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Funniest tweets on the second presidential debate - - 0 views

  • Twitter says there were 7.2 million tweets during the 90-minute debate.
  • favorite tweets of the night
    When Tweeting was Fun to read during an open session
Mathieu Plourde

What KitchenAid Learned on Debate Night: Every Tweet is Forever - 0 views

    "KitchenAid deleted the original tweet and apologized within eight minutes, according to SimplyMeasured and as reported by Mashable. Minutes are an eternity on Twitter, where retweets can spread like wildfire, especially during major news events - and the widely watched presidential debate at the University of Denver saw more than 10 million tweets sent while the two candidates were on stage."
Mathieu Plourde

What's a Blog Post Worth? - 0 views

    Which ultimately does more good-an article or monograph that is read by 20 or 30 people in a very narrow field, or a blog post on a topic of interest to many (such as grading standards or tenure requirements) that is read by 200,000? What if the post spurs hundreds of comments, is debated publicly in faculty lounges and classrooms, and gets picked up by newspapers and Web sites across the country-in other words, it helps to shape the national debate over some hot-button issue? What is it worth then?
Mathieu Plourde

We Have Lost the Term "MOOC" - 0 views

    "I have argued the futility of continuing to call the connectivist-style online courses by the term MOOC. In popular culture MOOC means Udacity, Coursera or EdX, and Andrew Ng's keynote on Wednesday showed the tone-deafness of the dominant paradigm. At #OpenEd13 debate continued among the group of experts (and this conference was full of experts) regarding how we properly define a MOOC, akin to the debate at Educause where Mathieu Plourde argued that every term in the acronym is negotiable. My argument at #OpenEd13 is that such thinking is counter-productive to the political and cultural conversation about distance, online and open education: those of us in that world are still arguing about the definition, but in the mainstream the ship has sailed, and we need to accept that the term MOOC no longer means what it did in 2008."
Mathieu Plourde

Scholars debate etiquette of live-tweeting academic conferences - 0 views

    ""[I]t's presumptive to assume that we should share other people's work w/o asking," wrote @eetempleton, an assistant professor of English. "I would disagree," rejoined @alothian, another English assistant professor. "when I speak & others tweet, I learn a LOT about my own ideas." Some worried that having someone tweet their insights before they publish might increase the likelihood that they will be scooped by a colleague - although others regarded that notion as slightly paranoid.  "
Mathieu Plourde

Beyond Videos: 4 Ways Instructional Designers Can Craft Immersive Educational Media | E... - 0 views

    ""Relate" videos get the student to feel connected to the instructor. They seek to establish instructor presence. They also prompt students to reflect on their own prior experiences with the topic and reasons for taking the course. "Narrate" videos share stories, anecdotes, or case studies that illustrate a concept or put the learning in context. They tap into the power of narrative to make learning sticky. "Demonstrate" videos illustrate how to do something in a step-by-step way. They pull back the curtain on invisible phenomena or procedures. They visually demonstrate how students will complete assignments and apply learning in the real world. "Debate" videos are perhaps the most important if you want students to actually change the way they think. These videos explicitly surface and address the misconceptions that students have about a domain and showcase competing points of view."
Pat Sine

The Internet? We Built That - - 0 views

    "Who created the Internet and why should we care? These questions, so often raised during the Bush-Gore election in 2000, have found their way back into the political debate this season - starting with one of the most cited texts of the preconvention campaign, Obama's so-called "you didn't build that" speech. "The Internet didn't get invented on its own," Obama argued, in the lines that followed his supposed gaffe. "Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet." In other words: business uses the Internet, but government made it happen."
Mathieu Plourde

Douglas Rushkoff - Program or Be Programmed - 2 views

    "The debate over whether the Net is good or bad for us fills the airwaves and the blogosphere. But for all the heat of claim and counter-claim, the argument is essentially beside the point: it's here; it's everywhere. The real question is, do we direct technology, or do we let ourselves be directed by it and those who have mastered it?"
Mathieu Plourde

The Accent Is on the "Massive." Should It Be? - 1 views

    "We should be justifiably proud of the remarkable and enviable triumphs of American higher education. Instead, we find most recent conversations about higher education echoing around this one tiny (and so far trivial) aspect of the complex and diverse ecosystem of higher education. This focus on technological platforms at the expense of actual threats, challenges, and successes robs us of the ability to have sober, informed debates about the proper level and style of investment in higher education. So I suggest we let MOOCs grow and do their best work, learn from successes and mistakes, and stop assuming that they are the simple answer to anything meaningful and profound in the production and distribution of knowledge. The world is just not that simple."
Mathieu Plourde

