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Matti Narkia

Effect of vitamin D deficiency and replacement on endothelial function in asymptomatic ... - 0 views

    Effect of vitamin D deficiency and replacement on endothelial function in asymptomatic subjects. Tarcin O, Yavuz DG, Ozben B, Telli A, Velioglu Ogunc A, Yuksel M, Toprak A, Yazici D, Sancak S, Deyneli O, Akalin S. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jul 7. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19584181 doi:10.1210/jc.2008-1212 Conclusions: This study shows that 25(OH)D deficiency is associated with endothelial dysfunction and increased lipid peroxidation. Replacement of vitamin D has favorable effects on endothelial function. Vitamin D deficiency can be seen as an independent risk factor of atherosclerosis. Hypovitaminosis D associated endothelial dysfunction may predispose to higher cardiovascular disease in the winter.
Matti Narkia

Effects of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on falls: a randomized controlled tria... - 0 views

    Effects of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on falls: a randomized controlled trial. Bischoff HA, Stähelin HB, Dick W, Akos R, Knecht M, Salis C, Nebiker M, Theiler R, Pfeifer M, Begerow B, Lew RA, Conzelmann M. J Bone Miner Res. 2003 Feb;18(2):343-51. PMID: 12568412 A single intervention with vitamin D plus calcium over a 3-month period reduced the risk of falling by 49% compared with calcium alone. Over this short-term intervention, recurrent fallers seem to benefit most by the treatment. The impact of vitamin D on falls might be explained by the observed improvement in musculoskeletal function.
Matti Narkia

Influence of Season and Latitude on the Cutaneous Synthesis of Vitamin D3: Exposure to ... - 0 views

    nfluence of season and latitude on the cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D3: exposure to winter sunlight in Boston and Edmonton will not promote vitamin D3 synthesis in human skin. Webb AR, Kline L, Holick MF. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1988 Aug;67(2):373-8. PMID: 2839537 doi:10.1210/jcem-67-2-373 These results quantify the dramatic influence of changes in solar UVB radiation on cutaneous vitamin D3 synthesis and indicate the latitudinal increase in the length of the "vitamin D winter" during which dietary supplementation of the vitamin may be advisable.
Matti Narkia

The Dependency of Vitamin D Status on Body Mass Index, Gender, Age and Season - Antican... - 0 views

    The dependency of vitamin D status on body mass index, gender, age and season. Lagunova Z, Porojnicu AC, Lindberg F, Hexeberg S, Moan J. Anticancer Res. 2009 Sep;29(9):3713-20. PMID: 19667169 CONCLUSION: The 25(OH)D3 level, as well as its seasonal variation and the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, are all dependent on BMI, and age separately. The results of the study suggest that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men with BMI > or = 40 are vitamin D deficient.
Matti Narkia

Second-guessing the consensus on vitamin D - 0 views

    This article discusses our experience at the one-day Institute of Medicine workshop on vitamin D and calcium. Both of us had an opportunity to make comments before the committee. Here are Paul's comments and slides and here are Amy's comments and slides. Note that our 2009 paper in Autoimmunity Reviews[1] discusses some of the science we allude to in further detail.
Matti Narkia

Randomized comparison of the effects of the vitamin D3 adequate intake versus 100 mcg (... - 0 views

    Randomized comparison of the effects of the vitamin D3 adequate intake versus 100 mcg (4000 IU) per day on biochemical responses and the wellbeing of patients. Vieth R, Kimball S, Hu A, Walfish PG. Nutr J. 2004 Jul 19;3:8. PMID: 15260882 doi:10.1186/1475-2891-3-8 CONCLUSION: The highest AI for vitamin D brought summertime 25(OH)D to >40 nmol/L, lowered PTH, and its use was associated with improved wellbeing. The 100 mcg/day dose produced greater responses. Since it was ethically necessary to provide a meaningful dose of vitamin D to these insufficient patients, we cannot rule out a placebo wellbeing response, particularly for those on the lower dose. This work confirms the safety and efficacy of both 15 and 100 mcg/day vitamin D3 in patients who needed additional vitamin D.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D May Be Tied to Heart Disease Via Genes - Heart Disease and Other Cardiovascul... - 0 views

