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Keri-Lee Beasley

Kids and Tech: Parenting Tips for the Digital Age - 0 views

    "The best way to make technology a healthy and positive part of family life is actually to embrace it, educate yourself about it and go hands-on with new devices, apps, social networks and services wherever possible."
Louise Phinney

Mixed Perceptions About Kids Using Digital Media | MindShift - 0 views

    As for her advice for parents, Takeuchi suggests that they make screen time into family time by watching TV or playing video games with their kids. That would help inform parents about how much digital media their kids are consuming and make it a more enriching experience.
Jeffrey Plaman

How-To: Turn Mac Parental Controls Into Productivity Boosters - Apple News, Tips and Reviews - 0 views

    This is a nice post that describes how you can use Parental Controls to turn your Mac into a distraction-free zone.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Teach Parents Tech - 0 views

    Clever letter from google on how to teach your parents tech. Lots of useful and practical ideas. Worth checking out.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Raising 'Digital' Kids - Parent Workshop by David Truss - home - 0 views

    This FREE workshop is for parents, both the tech savvy and the less technically inclined, who would like to develop family expectations around the use of technology to play, learn and connect. By David Truss
Keri-Lee Beasley

ISB Parent Connect Program - 1 views

    ISB's Parent Connect programme
Louise Phinney

KP 2010-11 made a video to help the new KP class and their parents learn about kindergarten. | KP - 2 views

    Blog from Yokohama Kindergarten teacher Zoe Page, with a video the children made to show parents their day at school
Jeffrey Plaman

Addressing Parent Fears About the Changing Classroom | MindShift - 1 views

    Very timely for a new laptop program and parent evening coming up.
Sean McHugh

Digital media can enhance family life, says LSE study - 1 views

  • engaging in digital media activities together such as watching films, playing video games and keeping in touch via calls and messaging apps brings families together rather than dividing them
  • rather than displacing established ways of interacting, playing and communicating – digital media sit alongside them
  • the report’s authors highlighted parents’ concerns about “screen time”, which is a source of conflict in homes, though sleep and behaviour cause more disagreement. They also flag up a lack of support for parents who may face particular challenges regarding their child or family’s digital media use. Whereas on other issues they might turn to their own parents for advice, the digital generation gap means they are unlikely to be able to help
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • traditional, shared activities persist in families, alongside newer digital activities
  • Rather than worrying about the overall amount of screen time children get, it might be better to support parents, many of whom are digital natives themselves, in deciding whether, when and why particular digital activities help or harm their child, and what to do about it
Keri-Lee Beasley

How to Be a Fun Dad but Still Be in Control | Common Sense Media - 1 views

    Nice article on balancing being a fun parent while maintaining control.
Sean McHugh

Do Violent Games Lead Kids Astray? - IGN - 0 views

  • dialogue is far removed, however, from the intensely heated conflict that exists at the smaller, more personal scale. On the one hand you have the millions of Americans who play games, whether on a console or a smartphone, and have been raised in a time where such things are ubiquitous. On the other is a (generally older) population whose exposure to games has been limited to the most visible examples of the medium, including billion-dollar series like Call of Duty and notorious time sinks like FarmVille that paint a limited portrait of gaming's full range.
  • "You’re not wrong to be concerned about the time your son spends playing video games," wrote Moody. "But let me ask you this: If there were no video games here, wouldn’t there be some other stimulus that could threaten his time by diverting his attention away from, wait, what did you call it? 'What I feel are much more worthwhile and ultimately rewarding pursuits.’ 
  • fears about video games are understandable. Like anything else, they can become the focal point of unhealthy behavior all too easily, a point Moody is quick to emphasize. As Moody says again and again, though, that’s hardly the fault of video games.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Video games actually encourage problem solving and memory skills in young people. "[Children] have to discover the rules of the game and how to think strategically,"
  • Even video games that can horrify with their grisly depictions of violence have benefits that individuals like ADCP are unaware of due to an unwillingness to engage the material.
  • some studies are finding that video games can help improve people’s quality of life for longer.
  • their results point to the need for more study. They don’t know for sure if it’s the games that improves mental health in seniors, or simply the mental activity they stimulate.
  • Video games are just tools, outlets for people to express themselves in as vast a variety of ways as anything else. They are still relatively new creations, and the unknown can frighten anyone, hence the uproar that’s followed games for years. The same uproar and indignation that followed rock and roll in the '50s and novels in the 19th century.
  • This is why the Violent Content Research Act of 2013 is ultimately a good thing. It will lead to, ideally, a deeper understanding of how we interact with games. For parents, children, players, academics, and everyone else with a vested interest in a gaming future, the most important thing is to maintain perspective.
    "Video games are just tools, outlets for people to express themselves in as vast a variety of ways as anything else. They are still relatively new creations, and the unknown can frighten anyone, hence the uproar that's followed games for years. The same uproar and indignation that followed rock and roll in the '50s and novels in the 19th century. This is why the Violent Content Research Act of 2013 is ultimately a good thing. It will lead to, ideally, a deeper understanding of how we interact with games. For parents, children, players, academics, and everyone else with a vested interest in a gaming future, the most important thing is to maintain perspective."
Sean McHugh

Common Sense Media Debuts 1-to-1 Essentials | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    "Gone are the days when you can dump out a backpack or flip through a folder to see your kids' work. The answers to "What did you do today?" are locked inside a password-protected device. Often kids have the upper hand in understanding how the device works -- and those 10-inch screens make it difficult to look over kids' shoulders. That's why the Common Sense Media Education team created the 1-to-1 Essentials Program. It's a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive, and free offering that covers everything that administrators, teachers, and parents need to know to maximize the benefits of schools' technology programs. "
Keri-Lee Beasley

CMCH - Establish Time Limits - 0 views

    Parenting suggestions from the Center on Media & Child Health
Keri-Lee Beasley

Young children and computers | Raising Children Network - 1 views

    Australian parenting site makes recommendations about preschool computer use
Keri-Lee Beasley

Living with Laptops | - 1 views

    Great resource from YIS about living with laptops = workshop with parents.
Louise Phinney

Playing Along: Why Parents and Educators Need to Use & Discuss Media With Children | Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning - 0 views

    Turns out sitting your 5-year-old in front of the PBS Kids website while you make dinner or encouraging your fourth grader to play "Math Missions" on your iPad after school is not necessarily enough to ensure they learn from the experience.
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