 countries. Over a third of the world's population were unaware of global warming, with developing countries less aware than developed, and Africa the least aware. Of those aware, Latin America leads in belief that temperature changes are a result of human activities while Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and a few countries from the Former Soviet Union lead in the opposite belief.
  • Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth's natural environment on a large scale to suit human needs.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that geoengineering is the study of changing the environment of earth to suit human needs. This is like constructing more land or to shape the lands so that buildings can be built or changing the land so that it can be used for vegetation.
  • one study suggests that projected rates of extinction are uncertain.[80]
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder will this be true since there are many theories of when the world will end like the upcoming 2012.
  • United States President Barack Obama has announced plans to introduce an economy-wide cap and trade scheme
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
  • Measures including water conservation,[100] water rationing, adaptive agricultural practices,[101] construction of flood defences,[102] Martian colonization,[103] changes to medical care,[104] and interventions to protect threatened species[105] have all been suggested. A wide-ranging study of the possible opportunities for adaptation of infrastructure has been published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important because this is our means of survivial if anything happens to our planet earth or what we might have to do in the future to prevent anything from happening again.

Early life on Earth may have developed more quickly than thought: U.S. research_English... - 0 views

    I'm learning about the earth right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is why is earth important to us? I was researching this question Online, and this Google news caught my attention because as we all know that earth is something that we need to take care of. As we know that supposely we are the ones that we are destroying the world with this whole smoke thing. I strongly believe that we need to take care of our world and protect it from danger things. In other words we are suppose to save the world. Cause it's said we are the ones that we destroy this world. "When water temperatures fall to below 163 degrees or so, close to the high temperatures previously hypothesized for the early ocean, communities of green photosynthetic bacteria begin to grow on the pool floor. These communities become thicker as water temperature continues to drop off away from the pool centers". According to the article. sometimes teperature is a cause that is affected. The quote that I chose here is basically saying that throughout the world things can change. But only if we help. I think that this earth situation is important to any one that cares about the earth. "Tice says the team examined rocks from the Buck Reef Chert in South Africa that are known to be about 3.4 billion years old, among the oldest ever discovered. They found features in them that are consistent with formation at water temperatures significantly lower than previous studies had suggested. "Our research shows that the water temperature 3.4 billion years ago was at most 105 degrees, and while that's potentially very warm, it's far below the temperatures of 155 degrees or more that previous research has implied," Tice explains. The research found that conditions were considerably cooler, probably by 50 degrees or even more. That means that conditions for life were much easier, and that life that did exist at the time was not under as much stress as previously believed. "
Shehrina EWSIS

Earth-like planet discovery could happen very soon | HULIQ - 1 views

  • The three planets that were just discovered all have one thing in common. They are all much bigger than Earth, but small enough to potentially have rocky surfaces, and they all orbit just a single star, like Earth.
    The three planets that were just discovered all have one thing in common. They are all much bigger than Earth, but small enough to potentially have rocky surfaces, and they all orbit just a single star, like Earth. WOW! That's amazing. Three other planets that are like earth that's kinda surprising to me because its so new and the idea of maybe people living there. And we had no idea about this. It would be like those scientific movies I guess pretty cool.
Reasat EWSIS

