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Healthy Diet for Teenagers - 0 views

  • Teenagers still have a lot of growing to do, and they need proper nutrients to get them through their busy and active lives.
  • It can help to understan the basics of what teens require in their diets.
  • calcium and iron are especially important because they are necessary for the growth and development occurring at this stage of life.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Instead, teach teens which foods should be eaten in moderation and which make up a regular part of a healthy diet.
  • When there's no junk available, both kids and grownups make healthier choices.
    • Joti P
      I guess it's easier to satisfy your craving for junkfood by replacing it with something else.
  • Tips for Healthy Eating for Teens
  • Always eat breakfast.
  • include some complex carbohydrates and a piece of fruit or fruit juice.
  • load it up with fruit, veggies, complex carbs and lean protein.
  • Make sure there are plenty of healthy snacks in the house for after-school munchies.
  • research has shown that teens who eat with their families tend to have healthier diets when they're older.
  • girls who have regular family meals have less incidence of eating disorders.
  • make supper healthy dinners as well.
  • Eat moderate portions yourself, as well, to set the example.
  • Teens tend to gulp down their meals quickly. This may cause them to overeat, because feeling full takes a few minutes.
  • Chewing slowly helps improve satiation, causes you to eat fewer calories, and improves nutrient absorption.
  • Offer a varied diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • same foods repeatedly can lead to nutritional deficiency.
  • Minimize processed foods that come in cans, boxes, bags, jars, and packages. These foods tend to be high in preservatives, sugar, and artificial ingredients.
    • Joti P
      although it provided mainly advice for parents, it still provided excellent information on the different things teens can do to ensure a balanced diet.
    4th question 

Diet Heavy In Meat Raises Mortality Risk - CBS News - 0 views

  • older people who eat large amounts of red meat and processed meats face a greater risk of death from heart disease and cancer.
  • Women who ate large amounts of red meat had a 20 percent higher risk of dying of cancer and a 50 percent higher risk of dying of heart disease than women who ate less.
  • People whose diets contained more white meat like chicken and fish had lower risks of death.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • We've promoted a diet that has added excessively to global warming
  • Meat should be a supporting actor on the plate, not the main character."
    • Aninder S
      This article only discusses the affect of having a meat heavy diet once you get older. This however implies that the habits when you make when you are younger stick with you. Therefore having a heavy meat diet isn't ideal, and you should reconsider.
    • Aninder S
      This article also discusses a meat heavy diet from an American point of view, but that does not mean it doesn't apply to Canadians. Consuming various American products we also need to watch for preserved meat and watch the choices we make. 

Healthy Diets for Muscle Building | - 0 views

  • If you want to build muscle you need to do two things. You must lift weights and you have to eat a healthy muscle building diet.
  • Healthy diets for muscle building require you to consume more calories. Of course this only applies if you are already fit and trying to gain muscle mass. It does not apply if you are overweight and trying to lose a few pounds.
  • For a rough estimate of daily calories you should consume for a muscle building diet, multiply your body weight in pounds by 20.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Protein intake must be increased
  • Fats are also essential to healthy diets for muscle building, but these should be healthy fats such as olive oil, flaxseed oil and nuts
  • Cut out sugary drinks like soft drinks and alcohol.
  • Whey protein powder is especially effective for muscle building and easy to consume. A scoop of whey protein dissolves easily in water or milk.
    • Paul McCarlie
      um, no, I'm not eating protein powder

Balanced Diet Nutrition - Nutrition, Function, Side Effects - NY Times Health Information - 0 views

    • Joti P
      This article really describes what food you should and should not be eating when you want a balanced diet. 
  • A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition
  • Fruit group
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Vegetable group
  • unbalanced diet can cause problems with maintenance
  • Growth and development
  • balanced diet that is low in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and alcohol
  • Balance your calorie intake with exercise.
  • Eat 2 cups (4 servings) of fruit
  • Eat 3 ounces or more of whole-grain products per day.
  • Avoid trans fatty acids,

10 Best Ways to Get Fiber in your Diet - 0 views

  • 10 Best Ways to Get Fiber in your Diet
    • Anita B
      1. Orange pulp 2. Leave the skin on 3. Eat seeds 4. Don't eat white bread 5. Listen for the crunch 6. Add cereal in more places of your diet 7. Eat those almonds 8. SLOWLY incorporate fiber-rich foods in your diet 9. Reduce your intake of meat and replace with vegetables 10. Fiber supplements

