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Bruno Herrera

CafeTran Computer Aided Translation Software - 0 views

    Cafetran is a computer aided translation tool that implements concepts of translation resources, memory and project put together in user friendly visual environment and work flow. Cafetran's editor supports translation of documents in formats such as Text, MS Word, OpenOffice, Abiword, Kword, HTML and XML.
Bruno Herrera

ANYMEM - 0 views

    User-Friendly Translation Memory Software AnyMem is a user-friendly translation memory software. AnyMem is compact, stable, easy to learn and to use. AnyMem CAT engine fully supports Unicode and can work with any language pair without the need of external components, like .NET Framework or Java Virtual Machine, commonly required by other translation memory software. Features: Convenient translation memory management: translation memory is stored in a single MEM file, for more convenient exchange. Export translation memory to TMX: translation memory can be exported to TMX 1.1, TMX 1.4. Import translation memory from TMX or MS Word files: AnyMem 2.0 can import translation memory from a TMX 1.1, or TMX 1.4 file, or from a bilingual MS Word file. Flexible text segmentation: configure exceptions to text segmentation rules by adding abbreviations and ordinal follower words. Selective translation: translate only the text which must be translated by specifying styles of paragraphs, which are not to be translated. Document CAT analysis: AnyMem 2.0 can analyze documents to determine the number of matching segments (complete and fuzzy match), and provide accurate CAT text count in words, segments or percent. Terminology search: AnyMem 2.0 can search translation memory for matching segments which contain certain term. Flexible data display: configure the way AnyMem 2.0 displays translation memory data with the help of templates. Automatic window alignment: prepare AnyMem 2.0 and MS Word windows for work by correctly aligning them with a few clicks, and without the need to manually drag window borders MS Word integration: quickly access most frequently used AnyMem 2.0 commands and functions directly from MS Word with the help of AnyMem 2.0 toolbar. You can also quickly run AnyMem 2.0 directly from MS Word. Unicode support: AnyMem 2.0 CAT engine fully supports Unicode without the need to install additional library components (like.NE
Bruno Herrera

Translation Memory of Across - 0 views

    Across translation memory - a database that stores previously translated segments allowing reuse of previously translated text passages, but also serving as a basis for assisting authors in the consistent creation of source texts, and for assuring the quality of both the source text and the translations. As a learning system, Across translation memory (TM) has to be filled initally either by importing existing translation memory data or by performing an "alignment" in which source and target text pairs are analyzed and matching sentences are added to the translation memory. After that, the database grows with each new translation. New sentences within translation jobs are identified automatically and added to the translation memory either directly or after a quality check. By saving every translated sentence in the database, new sentences that need to be translated can be compared with this database. The purpose is to reuse as many previously translated sentences as possible. This speeds up the actual translation, improves the consistency, and saves money. Across translation memory assists with your translations As a basis for automatic pre-translation of sentences that are 100% matches As a basis for translators in case of partial matches As a basis for concordance searches (i.e., when researching the context in which a word or an expression is used) As a basis for translation-oriented authoring, in which the source text author selects wording variations for which a translation is already available.
Bruno Herrera

SDL Trados Studio - 0 views

    SDL Language Technologies provides innovative market-leading translation software to the translation supply chain (including corporate language departments, language service providers, freelance translators and academic institutions). SDL products are designed to increase efficiency and quality within the localization process and include the following core technologies: Translation Memory - A linguistic database that captures your translations as you work, so you never have to translate the same sentence twice! Terminology Management - A searchable database containing lists of terms and additional term data, ensuring consistency within translations. Software Localization - A tool that accelerates the technical aspects of localizing User Interfaces, help and documentation files. The Translationzone website provides freelance translators and language students with knowledge and services to drive their business potential through our world wide community. As well as information about the latest SDL products, Translationzone offers a range of features to help you including; free online resources, the latest industry news, the Translators Directory - where you can post a free profile and be searched for by agencies, training and certification, free downloads and online events along with exclusive online discounts on our software.
Bruno Herrera

memoQ - 0 views

    In translation there are many tasks that you can facilitate with special software. memoQ addresses them all. It helps translators become more productive and deliver translations faster, and it helps companies - translation buyers - coordinate their translation efforts with translators and cut costs by not having the same content translated twice. Using memoQ you can deliver better quality human translations in less time.
Julio B