Extraterrestrial life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Extraterrestrial life is defined as life which does not originate from planet Earth. The existence of such life is theoretical and all assertions about it remain disputed.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is the general definition of what aliens are. They are known as extraterrestrial life that do not live on Earth, but oter space. The last sentence is important because, scientists are still trying to prove the existence of aliens.
  • Suggested locations which might have once developed, or presently continue to host life similar to our own, include the planets Venus[1] and Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn (e.g. Europa,[2] Enceladus and Titan) and Gliese 581 c and d, recently discovered to be near Earth-mass extrasolar planets apparently located in their star's habitable zone, and with the potential to have liquid water.[3]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      There may be potnetial alien life in various planets, moons, and star (i.e. - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Europa)
  • Alien life, such as bacteria, has been theorised by scientists such as Carl Sagan to exist in our solar system and quite possibly throughout the universe although no samples have been found.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Where is the evidence that bacteria exist else where?
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  • Scientists are directly searching for evidence of unicellular life within the solar system, carrying out studies on the surface of Mars and examining meteors which have fallen to Earth. A mission is also proposed to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons with a possible liquid water layer under its surface, which might contain life.[19]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Another source that goes more in detail about this is:
  • Independently, in 1996, structures resembling nanobacteria were reportedly discovered in a meteorite, ALH84001, thought to be formed of rock ejected from Mars. This report is also controversial, and scientific debate continues.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is important because this is proof that extraterrestrial life existed in outer space, more specifically Mars.
    • JosephT EWSIS
      This isn't proof at all. It says possibly, and it says that there is a lack of evidence.
  • In February 2005, NASA scientists reported that they had found strong evidence of present life on Mars.[21] The two scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA's Ames Research Center, based their claims on methane signatures found in Mars' atmosphere resembling the methane production of some forms of primitive life on Earth, as well as on their own study of primitive life near the Rio Tinto river in Spain.
  • Within Islam, the statement of the Qur'an "All praise belongs to God, Lord of all the worlds" indicates multiple universal bodies, and maybe even multiple universes, which may indicate extraterrestrial and even extradimensional life. Surat Al-Jinn also mentioned a statement from a Jinn regarding the current status and ability of his group in the heavens.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is interesting because I am a Muslim my self. A lot of things can have different interpretations. I am going to try looking for it in the Qur'an.
  • Europa - Europa may contain liquid water beneath its thick ice layer. It is possible that vents on the bottom of the ocean warm the ice, so liquid could exist beneath the ice layer, perhaps capable of supporting microbes and simple plants, just like in Earth's hydrothermal vents.[2]
    • Reasat EWSIS
  • Mars - Life on Mars has been long speculated. Liquid water is widely thought to have existed on Mars in the past, and there may still be liquid water beneath the surface. Methane was found in the atmosphere of Mars. By July 2008, laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander had identified water in a soil sample. The lander's robotic arm delivered the sample to an instrument which identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples. Recent photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor show evidence of recent (i.e. within 10 years) flows of a liquid on the Red Planet's frigid surface.[34]
  • The other large moons of our system which have been visited appear similarly lifeless, though the interesting geothermic forces observed (Io's volcanism, Europa's ocean, Titan's thick atmosphere) have underscored how broad the range of potentially habitable environments may be.
Munaza EWSIS

Climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The earth is all we have, it is clear that earth is only place we have. This the only place to human race lives, as far as we know it. Once this goes there is no one other place.
  • The sun is the predominant source for energy input to the Earth. Both long- and short-term variations in solar intensity are known to affect global climate.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The sun is what the earth makes the earth warm and gives energy. Too much engery is bad.

Bacteria Could Survive in Martian Soil | Universe Today - 1 views

    I'm learning more about "Life on Mars" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is there life on Mars? I was researching this question online, and this blog caught my attention because It said that there is a possibility that bacteria could live on Mars. I thought this discovery was ground breaking, and I thought that nothing could live on Mars. "The question of whether life in the form of bacteria (or something even more exotic!) exists on Mars is hotly debated, and still requires a resolute yes or no. Experiments done right here on Earth that simulate the conditions on Mars and their effects on terrestrial bacteria show that it is entirely possible for certain strains of bacteria to weather the harsh environment of Mars." The quote I chose here is basically saying certain bacteria may be able to survive on Mars, but this is only inferred after a series of experiments, conducted on Earth. I think this is interesting because it makes me wonder if Humans will ever be able to live on Mars, or if anything does exist there, or if anything exists even outside of earth. I first read this and thought, "wow!" this is really amazing. I continued reading and found out that it was not completely true. All of these experiments were conducted on earth, but the test(s) simulated to be like the terrain on Mars. I began wondering why don't they just attempt to place the bacteria, I am sure on less person wouldn't affect the population that badly. I know that is a bit harsh but I don't care.

Global Warming - 0 views

    I'm learning more about global warming right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How to stop global warming? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because this blog post tells you what you need to know about global warming to know how to prevent it from continuing. This post tells you what global warming is and the causes of global warming. This post is helpful and informational. "Most modern attention to the problem of global warming began with discussion of depletion of the Earth's Ozone layer. Ozone (O3) is a molecular form of Oxygen. The Ozone layer is a relatively thin strata of these molecules set in the lower portion of the Earth's stratosphere. Depletion of the Earth's Ozone layer has resulted in a large increase in Ultra Violet Radiation reaching the surface of the earth. Does this increase in UV rays equate to global warming? Not really. In fact most scientific opinion is that depletion of the Ozone layer results in cooling of both the stratosphere and troposphere. So why mention depletion of the Ozone layer as regards to global warming? Because it represents a needed balance between harmful radiation being allowed to reach the earth's surface and our desire to stem the rapid increase in our air and water temperature. Remember, we are viewing global warming as a chain of events." The quote I chose here is basically saying that people think the reduction of the Earth's Ozone layer is one cause of global warming. Ozone is a molecular form of Oxygen. The reduction of the Earth's Ozone layer resulted in an increase in Ultra Violet Radiation appearing on earth. I think global warming is a very important issue because global warming happens on earth and thats where we live. Global warming is not a positive issue but a negative one so I think we all should work together to find a solution to this problem if we want to save the place where we live on.
Alejandro EWSIS

