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Patrick Tabatcher

30+ Really Useful Infographics Tools & Resources - 0 views

    a list of tools and resources for infographics.
Patrick Tabatcher

JavaScript Charts | amCharts - 2 views

    Cool tool to do pretty charts in web pages. The company also offers some nice looking mapping tools.

DocumentCloud - 1 views

    Cloud-based tool where you can upload, annotate, publish and search for documents.
Patrick Tabatcher

LOOPY: a tool for thinking in systems - 0 views

    An intersting tool for creating interactive simulations. Scroll down and look at a few of the sample. They are all animated so that you can press play and then use one of the up/down arrows on any node to kick off a simulation.
Patrick Tabatcher

How I create my calculus videos - 0 views

    A list of tools used to create calculus videos for IntegraCALC. 
Patrick Tabatcher

How to turn everyone in your newsroom into a graphics editor » Nieman Journal... - 1 views

    An online tool that you can self-host or run off your local machine to easily create charts. Try it online here:

Serendip-o-matic: Let Your Sources Surprise You| About - 0 views

    "Serendip-o-matic connects your sources to digital materials located in libraries, museums, and archives around the world. By first examining your research interests, and then identifying related content in locations such as the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), Europeana, and Flickr Commons, our serendipity engine helps you discover photographs, documents, maps and other primary sources. Whether you begin with text from an article, a Wikipedia page, or a full Zotero collection, Serendip-o-matic's special algorithm extracts key terms and returns a surprising reflection of your interests. Because the tool is designed mostly for inspiration, search results aren't meant to be exhaustive, but rather suggestive, pointing you to materials you might not have discovered. At the very least, the magical input-output process helps you step back and look at your work from a new perspective. Give it a whirl. Your sources may surprise you."

Yellowdig - 0 views

    Collaboration tool that allows students to contribute ideas, articles, posts, etc. Students can earn points for their contributions. Integrates with D2L.

Add-ons for Google Docs & Sheets - YouTube - 0 views

    "You use Google Docs and Sheets to get all sorts of stuff done -- whether you're staying up late to finish that final paper or just getting started on a new project at the office. But to help take some of that work off your shoulders, try add-ons-new tools created by third-party developers that give you even more capabilities in your documents and spreadsheets."
Patrick Tabatcher

jQuery Sheetrock - 1 views

    A tool that lets you pull in spreadsheet data from a public Google spreadsheet. Could be a good way to pull data into a course or onto a page and keep it easily up to date.
Patrick Tabatcher

Slides - The easiest way to create and share beautiful presentations. - 0 views

    Interesting tool to create online presentations.
Patrick Tabatcher

Ratchet - 0 views

    A set of tools for prototyping iPhone apps that uses HTML, CSS and Javascript. Could be a good way to work through some stuff before fully developing it or, outsourcing something if we ever wanted to make our own app.
Patrick Tabatcher

A way to link to a specific part of a youtube video - 0 views

    Use this web app to create a custom link to a specific start time of any YouTube clip. If the part you want your students to view begins 40 seconds into the movie, this tool will let you create a link that starts playing the clip 40 seconds in.
Patrick Tabatcher

Branch - 0 views

    An interesting social messaging/conversation tool. 
Patrick Tabatcher

Hemingway - 1 views

    A nifty web-based (with desktop option) writing tool that helps you edit by identifying sentences that may be hard to read. Also identifies use of adverbs, passive voice and words that can by simplified.
Patrick Tabatcher

GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love - 0 views

    A tool to encrypt and sign email using GPG (open-source PGP) for Apple Mail.
Patrick Tabatcher

Vellum | 180g - 0 views

    Vellum is a free app to create eBooks. Supports cross-platform output. But, they charge you to export your eBook. Still, looks like a pretty friendly tool.

EE Resources - 0 views

    Resources for using explain everything (screen casting tool)
Patrick Tabatcher

Odyssey.js - 1 views

    An online tool to create narratives and interactive stories using maps and slides.
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