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Mathieu Plourde

Profs teach with social media - 0 views

    English professor Christine Cucciarre said social media will play an integral role in her course "Writing the New Media," which is offered in the spring. She said the class requires students to use Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, blogs and web design programs. Cucciarre said she likes using social media sites because of the ability to share posts. She said the class's Facebook group allows her students to share an interesting story or news clip with their peers, and students can also share content with their friends by reposting the link to their own page.
Mathieu Plourde

Facebook changes in works - 0 views

    Hofstetter and Plourde both said the site provides its customers with a way of communicating, especially between students, that educators want to tap into. Plourde said the website is similar to a type of hangout, where people come together to share stories without physically meeting.
Mathieu Plourde

Students talk touchscreen technology takeover - 1 views

    With the limited technological capabilities of tablets, touch-screen laptops are becoming options for users who want a device with a touch-screen component along with the regular functions that most laptops provide.
Mathieu Plourde

University professors must better utilize online resources - 1 views

    University professors need to accept the fact that like most fields, education is constantly evolving due to technological advancements. The traditional classroom is changing, but the refusal of many tenured professors to change with it hinders the efficiency of education to improve. The university not only needs to provide incentives for professors to utilize these online resources, but also mandate that they at least be offered. In the next few years, it is unavoidable that some people will prefer and continue to use traditional methods of education. Yet, at the bare minimum, cheaper alternatives to over-priced textbooks and online resources need to be offered and available to university students.
Mathieu Plourde

University's Open Education Week events experience low faculty turnout - 0 views

    Last week marked the second time the Office of IT Academic Technology Services organized webinars focused on teaching professors about different resources they can use in their classroom as part of a week-long event called Open Education Week. Though eight events were held last week, Educational Technologist Mathieu Plourde said few professors participated.
Mathieu Plourde

Debate continues over benefits of technology-oriented education - 0 views

    Educational technology professor Mathieu Plourde said screen time should be supervised, not banned, in the household. The fact that technology is so present in the world today will put kids who do not know how to use certain devices at a disadvantage and despite beliefs about the harmful effects of screen time, not informing children on how to use these technologies may be more detrimental, he said.
Mathieu Plourde

Google makes settings for accounts after death - 0 views

    While most people take an organized approach to death by planning their wills and funerals or composing their goodbyes to loved ones, Google has recently added another matter to attend to-determining how their Google accounts will appear upon their demise. 28 28
Mathieu Plourde

University launches Open Education Week, advocates for affordable education - 0 views

    ducation without limits begins a much needed discussion," Foreman said. "As public education is eviscerated in urban cores and debt burdens college students in a limited job market for decades after graduation, many agree that we need to discuss an invigorated public education system that makes education available for everyone, not just those who can afford it."
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