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Mary van der Heijden

Inquiry learning - 1 views

    Brain based and constructivist learning is a huge area to learn about but basically it's the theory behind inquiry learning. Brain based learning put simply means using what scientists know about the brain to understand how students learn best.  Constructivist learning is the means by which we construct learning. It is based on students participating in constructing their own learning and the teacher facilitating this rather than teaching it to students as in the traditional chalk and talk model.  
Louise Phinney

Authentic Assessment in Action | Edutopia - 0 views

    "At Sammamish High School, our staff has dedicated our professional development to building expertise in the key elements of problem-based learning. Previous blog entries by my colleagues have given an overview of this process, as well as exploring how we include student voice and work with authentic problems. Another crucial element of successful problem-based learning is using authentic assessment throughout all stages of a unit to constantly evaluate and improve student learning. "
Louise Phinney

Future proof your Education - 0 views

    The concept of 21st Learning has been around since the 1990s. There was a recognition that with the pace of technological change, the jobs of the 20th Century would be unrecognisable to those living in the 21st Century. We had to prepare our students for a future of great difference and uncertainty. As a result, we needed to move towards a more independent, skills based education system rather than the model we had that was based on content knowledge and specific skills for specific jobs. Well, we are into the second decade of the 21st Century and the question has to be asked - how well have we advanced in developing 21st Century Learners?
Keri-Lee Beasley

Use Google Docs to Facilitate a Digital Writer's Workshop ~ Cool Tools for 21st Century... - 0 views

    The features in Google Docs can be used to facilitate a digital writer's workshop based on peer editing, and they are particularly useful when combined with cooperative grouping strategies to fine-tune students' editing skills. While students are writing their drafts, teachers can take advantage of opportunities to lead small instructional groups to help them focus on specific cooperative grouping job-related skills, then students can share their drafts with other group members who use comments to suggest revisions based on their job. The immediate feedback provided by peers will likely encourage writers to check comments and revise at home and stay on task during classroom work time. The revision history will keep student comments and revisions honest and focused on the task.
Jeffrey Plaman

JiTT Resources - 1 views

    "The JiTT strategy is based on the notion of a feedback loop between the out-of-class assignments and the subsequent classroom activities. Based on the student responses, the instructor selects an appropriate set of items that will make up the lesson. The classroom experience then informs the choice of the next set of web assignments. Over the past seven years faculty across the country have developed a rich set of JiTT resources. To look at some examples please visit A JiTT Sampler. "
Katie Day

YES students use iPod touches to improve reading skills - 0 views

    "Students use the iPod touches to record themselves reading what Nienhueser calls a fresh read passage, as it is the first time they have read it. They then listen to the recording and score themselves based on a rubric given to them by their teacher. The rubric scores students based on their level of fluency, expression, pacing and smoothness. Next, each student meets with a partner so they can evaluate someone else's recording. Nienhueser said students have to be able to explain why they chose the scores they selected. The partners also take time to see if they agree with each other's scores."
Jeffrey Plaman - 0 views

    Computational thinking is a phrase that has received considerable attention over the past several years - but there is little agreement about what computational thinking encompasses, and even less agreement about strategies for assessing the development of computational thinking in young people. We are interested in the ways that design-based learning activities - in particular, programming interactive media - support the development of computational thinking in young people. Over the past several years, we have developed a computational thinking framework that emerged from our studies of the activities of interactive media designers. Our context is Scratch - a programming environment that enables young people to create their own interactive stories, games, and simulations, and then share those creations in an online community with other young programmers from around the world. The first part of the paper describes the key dimensions of our computational thinking framework: computational concepts (the concepts designers engage with as they program, such as iteration, parallelism, etc.), computational practices (the practices designers develop as they engage with the concepts, such as debugging projects or remixing others' work), and computational perspectives (the perspectives designers form about the world around them and about themselves). The second part of the paper describes our evolving approach to assessing these dimensions, including project portfolio analysis, artifact-based interviews, and design scenarios. We end with a set of suggestions for assessing the learning that takes place when young people engage in programming.
Katie Day

Science NetLinks: Resources for Teaching Science - 1 views

    Providing a wealth of resources for K-12 science educators, Science NetLinks is your guide to meaningful standards-based Internet experiences for students.
Louise Phinney

iOS6 Upgrades and Impact on Use in Schools | Classroom Aid - 0 views

    "Technology is always upgrading, especially something popular like iPads with huge user base. Apple has the strong resource to make it better and better. After the upgrades of iOS6,  Lisa Nash - the author of Learning and Teaching with iPads, made a list of its impact in the use of schools. Readers will find these changes are thoughtful considerations for daily use practice."
Jeffrey Plaman - 1 views

    Beautiful infographics based on photographic images.
Martin Lyon - 1 views

    This looks like a really easy to follow site based around citation and academic honesty.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Game-Based Learning | - 0 views

    Great scoopit page by Jackie Gerstein. via @jplaman
Keri-Lee Beasley

iPad Scotland Final Evaluation Report (October 2012) | Classroom Aid - 0 views

    The final report of the iPad Scotland Evaluation undertaken for schools and local authorities in Scotland was released by the Technology Enhanced Learning Group based in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hull in October. 8 primary and secondary schools were assigned to participate the research by local authorities, the approximate number of iPads in pilot is 365
Sean McHugh

Video game invades classroom, scores education points - 0 views

    "two influential foundations, leading academics, two global testing firms and the video game industry could redefine how schools teach basic skills. Tinkering for the past several months at the Silicon Valley offices of one of the world's largest video game developers, the alliance is pushing to develop materials based on off-the-shelf video games that will get kids ready for "college and career success," a key, largely unmet goal of the USA's education system."
Katie Day

Say Goodbye to Creativity Awards - Werner Reinartz and Peter Saffert - Harvard Business... - 0 views

    measuring creativity.... "A metric that we have applied is originally based on the famous Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT). We compared 437 ad campaigns from 90 leading brands in 10 different FMCG categories in Germany. Using an advertising creativity scale developed from communications researchers at Indiana University in 2007 we evaluated and indexed each campaign's creativity levels. Specifically, we measured five dimensions of advertising creativity: (1) originality (was the ad original, rare, surprising, unique?); (2) flexibility (does the ad link the product to different ideas, concepts, or subjects?); (3) elaboration (does the ad contain intricate or numerous details?); (4) synthesis (does the ad blend normally unrelated objects or ideas?); and (5) artistic value (does the ad excel visually, verbally, or graphically?). "
Katie Day

I, Pencil - 1 views

shared by Katie Day on 07 Mar 13 - No Cached
    Internet resources based on Leonard Read's famous essay, I, PENCIL
Louise Phinney

TeachThought | 6 Basic Benefits Of Game-Based Learning - 0 views

    increases a child's memory capacity, computer and simulation fluency, helps with fast strategic thinking, hand eye coordination, benefits children with attention disorders, helps particular skill development 
Katie Day

Interactive Fiction Game Design | - 0 views

    "what can an English class do to leverage the potential of game-based learning?"
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