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Nigel Robertson

Enhancing assessment and feedback with technology: a guide for FE and skills | Jisc - 0 views

    "Enhancing assessment and feedback with technology: a guide for FE and skills"
Nigel Robertson

Moodle 2.5 and the 3E Framework | York St John - 0 views

    Resource page using the 3E Enhance. Extend, Empower framework to encourage academic use of Moodle. Would be interesting to know the success rate.
Nigel Robertson

TEL Quality Framework | York St John - 0 views

    Technology Enhanced Learning - a quality standard.
Nigel Robertson

Enhancing Teaching in higher Education - 1 views

    Google version of this book that looks at various ways of enhancing teaching both online and f2f.
Stephen Harlow

Technology-Enhanced Classroom Assessment Techniques | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    "Presented here are several original CATs [classroom assessment technique] proposed by Angelo and Cross with their technology-enhanced suggestions for use in online classrooms"
Nigel Robertson

The FNF - Free Information, Free Culture, Free Society | The Free Network Foundation - 1 views

  • We envision communications infrastructure that is owned and operated cooperatively, by the whole of humanity, rather than by corporations and states.We are using the power of peer-to-peer technologies to create a global network which is immune to censorship and resistant to breakdown.We promote freedoms, support innovations and advocate technologies that enhance and enable digital self-determination.
    We envision communications infrastructure that is owned and operated cooperatively, by the whole of humanity, rather than by corporations and states.We are using the power of peer-to-peer technologies to create a global network which is immune to censorship and resistant to breakdown.We promote freedoms, support innovations and advocate technologies that enhance and enable digital self-determination.
Nigel Robertson

Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through the Use of Digital Technology. - 0 views

    The Scottish Government strategy for using digital technology to enhance learning & teaching.
Nigel Robertson

Teaching with Online Collaboration Tools: U-M Faculty Examples | CRLT - 0 views

    "This page features innovative uses of online collaboration tools (OCTs) for teaching and course management. You can browse the full list or use the search criteria to find the examples most relevant to you. Click on any title for a full description or use the Links to watch short videos of faculty describing their teaching strategies and see examples. For a summary of practical recommendations for effectively implementing OCTs in one's teaching, see CRLT's Occasional Paper No. 31: Teaching in the Cloud: Leveraging Online Collaboration Tools to Enhance Student Engagement."
Nigel Robertson

Diigo Blog » Diigo Chrome Extension much enhanced, renamed as "Diigo Web Collector" - 0 views

    Hadn't paid attention to the improvements in the Diigo extension for Chrome. Just discovered that you can use it to do screen captures and mark them up at the same time with text, arrows and shapes.
Stephen Bright

The Real Reason Coffee Shops Boost Productivity | The Creativity Post - 0 views

    coffee shop meetings boost productivity and creativeness because of moderate level of background noise. More meetings in coffee shops to enhance WCEL team performance!
Nigel Robertson

UQ launches initiative exploring MOOCs and their role in the research university - UQ News Online - The University of Queensland - 0 views

    "The University of Queensland has committed to the development of a major online open learning environment.  UQ Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Terry said heads of school, deans and other senior academic leaders had embraced a University vision to move toward the development of a major online open learning environment.  "The initiative is an integral component of the new UQ blueprint for technology-enhanced learning, recently released to staff," Professor Terry said. "
Nigel Robertson

Knowledge mobilisation is a social process: Social media can support indivduals and organisations in research dissemination | Impact of Social Sciences - 0 views

    "Knowledge mobilisation is a social process Efforts to enhance Knowledge mobilisation need to be interactive and focus on the relationships between researchers and decision makers Knowledge mobilisation happens at the level of the individual and is only beginning to emerge at the organization and the system/sectoral level"
Nigel Robertson

International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL) - Inderscience Publishers - 0 views

    Interesting new? journal on TEL - this issue seems to focus on widgets and PLEs / Web 2.0
Nigel Robertson

Teachers key to delivering digital skills | Jisc - 0 views

    "The student digital experience tracker, a pilot scheme to provide first-hand insight into learners' expectations and views on technology in an education setting, showed that 72% of HE and 70% of FE and skills learners believe that when technology is used effectively by teaching staff it enhances their learning experience - giving credence to the argument that practitioners need to develop their own digital skills to deliver learning and teaching."
Nigel Robertson

MITx: MIT's new online learning initiative - 1 views

    "MITx will offer a portfolio of MIT courses for free to a virtual community of learners around the world. It will also enhance the educational experience of its on-campus students, offering them online tools that supplement and enrich their classroom and laboratory experiences. The first MITx course, 6.002x (Circuits and Electronics), will be launched in an experimental prototype form. Watch this space for further upcoming courses, which will become available in Fall 2012."
Stephen Harlow

Enhancing Practice: exploring innovation with technology in further education : JISC - 0 views

    Using technology to do more with less (sounds familiar). Like SWEET - Synchronous Web-enabled Employee Training :-)
Nigel Robertson

Dept. of Education Releases Learning Analytics Issue Brief » CCC Blog - 0 views

    The Department of Education's (ED) Office of Educational Technology today released a draft issue brief - Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics - representing the results of a months-long discourse among 8 academic and 15 industrial data mining and learning analytics experts conducted by SRI International. The brief, inspired by ED's 2010 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP), articulates the challenges and opportunities of Big Data in improving student outcomes and overall productivity of K-2 education systems. It focuses on three key research areas - educational data mining, learning analytics, and visual data analytics - and offers a set of corresponding recommendations, categorized by various stakeholders. ED is now seeking public comment on the draft.
Nigel Robertson

Moodle at YSJ - Downloads & Resources - 0 views

    Some CC materials on using Moodle.  Might be some we can adapt or get ideas from if needed.
Nigel Robertson

Technology Integration Matrix | Arizona K12 Center - 0 views

    "The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal directed (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells." Described at school level but a handy model. Perhaps we could adapt.
Tracey Morgan

Student Perceptions of Course Management System Tools: Implications for Evaluation and Adoption of Online Tools in Higher Education | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    "Given an expectation of digital literacy among students, why should we worry about student perceptions of CMS tools? For the same reason exemplary instructors stay aware of their students' general learning style preferences-to evolve their teaching styles to meet diverse preferences and maximize learning while also attempting to develop and enhance students' abilities to learn in different ways. Likewise, knowing the CMS tools that students find most effective establishes an important baseline for understanding student needs that can be addressed not only in a CMS but also through other online systems and services. The University of Florida (UF) conducted a survey investigating that question in spring 2009, during the university's most recent CMS evaluation and adoption decision to replace the existing CMS. This research bulletin presents the survey results to help inform other institutions with their own evaluation and adoption processes. The information will also benefit instructors looking to maximize their own use of a local CMS and/or to choose tools that enable personal learning environments, as well as specific tools for learning."
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