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Nigel Robertson

Free schools and academies must promote marriage - Telegraph - 0 views

    Education and the role of funding. Schools being forced to teach value in marriage by private and 'free' funding.
Nigel Robertson

Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Chemists | Ithaka S+R - 0 views

    "Published February 25, 2013 Matthew P. Long & Roger C. Schonfeld In this report, we present the results of Ithaka S+R's study of the scholarly practices of academic chemists. This study, funded by Jisc, presents information meant to empower research support providers in their work with chemists. The report covers themes such as data management, research collaboration, library use, discovery, publication practices, and research funding.   The report describes the findings of our investigation into academic chemists' research habits and research support needs. The digital availability of scholarly literature has transformed chemists' research by creating an environment where they can easily search for journal articles and chemical information. However, they often feel overwhelmed by the amount of new research available, and they need better tools to remain aware of current research. Furthermore, despite their heavy use of technology for research, many academic chemists have been slow to adopt new models of sharing data and research results such as online repositories and open access publishing. Our interviews highlighted the importance of the research group as a unit of academic life, and revealed some of the challenges inherent in working in groups that span institutions and national boundaries."
Nigel Robertson

HEFCE OER Review : OER Synthesis & Evaluation - 0 views

    "If you want to find out why people might become engaged in OER and Open educational practices (OEP) then you might like to look at the Motivations section. If you are interested in looking at the range of models and approaches adopted for OER Release then the Models page may be useful for you. If you want to know about the impact of the HEFCE funding then we have an Impact section. We have drawn together some critical factors to support OEP for those that want some tips on how to go about this themselves. We have a section that highlights tensions and challenges around OEP and the OER journeys section provides an interesting look at the wider context and how the HEFCE-funded initiatives fit into that. We also offer recommendations. If you contributed to our surveys, polls and interviews then we have a series of supplementary appendices and you can look at out methodology and evidence pages - all available from the main report page We have also produced a summary briefing paper."
Nigel Robertson - 0 views

    PIVOTE is a virtual learning authoring system for virtual worlds. It was developed as part of the JISC funded PREVIEW project, where it was used to develop training material for Paramedic students at St George's Hospital and Kingston University. Although based on the Medbiquitous Virtual Patient standard the feeling of all involved in the project was that the system could be used for any sort of structured learning in virtual worlds. The result was that JISC have funded the creation of PIVOTE - this open source project.
Nigel Robertson

Assessment design for learner responsibility - conference 07 - 1 views

    "The conference is part of the Re-engineering Assessment Practices (REAP) project, a £1m initiative funded by the Scottish Funding Council under its e-Learning Transformation initiative. REAP is a collaboration across the University of Strathclyde, University of Glasgow and Glasgow Caledonian University. REAP is evaluating the impact of new assessment practices supported by technology at course, faculty and institutional level.Conference themes: Focusing on assessment FOR learning in tertiary education the conference has three themes to be addressed through keynotes, case studies and structured discussions.Assessment and the first year experienceGreat designs for assessmentInstitutional strategies (designs) for assessment"
Nigel Robertson - 0 views

    JISC Briefing paper on digital literacy to support call for funding round. Useful stuff here.
Nigel Robertson

Web2.0 Rights project - 0 views

    Web2Rights is a JISC project, funded from 1st November 2007 - 31st March 2009, whose purpose was initially to develop practical, pragmatic and relevant Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and other legal issues toolkits to support the projects funded within the JISC Users and Innovation Programme (U&I) in their engagement with next generation technologies.  The Web2Rights team, comprised of lawyers, consultants, learning technologists and pedagogic experts focussed upon the need to address cultural and practical obstacles in engaging with Web2.0, IPR and other legal issues. Working in close collaboration with JISC Legal and focussing upon the specific issues raised by the U&I community of users, they have created a number of resources to address a variety of legal issues which might arise.
Nigel Robertson

College Open Textbooks - College Open Textbooks - 0 views

  • Funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, College Open Textbooks is a collection of colleges, governmental agencies, education non-profits, and other education-related organizations that are focused on the mission of driving the awareness and advocacy for open textbooks. This includes providing training for instructors adopting open resources, peer reviews of open textbooks, and mentoring online professional networks that provide support to authors who open their resources. Through our community outreach, we have found that open textbooks should be: easy to use, get and pass around, editable so instructors can customize content, cross-platform compatible, printable, and accessible so they work with adaptive technology.
    "Funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, College Open Textbooks is a collection of colleges, governmental agencies, education non-profits, and other education-related organizations that are focused on the mission of driving the awareness and advocacy for open textbooks. This includes providing training for instructors adopting open resources, peer reviews of open textbooks, and mentoring online professional networks that provide support to authors who open their resources. Through our community outreach, we have found that open textbooks should be: easy to use, get and pass around, editable so instructors can customize content, cross-platform compatible, printable, and accessible so they work with adaptive technology."
Nigel Robertson