    "THURSDAY, Dec. 3 (HealthDay News) -- New research points to the possibility of a genetic link between vitamin D and heart disease. People with high blood pressure who had a gene variant that reduces vitamin D activation in the body were found to be twice as likely as those without the variant to have congestive heart failure, the study found. The finding may lead to a way to identify people at increased risk for heart disease, according to Robert U. Simpson, an assistant professor of pharmacology at the University of Michigan Medical School and his research colleagues. They analyzed the genetic profiles of 617 people. One-third had hypertension, one-third had hypertension and congestive heart failure, and the remaining third served as healthy controls. The researchers found that a variant in the CYP27B1 gene was associated with congestive heart failure in people with hypertension. The study is in the November issue of Pharmacogenomics."
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D and diabetes: Improvement of glycemic control with vitamin D3 repletion -- Sc... - 0 views

    Vitamin D and diabetes: improvement of glycemic control with vitamin D3 repletion. Schwalfenberg G. Can Fam Physician. 2008 Jun;54(6):864-6. PMID: 18556494 Conclusion These cases support information that is already known about VTD and its effect on the islet cell. As discussed above, this might be true only for vitamin D3 and not vitamin D2, although vitamin D2 has been shown to improve bone health. Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency is common, and repletion might improve glycemic control early in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is one of the fastest growing chronic diseases worldwide. Vitamin D3 is inexpensive and readily available. Well-designed clinical studies are required to ascertain if improving 25(OH)D levels from an insufficiency or deficiency to sufficiency improves glycemic control in diabetes. These studies need to be properly designed: a randomized controlled trial with VTD deficiency or insufficiency identified in diabetic patients of various ethnic
Matti Narkia

Serum vitamin D level after an annual intramuscular injection of ergocalciferol. - [Cal... - 0 views

    Serum vitamin D level after an annual intramuscular injection of ergocalciferol. Heikinheimo RJ, Haavisto MV, Harju EJ, Inkovaara JA, Kaarela RH, Kolho LA, Rajala SA. Calcif Tissue Int. 1991;49 Suppl:S87. PMID: 1933611 An annual intramuscular injection of ergocalciferol (150,000 IU) normalized low serum (25(OH)D concentrations in elderly people for 1 year. The treatment had a slight effect on serum 24,25(OH)2D levels but no effect on 1,25(OH)2D levels.
Matti Narkia

An Evaluation of the Vitamin D3 Content in Fish: Is the Vitamin D Content Adequate to S... - 0 views

    An evaluation of the vitamin D3 content in fish: Is the vitamin D content adequate to satisfy the dietary requirement for vitamin D? Lu Z, Chen TC, Zhang A, Persons KS, Kohn N, Berkowitz R, Martinello S, Holick MF. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2007 Mar;103(3-5):642-4. Epub 2007 Jan 30. PMID: 17267210 doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2006.12.010 Surprisingly, farmed salmon had approximately 25% of the vitamin D content as wild salmon had. The vitamin D content in fish varied widely even within species. These data suggest that the tables that list the vitamin D content are out-of-date and need to be re-evaluated. Little is known about the effect of cooking on the vitamin D content in fish. When farm salmon was baked, almost all of the vitamin D content, i.e. 240 IU of vitamin D3 was recovered from 3.5 oz. of salmon. The initial concentration in the uncooked salmon was 245 IU of vitamin D3. However, when the salmon was fried in vegetable oil, approximately 50% (123 IU of vitamin D3 was recovered.) We also evaluated the vitamin D content in mackerel which is traditionally considered to be an excellent source of vitamin D3 because of its oily content. However, in the one sample that we tested, we only observed 24 IU of vitamin D3 in 3.5 oz.
Matti Narkia

veteraaniurheilija (christer sundqvist): D-vitamiini ja rasitusmurtumat - 0 views

