Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to
Enhance Social Presence, describes use of Twitter to enoucrage free-flowing just-in-time interactions that can enhance social presence in online courses.
This is worth thinking about. What if we had an app where students could record their learning 'workouts' and it was social? Imagine a Brainbit similar to the Fitbit that reminded students to study for 15 minutes every hour or they could set their own goals and reply yes/no if they met the goal. They could then choose to share on FB or twitter, etc. Maybe there's a way to start thinking about the D2L Awards and the Mozilla backpack and start modeling something like this?
growing recognition that design is not simply about making products attractive
easier to use, fit better into the flow of people’s lives, suit the needs of a broader range of end-users, increase productivity, and even influence emotions (which in turn can influence cognition).
digital higher education – both its software and content – has managed to remain untouched by good design.