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Courtney Langieri

Education with Technology Harry G. Tuttle - 11 views

    This article suggests how to use Web 2.0 tools to assess students in the digital age. The article has many useful links. I wish that the examples of the actual rubrics were larger. Overall, I found the article to quite helpful.
    How do we assess students' learning in these in Web 2.0 environments? We want to go beyond assessing the mere mechanics of using these tools; unfortunately, most current rubrics for Web 2.0 learning devote only a minuscule amount (usually 16% or less) to actual student academic learning.
    This article is about standards-based learning and 21st century skills. How to improve student learning through teacher's decisions and technology. He has a excellent list of rubrics Web 2.0 tools. Some examples "rubrics" are......Wiki/Blog, Images/Photo/Flickr, Video/YouTube,Podcast, Social Bookmarking, Twitter, Videoconferencing, General Assessment: Prensky's 21st century skills, General Assessment: enGauge's 21st century skills, General Assessment: Partnership for 21st century skills. I really liked the links and rubrics and found them very helpful. However the rubrics were small and a little hard to read.
Mark Little

article "Wiki-Based Collaborative Laboratories in a High School Science - 11 views

    This article had some nice ideas about collaboration in the science classroom and the ideas may be applied to other disciplines perhaps

Using Entrepreneurship to Transform Student Work - 2 views

    Blogger Raleigh Werberger, a high school history and humanities teacher, describes a PBL unit that flipped a class from 'just good enough' to creating a working business model and seeking funds to launch a startup. The creative approach to teaching students on multiple levels, including how to market a start-up, and how to make sure students have genuine vested interest in success shows a great way for students to be engaged in their own learning. As the article points out, "[Students'] social media use took on more significance and had a more authentic stake for them, as students began communicating with web journals and community organizations to expand their online presence and gain 'endorsements' for their products." This is a great way to bring students together for a project that demonstrates real life lessons.

3 Minute Teaching With Technology Tutorials - 3 views

    Check out these great, brief videos that offer quick introductions to getting started with numerous different tech tools and resources for teaching and learning. Be sure to share these great resources with your friends and colleagues! To access all of these videos directly in YouTube, just click on this YouTube Playlist.
NIM Facilitator

Which energy drink will diffuse the best through a cell membrane? - 4 views

    Which energy drink will diffuse the best through a cell membrane? by Hoi Chi, Jacob and Michael
Cheryl Zaino

5 Job Interview Questions that Are Illegal to Ask - 1 views

  • questions that are illegal for employers to ask you
  • Protected classes typically include race, gender, nationality, religion, military status and age (40 and up).
  • Who will take care of your children while you’re at work?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • How did you get that scar/mark/other physical abnormality?
  • How often are you deployed for your Army Reserve training exercises?
  • When are you planning on having children?
  • Have you ever been arrested? 
    This article explains which interview questions you should not be asked and why,
NIM Facilitator

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and Web 2 Tools by pip cleaves on Prezi - 11 views

    This Prezi about Bloom's Taxonomy was a good example of a basic Prezi.. Each slide presented the six levels and the objectives for each level. I liked how each slide had websites you could use to strengthen the skills needed to master each level. Example: Remembering, was the first level in the Bloom's Taxonomy and this slide showed how a student might use the website, or use flashcards to help them remember the information the teacher presented. The Prezi showed the six levels and ways to achieve or master the level presented.

The Case for Collaborative Learning - 1 views

    The article speaks of how our students' learning styles are changing and developing as technology becomes more and more a part of our daily lives. The article identifies how collaborative learning is useful now, more than ever, and leads to the development of responsibility and creativity.
Sharon Euvrard

Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning - 1 views

    ..."unlock or create layers of digital information on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device." Through augmented reality, you can hold your device up to an image and watch it come alive. With tools like Aurasma, students can create their own virtual reality.
Megan Bilodeau

M-Learning: Where's the app for that? - 2 views

    This article focuses on why it's so difficult to find good mobile computing apps that foster education.
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