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Home/ Web 2.0: Enhancing Education Through Technology/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sharon Euvrard

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sharon Euvrard

Sharon Euvrard

Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning - 1 views

    ..."unlock or create layers of digital information on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device." Through augmented reality, you can hold your device up to an image and watch it come alive. With tools like Aurasma, students can create their own virtual reality.
Sharon Euvrard

Just-in-Time Teaching: An Interactive Engagement Pedagogy - 1 views

    Similar to the flipped classroom, "The essence of the JiTT pedagogy is timely pre-instruction assignments, usually called warm-ups that inform the upcoming lesson by encouraging the students to examine their prior knowledge and seek information about the upcoming topic before coming to class." When lessons are done well using JiTT, students are more actively involved in their learning and are able to attain metacognition, thereby building higher order thinking skills.
Sharon Euvrard

Frictionless Formative Assessment with Social Media - 1 views

    How using social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Edmodo can enable formative assessment and improve student achievement. Students become more engaged in learning through the use of these tools in the classroom
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