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Jared O'Leary

Using Technology to Augment Musicianship - OCPD Music by Jared O'Leary - 0 views

    "This session will explore various uses of technology to augment performing in ways that were previously unimaginable. The focal points of the session will revolve around exploring questions such as: How can technology be used to include all students? In what ways can technology be used to think deeper about performing music? Where is there a place for digital and hybrid musicianship in our programs? How can we find out how to use technology to augment musicianship? Experience with technology is not required; however, bringing a laptop, tablet, and/or smart phone will assist with the discussion and experience."
Jared O'Leary

Digital and Hybrid Performances - YouTube Playlist - 0 views

    This YouTube playlist could be used as a source of inspiration for potential music technology projects to explore. The videos highlight a variety of digital and hybrid performances that require a wide range of musical and technical understanding.
Jared O'Leary

Digital and Hybrid Performances - YouTube - 0 views

    This YouTube playlist contains digital instruments and/or hybrid setups/ensembles.
Jared O'Leary

Digital audio workstation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Students can use DAWs to create music using MIDI, samples, live audio processing, etc.. Teachers can use DAWs to create practice tracks, accompany student performances, etc.
Jared O'Leary

BEAT JAZZ by ONYX ASHANTI - YouTube - 1 views

    I believe this video is an excellent represenation of what is possible through STEM/STEAM. Onyx Ashanti describes and demonstrates the digital instrument he created.
Jared O'Leary

graphite | The best apps, games, websites, and digital curricula rated for learning - 0 views

    Graphite aggregates apps, websites, and resources for educators. They include ratings and reviews that are geared toward educators.
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