"The Sound of Screaming Is Constant" - Haiti Devastated by Massive Earthquake, Desperat... - 0 views

  • A desperate search for survivors continues, but rescuers lack heavy lifting equipment and are often using their bare hands.
    • corey stanley
      this will takee way to long to try to help people get from under buildings and help them live, something has to be done.
    • Allesia EWSIS
      This is a tragedy. Bodies in the street just lieing there and no equipment to get them off the street. i know that we all have our diffrences but they need help and we need to help them.
    • Jose EWSIS
      bare hands will not get the job done. This is a horrific event and i hope things will begin to get better for them.
    • Yanira EWSIS
      I think that there should be more first aid kit sent to them because it seems like they are also dying do to the lack of supplies
    • Dylan EWSIS
      This is crazy as if the country wasnt already in enough trouble, then this happens. These people need every sort of aid they can recieve whether it be prayers or money donated or food and supplies.
    • qixun cai
      i hope many people under the ruins can be saved
    • Raymond EWSIS
      poorness+earthquake wow. Thats just bad luck. They need help quick.
  • Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
    • corey stanley
      The people of Haiti will not survive if something is not done quickly, with no water, no hospitals its impossible to survive.
    • Nicole EWSIS
      There are many agencies and people trying to send donations, giving money, and trying to help. This poor country was not prepared for this damage and people will help.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      However other countries are hastly trying to get there and aid the people. It's not just hundreds of people that we are talking about, its over thousands. Agencies are desperately trying to get there and give out help. I really hope they make it through. God bless
  • We had one nurse at our hotel, so he was out front helping people who were coming in who were injured. When word got out that there was a nurse at our hotel, people just started bringing their injured family members to the hotel. I was deputized by the nurse to help in whatever way I could. So he would tell me where a broken bone was, and I had to learn on the sly how to make a splint.
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  • HAITIAN MAN 1: Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
  • What’s really eerie is the sound of just screaming, which is constant. I can hear it right now. It’s just people either singing and praying or just really loud screams.
    • Alexis EWSIS
      This part really striked me because there is all this screaming of people how need help, but no one has the resouces or skills to help them.
    • Jessica =D
      I could never imagine a scene like this. It's really heartbreaking.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I tried to imagine this scene and all I can do is flinch. It's really heartbreaking to hear that these people are screaming for help and praying for their lives.
  • The World Health Organization said it had sent specialists to help clear the city of corpses, and the International Red Cross was sending a plane loaded mainly with body bags. Medicine, food and water are in short supply. And Haitians are desperate for aid.
  • The injuries just kept coming all day long—head injuries, people with multiple broken legs, people catatonic who couldn’t speak. Everybody is asking for medicine. You know, we don’t have basic—we don’t have Advil.
  • It’s hard to describe. I was working on a boy who his father was there speaking in Creole, so we were trying to get a good translation, but basically what he explained was that their house collapsed, and he got out, but his son was trapped under the rubble. But he could—his son could still yell, and they spent all night trying to find him, and finally they dug him out, and they brought him to our hotel, because there was one nurse at our hotel.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      It is important to hear from someone who was at the site him/herself. Jesse describes how horrific it is to see the victims lying there on the streets.
  • The situation is increasingly desperate, with no coordinated rescue plan so far and aid only trickling in.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This just makes me even sadder. I feel like even though different countries are trying to do something, whether it's giving aid, providing food and water, or medicine, it's still not enough. I can't imagine what the death tool will be.
    • Franklin EWSIS
      I feel bad for the people of Haiti because they have nothing now.
    • Edgar EWSIS
      This is horrile that it has been 3 days now and people are still just getting help, there should be much mor ebeing done, and it makes me very sad to hear they are getting very little help in such a devastating situation.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      i think this sucks because, the people here have nothing and that they probably don't even know if they are going to sere the next day because of the conditions there.
    • Alexa EWSIS
      i dont think that thisis fair to hatians because they are a very poor country and on top of that, this occured. This was their worst earthquake in 200 years. I deffinetly want to help out
    • Alexa EWSIS
  • Much of the capital city of Port-au-Prince has been leveled, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless.
    • Houin EWSIS
      I think it is a big problem for Haiti gov. that there have too much is homeless, and they need resources, and they want a place to live.
  • Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies are said to be on the way from the European Union, from Canada, Russia and Latin American nations. Two US aircraft carriers are also expected to arrive soon.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This sounds like a decent start to trying to help them recover...
