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Nigel Robertson

OER IPR Support - 0 views

    "Welcome to the website for the OER IPR Support Project. Our aim is to provide IPR and licensing support for JISC/HEA funded OER Phase 1, 2 and 3 projects in order to help them identify and manage IPR issues with particular emphasis on the use of Creative Commons Licences.  The objectives of OER IPR Support Project are: To create a range of advice and information resources which will enable JISC/HEA OER Projects to manage the IPR in their OER resources appropriately To  create IPR advice and information resources which have longevity and broad applicability beyond the duration of the JISC/HEA OER Projects To disseminate the advice and information resources to JISC/HEA OER Projects through JISC Legal Helpdesk, published resources, workshops, and via the JISC Legal website at To ensure that all resources created in this project build on the experience gained in JISC/HEA Phase 1 OER Projects and are responsive to the needs of the JISC/HEA OER Project. To monitor and assess the impact of the project support and resources on the JISC/HEA OER Projects"
Nigel Robertson

Digital literacy is key to unlocking the value of online resources says the HEA and JIS... - 0 views

    Digital literacy, OERs, reuse. 
Nigel Robertson

E-Learning - Engineering Subject Centre - 0 views

    List of good elearning resources on the HEA site.
Nigel Robertson

HEPI The HEPI / HEA 2014 Student Academic Experience Survey - HEPI - 0 views

    What students think of HE in the UK 2014.
Nigel Robertson

Engagement through partnership: students as partners in learning and teaching in higher... - 0 views

    New publication from the UK HEA on student - teacher partnerships for learning & teaching.
Nigel Robertson

display - 1 views

    "The Higher Education Academy published the book Transforming Higher Education Through Technology Enhanced Learning in December 2009. Although the book has its genesis in the e-learning Benchmarking & Pathfinder Programme led by the Higher Education Academy from 2005-2008 readers will find that the book contains a thought-provoking edited collection which offers far more than a straightforward account of outcomes of one national programme; you will find that it is both broad in scope and reflective in tone"
Nigel Robertson

Benchmarking in UK HE - 0 views

    This review of collaborative benchmarking in higher education is aimed at people who have a responsibility for evaluating institutional policies, practices and performance. It is intended to provide an overview of benchmarking as a tool for self-evaluation and self-improvement. The overview is published with permission of the journal Quality Assurance in Education 2001.
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