    Lääkäri Juha-Petri Ruoholan väitöskirjan mukaan liian vähäinen D-vitamiinin saanti voi altistaa rasitusmurtumien syntymiselle urheilijoille. Tutkimuksen mukaan murtumapotilailla oli selkeästi normaalia alhaisemmat D-vitamiinitasot. On olemassa erityinen TRACP5b-entsyymi (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b), joka antaa aika selvän kuvan luun hajotuksen määrästä elimistössä. Tätä entsyymiä mitataan osteoporoosin (luukato) diagnostiikassa ja yllätyksettömästi sama entsyymi soveltui myös rasitusmurtumien osoittamiseen. Kohonnut seerumin TRACP5b-arvo nosti murtuman todennäköisyyden kahdeksankertaiseksi verrokkeihin nähden näissä Ruoholan tutkimuksissa. D-vitamiinia voi siis lämpimästi suositella urheilijoille varsinkin talvikuukausina, jolloin auringon kautta saatava D-vitamiinivaikutus on Suomessa lähes olematon.
Matti Narkia

Could vitamin D really cure your arthritis? | Mail Online - 0 views

    Now a new and controversial book by an American doctor suggests that taking even higher levels of the vitamin - 10 to 15 times the recommended amounts - can work wonders. Dr James Dowd, who works at the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, has been prescribing vitamin D to people suffering from chronic disorders such as arthritis, back pain and headaches and the result, he claims, is a huge improvement in their symptoms. In his book, The Vitamin D Cure, Dr Dowd describes a number of success stories using this approach. One of his patients, Barbara, for instance, was obese, and suffered from arthritis in one leg as well as high blood pressure. As Dowd explains: "In the past I would have given her anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medication, a pill to lose weight and drug treatment for hypertension."
Matti Narkia

Does vitamin D protect against cancer? « Cancer Research UK - Science Update - 0 views

    This month, the authoritative International Agency for Research into Cancer (IARC) have weighed in on the issue. By gathering a group of expert scientists, they have looked at all the available evidence and published a detailed report on vitamin D and cancer. The massive tome weighs in at 465 pages, but we'll take a look at the key points in the first of two posts looking at the vitamin D debate. It is impossible for us to get more than about five percent of the vitamin D we need from our diet - unless, like Eskimos, we eat oily fish three times a day.
Matti Narkia

Incidence of reported cold/influenza symptoms according to season - 0 views

    Incidence of reported cold/influenza symptoms according to season. The 104 subjects in the placebo group (light shade) reported cold and flu symptoms year around with the most symptoms in the winter. While on 800 IU per day (intermediate shade) the 104 test subjects were as likely to get sick in the summer as the winter. Only one of the 104 test subjects had cold/influenza symptoms during the final year of the trial, when they took 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day (dark shading). Adapted from: Aloia JF, Li-Ng M: Epidemic influenza and vitamin D. Epidemiol Infect 2007; 135: 1095-1096
Matti Narkia

D-vitamiininpuutos luultua yleisempi? - Matti Välimäki, dosentti, endokrinolo... - 0 views

    D-vitamiini on sekä ihossa syntyvä hormoni että suolistosta imeytyvä vitamiini. Vaatteettomalla alkuihmisellä iho todennäköisesti tuotti auringon ultraviolettisäteilyn vaikutuksesta tarpeeksi D-vitamiinia. Vaatteisiin verhoutunut nykyihminen elää alkuihmistä enemmän ravintoperäisen D-vitamiinin varassa. Sekä ihossa syntynyt että suolistosta imeytynyt D-vitamiini saatetaan elimistössä biologisesti aktiiviseen 1,25(OH)2D-vitamiinimuotoon kahden hydroksylaation kautta, joista ensimmäinen tapahtuu maksassa ja toinen munuaisissa. D-vitamiinin tärkein vaikutuskohta on suolisto, jossa se lisää sekä kalkin että fosfaatin imeytymistä ja turvaa näin luulle sen tärkeiden rakennusaineiden saannin. D-vitamiinin suorat luustovaikutukset ovat edelleenkin osin epäselviä ja todennäköisesti huomattavasti vähäisempiä merkitykseltään kuin D-vitamiinin vaikutukset kalsiumin ja fosfaatin imeytymiseen.
Matti Narkia

