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Patrick Tabatcher

30+ Really Useful Infographics Tools & Resources - 0 views

    a list of tools and resources for infographics.
Patrick Tabatcher

Heartbeats and heart attacks - 0 views

    Really cool infographic of abnormal EKGs.

What's Competency-Based Education & How's it Different? [Infographic] - 0 views

    Includes a CBE infographic for students
Patrick Tabatcher

Musicmap | The Genealogy and History of Popular Music Genres - 0 views

    Cool infographic of musical genres and how they relate
Patrick Tabatcher

Periscopic: Do good with data - 0 views

    Lots of cool infographics
Patrick Tabatcher

Twitter + GNIP - 0 views

    Infographic showing Android, iPhone, Blackberry another phones using twitter. Zoom in to see more detail
Patrick Tabatcher

Animagraffs - Animated infographics by Jacob O'Neal - 1 views

    A series of animated info graphics. Includes graphics on how speakers create sound, jet engines and several more.
Patrick Tabatcher

How Far is it to Mars? - 0 views

    Cool HTML-based info graphic showing relative distance from Earth to Mars
Patrick Tabatcher

Chart.js | HTML5 Charts for your website. - 0 views

    Create HTML5-based charts. 
Patrick Tabatcher

Airportraits - PROJECTS - Mike Kelley - 0 views

    "Portraits" of airports composed of layered images. Illustrates the number or airplanes and their approach/departure angles for various airports. Very interesting way of illustrating quantity of something over time.
Patrick Tabatcher

The Largest Ever Analysis of Film Dialogue by Gender: 2,000 scripts, 25,000 actors, 4 m... - 1 views

    Analysis of gender and age of 2,000 film scripts. Pretty interesting and lots of nifty little charts and info-graphics.
Patrick Tabatcher

The Writers, Directors, and Producers who Make Films that Fail the Bechdel Test - 0 views

    Another page that looks at gender in films. Also with some nice charts.
Patrick Tabatcher

The True Size Of ... interactive map - 0 views

    An interactive map that allows users to drag countries, continents, etc... around the map to view their relative size
Patrick Tabatcher

A Bear's-Eye View of Yellowstone - 0 views

    Interesting website that provides some vignettes in the lives of 4 bears in Yellowstone who were fitted with cameras.
Patrick Tabatcher

LOOPY: a tool for thinking in systems - 0 views

    An intersting tool for creating interactive simulations. Scroll down and look at a few of the sample. They are all animated so that you can press play and then use one of the up/down arrows on any node to kick off a simulation.
Patrick Tabatcher

Wind Map - 0 views

    A cool, real-time, graphic illustrating wind direction and speeds across the US.
Patrick Tabatcher

How to turn everyone in your newsroom into a graphics editor » Nieman Journal... - 1 views

    An online tool that you can self-host or run off your local machine to easily create charts. Try it online here:
Patrick Tabatcher

An animated chart of 42 North American butterflies - 0 views

    Cool animated info graphic showing butterfly wing/flapping patterns.
Patrick Tabatcher

To Scale: The Solar System on Vimeo - 0 views

    A video showing some people creating a scale model of the solar system on a lakebed in Nevada. Helps to illustrate the relative sizes of the planets, their distance from the sun and differences in speed to orbit the sun.
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