    • Hannah EWSIS
      At least this shows that people are attempting to help out .
    • Ammy EWSIS
      its nice to hear that other countries arent just standing by with their arms folded. Its great to know that they are contributing to the Haiti people by giving them aid and support. The people there right now need as much support and aid possible.
    • LawrenceY EWSIS
      its good that other countries are stepping up to help them
  • but he died right there today in front of us and had to be just carried off.
  • It’s just people either singing and praying or just really loud screams. And there’s been a lot of tremors over the last two days, so when the earth shakes again, much more mildly, people start to scream again. So it’s a really eerie sound.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      The people must be very devastated.
  • Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
    • Houin EWSIS
      I agreed with this because Haiti just happen earthquake, and they didn't have time to prepare the food,water,or place for the people homeless.
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      Where is everyone they need help and THEY NEED IT wether or not they there is a strong government now.
  • The injuries just kept coming all day long—head injuries, people with multiple broken legs, people catatonic who couldn’t speak. Everybody is asking for medicine. You know, we don’t have basic—we don’t have Advil. We didn’t have gauze. We don’t have hydrogen peroxide. Like, it was one nurse and me, who happened to be a guest at this hotel because my wife is doing HIV work in the country. I happened to be there to help this nurse, but I have no medical training, and I just had to do whatever he explained to me to do.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      This is very sad that there is not enough medicine there to help the injured. The other thing is that Mr. Jesse Hagopian was brave enough to stay and help out the victims, its sad yet one thing remains alive humanity, meaning to say people are selfless when helping people.
    • Robin EWSIS
      This is really sad no medidcine and one nurse that can help. I want to help badly but theres nothing one teen can do so i would do the best i can to help them
  • With communications largely down, it’s been very difficult to reach people on the ground in Haiti.
  • We need help. We need help, international help. We ain’t got no help.
    • Hannah EWSIS
      I think that people should really help out in any way possible. I mean even if its just donating a few dollars.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      They need international help. It is the only way of recovering from this disaster. We as Americans have to send as much aid as possible.
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      They really need help you can see by the photos and the and the peoples cries for help.
    • Mei EWSIS
      People need help, any help. I think we should donate anything because they need everything,
    • qixun cai
      Help.How impotant word. They need help.From all over the world. we should try our best to help them
  • people who were coming in who were injured. When word got out that there was a nurse at our hotel, people just started
    • JonathanJ EWSIS
      It must be hard to help with limited suplies
  • It almost certainly will reach into the tens of thousands but could possibly be 100,000 or more. Bodies lie in the streets and collapsed buildings, and the cries of people buried beneath the rubble continue to ring out.
    • Hannah EWSIS
      Its horrible to hear about things like this. So many people were lost.
    • Edgar EWSIS
      It is really sad to hear that there are bodies just laying there and very little things done to get them on another place or relocate them. Its sad to hear that so many people died, people that had no idea what was going to happen.
  • The city’s infrastructure took a blow of incalculable proportions as hospitals, schools, hotels and markets have crumbled.
    • Dylan EWSIS
      This is crazy these people have no way of contacting family who are worried on the other side of the world, and cannot even help themselves to try and feel better.
    • Alejandro EWSIS
      well i feel really sad about whats happening in Haiti,because some people dont knoe where their rest of their family at. and they really wan to know hoe their health is. And i am really worried mostly about the children.
  • There are not agents.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
  • ...3 more comments...
    "we don't have Advil. We didn't have gauze. We don't have hydrogen peroxide."
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    After watching the video, I was utterly speechless. It's really sad to know that another country is in desperate help of need, especially when they weren't in a good state before.Having a massive earthquake hit a city that;s already in poverty is really devastating. The situation is almost similar to that of the tsunami that happened just a few years ago. Other countries are contributing by sending over aid and people to help revive the city and help the people. Most of the buildings have collapsed and many of the few buildings had cracks. It's very interesting to hear about different people who were visiting Haiti speak about their experience during the disaster. Over thousands of people in Haiti are currently homeless and injured. A person walking by would be able to witness bodies being crushed by concrete and bodies covered by a sheet of blanket laying on the floor. The country is now short in water supply, food, money,and many important factors. People are desperate for aid and money. I think it's great that other countries aren't just standing by and not doing anything. I hope in the future, they will be able to revive most of the damaged buildings and maybe the people there will find jobs and homes again.

