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Patrick Tabatcher

Vietnam - Carlos Matallín - 0 views

    An interesting (if subtle) way to link a graphic to the position of text within a story. Scroll down to see the route highlight on the map. Also, interesting way to display footnotes next to the relative content.

What's Competency-Based Education & How's it Different? [Infographic] - 0 views

    Includes a CBE infographic for students
Steve Kaufman

How Workplace Design Influences Worker Productivity - 0 views

    Whether you work in an office building or from a home office, the design of your workplace definitely influences the quality and speed of your work. This especially true when it comes to tasks which require focus. Studies examining productivity at work have shown that the physical space in which people work has the most impact on their ability to focus.

Purdue U gets into competency-based education with new bachelor's degree - 0 views

  • Many of the 600 or so colleges that are trying to add competency-based degrees are focused on adult, nontraditional students who want a leg up in the job market
  • in collaboration with specific industry partners, where an employer’s endorsement of the credential can lead to a graduate employee getting a promotion.
  • ther colleges' forays into competency-based education have been in disciplines with professional licensing and a heavy dose of task-based learning, which seems like an easier fit with academic programs based on mastery rather than time in a classroom.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • The toughest nut to crack for competency-based education appears to be bachelor’s degrees aimed at traditional-age students.
  • hat’s what Purdue University is doing with a newly approved bachelor’s in transdisciplinary studies in technology
  • ombines technical disciplines with the humanities.
  • Customization is a big part of the degree’s novelty.
  • which will blend technology-focused disciplines such as computing, construction management, engineering, and aviation with social sciences, the humanities and business.
  • kills employers need for a “thinking economy.” That means complex problem solving, effective communication, critical thinking and ethical judgmen
  • igital badges and produce e-portfolios to display their work
  • In order to do that in a traditional sense, this student would have to get at least one major and three minors
  • urdue’s degree track is based on the credit-hour standard, in which the demonstration of competencies is linked to corresponding college credit
  • he U.S. Department of Education has taken some heat from its own Office of the Inspector General for approving direct-assessment degrees
  • an inspector general audit of Western Governors University over the faculty role in competency-based education (the results of which have yet to be made public), have had a chilling effect on how regional accreditors view proposals for new direct assessment and other competency-based degrees
  • mployer groups, such as the National Association of Manufacturers, praised the new degree in written statements.
  • To scale a program with this level of customization would be challenging,
Steve Kaufman

What can we learn from first year GPA? - 1 views

    It's no surprise that graduation rates correlate with grade performance. However, few of our members are using this reliable graduation indicator to target advising efforts and success initiatives. The chart below illustrates graduation rates, broken down by first year GPA, from one of our members (a public flagship in the Midwest).
Steve Kaufman

Few students or faculty like gen ed. Harvard and Duke are trying to change that. - 0 views

    Harvard Universityand Duke University have revamped their general education models to make courses more interesting and meaningful to students and faculty, Colleen Flaherty reports for Inside Higher Ed. At both universities, leaders are concerned that students do not understand the point of general education, a problem also seen at other institutions nationwide.

The College App That Changed My Life | Higher Ed Beta - 2 views

  • That’s because our new best friend for the next four years was going to be an app called Total Educational Experience (TEx). Designed by The University of Texas System, TEx is our one-stop shop for everything – a vast array of textbooks and other course materials, online access to faculty and success coaches, endless quizzes and exams, social media-like interaction with classmates, and real-time metrics to measure our performance.
  • Ex tells me what materials I should be covering and what benchmarks I should be achieving. This helps with time management and keeping pace with the workload. Moreover, the app’s quizzes are helpful in prioritizing what points should be drawn from the readings. And the fact that there is an explanation for each question — whether it’s right or wrong — has allowed me to better understand the material.
  • ’m not sure how many colleges are experimenting with using this type of app to deliver competency-based education. But I can tell you it works, and you don’t have to be tech-savvy to figure it out.
Patrick Tabatcher

Twitter's missing manual / fuzzy notepad - 1 views

    Could be of use for faculty or for your students.

Brandman University, CBE pioneer, offers advice on program development | Education Dive - 0 views

  • volving the role of faculty — Brandman has traditional faculty who build the curriculum as well as tutorial faculty who teach, another group who grades, and another, non-faculty, group responsible for monitoring student activity and engagement.
     evolving the role of faculty - Brandman has traditional faculty who build the curriculum as well as tutorial faculty who teach, another group who grades, and another, non-faculty, group responsible for monitoring student activity and engagement.

Versal - 1 views

shared by wlampner on 11 Feb 16 - No Cached
    Versal is a new way for anyone to create interactive online learning experiences and share them with the world. From full courses to short lessons and homework assignments, people can create unique experiences for students and embed them virtually anywhere on the web.
Steve Kaufman

Is this the perfect save icon? - 2 views

    Last week at Etch, my friend and colleague Matt Jackson asked me a simple question: Is using a floppy disk as a save icon still relevant? This is something that has come up time and time again, so naturally we started to do some digging around to find a better solution.

