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Jessica LaPanne

ipads take a place next to crayons in kindergarten - 1 views

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    This is the new technology. Although as a sixth grade teacher I would envy the kindergarten teacher who has this technology, my 3 year old grandson can use the apps on my iphone. He knows which pictures to press and has learned a lot of information from the apps. It is the new Sesame Street as it keeps his attention and talks to him. As a tool it is differentiated education for each child.
Natasha Makucha

'Here We Are Now, Entertain Us'-Student Motivation and Technology - 2 views

    Social media can be a wonderful way to generate student engagement in learning, but still must be introduced in a way that will excite students to participate.
Miss OConnor

Apps - 1 views

    apps for special needs/ classroom use sorted by type. A great resource!
Mrs. Bee

Attact Student's Attention in 30 seconds or less - 1 views

    I really enjoyed reading this article about making appealing and intriguing powerpoint slideshows using images that attract attention. The article is brief but they offer several sites to obtain images from and then they suggest some editing elements you can do to alter the originals and use them as talking points before during or after a presentation. The most impacting piece I got out of it was when they asked the question - would you sit through your own presentation? Yeah, no kidding, how many times have you sat through a dull presentation with nothing to keep your eyes and attention sharp and interested.
    Some great tips - especially like the list of places to find images instead of the common google. Randy
randy woodis

iCivics - 2 views

    There are games and lesson plans designed by retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor . I suggest teachers choose a grade level as some of the subject matter could be for older students. Students can take the role in a court and argue an issue. I tried a sample and it was arguing for or against locker searches in school (students got to choose their side) Good for critical thinking. Many lesson plans about how our democracy works and history including branches of government, voting, and other civic topics.
Susan Carlotto

Lead Your Students OUTSIDE the Box with Museum Box! - 8 views

    museums. All of that information in one place? It's amazing! Museum Box provides you with the tools to showcase descriptions of an event, person, historical period of time, or anything you can imagine into a virtual box!
    Looks like this is a good tool for students to showcase information in any subject.
Deborah McQuade

The High Cost of Low Salaries - 1 views

    Every teacher should read this
Karen Bradford

Report: social media key source for plagiarism - 6 views

    A study showing how social networking is contributing to cheating.
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    This report says that students are not using cheat sites and paper mills for their cheating.
    The more students are networking, the more they are finding information/ways to cheat. A shift towards plagiarism is heading towards networking sites and less episodes are being found from traditional "cheat sites" or "paper mills" according to "Turnitin."
    There is so much information available now to people that plagiarism is easier and more tempting.
    "Plagiarism is cheating, it is dishonest, and it is unethical." The first way to avoid students from plagiarizing is to set clear expectations in a written format that provides concrete examples. There are programs such as Glatt Plagarism Services that can be used to detect plagerism. By giving students a good background on the importance of citing ideas, topics, and quotes and providing them with how to cite correctly, they will be less tempted to plagiarize. As educators we can take many steps to provide support for our students so that they do not plagiarize.
Karen Bradford

Social media 'tools' offer opportunities for teachers - 2 views

    Teachers and students using social networks for curricular work.
    I use Edmodo as a social media "tool" to use as an extension of my classroom and the students love it.
randy woodis

20 Great youtube features and tricks you need to know - 0 views

    From ways to find the best youtube videos for the classroom to tricks to make youtube videos more appropriate to use in the classroom.
Jodi Kriner

Credo Reference Introduces "literati by Credo" - 0 views

    This is a new solution (beta testing starts today) to help users improve information literacy. It is designed to give users a simplified and smart process for locating, anayzying and utilizing the right information. In addition it will increase dialogue between librarians, students and faculty - further engaging each in the process.
Jodi Kriner

Ten steps for better media literacy skills - 1 views

    Lists 10 recommendations for better media literacy skills. Also, gives results of some reports (2006 and 2009 surveys). Some really good comments posted too.
Maria Black

Online course offerings continue to grow - 0 views

Article shows that more people are inclined to take online courses to continue their education. The courses would involve researching and using technology to present their work.

Media Literacy

started by Maria Black on 26 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Janice McGuire

instaGrok | A new way to learn - 1 views

    Research topics at different reading levels.

Communicating through Digital and Social Media - 2 views

    This article offers interesting ideas on how to integrate social media into the classroom as a device for communication. Although the article focuses on MLK Day, it can be used for other lessons. It explains a variety of social media that can be used as resources and even offers ideas of how they can be used. They even go into the use of hashtags and liking Facebook pages. That will keep lessons current and motivating for students and teachers.
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