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Carri Bugbee

Apple TV and iAd - Business Insider - 1 views

  • Apple TV could be the shot in the arm needed to finally wake up its mostly dormant advertising business iAd.
  • The ability to target very specific audiences. Apple has a wealth of first-party data about its customers, due to the fact that they register with their real details when they sign up for Apple ID and iTunes.
  • Apple should be able to tell who was served an ad and what that individual immediately went on to do afterwards: That could include checking out the advertiser's website on their iPad, or tweeting about the brand via their iPhone. 
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  • Apple TV could take away that pain point for advertisers in-between showing an ad and the user actually buying an item: They could make purchases directly from their TV. That's a very appealing call to action for an advertiser.
  • While The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple has signed up heavy-hitters like CBS, ABC, and Fox, it appears NBC is not involved with the negotiations due to a long running feud with NBC parent company Comcast. 
  • it might well be that the broadcasters still dictate the advertising that will run against their content on Apple TV. Apple might instead have to rely on more "native" forms of advertising rather than pre-rolls and mid-rolls — Like banners, text overlays, or ads that appear on the home screen for instance.
  • Apple may have another bargaining chip: According to the New York Post, the company is making offers to share detailed customer data with content partners, who could then use this information to target shows to users and advertisers.
    Apple TV could be transformative for the entire advertising industry
Carri Bugbee

Pay-TV Operators Gear Up for Internet TV Invasion - 0 views

  • Apple TV is reportedly developing ad-skipping technology so owners of a set-top box can watch shows commercial-free. The propsed deal with cable companies would reimburse programmers for skipped ads.
  • Google is really just hoping to beat Apple to the punch, despite the fact that the company already has its Apple TV streaming product on the market, according to The New York Times "Apple’s thinking… is that any next-generation television service must be set up in partnership with existing distributors, in part for quality assurance reasons. A future Apple service could include a user-friendly interface layered on top of Time Warner Cable or Cablevision’s channel lineup."
  • Adoption from the major networks is "very unlikely to support any service with their linear feed that allows for commercial messages to be skipped even if they get some form of compensation," Rino Scanzoni, chief investment officer for WPP's GroupM, told AdAge. "This is not a viable economic model and subscribers to the system would not pay an adequate premium to compensate for it." 
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  • However, Forbes points out the longer-term effect. “Cable companies get paid for the ads that consumers are no longer watching. Since ad rates are determined by eyeball counts, those rates will decline as more viewers opted-out, so cable companies will need to figure out new ways to make money.” 
Carri Bugbee

Smart TV: The industry push to keep getting smarter - - 0 views

  • Still, you might say a revolution is brewing in the living room — and this one will be televised. It portends not only a change in the TV viewing experience but also poses a threat to cable and satellite TV distributors. Even network executives' notions about scheduling — how positioning a new show adjacent to a popular program in the evening lineup to drive ratings — look anachronistic at a time when Nielsen estimates that 47% of all American households have DVRs and can watch recorded shows whenever they choose, and 55% of broadband homes have at least one TV connected to the Internet, according to market researcher the Diffusion Group.
  • Concerns about how to reach this group known as the "never connecteds" and count their viewing in a show's ratings adds to a list of headaches that include slumping prime-time broadcast TV ratings and the flight of advertisers to cable.
  • these smart TVs may look dated compared with what Silicon Valley giant Intel has in store for later this year, not to mention whatever Apple Inc. is planning with its mysterious but hotly anticipated flat-screen TV.
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  • "We're in a golden era of television. Never in the history of the media has so much money been spent producing high-quality content," said Eric Huggers, general manager of Intel Media, expressing a broad consensus. "If you look at the technology that is used to deliver that, it feels stuck in the past. We think we need to put the technology on a par with the quality of the editorial."
  • "This is going to be the first true cable TV replacement service delivered over broadband," said Michael Greeson, president of the Texas-based media research firm the Diffusion Group. "It's going to tell us so much about the television industry and what relationships have been bent or broken in terms of [Intel] being able to bring first-run content ... as opposed to delayed, on-demand."
Carri Bugbee