Snowed in? Have Class Online | UNC-CH Teaching & Learning Blog - 0 views

    DDS - anyone want to volunteer to write a similar blog post?

Federal Register | Notice Expanding an Experiment Under the Experimental Sites Initiati... - 0 views

  • Institutions that have not already received approval to participate in the Competency-Based Education experiment must submit a letter of interest following the instructions included in this notice. Letters of interest must be received by the Department no later than January 19, 2016
  • The letter of interest should be on institutional letterhead and be signed by at least two officials of the institution—one of these officials should be the institution's financial aid administrator, and the other should be an academic official of the institution who is familiar with the institution's competency-based educational programs.
  • In the July 31, 2014, notice, the Secretary described the application, selection, reporting, and evaluation requirements for the Competency-Based Education experiment. All of those requirements remain in effect regardless of which set of waivers, as described in this notice, is chosen by an institution.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • For institutions that, in response to this notice, submit letters of interest for the Competency-Based Education experiment, the Secretary's process for selecting participating institutions will remain the same as was described in the July 31, 2014, notice.
  • Under the Subscription Period Disbursement set of waivers, the institution may include in its determination of a student's enrollment status competencies that begin prior to the start of the subscription period, as long as it does not include those competencies in enrollment status for two different payment periods. Institutions will disburse title IV aid based on the student's anticipated enrollment for a subscription period (which is equivalent to a payment period) rather than requiring completion of a specific number of competencies prior to making subsequent disbursements of title IV aid. While an institution will determine a student's title IV aid amounts based on the student's anticipated enrollment status, the institution will be required to perform a satisfactory academic progress evaluation for the student at the end of each subscription period (payment period) to ensure that the student has completed the appropriate number of competencies in that payment period, given the student's enrollment status.
  • For each payment period, students will be assigned by the institution an enrollment status (full-time, half-time, three-quarter time, less than half-time) based on the student's expected enrollment in and completion of competencies for the payment period. After consulting with the student, the institution will determine the student's enrollment status based on a realistic assessment by the institution of the number of competencies that the student will complete during the payment period
  • an institution will not be permitted to count a unique competency or course toward a student's enrollment status for more than one payment period
  • to use this set of waivers, an institution must have a mechanism for determining that a student has been participating in a competency during a payment period.
  • Subscription Period Disbursement set of waivers will modify the statutory and regulatory requirements for monitoring satisfactory academic progress so that an institution will be required to evaluate a student's pace by using competencies completed over calendar time, rather than by dividing a student's completed credit hours by attempted credit hours
  • he institution must evaluate a student's satisfactory academic progress after every subscription period (payment period), rather than at least once annually, even if the program is more than one academic year in length
  • he institution must evaluate a student's pace using two separate measures:
  • The student's progress for the payment period immediately prior to the evaluation, calculated using the number of credit hours or equivalents completed over the number of credit hours or equivalents included in the student's enrollment status for that payment period
  • he student's cumulative rate of progress, calculated by dividing the aggregate number of credit hours or equivalents completed as of the end of the payment period by the total number of credit hours or equivalents expected to be completed as of the end of that payment period in order for the student to complete the program within the maximum timeframe
  • r its evaluation of a student's cumulative rate of progress, the institution could use different standards for students on different enrollment tracks—for example, there could be a different maximum timeframe for a student on a half-time enrollment track, for whom the normal time for completion of the program is longer than for a student on a full-time enrollment track.
  • If a student fails either of the two satisfactory academic progress evaluations, the student will have failed to make satisfactory academic progress and will, based on the institution's satisfactory academic progress policies, either be assigned to a financial aid warning period or immediately lose eligibility for title IV funds. Institutions will have the same flexibility to establish options for appeals, probation periods, and academic plans as they do under the current regulations.

The Backchannel - Help TodaysMeet - 0 views

  • TodaysMeet is the premier backchannel chat platform for classroom teachers and learners. Designed for teachers, TodaysMeet takes great care to respect the needs and privacy of students while giving educators the tools for success. Students join fast, easy to start rooms with no registration, and can immediately start powerful conversations that augment the traditional classroom.
  • odaysMeet helps harness the backchannel and turn it into a platform that can enable new activities and discussions, extend conversations beyond the classroom, and give all students a voice. Embracing the backchannel can turn it from distraction to engagement. Participants can learn from each other and share their insights, improving participation and deepening learning. TodaysMeet enables instant formative assessment, feedback, and much more.
    "The backchannel is the conversation that goes on alongside the primary activity, presentation, or discussion. TodaysMeet helps harness the backchannel and turn it into a platform that can enable new activities and discussions, extend conversations beyond the classroom, and give all students a voice. Embracing the backchannel can turn it from distraction to engagement. Participants can learn from each other and share their insights, improving participation and deepening learning. TodaysMeet enables instant formative assessment, feedback, and much more."

Present on iPad | bContext - 0 views

    "With bContext users can add hand writing notations and narrative to static documents (such as PDF, PPT, or any image)."

MOBILE @ YALE - 0 views

    The Mobile @ Yale site is designed to help collaborate and disseminate information regrading the mobile initiative with the Yale community
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