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Wasif H

How Many Calories Should I Eat To Gain Weight? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body needs to breathe, circulate blood, grow and sustain life. Once you have calculated your BMR, you will be able to determine how many calories your body needs each day to gain weight. Women can calculate their BMR by using the following formula: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years). The formula for a man to calculate his BMR is: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years).
  • Eat a snack before you go to bed at night and keep nutritious, high-calorie snacks where they are easily accessible. Increase the amount of food you consume slowly to allow your body time to get use to the extra digestion needing to be performed.
  • Writing down the food and drinks that you consume each day can be a tool to help you understand any calorie deficits that may be occurring
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  • Record your activities throughout the day as well and use this information to compare how many calories you are consuming to how many you are burning.
Wasif H

Should I Take A Protein Supplement Before Working Out? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images Active people involved in resistance training regularly take protein supplements to promote muscle strength, enhance muscle recovery and gain muscle size, as acknowledged in an article by Robert R Wolfe in the August 2000 issue of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."
  • An effective protein supplement used before or after working out should contain the nine essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body. The optimum combination of amino acids renders them "complete proteins." These are protein supplements derived from animal or dairy sources.
  • Writing in, bodybuilder Hugo Rivera categorizes five types of protein used in supplements according to their bio-availability value--ability of the body to assimilate and use protein.
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  • The five are: whey protein, egg protein, milk protein also known as calcium cassienate or micellar protein, beef protein in the form of liver tablets, and soy protein.
  • Weight gainers are a blend of protein, carbohydrates and fats, with a high calorie content designed to help you gain weight. They are particularly useful if you are a hard-gainer with low body-fat and a high metabolic rate. Meal replacement powders are a blend of protein and carbs, but lower in calories than weight gainers. Protein powders typically contain no more than 5 percent carbohydrates. Protein bars contain proteins and sugars. Ready to drink protein shakes, contain low carbs and essential fatty acids. Beef liver tablets, a protein supplement that dates back to the 1960s.
  • Take a weight-gainer protein supplement or meal replacement supplement within an hour of finishing your work out. These contain simple carbohydrates to replenish muscle stores of glycogen used as energy during your work out, and a blend of quickly assimilated whey protein and sustained release milk protein to accelerate muscle recovery and enhance growth. Hoffman believes the insulin response generated by simple carbs helps the body's uptake of amino acids.
  • Muscle breakdown occurs during resistance exercise and depletes the muscles stock of the branch chain amino acids, leucine, iso-leucine and valine. Take a quick digesting protein supplement like whey protein before your work out. An article by Jay R Hoffman PHD. in the December 2007 edition of the "National Strength and Conditioning Journal," suggests taking a protein supplement immediately before your workout enhances muscle growth.
    • Wasif H
      Good info on when to take a supplement. some say its bad and others say its benficial.
Gurkirat S

Should I increase weight lifting every time I work out? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      This is perfect, it's totally, it answers my question. So, yes I should increase weight lifting weight but it all depends on my capability, of how far I am able to push myself. So, the 4 main things to do is, first to stop over-training, switch it up, add some extra fuel and balance your routine.  
  • 2. Switch It Up Doing the same exercise, on the same day, at the same time will bore your muscles just as much as it is probably boring you. Jolt your body’s expectations by completely changing your lifting schedule. If you do chest work on a specific day choose another day to do that exercise. You may want to switch it up every week. After doing this for about four weeks, slowly increase your weight. You should see an improvement. in addition, watch your form. Compromised form can also impede increasing your weightlifting weight.
  • 1. Stop Over-training You may think you are doing your body good by lifting five to six days per week, but when specific muscle groups are being over worked, you will have a difficult time increasing your lifting weight. If you have "hit the wall" and cannot go any further, this would be the time to check your routine. By cutting back on exercises that may be working certain muscles too hard, you may be able to increase your weight, and best of all, your strength. Try these tips each time you cannot advance to more weight. Choose a muscle group that you workout two or more times per week. Cut back to one time, for two weeks. Increase your weight.
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  • It is common to want to increase your weight lifting weight. Stepping up to the next level depends on several factors, primarily your routine and your capability. Below are some suggestions on how to enhance your workout. Keep in mind that if you intend to increase your weight lifting weight you will be susceptible to gaining bulk and strength as opposed to sculpted toning and increased flexibility.
  • 3. Add Some Extra Fuel There is a reason why so many weightlifters consume formulated shakes, bars and supplements. Whether it is protein, amino acids or a multivitamin, these products can enhance power and strength. The only way to find out what is best for you is by trial and error. Start with a good protein shake and take note of any improved capability when increasing your weightlifting weight. If it works, then continue using it. If it does not work then try another formula. Speak to your doctor before attempting any muscle building program. Certain formulas can affect people in different ways.
  • 4. Balance Your Routine If your routine favors specific muscle groups over others, increasing weightlifting weight will always be a challenge. For example, when the biceps are at their peak and the triceps are trying to catch up, not only will your balance be compromised but you will also risk potential injury. Understanding your muscles and how they work will do wonders for your workout. Look up images and descriptions of the musculoskeletal anatomy and take note of the intricate levels of muscle tissue. Becoming familiar with muscle actions will create a picture in your head during your workout that will remind you of a properly balanced routine. When the muscles are within the same power capability, then you should be able to increase your weightlifting weight accordingly.
    Should I  increase weight lifting every time I work out?
Gurkirat S