Chromecast Is What Google TV Should Have Been - 1 views

  • Chromecast lets your stream online content to your TV and control it via your new Nexus 7 (also introduced today, along with Android 4.3) or any Android device running version 2.3 or later
  • Unlike Apple's AirPlay, which can stream content directly from mobile devices to Apple TV, Chromecast pulls content from the cloud. The benefit: If the person initiating the Chromecast leaves the house, someone else can continue controlling the viewing experience with a different Cast-enabled device. It also won't drain the battery of your device.
  • Like most Google TV devices, it comes with a separate and overly complex remote control. The remote control for Chromecast will be your favorite mobile device (yes, it even beats your iPhone). It's very un-remote like: No special interface or buttons. Since Chromecast revolves around apps, the app remains the interface. If you know Netflix, you know how to work Chromecast.
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  • By the way, I wasn't certain that Chromecast marked the end of Google TV until I saw its still-in-beta ability to project Chrome web tabs onto any HDTV. Simply open a tab and choose the Cast icon. Even better, you only see the tab — not your whole desktop or mobile device home screen. This is smart and vastly simpler than trying to navigate the Web on Google TV
  • The clear hurdle, though, is whether or not TV manufacturers "burned" by Google TV can trust Google again with living room tech.
Carri Bugbee

How Intel TV failed -- pay attention, Google and Apple | Internet & Media - CNET News - 0 views

  • or Internet-based TV to be a competitive option, it either needs to be cheaper than cable and satellite or it needs to provide the content that subscribers want in a better way.
  • For the companies still working on Web TV, it would mean charging less than traditional competitors for a service while paying more than traditional competitors to offer it.
  • for a Web TV offering to be truly Web TV, it would need to offer all the channels consumers want alongside the "over-the-top" video capabilities like Netflix and Hulu that they associate with Internet viewing.
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  • The idea of an online player taking over has affirmed cable and satellite companies' positions in the landscape and made all players realize what they could lose by rocking the boat, said Brannon.
  • The prospect of new tech competitors reiterated how important the traditional distributors are -- with their massive subscriber bases -- to media companies, who need as many people watching their programming as possible -- all while measuring how many of them there are -- in order to raise ad rates, he said.
  • average U.S. consumer packs in nearly 60 hours of media content each week, and more than half of that -- 35.1 hours -- is traditional television, according to Nielsen's latest cross platform report.
  • amount of time spent watching traditional TV has shrunk from a year earlier, supplanted by more time spent watching video on the Internet, game consoles, and mobile phones.
  • As Intel proved, the easy part was creating a new technology to deliver television with a user interface that beats cable and satellite. Test versions of OnCue have been deployed in Intel employees' homes for months. The hard part is content. Be it TV shows, sports programs, or live events, content is expensive to produce and it's expensive to license.
Carri Bugbee

SimulTV launches a single-screen 'second screen' experience | VentureBeat - 0 views

  • TV Guide rolled out an app to see what’s playing, watch whatever’s on, and also tweet, post, and blog about it. And that Apple is rumored to be releasing a mini-TV tablet to enable an iOS-style second-screen experience.
  • SimulTV’s solution is to combine both screens, right on the web. So your football game, Twitter conversations, Facebook messages, online search, and text and voice chat with others on SimulTV who are watching the same thing as you.
  • by this summer, SimulTV promises to have more than 100 channels, including ”top channels” from Latin America, China, Japan and Europe, plus 5,000 video-on-demand titles. The service is HD-quality, with picture-in-picture for the truly ADHD social TV aficionados, and according to the company, takes only half the bandwidth of typically required.
Carri Bugbee

Intel, Apple and Others Rethink How We Watch TV - - 0 views

  • With an Intel-designed set-top box, people won't have to own DVRs or even plan to record programs.
  • Negotiations with media companies for content rights could delay new services and limit some features, though Intel vows to enter some markets by the end of the year.
  • "I've never seen as much innovation in television as there is right now," says Ulf Ewaldsson, chief technology officer at Swedish telecom-equipment giant Ericsson, which plans to step up its own TV efforts
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  • Most TV services also lag the Web and mobile apps in helping discover new content.
  • Microsoft is also promoting voice recognition as it positions its videogame consoles and companion Kinect controller for a broad role in home entertainment. The company's Xbox One, due out this fall, allows customers to turn on multiple living-room devices by simply saying "Xbox On,"
  • Microsoft has experimented in other areas—including offering an Apple TV-like set-top box without videogame capability, building Xbox circuitry into TVs and adding DVR capability to Xbox models, people familiar with its prototypes have said.
  • One feature Intel has decided not to pursue for now is a camera equipped with facial recognition software to help personalize offerings for each user in a household. Mr. Huggers says the technology didn't work well enough in the low lighting common when watching TV and raised privacy questions.
Carri Bugbee