About RCS « Research Communications Strategy - 1 views

  • The Research Communications Strategy work is a JISC funded activity to investigate and coordinate many of the emerging themes, ideas and developments in the field of research communications at a strategic level.
    "The Research Communications Strategy work is a JISC funded activity to investigate and coordinate many of the emerging themes, ideas and developments in the field of research communications at a strategic level."
Nigel Robertson

Times Higher Education - At last, teaching will get its due - 0 views

    Teaching vs research and the possible effects of an uncapped environment with funding following the student.
Nigel Robertson

e-Responsibility - Exploring the Issues for the uses of Facebook - 1 views

    Cornwall College LSIS funded Research based project exploring the Issues for the uses of Facebookwith 16-19 year old Learners. Bex Ferriday.All the documents written as a result of the LSIS Facebook project are freely available from a range of internet locations. Documents are as follows:* Briefing paper (with case studies)* Suggested acceptable use policy* Plenary dissemination slides:paper and case studies available on Slideshare:
Nigel Robertson

Don't buy a national HE funding model until you've read this…. | FOLLOWERS OF... - 0 views

    Why loans are a burden on future education.
Nigel Robertson

OER IPR Support - 0 views

    "Welcome to the website for the OER IPR Support Project. Our aim is to provide IPR and licensing support for JISC/HEA funded OER Phase 1, 2 and 3 projects in order to help them identify and manage IPR issues with particular emphasis on the use of Creative Commons Licences.  The objectives of OER IPR Support Project are: To create a range of advice and information resources which will enable JISC/HEA OER Projects to manage the IPR in their OER resources appropriately To  create IPR advice and information resources which have longevity and broad applicability beyond the duration of the JISC/HEA OER Projects To disseminate the advice and information resources to JISC/HEA OER Projects through JISC Legal Helpdesk, published resources, workshops, and via the JISC Legal website at To ensure that all resources created in this project build on the experience gained in JISC/HEA Phase 1 OER Projects and are responsive to the needs of the JISC/HEA OER Project. To monitor and assess the impact of the project support and resources on the JISC/HEA OER Projects"
Nigel Robertson

SJSU releases NSF-funded research report on Udacity pilot |e-Literate - 0 views

    Review of the research report into halted Udacity / SJSU moocs.
Stephen Harlow

Delivering University Curricula: Knowledge, Learning and INnovation Gains - University ... - 0 views

    "The DUCKLING project - funded by JISC - at the University of Leicester develops advanced delivery, presentation and assessment processes to enhance the work-based learning experience for students studying remotely."
Nigel Robertson

Home - OLCOS - 0 views

    "OLCOS, the Open eLearning Content Observatory Services project (1/2006-12/2007) is co-funded under the European Union's eLearning Programme and aims at building an (online) information and observation centre for promoting the concept, production and usage of open educational resources, in particular, open digital educational content (ODEC) in Europe."
Nigel Robertson

Managing students' expectations of university : JISC - 1 views

    "As part of the JISC-funded Student Expectations of University project, aimed at enhancing applicants' understanding of university experiences, the 1994 Group have produced this report to illustrate innovative and excellent practice in the areas of: communicating with prospective students; providing information, advice and guidance (IAG) to applicants; and managing student expectations of university."
Nigel Robertson

Educating the Net Generation - 0 views

    Welcome to this online community for people interested in Educating the Net Generation: Implications for Learning and Teaching in Australian Universities, a project funded by the Australian Learning & Teaching Council, 2006-2009.
Stephen Harlow

Audio recording of UKOER online workshop on sustainability - dkernohan's posterous - 0 views

    Audio of a UK workshop held around issues of sustainability (i.e. without project funding) in releasing OERs.
Stephen Harlow

Critical Assets: Academic Libraries, a View from the Administration Building - 5/1/2010... - 1 views

    "Which of the following predictions about the future of libraries were made by university administrators? Within five years, libraries will focus exclusively on electronic resources Academic computing and libraries will merge. Librarians who do not produce will be reassigned or fired. The library will only house materials that are actively used. Libraries will shrink, in both collection size and staffing, and funding will be redirected from libraries to more critical and productive areas of the university." Sound familiar?
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