What I should being eating after working out? And why? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      This website really answers my question on should I be eating after working out ? I have learned that I should replace my fluids in body, due to that when I sweat, I'm losing fluids from my body. To replace it, is by determining of how much to drink, either if it's water or a sports drink. To find out of how how much water you should be drinking, is to first weight yourself, so if you lose 1 lb, you should drink 20-24 oz of water and you keeping adding on ounces, for every pound you lost. For food wise, it's important to regain your carbohydrates, you should have a fruit or juice within 15 minutes to help restore glycogen. Glycogen in other words is a substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates. 
    What I should being eating after working out?
Gurkirat S

20 Super Foods You Need to Build Muscle | - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      20 Super Foods. 1. Whole Eggs 2. Fish Oil 3.. Wild Salmon 4. Berries. 5.Yogurt. 6. Flax Seeds. 7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 8. Mixed Nuts. 9. Red Meat 10. Broccoli 11. Spinach 12. Turkey 13. Quinoa 14. Oats. 15. Tomatoes. 16. Oranges. 17.Apples 18. Carrots. 19. Water 20. Green Tea.
Joti P

Healthy Diet for Teenagers - 0 views

  • Teenagers still have a lot of growing to do, and they need proper nutrients to get them through their busy and active lives.
  • It can help to understan the basics of what teens require in their diets.
  • calcium and iron are especially important because they are necessary for the growth and development occurring at this stage of life.
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  • Instead, teach teens which foods should be eaten in moderation and which make up a regular part of a healthy diet.
  • When there's no junk available, both kids and grownups make healthier choices.
    • Joti P
      I guess it's easier to satisfy your craving for junkfood by replacing it with something else.
  • Tips for Healthy Eating for Teens
  • Always eat breakfast.
  • include some complex carbohydrates and a piece of fruit or fruit juice.
  • load it up with fruit, veggies, complex carbs and lean protein.
  • Make sure there are plenty of healthy snacks in the house for after-school munchies.
  • research has shown that teens who eat with their families tend to have healthier diets when they're older.
  • girls who have regular family meals have less incidence of eating disorders.
  • make supper healthy dinners as well.
  • Eat moderate portions yourself, as well, to set the example.
  • Teens tend to gulp down their meals quickly. This may cause them to overeat, because feeling full takes a few minutes.
  • Chewing slowly helps improve satiation, causes you to eat fewer calories, and improves nutrient absorption.
  • Offer a varied diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • same foods repeatedly can lead to nutritional deficiency.
  • Minimize processed foods that come in cans, boxes, bags, jars, and packages. These foods tend to be high in preservatives, sugar, and artificial ingredients.
    • Joti P
      although it provided mainly advice for parents, it still provided excellent information on the different things teens can do to ensure a balanced diet.
    4th question 
Joti P

Help your teenagers make better fast-food choices | Dallas-Fort Worth Family Health New... - 0 views