Apple TV is a radical rethinking of your relationship with the hardware and games you o... - 0 views

  • developers — including game makers — must constrain their initial app downloads to 200 MB or less. That size seems paltry on a device that ships in 32 GB and 64 GB flavors. Even on smartphones, games can be much larger than 200 MB. On Apple TV, there's far more to the story.
  • Apple's vision for a future where apps download quickly and transparently and nobody has to worry about managing storage space. tvOS will do that for you.
Carri Bugbee

With Siri TV, Apple Will Dismantle the TV Networks | Digital Quarters - 0 views

    voice-controlled television interface will fundamentally disrupt the six-decade-old legacy structure of netwo
Carri Bugbee

Cards is the name of the game and Twitter's holding aces - Lost Remote - 0 views

  • Twitter based information is now directly integrated into the guide of the X1 platform. Not only will users be able to scroll through the guide and see which shows are currently trending on Twitter, they will be able to reorganize and filter the programming based on what’s trending and change the channel from there.
  • Last week, Xbox and Twitter announced that Twitter will be directly integrated into the Xbox One’s TV experience. Automatically displaying tweets related to the show you are watching in a Lower Third type overlay experience as well as Trending hashtag and topic information integrated into the Xbox One’s OneGuide.
  • Curatorr may be powering curated streams of show based twitter content for EVERY show in Xbox One TV. Keeping in mind here that Curatorr is a Twitter owned product, these curated streams of content can be further fine tuned after the initial airing of shows and can then be “restreamed” as a Social DVR of sorts.
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  • over one in five U.S households watching TV Everywhere content. And while still a smaller part of overall TV viewing at 6%, viewing on game consoles (Xbox One, PS4 etc..) and OTT devices (Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku etc..) saw a major increase in consumption with a 123% increase.
Carri Bugbee

Who Rules The Second Screen, Facebook Or Twitter? - 1 views

  • Despite a user base only 20% the size of Facebook’s, Twitter routinely hosts discussions that rival the size of those taking place on the larger platform. If you narrow the comparison down to original content — Tweets versus Posts — Twitter boasted more interaction around nearly all of the broadcasts SecondSync examined in its study.
  • The difference in time windows is just one of several apples-to-oranges problems that crop up when attempting to compare second-screen patterns across the two platforms. A more substantive one is how to weight the various types of actions permitted in both places. Is a Like more akin to a retweet or a Favorite?
  • But even a comparison that assumes that comments are worth as much as original posts suggests that Twitter owns a disproportionate share of TV discussions.
    Jeff Bercovici Forbes Staff
    Thanks so much for sharing. The study quoted liberally, thatFB commissioned by the way, is neither objective or thorough. Second Synch and FB are partners and the "data" was supplied by FB. The author is to be commended for recognizing the "apples to oranges" aspects of the comparison of FB to Twitter but I think the idea that Social Media will be zero sum arena likely misses some interesting analysis. Of all things, social media is never going to be zero sum, though marketers will have to make decisions about one vs. another for their clients needs. Obviously a blog post isn't profound but this one doesn't exactly further the discussion as much draw a tidy conclusion rather than the more nuanced reality that, IMHO, is a more interesting.
Carri Bugbee

Dunkin' Donuts Wants to Combine Twitter Passion With TV Spots | Adweek - 0 views

  • Dunkin’ Donuts today is launching TV spots called #MyDunkin, featuring the brand’s passionate Twitter fans.
  • We’ve found in the last few years that letting consumers talk about Dunkin’ is far more powerful than any brand message we could put out.
  • You can use the mobile app to find a local Dunkin’ and receive geo-targeted offers. The mobile offers change as you go from market to market while using push notifications for location-based targeting.
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  • Look at our relationship with [mobile-social maps app] Waze. We’re intrigued with the social components of Waze where people tweet about local street traffic and Dunkin’ Donuts espresso.
Carri Bugbee

Winners and Losers in TV's New App Economy (Guest Column) - Hollywood Reporter - 0 views

    As Apple leads the way, cable networks fade and geographic boundaries disappear, only shows with strong brands and social appeal (congrats, Jimmy Fallon and John Oliver!) will thrive.
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