How to use the nature power - 0 views

    The universe is full of power, earth is a tiny piece of the whole universe. Human already knew how to use the nature power and that power makes our life much better. If we can use universe power, our life must be cooler. The earth is rotating the sun and the sun is rotating too. If we use the power of rotating, we can save a lot of energy. And if we understand of the universe, we can stop a lot of farm to happen. The space has huge power and the power is harmful, a single planet can be destroyed by the power. If we can use the power and know things earlier, then there will be less problems, and human life will be longer. People are trying to use solar energy now, where sun lights create power and it's a good way to save energy. "There has been a dramatic decrease in cost and prices over the past 12 months, which puts utilities in a strong position to bargain," says Chris O'Brien, head of market development for Oerlikon Solar. The Swiss company launched its solar group in 2007, offering end to end manufacturing lines for thin film PV. O'Brien says first-generation thin film customers in Europe have a manufacturing cost of approximately $1.50/W for a thin film PV module. His company's goal is to drive costs to around $0.70/W by the end of next year. With the current cost structure, including federal incentives, a 10 MW PV plant in California can have a delivered cost of electricity of around $0.15/kW. O'Brien says he expects that to fall below $0.10/kW by 2012. I really like this quote, because it told us how much money that the solar energy is saving for us. And it also told us, if we use the nature power, we can do a lot to keep our earth healthier.
Veronica EWSIS

Astrological sign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Fire signs ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Earth signs ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Air signs ^ "Astrology Zone with Susan Miller." Susan Miller 1998-2007. about Water signs
    • Veronica EWSIS
      This is another site that gives more information on traits for a sign and some history on astrology.
qixun cai

Great Wall of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Since the 5th century BC, several walls have been built that were referred to as the Great Wall. One of the most famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Little of that wall remains; the majority of the existing wall were built during the Ming Dynasty.
    • qixun cai
      The words show how the Great Wall is like and where it is .
  • The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east to Lop Nur in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. The most comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has recently concluded that the entire Great Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for 8,851.8 km (5,500.3 mi). This is made up of 6,259.6 km (3,889.5 mi) of sections of actual wall, 359.7 km (223.5 mi) of trenches and 2,232.5 km (1,387.2 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers
    • qixun cai
      The words show how the Great Wall is like and where it is .
  • The Chinese were already familiar with the techniques of wall-building
    • qixun cai
      Why was China good at the wall-buliding?
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Built to withstand the attack of small arms such as swords and spears, these walls were made mostly by stamping earth and gravel between board frames.
    • qixun cai
      the words show why built the great wall.
  • Qin Shi Huang conquered all opposing states and unified China in 221 BC, establishing the Qin Dynasty.
    • qixun cai
  • To protect the empire against intrusions by the Xiongnu people from the north, he ordered the building of a new wall to connect the remaining fortifications along the empire's new northern frontier.
    • qixun cai
      the reason why Qinshi Huang built the great wall
  • Stones from the mountains were used over mountain ranges, while rammed earth was used for construction in the plains.
    • qixun cai
      the way of people move the stone
  • During the 1440s–1460s, the Ming also built a so-called "Liaodong Wall".
    • qixun cai
  • The Manchus were finally able to cross the Great Wall in 1644, when the gates at Shanhaiguan were opened by Wu Sangui, a Ming border general who disliked the activities of rulers of the Shun Dynasty. The Manchus quickly seized Beijing, and defeated the newly founded Shun Dynasty and remaining Ming resistance, to establish the Qing Dynasty.
    • qixun cai
      why did Wu Sangui open the Shanhaiguan?
  • Communication between the army units along the length of the Great Wall, including the ability to call reinforcements and warn garrisons of enemy movements, was of high importance. Signal towers were built upon hill tops or other high points along the wall for their visibility.
  • the mightiest work of man, the only one that would be visible to the human eye from the moon,
Yu Park