  • Eating well is often hard for teens.
  • kids have after-school activities, or they may have a job, but it’s important to sit down and eat together as often as possible,” she says. “We know that when we sit down like that, we end up eating more fruits and vegetables.”
  • Shanley says teenagers just have to know — and act on — basic nutritional facts when they are ordering. As with everything else, fast food, if eaten at all, should be eaten in moderation, and the choices must be balanced.
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  • A lot of times we think a chicken sandwich is better, or a fish sandwich is healthier, but a lot of times those chicken or fish sandwiches are fried and not always the better choice,
  • Go green. Give some thought to ordering a side salad instead of the fries.
  • Skip the mocha-frappe-espresso-cino-with-whipped-cream coffee drink.
  • To increase your intake of other food groups at coffeehouses, try ordering some 100 percent fruit juice or fat-free milk, or try having a protein-rich egg on your bagel instead of cream cheese.
  • Step away from the soda.
  • account for as much as 10 percent of the typical teen’s daily calories.
  • When placing your order, consider water
    Question number 5 
Joti P

School Lunches - 0 views

  • A kid can choose to eat the green beans or throw them out. A kid also can choose to eat an apple instead of an ice cream sandwich.
  • Eating a variety of healthy foods gives you energy to do stuff
  • helps you grow the way you should
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  • keep you from getting sick
  • What does a healthy lunch look like?
  • Most kids have the choice of packing lunch or buying one at school.
  • A packed lunch isn't automatically healthier than one you buy at school.
  • When you pack your lunch, you can be sure it includes your favorite healthy foods — stuff you know you like.
    This provides some lunch tips for my 3rd question.
Wasif H - Ask The Ripped Dude: What Are Your 10 Top Ab Tips? - 0 views

  • FOLLOW A HIGH-PROTEIN, LOWER-CARB DIET. Your diet is essential in building a lean physique. It is important to consume 4- to-6 small meals per day; this helps to speed up your metabolism at an incredibly rapid rate. Although there are many different theories on meal frequencies, eating smaller meals more often will help the average person avoid overeating and will curb hunger.
  • FOLLOW A CONSISTENT WEIGHT-TRAINING AND CARDIO REGIMEN. This will allow you to burn fat through the day. Weight training helps you to burn calories after the workout and throughout the day while cardio burns calories during the workout. A combination of cardio and weight training will give you the optimal fat burning rate you need to stay lean.
  • DRINK A LOT OF WATER. If you're completely hydrated, your fat-burning rate will be optimum. To speed up your metabolism, drink at least 6-to-8 glasses of water per day.
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  • MODIFY YOUR ABS ROUTINE. There isn't a specific abs routine that will work better than all others, but changing your abs routine will maximize the results.
  • UNDERSTAND THE TRUTHS AND MYTHS ABOUT ABDOMINALS. We all have abs. Unfortunately, some of us have to work harder than others to attain visible ones. Doing 1,000 sit-ups per day is not going to make your abs just magically pop out, but getting your body-fat levels very low will allow your abs to appear.
  • For a male to able to be see his abs, he has to be roughly at 12 percent body-fat and lower. For a female to see hers, she needs to be at roughly 14 percent and lower. If you can get your body-fat to those levels, you will start to see your abs.
  • A healthy breakfast is the most important meal for a reason - it jumpstarts your metabolism for the entire day. Not just any breakfast, though. Unless you want a muffin top, skip the muffins and opt for protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Emphasis on the protein. Can't go wrong with eggs.
  • BE COGNIZANT OF THE FREQUENCY OF YOUR ABS TRAINING. It is important to train your abs at least three times per week for a beginner and intermediate fitness enthusiast. For the advanced gym guru, train your abs about every other day to build them properly.
  • BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. If you believe you can do it, you will do everything necessary in your power to attain that goal. Your mind will help guide your fitness goals and if that goal is to attain great abs, then, provided you do the necessary work, it will happen for you.
    • Wasif H
      This is personally my favourite website. This article gives a good look on what we can do to achieve our goal.
Aninder S

College students' performance suffers from lack of sleep - - 0 views

  • Colleges are starting to wake up to how sleep deprivation cuts into the academic and athletic performance of their students.
  • All-nighters have become a habit in higher education, but a handful of small new studies
  • Sleep (deficit) built up over just five nights can significantly stress the heart
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  • Sleep experts say the amount of sleep each person needs is largely dependent on the individual: Some people can get by with only five or six hours. The National Sleep Foundation says adults need seven to nine hours a night.
  • A study this summer in the journal SLEEP examined the heart conditions of 39 adults, ages 22 to 45, whose heart rates were tested twice — the morning after a 10-hour sleep and then again after five consecutive four-hour sleeps — using a portable monitor.
  • Many students believe that it's a "rite of passage" to stay up all night during college and that "it's kind of fun," Thacher says.
  • if you use all-nighters, your GPA is slightly lower on average,
  • "You can't do your best work when you're sleep-deprived
  • "It's not common knowledge, because if people understood how much of a difference (getting more sleep) could make athletically," they'd incorporate it more into their lives and not focus solely on nutrition and exercise.
Aninder S