WordNet Search - 3.1 - 0 views

    Princeton English Dictionary. WordNet® is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser. WordNet superficially resembles a thesaurus, in that it groups words together based on their meanings. However, there are some important distinctions. First, WordNet interlinks not just word forms-strings of letters-but specific senses of words. As a result, words that are found in close proximity to one another in the network are semantically disambiguated. Second, WordNet labels the semantic relations among words, whereas the groupings of words in a thesaurus does not follow any explicit pattern other than meaning similarity. The majority of the WordNet's relations connect words from the same part of speech (POS). Thus, WordNet really consists of four sub-nets, one each for nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, with few cross-POS pointers. Cross-POS relations include the "morphosemantic" links that hold among semantically similar words sharing a stem with the same meaning: observe (verb), observant (adjective) observation, observatory (nouns). The main relation among words in WordNet is synonymy, as between the words shut and close or car and automobile. Synonyms--words that denote the same concept and are interchangeable in many contexts--are grouped into unordered sets (synsets). Each of WordNet's 117 000 synsets is linked to other synsets by means of a small number of "conceptual relations." The most frequently encoded relation among synsets is the super-subordinate relation (also called hyperonymy, hyponymy or ISA relation). It links more general synsets like {furniture, piece_of_furniture} to increasingly specific ones like {bed} and {bunkbed}. Meronymy, th
    Esto no es un traductor, pero de todas maneras pensé que podría interesarnos.
Bruno Herrera

opentm2 - 0 views

    TM stands for TranslationManager/2. TM/2 originates from the IBM TranslationManager tool and has been made available to the open source community. TranslationManager/2 is a computer-assisted translation system (CAT) that automates repetitive tasks, freeing the professional translator to attend to the finer points of translation that require the judgement of an expert. TranslationManager/2 helps accelerate turnaround time and save money in overall translation costs. It does not only help you tackle the vast amount of translation needs efficiently, but also frees you from tedious routine work inherent to translation projects. This website should help you to understand the strength of TM2 and the most important features as well as to get you a fast access to the tool.
Bruno Herrera

OmegaT, the free translation memory tool - 0 views

    OmegaT is a free translation memory application written in Java. It is a tool intended for professional translators. It does not translate for you! (Software that does this is called "machine translation", and you will have to look elsewhere for it.) OmegaT has the following features: Fuzzy matching Match propagation Simultaneous processing of multiple-file projects Simultaneous use of multiple translation memories User glossaries with recognition of inflected forms Document file formats include: XHTML and HTML Microsoft Office Open XML (Office 2007/2010: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx) XLIFF (Okapi) MediaWiki (Wikipedia) Plain text Unicode (UTF-8) support: can be used with non-Latin alphabets Support for right-to-left languages Integral spelling checker Compatible with other translation memory applications (TMX) Interface to Google Translate
Julio B

PO Files - GNU `gettext' utilities - 0 views

    "The GNU gettext toolset helps programmers and translators at producing, updating and using translation files, mainly those PO files which are textual, editable files."
Julio B

Wordfast - 1 views

    • Julio B
      Esta es una anotación específica sobre WordFast. Éste era un software totalmente gratuito, cuando yo comencé a leer sobre CATS, hace cuatro o cinco años. Ahora ya es de paga, aunque parece que todavía puedes bajar una versión gratutia de uso limitado. Se monta sobre Microsoft Word, y en la medida en que depende de MS-Office, debería colocársele una tag que especifique esta dependencia. Saludos.
    • Julio B
      Esta es la segunda nota impuesta sobre la página de Wordfast, debido a que la primera se extravió. Mmmm!!! >:|
  • Wordfast puede ser usado de forma íntegra y gratuita para encargos de pequeńo/medio tamańo (frente al modo demo de Trados, que está limitado a memorias pequeńas de hasta 100 TUs). Al comprar una licencia de Wordfast desaparece esta limitación y el programa puede gestionar trabajos de cualquier tamańo.
    • Julio B
      Wordfast es gratutio para trabajos pequeños y medianos. Puede bajarse y probarse en ellos indefinidamente. Para trabajos de cualquier tamaño se requiere comprar una licencia de $350 euros (como $5,000 pesos mexicanos). Los traductores freelance o las instituciones de países subdesarrollados son acreedores a un descuento del 50%.
    Otro CAT. Al parecer, gratuito. Al menos, Open Source.
Bruno Herrera

