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Patrick Tabatcher

A way to link to a specific part of a youtube video - 0 views

    Use this web app to create a custom link to a specific start time of any YouTube clip. If the part you want your students to view begins 40 seconds into the movie, this tool will let you create a link that starts playing the clip 40 seconds in.
Stephen Allen

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. - 1 views

    This is the test. It takes about one second. I suppose it could point to or eliminate connection speed as an issue when a user is having trouble with one of our videos.
Patrick Tabatcher

MinutePhysics - YouTube - 1 views

    Short animations illustrating physics.
Patrick Tabatcher

Capture, encode, and deliver a single live video stream to both Flash and iOS - YouTube - 0 views

    Shows how to create a live video stream to the Flash Media Server that works with iOS devices.
Stephen Allen

Check Streaming Video Speed With Youtube Test Video - 1 views

    I never saw this tool before. I wonder if it can help us figure out what's going on when UA-hosted videos aren't playing nicely with others.
Patrick Tabatcher

Adobe MAX 2011 - Photoshop Image Deblurring sneak - YouTube - 1 views

    Watch a potential feature of Photoshop that let's you un-blur an image.

Add-ons for Google Docs & Sheets - YouTube - 0 views

    "You use Google Docs and Sheets to get all sorts of stuff done -- whether you're staying up late to finish that final paper or just getting started on a new project at the office. But to help take some of that work off your shoulders, try add-ons-new tools created by third-party developers that give you even more capabilities in your documents and spreadsheets."
Patrick Tabatcher

Mic Technique - YouTube - 1 views

    Good information on how to get good sound when recording audio. This is something we should share with, or teach to, faculty who are recording audio for their Storyline/Narrated PPTs

How to Prepare Professors Who Thought They'd Never Teach Online - The Chronicle of High... - 1 views

  • hat comes through in the video, imperfect as it surely is, is a sense of authenticity.
  • watching a clip repeatedly isn’t a bad thing when it comes to learning.
  • He had been worried about making his lecture videos perfect — thinking that he had to give a command performance every time the camera was rolling, as if he were in a Hollywood production
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • "I don’t expect hyper-efficiency when I teach face to face.
  • ig called a "lightboard," designed a few years ago by a professor at Northwestern University
  • It’s not just that it looks cool, it actually works better
  • autions the professor not to write so much on the board that it blocks her face.
  • 20 minutes of "pre-draw
  • ready to rehearse
  • five-minute lecture twice, each time noting how long it takes and how well she stays focused on the points she wants to emphasize. The goal is to shoot the video in one take, so there is no room for flubs
  • need to let the camera linger on the professor for a few seconds after her lecture so that the video doesn’t appear to end abruptly
  • he tries to think about the students who will be out there watching, eventually. But for now she is bathed in harsh light in a windowless concrete box, remembering to smile
  • It took well over an hour to produce the five-minute clip
Patrick Tabatcher

Medieval armor - combat demonstration - 1 views

    Le Musée National du Moyen-Âge de Cluny films two "combatants" wearing plate armor. Much more mobile than my history classes led me to believe.

Beyond Videos: 4 Ways Instructional Designers Can Craft Immersive Educational Media | E... - 1 views

  • Harvard reportedly spends $75,000-$150,000 building each new MOOC, most of which goes towards video production costs.
  • resourceful teachers and nonprofits like Khan Academy are still creating low-budget screencasts.
  • et, until we get the learning design right, these questions about production values are premature
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • makes little sense to convert your narrated PowerPoint into a 360 video if you’re still not sure whether students walk away having learned from the content.
  • This is where instructional designers come in
  • ven if an instructional designer can get an expert to explain a concept clearly, this sometimes has little effect on student understanding
  • students bring their own prior knowledge and misconceptions to educational media
  • ideo presents concepts in a clear, well-illustrated way, students believe they are learning, but they do not engage with the media on a deep enough level to realize that what has been presented differs from their own prior knowledge,
  • ou need a little friction in your educational media to actually modify the viewer’s understanding of the world and get the new understanding to stick
  • talk through the steps that people will need to take to apply their learning or complete an assignment
  • Relate” videos get the student to feel connected to the instructor. They seek to establish instructor presence. They also prompt students to reflect on their own prior experiences with the topic and reasons for taking the course.
  • arrate” videos share stories, anecdotes, or case studies that illustrate a concept or put the learning in context. They tap into the power of narrative to make learning sticky.
  • Demonstrate” videos illustrate how to do something in a step-by-step way.
  • “Debate” videos are perhaps the most important if you want students to actually change the way they think. These videos explicitly surface and address the misconceptions that students have about a domain and showcase competing points of view.
  • that social belonging interventions can be the key to helping students persis
  • coaching your experts to unfold their narratives in ways that will be riveting to an audience
  • A study by Columbia University School of Continuing Education found that videos in an online course that get the highest number of views have a direct connection to the course assignments
  • videos turn out best if I help the expert do four things: relate, narrate, demonstrate, and debate
  • focus on the places where people tend to make mistakes
  • gaps between novice understanding and expert knowledge
  • As the instructional designer, you should also be looking for controversies that might have surfaced about the expert’s work
  • minefields of misconceptions and asking the instructor to unpack them can yield rich pedagogical footage
  • o film a “debate” video, you can also invite someone else into the shoot—such as a colleague or a student—and have them discuss a topic with the instructor or receive feedback on a piece of work
  • alternative viewpoints or ways of doing things, you trigger higher cognitive load for viewers, but also prompt deeper engagement
  • tudents who watched a video dialogue involving alternative conceptions reported investing greater mental effort and achieved higher posttest scores than students who received a standard lecture-style presentation
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