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Nigel Robertson

Letter from China: The Chinese View of SOPA : The New Yorker - 0 views

    After several years in which American diplomats have inveighed against Internet censorship in China, the (SOPA) proposals have inspired a bit of snickering. "The Great Firewall turns out to be a visionary product; the American government is trying to copy us," one commentator wrote. A Chinese message making the rounds on Thursday said: "At last, the planet is becoming unified: We are ahead of the whole world, and the 'American imperialists' are racing to catch up."
Stephen Harlow

The American Experience in Vietnam: Notes on the Design and Teaching of a Multi-campus,... - 0 views

    "During the fall of 1999,  two colleagues and I taught an unusual class, 'The American Experience in Vietnam.'   Neither the subject nor the approach of team-teaching were new; instead what we developed was a pedagogy using a variety of information technologies to organize one class simultaneously across three campuses and disciplines."
Nigel Robertson

Wikipedia:WikiProject Murder Madness and Mayhem - 0 views

  • The University of British Columbia's class SPAN312 ("Murder, Madness, and Mayhem: Latin American Literature in Translation") contributed to Wikipedia during Spring 2008. Our collective goals were to bring a selection of articles on Latin American literature to featured article status (or as near as possible). By project's end, we had contributed three featured articles and eight good articles. None of these articles was a good article at the outset; two did not even exist.
Nigel Robertson

Americans No Longer the Center of the Online Universe, and Other Surprises From Mary Me... - 0 views

    Slides with lots of figures about global Internet & technology trends.
Stephen Bright

Lore. Learn more. - 0 views

    Free, online LMS which seems to be used at some of the Ivy league American universities if the home page is to be believed... Includes discussions, calendar, library (for your resources) and a gradebook.
Nigel Robertson

What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success - Anu Partanen - National -... - 1 views

    Article on how the Finnish Equity not Excellence approach to education actually produces both and makes them a leading education nation.
Stephen Harlow

UfoliO - 0 views

    The University of Oregon is the latest to pilot a WPMU-powered blogging community. Convenient links to other similar North American examples. Something for WCeL to pilot?
Nigel Robertson

Posthegemony: blasé - 0 views

    Jon Beasley-Murray posting a little about the impact of the  "Murder, Madness, and Mayhem" project where his students created featured articles on Latin American literature.
Nigel Robertson

Why Jobs Is No Edison - The American Magazine - 0 views

    Interesting post on invention and why Edison was fundamentally different from Jobs. Will annoy the fanboys!
Stephen Harlow

This Visible College (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 2 views

    "What does the future hold for higher education? How is American academia changing under the impact of continuous technological transformation?"
Nigel Robertson - 1 views

    Two Potential Futures Our forecast suggests that the learning ecosystem is going to diversify, and indeed has already started to do so. At the American Alliance of Museums' convening on the future of education Glimpses of the Future of Education By Katherine Prince, Senior Director, Strategic Foresight, KnowledgeWorks A detail of a KnowledgeWorks infographic on the future of learning. For the complete infographic go to knowledgeworks. org/strategic-foresight. 1 ® Glimpses of Future Educationin September, I had the pleasure of sharing two plausible scenarios for how the future may take shape. We could find ourselves living in: * a vibrant learning grid in which all of us who care about learning create a flexible and radically personalized learning ecosystem that meets the needs of all learners, or * a fractured landscape in which only those whose families have the time, money and resources to customize or supplement their learning journeys have access to learning that adapts to and meets their needs.
Stephen Bright

Don't Lecture Me | American RadioWorks - 0 views

    links to three interesting articles on rethinking lecturing as a teaching method including a new experimental college in the USA - the University of Minnesota Rochester
Nigel Robertson

Richard O'Dwyer, a student and his computer - an American perspective by Jim Farmer - 0 views

    Jim Farmer (on Seb Schmoller's blog) examines the cases of Richard O'Dwyer and Kim Dotcom in relation to actions on the Internet that may be called out by foreign jurisdictions - criticise China on a NZ based website anyone?
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