Debate continues over benefits of technology-oriented education - 0 views

    Educational technology professor Mathieu Plourde said screen time should be supervised, not banned, in the household. The fact that technology is so present in the world today will put kids who do not know how to use certain devices at a disadvantage and despite beliefs about the harmful effects of screen time, not informing children on how to use these technologies may be more detrimental, he said.
Mathieu Plourde

More Fuel for the Google+ Debate? - 0 views

    "This kind of finding in no way points to 'engagement' levels (whatever that means to you). It's just a number of accounts. But take the growing number of Google+ proponents and a 'convert' like Hoffman and it might just mean that Google+ is here to stay regardless of the pundits and hate it generates even today."

Social Media in the Classroom: The Digital Safety Debate (Part 1 of 3) - iKeepSafe - 0 views

    Safe Keeping
Mathieu Plourde

E-Content: Opportunity and Risk - 1 views

    Although institutional leaders are still discussing e-content plans, in reality the debate is over: students are asking for digital now, this semester.
Mathieu Plourde

Journalists at Sochi are live-tweeting their hilarious and gross hotel experiences - 0 views

    Amid continued debate over whether or not Sochi is prepared to host the 2014 Olympics, which begins Thursday, reporters from around the world are starting to check into local hotels - to their apparent grief. Some journalists arriving in Sochi are describing appalling conditions in the housing there, where only six of nine media hotels are ready for guests. Hotels are still under construction. Water, if it's running, isn't drinkable. One German photographer told the AP over the weekend that his hotel still had stray dogs and construction workers wandering in and out of rooms.
Mathieu Plourde

Developing countries and MOOCs: Online education could hurt national systems. - 0 views

    "In the United States-where public universities are hurting for funds, tuition and debt levels are growing, and graduation rates are stagnant-debate has focused on whether MOOCs represent a necessary innovation or the deplorable cheapening of elite university education. The question is: Could the hybrid, small-group model that's evolving abroad also provide a needed alternative for underserved American students?"
Mathieu Plourde

Area school districts debate cellphone policies - 0 views

    In Pennsylvania, the issue is primarily addressed at the local level with districts setting policy. For the most part, the use of such devices is banned during the school day. Some districts ban possession of such devices altogether while others allow students to bring them to school as long as they remain out of sight during the regular school day. Steel Valley School District officials are examining a policy already on the books that allows students to bring devices to school but requires the devices be turned over to school officials. A district committee recently discussed allowing students in secondary grades to stow their devices in their lockers rather than check them in each morning.
Mathieu Plourde

Active Learning Leads to Higher Grades and Fewer Failing Students in Science, Math, and... - 1 views

    "A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences addressed this question by conducting the largest and most comprehensive review of the effect of active learning on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education. Their answer is a resounding yes. According to Scott Freeman, one of the authors of the new study, "The impact of these data should be like the Surgeon General's report on "Smoking and Health" in 1964-they should put to rest any debate about whether active learning is more effective than lecturing.""
Mathieu Plourde

Professor Says Facebook Can Help Informal Learning - 0 views

    "In a paper released on Monday, Christine Greenhow, an assistant professor of education at Michigan State University, argues that using informal social-media settings to carry on debates about science can help students refine their argumentative skills, increase their scientific literacy, and supplement learning in the classroom. Past studies have shown that informal settings, like conversations with friends, can facilitate learning, but according to Ms. Greenhow, very little has been studied about informal online contexts and social networks, like Facebook applications."
Mathieu Plourde

Online Ed Skepticism and Self-Sufficiency: Survey of Faculty Views on Technology - 0 views

    "The massive open online course craze may have subsided, but the debate about the role of online courses in higher education persists. Even as more faculty members experiment with online education, they continue to fear that the record-high number of students taking those classes are receiving an inferior experience to what can be delivered in the classroom, Inside Higher Ed's new Survey of Faculty Attitudes on Technology suggests."
Mathieu Plourde

Turnitin And The Debate Over Anti-Plagiarism Software - 0 views

    "Students are heading back to campus. And when they finish writing that first paper of the year, a growing number will have to do something their parents never did: run their work through anti-plagiarism software. One company behind it is called Turnitin. And the database it uses to screen for potential plagiarism is big. Really, really big."
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