Moon landing conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 4 views

  • Various Moon landing conspiracy theories claim that some or all elements of the Apollo Project and the associated Moon landings were falsifications staged by NASA and members of other involved organizations.
    • Yu Park
      I wonder if conspiracy theorists think these things up in order to gain something
  • An article in the German magazine Der Spiegel places the Moon hoax in the context of other well-known 20th century conspiracy theories which it describes as "the rarified atmosphere of those myths in which Elvis is alive, John F. Kennedy fell victim to a conspiracy involving the Mafia and secret service agents, the Moon landing was staged in the Nevada desert, and Princess Diana was murdered by British intelligence."[41]
    • Yu Park
      I wonder if all of these conspiracy theories are connected in some sort of way.
  • A 2000 poll conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Fund found that 28% do not believe that American astronauts have been on the Moon, and this percentage is roughly equal in all social-demographic groups.[
    • Yu Park
      I wonder if the poll rate is raised because of the media and the internet
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • A number of different hoax claims have been advanced that involve conspiracy theories outlining concerted action by NASA employees, and sometimes others, to perpetuate false information about landings that never occurred, or to cover up accurate information about the landings that occurred in a different manner than have been publicized. Believers have focused on perceived gaps or inconsistencies in the historical record of the missions. The Flat Earth Society was one of the first organizations to accuse NASA of faking the landings, arguing that they were staged by Hollywood and based on a script by Arthur C. Clarke.[13]
    • Yu Park
      This is important because it shows why conspiracy theorists believe that the moon landing was a hoax and how they try to find proof to back up their theory.
  • Cold War prestige, monetary gain, and providing a distraction are some of the more notable motives which are give
    • Yu Park
      This is important because it shows the reasons why conspiracy theorist think why the government would want to create a hoax of the landing on th moon
  • A 1999 poll by The Gallup Organization found that 89% of the U.S. public believed the landings were genuine, while 6% did not, and 5% were undecided.[2][3]
    • Yu Park
      This is important because it shows the percentage of beilevers and none-believers
  • Dr. David Williams (NASA archivist at Goddard Space Flight Center) and Apollo 11 flight director Eugene F. Kranz both acknowledged that the Apollo 11 telemetry data tapes are missing.
    • Yu Park
      I double-checked this here
  • On November 1, 2006 Cosmos Magazine reported that some one-hundred data tapes recorded in Australia during the Apollo 11 mission had been discovered in a small marine science laboratory in the main physics building at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. One of the old tapes has been sent to NASA for analysis. The slow-scan television images were not on the tape.[67] Britain's Sunday Express reported in late June 2009 that the missing tapes were found in storage facility in the basement of a building on a university campus in Perth, Australia.
    • Yu Park
      I double-checked this here
  • There are no stars in any of the photos. The Apollo 11 astronauts also claimed in a press conference after the event to have not remembered seeing any of the stars.
    • Yu Park
      Let me explain this. First because of the daytime at the moon, stars were not visible. Second, the camera may have just concentrated on the bigger blackness rather then the light. Third, human eyes werent used to the light in the moon.
  • 5. The color and angle of shadows and light are inconsistent.
    • Yu Park
      Let me explain this. First the angle of the Sun's light affects the angle of the shadows. Second, the distance between objects affect the angle. Third light reflects off the moon resulting in some objects appearing to be different angles.
  • p. 97-98 2.
  • The flag placed on the surface by the astronauts flapped despite there being no wind on the Moon.[citation needed] Sibrel said "The wind was probably caused by intense air-conditioning used to cool the astronauts in their lightened, uncirculated space suits. The cooling systems in the backpacks would have been removed to lighten the load not designed for Earth’s six times heavier gravity, otherwise they might have fallen over".
    • Yu Park
      Let me explain this. First the flag appears to be moving because the astronaut is shaking it. Second, the crumpled state of the flag makes it look like its waving. Third it waves because it is like a pendulum

2012 (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • 2012 is a 2009 Disaster
    • Alexa EWSIS
      this is important because in real life, this is happening! or at least scientists think so.
  • The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012.
    • Alexa EWSIS
      heres what this is saying. its saying that on the mayan calender, 0n 2012, it says that the worlds will end.
  • Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, ranging from California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, massive earthquakes, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth.
    • Alexa EWSIS
      this is important to know because it is a true fact!
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.
    • Alexa EWSIS
      i wonder if this 2012 theory is true! saving lives? disasters? corruptions? this all sounds so crazy
  • The film received mixed to negative reviews from film critics. Rotten Tomatoes reports that 39% of critics gave the film a positive review based on 210 reviews.[36] Critics cited numerous scientific inaccuracies, lazy script and heavy reliance on the CG visuals, while some praised the CG effects. On its "top critics" section, it fared even lower with 27% of critics giving it a positive review based on 33 reviews.[37] At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the film holds an average/mixed score of 49 based on 34 reviews.[38]
    • Alexa EWSIS
      this is important to know because some of the things shot in the movie are not really supposed to happen when the year 2012 happens.
    This world is left with nothing but question's and the craziest part about it is when it happen's it happen's so there's the answer towards things , to my eyes when it happen's it happen's. As of right now were left with question's no answer.
    the world is not going to end how it is portrayed in the movie, but by God.