A troubled relationship: the compatibility of CAT tools - 1 views

    Ejemplo de tabla comparativa entre free and open sourcetools, free propietary tools y paid propietary tools
Bruno Herrera

A troubled relationship: the compatibility of CAT tools - 0 views

    Arículo acerca de la problemática de la compatibilidad de formatos entre las c.a.t. tools Since the widespread adoption of CAT tools, their incompatibility has been causing translators and other service providers much headache. In this article we look at the subjects of interoperability and open standards to assess the current state of affairs.
Bruno Herrera

Similis Freelance - 1 views

    Similis es un software profesional de ayuda a la traducción destinado a los traductores independientes, las agencias de traducción y los traductores internos de la empresa. La interfaz es simple, un traductor profesional aprende a manejar Similis en un día de formación. Similis es una Memoria de Traducción que proporciona al traductor un acceso inmediato a todas las expresiones que él o su equipo ya han traducido con anterioridad y que tienen relación con la traducción a realizar. Centraliza en una base de datos el conjunto de traducciones de toda una empresa y puede procesar todos los formatos de memoria existentes (Trados, TMX, etc.) y recuperar las memorias y los glosarios desarrollados anteriormente. Durante una traducción, Similis analiza las traducciones anteriores y deduce de esta operación una memoria que aplica al proyecto en curso, para un resultado doblemente eficaz: Una ahorro de tiempo considerable en la traducción de las frases, términos o grupos de palabras recurrentes. Una gran homogeneidad de los documentos entre si. Similis es una memoria de traducción de segunda generación: mucho más potente que las memorias de primera generación, integra un nuevo analizador gramatical, utiliza la tecnología de los CHUNKS que permite cortar las frases en grupos terminológicos inteligentes, y genera automáticamente glosarios técnicos especificos. Disponible en versión servidor (Windows) y en versión monopuesto, Similis responde a las necesidades de las grandes empresas e instituciones que desean mejorar la gestión de los proyectos de traducción en interno o subcontratadas, como a los de los profesionales de la traducción que desean conservar a sus clientes.
Bruno Herrera

Similis version 1.4.5. from Lingua et Machina (CAT Tools Technical Help) - 0 views

    Discussion among translators, entitled: Similis version 1.4.5. from Lingua et Machina. Forum name: CAT Tools Technical Help
Bruno Herrera

Tabla comparativa de herramientas TAO - 1 views

    Es importante destacar que la tabla comparativa de herramientas TAO se centra en programas gratuitos (de código abierto y otros), y se actualizó por última vez en diciembre de 2010. Por este motivo, algunos datos puede que no correspondan a las versiones actuales de los programas. Los programas que se tratan son OmegaT, Wordfast Anywhere, Google translator toolkit, Anaphraseus, AppleTrans, OpenTM2 (IBM's TranslationManager/2), Open Language Tools, openTMS, TinyTM, Transolution, Virtaal, Pootle, Similis Freelance y Lokalize (ex Kaider).
Bruno Herrera

virtaal:index · Translate Toolkit & Pootle - 0 views

    Virtaal is a graphical translation tool. It is meant to be easy to use and powerful at the same time. Although the initial focus is on software translation (localisation or l10n), we definitely intend it to be useful for several purposes. Virtaal is built on the powerful API of the Translate Toolkit.
Bruno Herrera

Transolution 0.4b5 : Python Package Index - 1 views

    Translation Suite built around XLIFF standard. Transolution is a Computer Aided Translation (CAT) suite supporting the XLIFF standard. It provides the open source community with features and concepts that have been used by commercial offerings for years to improve translation efficiency and quality.
Bruno Herrera

TinyTM - Open Source Translation Memory - 0 views

    The Idea An open-source translation memory, free for all! TinyTM is open-source software and developed by an open-source community and (currently) licensed under GPL V2.
Bruno Herrera

pootle: Translate Toolkit & Pootle - 0 views

    Pootle is a user-friendly web portal that makes the translation process so much simpler. It allows online translation, work assignment, gives statistics and allows easy volunteer contribution. You can run Pootle as an Internet server like these projects or run your own copy on an Intranet (for individual work, team work or Translate@thons).
Bruno Herrera

Open Source Translation Memory System | next generation translation - 0 views

    openTMS is a free, open source, translation memory system based entirely on open-source standards.
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