D-vitamiini - monivaikutteinen hormoni - Katsaus - Antti Aro - 0 views

    Seerumin 25-hydroksikolekalsiferolipitoisuuden määrittäminen on ratkaisevasti parantanut mahdollisuuksia arvioida elimistön D-vitamiinitilaa ja tämän vitamiinin saannin riittävyyttä. D-vitamiinin muodostuminen ihossa ultraviolettisäteilyn vaikutuksesta rajoittuu Suomessa kesäkuukausiin, ja vitamiinia tarvitaan ravinnosta ainakin talviaikaan. D-vitamiinin\nsaannin suositeltavaa määrää on suurennettu aikuisten osalta, koska tilannetta ei ole pidetty luuston hyvinvoinnin kannalta optimaalisena. Lisäksi tutkitaan D-vitamiinin ja sen metaboliittien mahdollisia suojavaikutuksia immunologisia sairauksia kuten tyypin 1 diabetesta sekä pahanlaatuisia kasvaimia kuten eturauhas- ja paksusuolisyöpää vastaan.
Matti Narkia

Researchers who touted high vitamin D doses shut out of panel - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    The panel selected to analyze the health claims is being criticized for not including the medical researchers whose work prompted intense scientific interest in the nutrient in the first place. "If you were publicly in favour of vitamin D, you were not included, and I find that outrageous," said Reinhold Vieth, a professor in the department of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto, and one of Canada's leading experts on the nutrient.
Matti Narkia

Animal Pharm: Hearts of Stone, Arteries of Glass - 0 views

    A recent Wall Street Journal article "Defending Against Disease -- With Vitamin D New Studies Suggest It Isn't Just Bones That Might Benefit" by the wonderful Melinda Beck highlights benefits of Vitamin D3. In TYP, we've known the benefits for years :) but it's nice to see the rest of the world catching up. The benefits of Vitamin D3 are potent, powerful immunomodulation -- to the point where autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial infections and cancer are effectively reduced. What is the value for heart disease and diabetes prevention? In hemodialysis patients, great lessons are can be learned. Nephrologists often describe patients with severe (stage 5) chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on hemodialysis as having 'hearts of stone, blood vessels of glass.' Unfortunately over 70% of chronic hemodialysis patients have coronary artery disease (and Lp(a)). What medical science shows is that Agatston coronary calcification scores can be dramatically reduced when vitamin D is replenished and calcium is restricted. Sevelamer (Renagel) is a calcium-free, metal-free polymer phosphate binder. In 52-weeks, calcium restriction, a phosphate-binder and vitamin D resulted in one individual in a 21% reduction in Agatston CAC score (from 968 to 756; see Figure 2).
Matti Narkia

Common genetic variants of the vitamin D binding protein (DBP) predict differences in r... - 0 views

    BACKGROUND: To determine the effect of vitamin D binding protein (DBP) genotypes on 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] changes with vitamin D supplements, we studied 98 adults receiving 600 or 4000 IU/d vitamin D(3) for one year. METHODS: The DBP functional variant, T436K, was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). RESULTS: Mean 25(OH)D increases were 97% for TT (n=48), 151% for TK (n=31) and 307% (n=6) for KK genotypes (p=.004). CONCLUSIONS: As with baseline 25(OH)D, T436K genotype predicts 25(OH)D changes after long-term vitamin D supplementation. Common genetic variants of the vitamin D binding protein (DBP) predict differences in response of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] to vitamin D supplementation. Fu L, Yun F, Oczak M, Wong BY, Vieth R, Cole DE. Clin Biochem. 2009 Jul;42(10-11):1174-7. Epub 2009 Mar 18. PMID: 19302999
Matti Narkia

Response -- Schwalfenberg 53 (9): 1435 -- Canadian Family Physician - 0 views

    Vitamin D supplementation. Eveleigh B. Can Fam Physician. 2007 Sep;53(9):1435; author reply 1435. PMID: 17872869 My concern regarding vitamin D2 is that it is a synthetic analogue and might interact with the vitamin D receptor differently in various cell systems. It has been reported that vitamin D3 might improve glycemic control.7 Vitamin D2 has been reported to cause worsening of glycemic control in people of East Indian descent.8 Is this because of vitamin D receptor polymorphism, or because of enhanced 24-hydroxylase enzyme activation, or is it due to how vitamin D2 interacts with the receptor? Until this has been sorted out, I feel safest using vitamin D3. There are about 2000 synthetic analogues of vitamin D. The search is on for one that can cross the blood-brain barrier to treat certain types of brain cancers without causing hypercalcemia.9 But then again, what other effects would this compound have? There are still so many unknowns
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