Sky father - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Kit EWSIS on 09 Dec 09 - Cached
  • The sky father is a recurring theme in mythology all over the world. The sky father is the complement of the earth mother and appears in some creation myths, many of which are Indo-European or ancient Near Eastern. Other cultures have quite different myths; Egyptian mythology features a sky mother and an earthly dying and reviving god of vegetation. Shinto gives precedence to a sun goddess. A sky father also relates to a solar deity, a god identified with the sun.
    • Kit EWSIS
      I wonder is Sky Father importan? I never heard of him before. I don't know much about it.

Why Global Warming Portends a Food Crisis - TIME - 1 views

  • A comforting thought, except for one thing: it's not true. A study published in the Jan. 9 issue of Science shows that far from compensating for the damages associated with climate change (heavier and more frequent storms, increasing desertification, sea-level rise), hotter temperatures will seriously diminish the world's ability to feed itself.
    "It can be difficult in the middle of winter - especially if you live in the frigid Northeastern U.S., as I do - to remain convinced that global warming will be such a bad thing. Beyond the fact that people prefer warmth to cold, there's a reason the world's population is clustered in the Tropics and subtropics: warmer climates usually mean longer and richer growing seasons. So it's easy to imagine that on a warmer globe, the damage inflicted by more frequent and severe heat waves would be balanced by the agricultural benefits of warmer temperatures." im learning more about this because i jsut finshed reading this i though that this is a good thing and a bad thing becuase i saw it on netgeo that if the earth temptrue go up by 1 or 2 is a major change in the earth it can affect alot of differet things however since global warming gets warmer it means that there will be easyier to grow food however if it keeps on getting hotter is going to be really bad im sure so i guess we need to stp this becuase it's jsut simply bad. in many different ways we are doing this as as a bookmark to show that we did some work and i thought that this article is really cool
  • ...4 more comments...
    I'm learning more about how global warming is causing a food crisis all over the world right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is: what is going to happen if nothing is done? I was researching this question online and this article caught my attention because it describes what might happen in the future by providing statistics and evidence. \n\n"In Italy, maize yields fell 36% in 2003, compared with the previous year, and in France they fell 30%. Similar effects were seen during a major heat wave in 1972, which decimated farms in the former Soviet Union, helping push grain prices to worryingly high levels. If those trends hold in the future, the researchers estimate that half the world's population could face a climate-induced food crisis by 2100."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that global warming is already affecting many countries. We can also see that it has greatly affected us in the past as well. If further actions are not taken, we might all be in a really bad situation the coming years.\n\nI think this is very alarming because it states strong evidence that global warming is affecting agriculture and food production. It makes me wonder what will happen in the future. Will the world be in a climate-induced food crisis by 2100? But, even with all the talks about trying to change the situation, I don't see much change and impact on society. People are procrastinating and not taking this issue seriously. Maybe we'll all just die.
    I totally disagree with this statement. Yes, people may enjoy warmer weather and "It can be difficult in the middle of winter - especially if you live in the frigid Northeastern U.S., as I do - to remain convinced that global warming will be such a bad thing. Beyond the fact that people prefer warmth to cold, there's a reason the world's population is clustered in the Tropics and subtropics: warmer climates usually mean longer and richer growing seasons. So it's easy to imagine that on a warmer globe, the damage inflicted by more frequent and severe heat waves would be balanced by the agricultural benefits of warmer temperatures."
    "With these frightening predictions in mind, we need to try to heat-proof our agriculture. That can be accomplished by using crops that have proved resistant to extreme heat - like sorghum or millet - to breed hybrid-crop varieties that are more capable of withstanding higher temperatures. We'll need to drop any squeamishness about consuming genetically modified crops. Unless we can tap the power of genetics, we'll never feed ourselves in a warmer world. But we'll need to act quickly. It can take years to breed more heat-resistant species, and investment in agricultural research has shriveled in recent years." This is a great way to get ideas going to test what can work and what won't work in these tough times. We have to figure out ways to continue growing crops through these harsh and terrible weather conditions. We have to be smart and conduct new ways. We need this. Really badly. Its the only way we can help the starving people around the world and how we can help farmers make good money in more than one season.
    I'm learning more about food crisis right now,and in part of this article where it says"So it's easy to imagine that on a warmer globe, the damage inflicted by more frequent and severe heat waves would be balanced by the agricultural benefits of warmer temperatures."I agree with this because it happen to the orange tree dead in Florida due to the change with temperature. Read more:,8599,1870766,00.html#ixzz0iONZcutE "hotter temperatures will seriously diminish the world's ability to feed itself"
    I'm learning more about food security right now,and in particular what I'm wondering about is:why global warning portends a food Crisis?I was researching this question online,and this blog post caught my attention because it have told what will happen in Africa. "Yet many climatologists believe that global warming will make dry areas dryer and further damage farming, which is especially dire news for sub-Saharan Africa, a region that already struggles with heat waves, droughts and famines even as population continues to grow. "Climate change is going to be a major concern for Africa," says Nteranya Sanginga, director of the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Nairobi. "We could lose whole growing seasons."" The quote I chose here is basically saying that the Africa will lose the whole growing season,because the temperature in Africa have the higher temperature effect by the Battisti and Naylor ,it is not the possible effect of changing precipitation patterns.The climatologists believe that global warning will make the dry areas dryer and further damage farming.It make the climate is changing is going be a major concern for Africa. I think this is amazing because it makes me wonder that there have so many country don't have enough food for their people,and because the climate change,make some place can't grow the plants again,so i think if you want solve the problem of the food security, one of the thing you need to do is solve the global warning,make it don't not effect the climate.
    I'm learning more about "food security" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: what really caused this problem. I was researching this question online, and this article, "Why Globing Warming Portends a Food Crisis" caught my attention because it made me realize the connection between two big global issues. The quote I chose here is basically saying as the temperatures on this planet becomes higher and higher, more and more food is going to be damaged. I think this is really serious because we all would die without food. It makes me wonder what would happen if the temperatures keep going up and causing more serious food security issue. I hope there would be a way to solve these problems.

