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Nigel Robertson

EnhancED Mozilla's Web Literacy Standard and Its Implications for Educational Technology - 0 views

    Short (external) description of Mozilla's web literacy standard.
Nigel Robertson

Innovating Pedagogy | Technology Enhanced Learning Blog - 0 views

    Report from the OU on new forms of teaching, learning & assessment.
Stephen Harlow

Delivering University Curricula: Knowledge, Learning and INnovation Gains - University ... - 0 views

    "The DUCKLING project - funded by JISC - at the University of Leicester develops advanced delivery, presentation and assessment processes to enhance the work-based learning experience for students studying remotely."
Nigel Robertson

Welcome! (Paul's E-Learning Resources) - 0 views

    " links to free on-line services that allow you to provide your students with enhanced learning opportunities which you can then embed into, or link from, your school/college/university's website, course blog or VLE/MLE."
Nigel Robertson

Quality Management of Academic Development Work: Implementation issues and challenges -... - 0 views

    Chalmers, D. and O'Brien, M. Fraser, K. (ed) (2005) Education development units and the enhancement of university teaching. Education development and leadership in higher education: Developing an effective institutional strategy pp. 50-71. Routledge Falmer , Abingdon, UK
Nigel Robertson

Managing students' expectations of university : JISC - 1 views

    "As part of the JISC-funded Student Expectations of University project, aimed at enhancing applicants' understanding of university experiences, the 1994 Group have produced this report to illustrate innovative and excellent practice in the areas of: communicating with prospective students; providing information, advice and guidance (IAG) to applicants; and managing student expectations of university."
Nigel Robertson

Educating the Net Generation : The University of Melbourne - 0 views

    * investigated how commencing first year students and their teachers use traditional and emerging technology-based tools in their everyday lives and to support student learning * drawn on the expertise of teachers and the results of this investigation to develop and implement pedagogically sound, technology-based tools to enhance student learning in local learning environments
Nigel Robertson

Digital Storytelling in HE - 0 views

    Enhancing Students' Learning Experiences Through the Use of Digital Storytelling
Nigel Robertson

WebTools4u2use » Webtools4U2Use - 0 views

    The purpose of this website is to provide a place for K-12 school library media specialists to learn a little more about web tools that can be used to improve and enhance school library media programs and services, to see examples of how they can be used,
Nigel Robertson

display - 1 views

    "The Higher Education Academy published the book Transforming Higher Education Through Technology Enhanced Learning in December 2009. Although the book has its genesis in the e-learning Benchmarking & Pathfinder Programme led by the Higher Education Academy from 2005-2008 readers will find that the book contains a thought-provoking edited collection which offers far more than a straightforward account of outcomes of one national programme; you will find that it is both broad in scope and reflective in tone"
Nigel Robertson

Learning Maps - 0 views

    "We are developing dynamic Web-based maps, which are a fusion of formal curriculum maps, personal learning records, and community-driven maps. Using established technologies and standards the maps provide 'mash-ups' of information from curriculum databases, ePortfolios and other sources. The project aims to enhance understanding and navigation of the curriculum and provide a means for students to actively map, contextualise, reflect on, and evidence their learning. The maps will also support collaboration, including sharing, rating and discussion of learning resources linked to specific topics in the maps."
Nigel Robertson

Moodle guidance - 0 views

    These web pages provide guidance on good practice for a 'baseline' Moodle course, and offer some ideas and suggestions for developing an 'enhanced' course. They are intended to support staff in meeting the 'minimum requirements' for a Moodle course.
Stephen Harlow

EnhancED Student, Heal Thyself with Turnitin - 0 views

    "Columbia's Turnitin subscription, managed by CUIT, is used primarily by students to check and repair their own work prior to handing it in to the instructor."
Nigel Robertson

Technology Integration Matrix - 0 views

    "The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells as illustrated below."
Stephen Harlow

Pedagogy in a Box: Don't Underestimate the Messiness of eLearning - 2 views

    Mark Brown rants about "...yet another attempt to place 'pedagogy in a box' in the context of technology-enhanced learning."
Stephen Harlow

Students Speak Up in Class, Silently, via Social Media - - 1 views

    "...a small but growing cadre of educators trying to exploit Twitter-like technology to enhance classroom discussion."
Nigel Robertson

e-Learning Focus - JISC Effective Practice in a Digital Age, technology enhanced learni... - 0 views

    Effective Practice in a Digital Age is designed for those in further and higher education whose focus is on designing and supporting learning: academic staff, lecturers, tutors and learning support staff, facilitators, learning technologists and staff developers, and others with an interest in enhancing the quality of learning and teaching, and a curiosity about how technology can assist them.
Stephen Harlow

How to Enhance Online Student Engagement and Satisfaction | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    "Adding audio instructions or commentary helps you meet the needs of auditory learners, and often adds interest to the content. Schiefelbein said she often creates an audio recording of housekeeping tasks, such as deadline reminders, as well as to review what was covered the previous session. She also uses the Wimba Voice Board to create an audio-based discussion board which students use to discuss topics and reply to posts."
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