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Ryan Catalani

Parents' Ums And Uhs Can Help Toddlers Learn Language : Shots - Health Blog : NPR - 4 views

    "They are making the inference - not consciously - that when someone has difficulty making a word they are most likely referring to an object that is rare," says Aslin.
Lara Cowell

How to get kids to read independently - 0 views

    The Scholastic Kids & Family Reading ReportTM: Fifth Edition is out and offers a snapshot of where young people are when it comes to reading independently. Here are the take-aways from the study: 1. Provide access to books 2. Invite choice. 3. Buid time to read and share. 4. Guide and support.

How to Detect a Liar - 2 views

    Parents teach their children to lie. The teaching process is subtle but just as effective as if they had sent their children to formal classes in deception. How many times have parents told their kids "Look me in the eye and then tell me what you did?"
    Research demonstrates that liars maintain more deliberate eye contact than do truthful people.
lpark15 - 0 views

    A pdf that talks about bilingualism

The Development of Language: A Critical Period in Humans - Neuroscience - NCBI Bookshelf - 0 views

    This article talks about a critical period in the human life for the development of language.

Bilingualism in Young Children: Separating Fact from Fiction - 0 views

    Interesting article that has facts about bilingualism, its benefits, and misconceptions
Lisa Stewart

Topics in Language Acquisition - 2 views

    Nice resource of sound recordings/experiments done with children, babies and language
Lara Cowell

Raising a Truly Bilingual Child - The New York Times - 1 views

    The key takeaways: 1. Ensuring rich, socially-contextualized language exposure in both languages. Pediatricians advise non-English-speaking parents to read aloud and sing and tell stories and speak with their children in their native languages, so the children get that rich and complex language exposure, along with sophisticated content and information, rather than the more limited exposure you get from someone speaking a language in which the speaker is not entirely comfortable. 2. Exposure has to be person-to-person; screen time doesn't count for learning language in young children - even one language - though kids can learn content and vocabulary from educational screen time later on. 3. It does take longer to acquire two languages than one, says Dr. Erika Hoff, a developmental psychologist who specializes in early language development. "A child who is learning two languages will have a smaller vocabulary in each than a child who is only learning one; there are only so many hours in the day, and you're either hearing English or Spanish," Dr. Hoff said. The children will be fine, though, she said. They may mix the languages, but that doesn't indicate confusion. "Adult bilinguals mix their languages all the time; it's a sign of language ability," she said. 4. If exposed to the target languages at a younger age, children generally will sound more nativelike. On the other hand, older children may learn more easily. Gigliana Melzi, a developmental psychologist and associate professor of applied psychology, states, "The younger you are, the more head start you have," she said. "The older you are, the more efficient learner you are, you have a first language you can use as a bootstrap."
Yeseul Do

Are musicians better language learners? - 1 views

    Today's economic environment demands that our children become the very best they can be. A lot of demands are placed upon us as parents, and whether we like it or not, we need to help our children navigate their way in today's fast-paced world and build their skills for the future.

How Taking Music Lessons Can Improve Your Language Skills | TrendinTech - 0 views

    In a MIT study, they had a group of children take piano lessons, reading lessons, or no lessons. The kids who took piano lessons were better able to distinguish between different pitches, which therefore improved their ability to discriminate between spoken words.

Early Language Skills Tied to Higher IQ Decades Later - 0 views

    This study followed 1,000 people and compared their test results as children vs. at age 50. The kids who could name objects/animals in pictures, form a sentence, and share experiences more quickly than other children tended to show higher IQ's later on in life.
Lara Cowell

A good night's sleep really does boost memory: Tests show children taught new words rem... - 2 views

    Study shows that children taught words then tested on the next day score better than those tested the same day Nothing beats a good night's sleep for helping youngsters learn new words, new research has revealed. A study suggests that even the brightest children remember words best when they're given a chance to sleep on it.
Lara Cowell

What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story? : NPR Ed : NPR - 0 views

    For the study, conducted by Dr. John Hutton, a researcher and pediatrician at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, and someone with an interest in emergent literacy, 27 children around age 4 went into an FMRI machine. They were presented with the same story in three conditions: audio only; the illustrated pages of a storybook with an audio voiceover; and an animated cartoon. While the children paid attention to the stories, the MRI, the machine scanned for activation within certain brain networks, and connectivity between the networks. Here's what researchers found: In the audio-only condition (too cold): language networks were activated, but there was less connectivity overall. "There was more evidence the children were straining to understand." In the animation condition (too hot): there was a lot of activity in the audio and visual perception networks, but not a lot of connectivity among the various brain networks. "The language network was working to keep up with the story," says Hutton. "Our interpretation was that the animation was doing all the work for the child. They were expending the most energy just figuring out what it means." The children's comprehension of the story was the worst in this condition. The illustration condition was what Hutton called "just right".When children could see illustrations, language-network activity dropped a bit compared to the audio condition. Instead of only paying attention to the words, Hutton says, the children's understanding of the story was "scaffolded" by having the images as clues. Most importantly, in the illustrated book condition, researchers saw increased connectivity between - and among - all the networks they were looking at: visual perception, imagery, default mode and language. One interesting note is that, because of the constraints of an MRI machine, which encloses and immobilizes your body, the story-with-illustrations condition wasn't actually as good as reading on Mom or Dad's lap. The emotional bon
Lara Cowell

The Dangers of Distracted Parenting - 0 views

    According to Hirsh-Pasek, a professor at Temple University and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, more and more studies are confirming the importance of conversation. "Language is the single best predictor of school achievement," she told me, "and the key to strong language skills are those back-and-forth fluent conversations between young children and adults." However, parents' digital device distraction is undermining valuable, face-face, verbal and non-verbal interactions that're crucial to language and emotional development.
Lara Cowell

MIT Scientists prove adults learn language to fluency nearly as well as children - Medium - 2 views

For some reason, the URL for this article got lost: itʻs While the findi...

SLA second language acquisition fluency adults children foreign language


Becoming Bilingual | Psychology Today - 6 views

    Interesting article that talks about becoming a bilingual later on in life and how one becomes bilingual.

Kids Who Use Smartphones Start Talking Later - 0 views

    It was found that kids who frequently use smartphones have delays in expressive speech. In an experiment, it was shown that for every 30 minutes of screen time, there was a 49% increased chance of speech delay. Even if parents are showing children educational videos, it's more important to have face-to-face interactions

In young bilingual children, two languages develop simultaneously but independently - 0 views

    Children who are bilingual learn the two languages in different courses with the fluency depending on the exposure to each language. It was found that Spanish is vulnerable to being taken over by English exposure, but not vice versa.
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