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Nigel Robertson

Websites That Will Let You Create Digital Magazines and Newspapers | - 1 views

    Nowadays, the digital version of print magazines and newspapers are becoming increasingly popular among publishers as they can save printing and postage costs as well as they are able to reach a whole new audience in the online world. The continuing interest of digital in the adaptation of digital replica editions of newspapers and magazines encourages web developers to create websites that are offering service to allow anyone to create their own digital magazine and newspaper. Some of these websites are very easy to use, simple and provide you with unlimited access to their resources for free.
Nigel Robertson

Website Analytics for Open Education Projects - 0 views

    A 30 hour self paced free course on website analytics specifically targeted to education and open education.
Nigel Robertson

JISC Inform / Issue 33 / Open researcher | #jiscinform - 0 views

    Twenty-seven-year-old researcher, lecturer and journalist Jennifer Jones has a fluid but pared-down working approach. She openly conducts her work as a researcher and lecturer through her personal website, using her blog and Twitter, on which she has 3,000 followers. She works virtually as she travels between two university employers in the Midlands and the West of Scotland. Her inspiration comes from media activists and groups like Occupy, who use the free resources of the net to group like-minded people for action and discourse. All of her activity is open for scrutiny and for tracking - there are no pseudonyms - and she records everything she does on her website.
Nigel Robertson

JISC Inform / Issue 33 / Open researcher | #jiscinform - 0 views

    Twenty-seven-year-old researcher, lecturer and journalist Jennifer Jones has a fluid but pared-down working approach. She openly conducts her work as a researcher and lecturer through her personal website, using her blog and Twitter, on which she has 3,000 followers. She works virtually as she travels between two university employers in the Midlands and the West of Scotland. Her inspiration comes from media activists and groups like Occupy, who use the free resources of the net to group like-minded people for action and discourse. All of her activity is open for scrutiny and for tracking - there are no pseudonyms - and she records everything she does on her website.
Stephen Bright

Lore. Learn more. - 0 views

    Free, online LMS which seems to be used at some of the Ivy league American universities if the home page is to be believed... Includes discussions, calendar, library (for your resources) and a gradebook.
Stephen Harlow

Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes | Coursera - 1 views

    Interesting way of describing a course. While you're on the Coursera website check out the range of free courses. Should we be worried?
Nigel Robertson

Digital Portfolios in the Age of the Read/Write Web (EDUCAUSE Review) | - 1 views

    "Key Takeaways Education built around digital portfolios not only ties together various student-generated artifacts into a coherent whole but also creates an environment in which technology use has a clearly identified purpose. Hundreds of services provide free hosting and website creation tools and are ideal platforms for digital portfolios because they can support just about any type of digital content. Turning consumers of knowledge into producers of knowledge transforms learning into an active experience."
Nigel Robertson

Welcome! (Paul's E-Learning Resources) - 0 views

    " links to free on-line services that allow you to provide your students with enhanced learning opportunities which you can then embed into, or link from, your school/college/university's website, course blog or VLE/MLE."
Tracey Morgan

slidestaxx - create amazing social media slideshows - 0 views

    Create amazing social media slideshows slidestaxx enables you to gather various social media into a beautiful slideshow for your blog, website or directly on slidestaxx. It's fast, easy and free! Check out some stacks other people have created with slidestaxx in our showcase. 
Tracey Morgan

The Internet Defense League - Protecting the Free Internet since 2012. - 1 views

    "The Internet Blackout was just the beginning. Together, our websites and personal networks can mobilize the planet to defend the internet from bad laws & monopolies. Are you in?"
Nigel Robertson - 0 views

    "Telescope was created to provide an easy, free, and open-source way to set up a community. "
Nigel Robertson

Photo Pin : Free Photos for Your Blog or Website via Creative Commons - 0 views

    Free photos for use online via Creative Commons licencing as another tool cf. compfight
Dean Stringer

Open Cobalt Website - 1 views

    "Open Cobalt Alpha is the first step in a long term project to make available to all people a free and open source platform for constructing, accessing, and sharing virtual workspaces for research and education. This 3D multimedia wiki technology makes it easy to create deeply collaborative and hyperlinked multi-user virtual workspaces, virtual exhibit spaces, and game-based learning and training environments that run on all major software operating systems. By using a peer-based messaging protocol to reduce reliance on server infrastructures for support of basic in world interactions across many participants, Open Cobalt makes it possible for people hyperlink their virtual worlds via 3D portals to form a large distributed network of interconnected collaboration spaces. It also makes it possible for schools and other organizations to freely set up their own networks of public and private 3D virtual workspaces that feature integrated web browsing, voice chat, text chat, and access to remote desktop applications and services."
    Hey guys. Just watched a live session online at Cisco w the developers of this system, still in development, but interesting differentiators vs 2Life, e.g. peer-to-peer, nested worlds, oh and its open-source. Thought yaz might be interested in tracking it.
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