Low-carb Foods To Eat Before Exercising | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The theory behind low-carb diets is that when your body is deprived of carbs, your fat stores are burned to provide energy. This causes you to lose fat and stay slim and trim. Another benefit of a low-carb diet is that you tend to eat more protein, which helps build muscle. Make the change to a low-carb diet with an eye on how you feel and how much energy you have during your workouts and other daily activities.
  • The best way to reduce carbs in your diet is to restrict those foods that are comprised of simple carbs, such as snacks and foods made of refined sugar, white flour, white rice, snack foods, cakes, cookies and soda. Low-carb snacks or meals to eat before exercise include eggs, cheese, some fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • People with lower amounts of stored fat may find they do not have enough energy to get through the day. Low-carb diets also can cause “brain fog.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Finally, depletion of muscle glycogen may lead to muscle loss as there is not enough proper fuel to maintain them.
  • f you feel weak, nauseous, or light-headed during your exercise, stop and rest. Drink some water. If the feelings persist, see your doctor.
  • After you hit your ideal weight, you can raise your carb intake slightly to keep your body out of ketosis and to prevent muscle wasting.

Carbohydrate-loading diet - - 0 views

  • A carbohydrate-loading diet, also called a carb-loading diet, is a strategy to increase the amount of fuel stored in your muscles to improve athletic performance. Carbohydrate loading generally involves greatly increasing the amount of carbohydrates you eat several days before a high-intensity endurance athletic event.
  • Your muscles normally store only small amounts of glycogen — enough to support you during recreational exercise activities. If you exercise intensely for more than 90 minutes, your muscles may run out of glycogen. At that point, you may start to become fatigued, and your performance may suffer.
  • But with carbohydrate loading, you may be able to store up enough energy in your muscles to give you the stamina to make it through longer endurance events without overwhelming fatigue
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Carbohydrate loading may give you more energy during an endurance event. You may feel less fatigued and see an improvement in your performance after carbohydrate loading. But carbohydrate loading isn't effective for everyone. Other factors can influence your athletic performance or interfere with the effectiveness of your carbohydrate-loading strategy, including your fitness level and the intensity level of your exercise.
  • Carbohydrate loading isn't right for every endurance athlete. It's a good idea to consult your doctor or a registered dietitian before you start carbohydrate loading, especially if you have diabetes.
    • Wasif H
      This website gives an effective sample meal plan to do with a carb loading diet but doesnt cover the question of should I have carbs after a workout

Balanced Diets For Teens | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Vegetables
  • amount of vegetables needed to maintain a balanced diet for a 15-year-old girl of average weight is 2.5 cups a day
  • teens need more dark green and orange vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, squash and carrots.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Fruits
  • teens should consume less fruit juice and more whole fruit
  • The amount of fruit a teenage boy or girl of average weight should consume for a balanced diet is 2 cups.
  • most popularly eaten fruits among adolescents are apples, pears, and bananas.
  • richly colored fruits, such as berries, melons and mangoes, because they are rich in anti-oxidants and phytonutrients.
  • canned, dried, fresh and frozen fruits are acceptable to meet your daily fruit requirements.
  • Less Sugar
  • dietary intake of added sugars by U.S teens adds up to an average of 260 extra calories a day
  • Teens should consume a variety of vegetables, according to recommendations from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines
  • teens should cut down on soda, energy drinks and juice with added sugar and replace them with water, decaffeinated teas and diluted juices.
    This website is excellent for answering my 4th question.

Good Carbohydrates Vs. Bad Carbohydrates | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      So the main difference between good and bad carbohydrates is that when carbohydrates are found in natural foods its much healthier compared to foods in that are unprocessed. Examples of this would be fruits, vegetables, and whole nuts and seeds etc. Bad carbohydrates are foods that are unprocessed foods, that have taken the nutrients and fiber have been removed. Example is McDonald's From this information, it has really opened my eyes that McDonald's is not healthy at all it has bad carbohydrates, which is really bad for me, because  I do not want to just throw off insulin productions, causing fluctuations in blood glucose levels. By reading this, it really does scare me, it has given me a heads up. 
  • Basic Differences One basic difference between the quality of carbohydrates is nutrition. The carbohydrates found in natural foods are healthier than those in processed foods. While carbohydrates are an essential part of good nutrition, getting too many carbohydrates from the wrong sources can increase your risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.
  • Good Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are what you want the most of in your diet. They provide the body with the fuel it needs for energy. Good carbohydrates are found in foods that have not been processed, but are eaten pretty much in their natural states. Fruits, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are all sources of healthy carbohydrates.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Bad Carbohydrates Bad carbohydrates are the refined, highly processed carbohydrates from which most of the nutrients and fiber have been removed. White flour and refined sugar contained in many processed foods are primary examples of bad carbohydrates. The body has trouble processing these foods, and therefore, they do not digest well. Simple starches and sugars throw off insulin production, causing fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Most foods that contain bad carbohydrates provide empty calories with little or no nutritional value. As a result, the body stores these extra calories in the cells as fat.
  • Benefits of Carbohydrates Good carbohydrates are high fiber foods that help you feel full longer. These are carbohydrates that are chock full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs on a daily basis. Low glycemic carbohydrates break down slowly during digestion, releasing glucose into the bloodstream gradually, thereby helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down quickly have high glycemic indexes, causing blood sugar to rise quickly. Consuming a diet low in energy density means eating fewer refined carbohydrates and more unrefined carbohydrates that are high in nutrients. Including more good carbohydrates in your diet can help you lose excess body fat and feel more energized.
  • A healthy diet must include carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose that the body's cells use as energy
    • Anita B
      There are good and bad carboydrates so it is important to avoid the bad ones. The carbohydrates which we find in processed foods are ofcourse unhealthy compared to those we find in natural foods. Bad carbs are high processed carbohydrates from which the good parts (fiber and nutrients) are removed. Example are white flour and refined sugar.

