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Katie Day

Digital Roadtrip * Unique method for accessing student work on iPads? - 1 views

    "We all know that we can share via iTunes over USB to any Mac/PC with a recent version of iTunes. Well would you believe the same thing works without a cable and it doesn't have to be the Mac/PC that manages the devices. It means that any teacher can access all the students files on a device that has been "Saved to iTunes".  You can even pick up the work, mark it and hand it back to the iPad whilst the iPad is still being used by the kids (unbeknown to the user!). As consumers we can sync over wifi and share files via iTunes. You can do this with a class set of iPads by attaching each device once to the teacher's computer and checking the "sync over wifi" option and "enable". Don't sync -just unplug each device. Provided you are on the same network, you can then open and close files on the class set from your computer."
Sean McHugh

Common Sense Media Debuts 1-to-1 Essentials | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    "Gone are the days when you can dump out a backpack or flip through a folder to see your kids' work. The answers to "What did you do today?" are locked inside a password-protected device. Often kids have the upper hand in understanding how the device works -- and those 10-inch screens make it difficult to look over kids' shoulders. That's why the Common Sense Media Education team created the 1-to-1 Essentials Program. It's a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive, and free offering that covers everything that administrators, teachers, and parents need to know to maximize the benefits of schools' technology programs. "
Louise Phinney

How Devices in the Classroom Enable Mobile Learning - 0 views

    In education, the words "mobile learning" are starting to appear more often. Mobile learning is anytime, anywhere seamless learning. In other words, it is ubiquitous learning. A mobile learning device could be a net book, iPad, iPod Touch or even a smartphone.
Jeffrey Plaman

Turn off electronic devices before turning in - 2 views

    Experts are concerned that youths compromise their sleep quality when they use electronic devices before bedtime, said Julie Carrier, a researcher funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Katie Day

Tablets - essay by Paul Graham - 0 views

    "I was thinking recently how inconvenient it was not to have a general term for iPhones, iPads, and the corresponding things running Android. The closest to a general term seems to be "mobile devices," but that (a) applies to any mobile phone, and (b) doesn't really capture what's distinctive about the iPad. After a few seconds it struck me that what we'll end up calling these things is tablets. The only reason we even consider calling them "mobile devices" is that the iPhone preceded the iPad. If the iPad had come first, we wouldn't think of the iPhone as a phone; we'd think of it as a tablet small enough to hold up to your ear."
Louise Phinney

bloomsapps - 1 views

    Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available.  While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! 
Jeffrey Plaman

Mobile Access Shifts Social Media Use and Other Online Activities | Pew Research Center... - 0 views

    Accessing the internet on mobile devices The survey shows that 91% of teens go online from a mobile device, at least occasionally. African-American teens are
Keri-Lee Beasley

Apple Releases Apple Configurator for Businesses & Schools - 0 views

    App for managing multiple devices.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Apps that limit my child's time on the iPad. - - 0 views

    Helpful apps for managing time on devices.
Jeffrey Plaman

Team and Community Building Using Mobile Devices « User Generated Education - 0 views

    Lots of activities for team and community building involving digital tools, mobile devices and online spaces.
Louise Phinney

Why Students Should Run Professional Development For Teachers - 1 views

    Not only is technology easy for them to use, giving them a central place where everything important is located, they also enjoy using these devices. That's why when it comes to education, teachers need to listen to students.
Sean McHugh

5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) | Edudemic - 2 views

    With more schools opting for 1:1 student-to-iPad access, there exists a tremendous opportunity for a transformative shift in classrooms where students are empowered to navigate their own learning. While we've witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we're struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. We're sharing these common challenges with you, so your school doesn't have to make them. 1) Focusing on content apps 2) Lack of Teacher Preparation in Classroom Management of iPads 3) Treating the iPad as a computer and expecting it to serve as a laptop. 4) Treating iPads like multi-user devices 5) Failure to communicate a compelling answer to "Why iPads?"
Jeffrey Plaman

The iPad & Critical Pedagogy - Mark Anderson's Blog - 2 views

    I'll go ahead and say it - I think the discussion on the iPad and Pedagogy needs to go further. Too many posts (and I am guilty of this too) focus on, "check out this cool app", or "did you know the iPad can do this"; you've all seen them. I really feel we are past the time where we should be looking at the functionality of the iPad as a device and be looking at it in a way which ensures we are looking more at how learning can be redefined and modified through the use of the iPad.
Louise Phinney

Technology in Schools: Defining the Terms | Edutopia - 0 views

    "In fact, the focus of the framework rests on a much larger concept of the ways in which humans have altered and continue to alter the "natural world" with the goal of fulfilling "needs and desires." Technology is much bigger and more complex than a single device or site."
Louise Phinney

Five Useful Tips To Master iBooks On Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch [Feature] | Cult ... - 0 views

    That said, there's always room to learn just a few more tricks to make the experience even better for you. Here, then, are five tips to master iBooks on your iOS device of choice.
Louise Phinney

Inside Look at Modern Study Habits | MindShift - 0 views

    StudyBlue recently surveyed 500 students about what study habits got them through finals. The picture of the modern student that emerged from student responses highlights the importance of digital devices, especially mobile technology.
Louise Phinney

The Principal of Change - 0 views

    " Time is always scarce, yet more things are coming our way.  Would I be comfortable that schools produced a student did not know cursive but could effectively communicate using a computer or mobile device? Probably. Would I be comfortable if a student knew cursive but had no idea how to communicate over a computer? Nope.  Would I prefer they could do both? Absolutely."
Louise Phinney

Make It Work: Sharing Class Sets of iPads - 1 views

    "Do NOT allow the iPads to live in mobile carts - when I see an iPad in a cart, I see money being burned. The carts should be where the iPads sleep when school is closed. This is where they re-charge. But there should be a school-wide routine that as soon as kids enter a room with an iPad cart, they each walk up to the cart and get their assigned iPad. They should keep that iPad on their desk until the end of the day and return it to the cart as they walk out of the classroom. iPads should be as essential to a student desk as pencils were 20 years ago. Teachers (and kids) will be much more likely to pick up and use the devices if they're right there, as opposed to having to plan to take them out and use them for "tech time" and then put them away. Think about how you use mobile tech in your everyday life - you pull your phone out of your pocket to look up information when it's relevant, rather than waiting until your "computer time" later in the week. Students should be able to do the same."
Keri-Lee Beasley

How Should Reading Be Taught in a Digital Era? - Education Week - 1 views

    "With the many enhancements to mobile devices, multimedia websites, e-books, interactive graphics, and social media, there's no question that the nature of reading has changed during the past decade. But has the way reading is taught in elementary schools changed as well? And what should teachers be doing to get students ready for the realities of modern reading?"
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