Mobiles give Africa's farmers the chance to set out their stall | Katine | The Observer - 0 views

    "A phone can be used to call for help in a medical emergency, find information about crop prices, enable cashless transactions and banking services, or simply save someone from making a long journey when the only option is to visit in person. Professor Jeffrey Sachs, a leading development economist and director of the Earth Institute, has said: "The cellphone is the single most transformative technology for development." This is interesting. I know that smart phones help give so much information now a days; its like having a laptop fit your pocket. Just pull it out and have information given to you by simply looking up what you need to know. This would seem great for farmers to have but given the prices of owning a cellphone and paying the rate plan is kind of expensive. Especially for farmers who are poor. In Africa, times are very tough and there is a lot of poverty over there. "Matthew Elesu, 27, wearing an Arsenal shirt, explains that he buys a car battery from the town of Soroti for 150,000 shillings (£48). The journey there and back costs 4,000 shillings (£1.28), four times what it was only a couple of years ago. Elesu then charges 400 shillings (13p) to charge a phone, which usually takes four hours. The margins are slight. "I make money, but only enough to buy some bread," he says." This shows how even cheap technology affects the money farmers could make. Its a cool idea to help farmers but in the end it does little to no effect in my opinion.

The Biocentric Universe Theory: Life Creates Time, Space, and the Cosmos Itself | Cosmo... - 0 views

  • Figuring out the nature of the real world has obsessed scientists and philosophers for millennia. Three hundred years ago, the Irish empiricist George Berkeley contributed a particularly prescient observation: The only thing we can perceive are our perceptions. In other words, consciousness is the matrix upon which the cosmos is apprehended. Color, sound, temperature, and the like exist only as perceptions in our head, not as absolute essences. In the broadest sense, we cannot be sure of an outside universe at all.
    • Luis EWSIS
      This part shows a very interesting point that addresses the meaning of an universe. What is in reality the real world? What is in reality the universe? Is there an explanation that incorporates the view of a world outside of our simple observations?
  • Figuring out the nature of the real world has obsessed scientists and philosophers for millennia. Three hundred years ago, the Irish empiricist George Berkeley contributed a particularly prescient observation: The only thing we can perceive are our perceptions. In other words, consciousness is the matrix upon which the cosmos is apprehended. Color, sound, temperature, and the like exist only as perceptions in our head, not as absolute essences. In the broadest sense, we cannot be sure of an outside universe at all.
  • Figuring out the nature of the real world has obsessed scientists and philosophers for millennia. Three hundred years ago, the Irish empiricist George Berkeley contributed a particularly prescient observation: The only thing we can perceive are our perceptions. In other words, consciousness is the matrix upon which the cosmos is apprehended. Color, sound, temperature, and the like exist only as perceptions in our head, not as absolute essences. In the broadest sense, we cannot be sure of an outside universe at all
    This perspective of the universe is so remarkably different and interesting than most people conceptual understanding of the universe. It is just another form of seeing the universe, a point I want to make that the universe might be something very different from the outer space of the Earth where other planets exist.
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