Puberty a gateway to heart disease for Canada's teens - Heart and Stroke Foundation of ... - 0 views

  • One in five young teens has high blood pressure. Elevated cholesterol levels increasing at alarming rate.
  • A seven-year ongoing study examining more than 20,000 Canadian grade 9 students shows most already have at least one major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, Dr. Brian McCrindle told the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2009, co-hosted by the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society
  • This study is further evidence of an accelerating decline in the heart health of Canada’s teens
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  • It is shocking that one in five 14 and 15 year olds has high blood pressure
  • They are at risk of developing long-term health effects such as premature heart disease and type 2 diabetes.”
  • High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease.
  • The teens’ elevated cholesterol rates had the greatest increase, accelerating from nine to 16 per cent in six years. “An increase of this magnitude in this age group is astonishing,” says Dr. Abramson. “These risk factor levels will continue to increase and track into adulthood unless we do something now. These children are in grave danger.”
  • With changing technologies, we to need to exercise our bodies more than our brains
  • Over 50 per cent of Canadian children between the ages of five and 17 aren’t active enough to support optimal health and development – and over a quarter of our children and youth are overweight or obese.” 
  • They don’t do any better on the nutrition front: only half get the daily recommended amount of fruit and vegetables.
Paul McCarlie

Health eating habits - 0 views

  • Why eat healthy? Eating the natural foods humans are well adapted at utilizing, enhances ones ability to cope with the reality of every day life. This in essence Good health can lead to a better and more fullfilling life. improves the probability of living a longer, healthier and happier life.
  • Generally, the less a food is processed the better
    • Paul McCarlie
      Non biased, well written article that highlights the problems in western food industry.
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  • Ensure balanced and adequate nutritional intake
  • Health promoting eating habits
  • Eat less - eat what is adequate, do not over eat
  • The more natural and less processed the food, the better its health promoting value
  • Eat when hungry and do not overeat regardless of food.
  • Variety and moderation in diet is important.
    • Paul McCarlie
      Does get a little long winded and boring towards the end.
    an article that talks about healthy eating habits and types of healthy foods.
Joti P

Strength Training Guidelines for Children & Teens (continued...) - 0 views

  • During the last stage, Specialization (ages 15-18), teens can start training for high performance development.
  • Avoid maximum strength training (one-rep max lifts) to reduce the risk of injury
  • muscles aren’t built up while they’re working out, but while they’re resting
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  • set up generous sleep and nutrition goals to help your child make the most of his or her training.
Anita B

Good sources of protein - Canadian Living - 0 views

    • Anita B
      Here's are some good example of foods with a good amount of protein:  - steak (6 oz)- 42 grams - chicken breast (3.5 oz)- 30 grams  - fish fillets (3.5 oz)- 22 grams  - pork chop- 22 grams of protein  - egg- 6 grams of protein  - 1 cup of milk- 8 grams 
Anita B

Learning About Calories - 0 views

  • When people talk about the calories in food, what do they mean? A calorie is a unit of measurement — but it doesn't measure weight or length. A calorie is a unit of energy. When you hear something contains 100 calories, it's a way of describing how much energy your body could get from eating or drinking it.
    • Anita B
      We eat many calories on a daily basis, but sometimes we truly don't know what calories are. But these calories can be both good and bad. For example, people who try loosing weight cut down on the amount of calories they consume. 
  • Some people mistakenly believe they have to burn off all the calories they eat or they will gain weight. This isn't true. Your body needs some calories just to operate — to keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing.
Anita B

Carbohydrates: Good Carbs Guide the Way - What Should I Eat? - The Nutrition Source - H... - 0 views

  • Adding Good Carbohydrates
    • Anita B
      1. Start the day with grains 2. Use whole grain bread 3. Bag the potatoes- eat brown rice instead not potatoes 4. Whole wheat pasta 5. Eat lots of beans
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