This article provides a conceptual framework for thinking aboutattention and memory during video-recorded lectures, particularly as related toonline learning, that builds on 3 key claims: (a) online learning can be conceivedas a type of self-regulated learning, (b) mind wandering reflects a failure ofexecutive control that can impair learning from lectures, and (c) providing inter-mittent tests or quizzes can benefit attenti
enhance lecture learning in traditional classroom settings and in online education. This article provides a conceptual framework for thinking about attention and memory during video-recorded lectures, particularly as related to online learning, that builds on 3 key claims: (a) online learning can be conceived as a type of self-regulated learning, (b) mind wandering reflects a failure of executive control that can impair learning from lectures, and (c) providing intermittent tests or quizzes can benefit attention and learning. We then summarize recent studies based on this framework that examine the effects of interpolating brief quizzes in a video-recorded lecture. These studies reveal that interpolated quizzing during a video-recorded lecture reduces mind wandering, increases taskrelevant behaviors such as note taking, boosts learning, and also improves calibration between predicted and actual performance.