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2013 Horizon.K12: The Interim Results | The New Media Consortium - 0 views

    The NMC is pleased to announce the interim results of the 2013 Horizon.K12 Project, as presented at the 2013 CoSN Conference in San Diego. The Horizon Project Advisory Board voted for the top 12 emerging technologies as well as the top ten trends and challenges that they believe will have a significant impact on teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in global K-12 education over the next five years. These initial results will be compiled into an interim report, known as the "Short List," and described in further detail.

The Web Revolution: This is Just the Beginning -- THE Journal - 0 views

    ""Take a look at the smartphone in your hand," Jaime Casap, Global Education Evangelist for Google, told the crowd during his keynote at the FETC 2013 conference in Orlando Wednesday. "That smartphone is just a phone to a kid. And to many kids, it isn't even a phone." Casap pulled his own phone from his pocket. "What you have in your hand is going to be their Commodore 64. It's going to be their Apple IIe. When they're in their twenties, it's going to be the thing they buy at a thrift store and put on a shelf in their hipster apartment just because it's cool to have one." That's the generation, he said, that's coming into our schools, and we need to be ready for that."

Globally Connected Educator - 1 views

    from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

QuadBlogging | "In terms of young children developing as writers this is the most inter... - 0 views

    QuadBlogging is a leg up to an audience for your class/school blog. Over the last 12 months 70,000 pupils have been involved in QuadBlogging from 2000 classes in over 35 countries. The concept is simple, either watch the short video to the right or keep reading… A Blog needs an audience to keep it alive for your learners. Too often blogs wither away leaving the learners frustrated and bored. Quadblogging gives your blog a truly authentic and global audience that will visit your blog, leave comments and return on a cycle. Here's how it works:

Reflections on a 1:1 iPad: It is a Tool, NOT a Toy! « techchef4u - 2 views

    I had the wonderful app-ortunity to make a site visit to Westlake H.S. in Eanes ISD on Wednesday February 1st. When we arrived, various campus and district officials shared some background on the student-centered learning initiative. They focused on multiple benefits of the 1:1 iPad initiative where high school seniors were issued iPads like textbooks at the beginning of the year. In a time where global communication, inquiry-based opportunities, and self-directed learning is how students manage the information revolution, it was refreshing to get to observe an iLearning Utopia.

Welcome To Focus Education - 1 views

    Focus Education provides a global Professional Learning Service for educators, corporations, parents and students. The mission of the organisation is to provide the most current information about learning with the brain in mind as possible, at the most competitive rate achievable.

WorldImages - 0 views

    "The internationally recognized WorldImages database provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project. It contains almost 75,000 images, is global in coverage and includes all areas of visual imagery. WorldImages is accessible anywhere and its images may be freely used for non-profit educational purposes. The images can be located using many search techniques, and for convenience they are organized into over 800 portfolios which are then organized into subject groupings. To explore them click below. "

Books Go Global -- Voicethread book reviews by Global grade 4 students - 0 views

    "Right now, this project is being conducted in English with fourth grade classes around the world, but we would love to open it up to other age ranges and languages over the course of the year. We are actively looking for more partners, so please feel free to sign up here! Once you've signed up, check out the teacher planning page to see how to get started. "

Games for Change (G4C) -- GLOBAL CONFLICT - 0 views

    A list of games related to: "Wars and military actions between countries or regions spurred by geographic, religious, ethnic or other differences."

Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Publishers, Participants All - 0 views

    "This is a world in which public is the new default. Thought leader Michael Schrage (2010) notes that "the traditional two-page résumé has been turned into a 'personal productivity portal' that empowers prospective employers to quite literally interact with their candidate's work." The rules for building your personal brand are changing at light speed. It's not enough to suggest that we have those admirable skills of creativity, initiative, and entrepreneurship; now we have to show them in action online. In short, our résumé is becoming a Google search result, one that we build with the help of others and that requires our participation. Most students are beginning to face this reality without much assistance from the schools charged with preparing them for the world beyond school. That has to change. We need to help students understand more than just the safety and ethics of participating online; we also have to give them opportunities throughout the curriculum to find and follow their passions and publish meaningful, quality work for real global audiences to interact with." Article by Will RIchardson

MIT OpenCourseWare | Economics | 14.73 The Challenge of World Poverty, Fall 2009 | Home - 0 views

    A free online university course, but some of the readings might be useful to teachers in primary/secondary  - DESCRIPTION: "This is a course for those who are interested in the challenge posed by massive and persistent world poverty, and are hopeful that economists might have something useful to say about this challenge. The questions we will take up include: Is extreme poverty a thing of the past? What is economic life like when living under a dollar per day? Why do some countries grow fast and others fall further behind? Does growth help the poor? Are famines unavoidable? How can we end child labor-or should we? How do we make schools work for poor citizens? How do we deal with the disease burden? Is micro finance invaluable or overrated? Without property rights, is life destined to be "nasty, brutish and short"? Has globalization been good to the poor? Should we leave economic development to the market? Should we leave economic development to non-governmental organizations (NGOs)? Does foreign aid help or hinder? Where is the best place to intervene?"

Global Learning: The Primary Way | Powerful Learning Practice - 1 views

    Great blog post about a Grade 1 classroom and their first day of school. They connected with people in 3 different places around the world. Awesome stuff.

The 12 Most Important Things to Know About "Kids of Today" | Angela Maiers Educational ... - 0 views

    1) They are bright and creative 2) They are optimists 3) They are good at sharing 4) They are global learners and excellent teachers 5) They are conscious and conscientious 6) They are bold and brave 7) They are challenge-seekers 8) They are active participants and problem solvers 9) They are question askers 10) They value friends and relationships 11) They are changing the world 12) They still want and need our guidance

The History of English in Ten Minutes - Open University - YouTube - 1 views

    10 videos Total length: 13 minutes Description: Where did the phrase 'a wolf in sheep's clothing' come from? And when did scientists finally get round to naming sexual body parts? Voiced by Clive Anderson, this entertaining romp through 'The History of English' squeezes 1600 years of history into 10 one-minute bites, uncovering the sources of English words and phrases from Shakespeare and the King James Bible to America and the Internet. Bursting with fascinating facts, the series looks at how English grew from a small tongue into a major global language before reflecting on the future of English in the 21st century.

National University of Singapore (NUS) - A global university centred in Asia - 0 views

    A recent paper published in leading medical journal The Lancet has attributed the high occurrence of child myopia in East Asian cities to rising educational pressures and lifestyle changes, which lead to children spending less time outdoors. 

Teaching Children About Digital Footprints | Primary Tech - 1 views

    "Unfortunately, I've come across a number of resources which only focus on the negatives of digital footprints and promote a culture of fear. The message I like to promote is that we should protect our digital footprints and try to ensure that they are positive. Encouraging students to avoid posting or doing anything online just seems counter productive."
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