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Matti Narkia

"Marshall protocol." - Vitamin D Newsletter Apr 2008 | Vitamin D Question and Answer - 0 views

    I have been inundated with letters asking about Professor Marshall's recent "discovery." Some have written that to say they have stopped their vitamin D and are going to avoid the sun in order to begin the "Marshall protocol." The immediate cause of this angst is two publications, a press article in Science Daily about Professor Marshall's "study" (which is no study but simply an opinion) in BioEssays. Dr. Trevor Marshall has two degrees, both in electrical engineering
Matti Narkia

The Heart Scan Blog: The Marshall Protocol and other fairy tales - 0 views

    True to form, Dr. John Cannell has published yet another wonderfully insightful Vitamin D Newsletter. One item caught my eye, a response to a question about the Marshall Protocol. I, like Dr. Cannell, was inundated with questions about this so-called protocol, which amounts to little more than the unfounded speculations of a non-physician, actually someone not even involved in health care. In all honesty, I blew the whole issue off after I read Dr. Marshall's rants. They smack of pure quackery, though from somebody who clearly has a command of scientific lingo. To Dr. Cannell's credit, he took the time and effort to construct a rational response in the latest issue of the newsletter. I reproduce his response here:
Matti Narkia

Olmesartan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "Olmesartan (trade names Benicar, Olmetec) is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist used to treat high blood pressure. The prodrug olmesartan medoxomil is marketed worldwide by Daiichi Sankyo, Ltd. and in the United States by Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. and in India by Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. under the trade name Olvance. Olmesartan may possess high affinity for the Vitamin D Receptor, based on molecular modeling studies[2], but these results have not been duplicated in clinical trials. Because of the role of the Vitamin D receptor in innate immunity[3], this would indicate that olmesartan has immune modulatory properties. This theory is currently the premise underlying the Marshall Protocol, which uses olmesartan to impose a chemical blockade on 1,25 Vitamin D as part of a treatment of sarcoidosis and other diseases. The Marshall Protocol asserts that, assuming the etiology of these diseases is based on infection by cell-wall-deficient bacteria, restoring proper Vitamin D ratios via olmesartan dosing, combined with pulsed antibiotic dosing, would result in a cure.!
Matti Narkia

The health benefits of vitamin D greatly outweigh the health risks - 0 views

    In his recent essay, Trevor G. Marshall explores how vitamin D supplementation may be contributing to the current epidemics of obesity and chronic disease[1]. Unfortunately, he has overlooked many important papers that disagree with his hypothesis. This letter points out some of the omissions. The health benefits of vitamin D3 have been reviewed recently[2]. The benefits for bone health have been known for nearly a century. Benefits for cancer, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, and metabolic diseases have been identified in the past three decades.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D: the alternative hypothesis. - Autoimmun Rev. 2009 Jul;8(8):639-44. (full tex... - 0 views

    Vitamin D: the alternative hypothesis. Albert PJ, Proal AD, Marshall TG. Autoimmun Rev. 2009 Jul;8(8):639-44. Epub 2009 Feb 12. Review. PMID: 19393200 Emerging molecular evidence suggests that symptomatic improvements among those administered vitamin D is the result of 25-D's ability to temper bacterial-induced inflammation by slowing VDR activity. While this results in short-term palliation, persistent pathogens that may influence disease progression, proliferate over the long-term.
Matti Narkia

Take or avoid vitamin D supplements? - Forums - 0 views

    "Hi! This is Amy Proal. I wrote the article referenced at the start of the thread about vitamin D. Dr. Marshall is not concerned with vitamin D toxicity. Rather his molecular modeling research has clarified the actions of the two vitamin D metabolites 25-D and 1,25-D. The Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) is a fundamental receptor of the body - it controls the expression thousands of genes, as well as the activity of the innate immune system and the antimicrobial peptides. If you think of the VDR as a switch, 25-D (which is a corticosteroid) turns it off (inactivates it) and 1,25-D turn it on (activates it). What is commonly believed among vitamin D researchers is that if people supplement with extra vitamin D it will be converted into 1,25-D and activate the VDR. Unfortunately, Marshall's work revealed that the type of vitamin D derived from supplements and sun remains, for the most part, in it's precursor form 25-D. This means that the extra vitamin D we get from fortified food products and supplements is turning the VDR off, not on. That causes a decrease in immune function and gene transcription."
Matti Narkia

Take or avoid vitamin D supplements? - Forums - 0 views

    My plans to take vitamin D seemed well funded (lots of positive research these days about high vitamin D levels) and then I stumbled upon this article that promotes the views of Trevor Marshall. "The Truth About Vitamin D: Fourteen Reasons Why Misunderstanding Endures", by Amy Proal (a biologist), 15/09/2007
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D and Calcium in Sarcoidosis - 0 views

    A Review - Vitamin D and Calcium in Sarcoidosis\nTrevor G Marshall, PhD, 5 July 2003
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D Deficiency in Older Men. - 0 views

    Vitamin D Deficiency in Older Men.\nOrwoll E, Nielson CM, Marshall LM, Lambert L, Holton KF, Hoffman AR, Barrett-Connor E, Shikany JM, Dam T, Cauley JA; for the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Group.\nJ Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jan 27. [Epub ahead of print]\nPMID: 19174492
Matti Narkia

Holick explains how Vit D made the Dinosaurs extinct - Prof. Marshall's Perspective - P... - 0 views

    On 29th September, Dr Michael Holick appeared on the "Coast to Coast" radio show, hosted by George Noory: As many of you can't afford a subscription to listen to the whole show, I have edited the broadcast into an MP3 file of short snippets, so that we can (intelligently) discuss what was said. There is a "beep tone" to separate each snippet of info. You can download it from: First is the introduction, setting out Dr Holick's overview of Vit D.
Matti Narkia

Reversing bacteria-induced vitamin D receptor dysfunction is key to autoimmune disease.... - 0 views

    Reversing bacteria-induced vitamin D receptor dysfunction is key to autoimmune disease. Waterhouse JC, Perez TH, Albert PJ. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 Sep;1173:757-65. PMID: 19758226
Matti Narkia

Can a Treatment for Sarcoidosis be Helpful for CFS or Fibromyalgia? - 0 views

    Is the MP Treatment for Sarcoidosis Helpful for Other Chronic Diseases? MP's Vitamin D Theories Are Not Supported by Lab Studies. Updated July 2, 2008 "The MP treatment plan was originally designed to treat an inflammatory condition known as sarcoidosis. The treatment consists of using the drug Benicar, combined with the avoidance of all sources of vitamin D, and eventually adding various antibiotics, especially minocycline. After being used by sarcoidosis patients for some years, it was then theorized and claimed that the treatment could treat other inflammatory conditions. Eventually it was also claimed that it could treat fibromyalgia and CFS, conditions which are not recognized by the medical literature as being inflammatory in nature. "
Matti Narkia

The Truth About Vitamin D: Fourteen Reasons Why Misunderstanding Endures - 0 views

    The Truth About Vitamin D: Fourteen Reasons Why Misunderstanding Endures Author: Amy Proal
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