Eating at a restaurant on a diet, How to eat at a restaurant on a diet, How to survive ... - 0 views

  • Never arrive at a restaurant hungry! Hungry people make bad ordering decisions.
    • Paul McCarlie
      Oh crap, I always do this.
  • Alcohol can stimulate your appetite
  • ...12 more annotations...
    • Paul McCarlie
      Interesting, I did not know that, not that I need to worry about that yet
  • Eating Breakfast Out
  • choose the apples, pears, grapefruits, strawberries, and/or blueberries because they are lower in sugar. Avoid fruit juices because they are filled with excess sugar, calories, and sodium.
  • Rule 2:  Eat slowly and savor each bit. Enjoy the conversation at the table. Put your knife and fork down between bites. Don’t pick it up again until you've completely swallowed the last bite - allow your body time to digest.  
    • Paul McCarlie
      that's not the way I eat
  • Beware:  Portion sizes in restaurants can be more than you need.
  • Drink water: 
  • Most of us inhale the bread basket while waiting for our entrée.
    • Paul McCarlie
      I just inhale, period
  • usually the more expensive the steak, the less fat it contains.
  • Share your dessert. Never, ever eat the whole dessert yourself.
    • Paul McCarlie
      NO! ITS MY FOOD!
    Exactly what the title says. How to eat at a restaurant, not a fast food restaurant, and still maintain a nice school girl figure

Is Meat Bad For A Diet? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Cholesterol is a waxy like substance that forms in the blood after eating fat
  • The highest cholesterol levels are found in meat
  • Poultry cooked with the skin left on is tasty and juicy
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • But the skin is high in saturated fat and should be removed prior to cooking
  • Tenderloin, loin chops or leg tends to be the leaner cuts in lamb and pork
  • One serving of meat equals the size of a deck of cards
    • Aninder S
      This article is fantastic in banishing my concerns about meat in my diet. I always think that meat is a source of great fat but it tastes great. This article acts kind of like a cook book and tells you how should be eating your meat so that it's healthy for you and won't kill you! Also preparing your own meals is a good way to learn some cooking skills, save some money from going to McDonalds, and it's healthy! 

Protein In Your Diet | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The protein you obtain from your diet plays numerous roles in your body. Protein contributes to your connective tissue and helps your body build muscle, which allows you to stand and walk. Protein also helps your body synthesize enzymes and some hormones. Proteins help your body maintain acid-base and fluid balance. Your body also relies on protein as part of your immune response to help destroy potentially harmful substances.
    • Anita B
      Protein is a crucial part of ones diet. Proteins allow us to fulfill everyday routines just like walking. But what i always wonder is how much do we really need?
    • Anita B
      Since every persons body is different, everyone needs different amounts of protein! It is said that: 1. consume 0.8 g of protein for every kg of body weight 2. from your calories intake, about 10 to 35 percent should be proteins
  • protein foods, such as ground beef, full-fat cheese and whole milk, are also high in saturated fat. If you consume too much of these types of protein-rich foods, it can lead to increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase your risk of heart disease
    • Anita B
      I never really thought about this point made here, but infact it's true. Sometimes people that are low on iron begin eating ground beaf etc. but dont actually realize that there foods are high in saturated facts. I've actually seen this with one of my family friends. She is low on iron and eats a great amount of ground-beef!

What Happens If You Intake Too Much Protein? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Protein-rich foods can be delicious as well as nutritious -- just think of a creamy, thick cup of yogurt or a savory, juicy grilled steak.
  • While high-protein foods have a bounty of valuable nutritional and health properties, however, the benefits can turn into risks if you eat too many of them over an extended period of time.
  • According to Katherine Zeratsky, a registered dietitian for, you may experience constipation if you follow a high-protein diet for several months or longer.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • While protein-rich foods don't cause digestive problems by themselves, eating a lot of them may leave less room for high-carbohydrate foods in your diet, which tend to have a lot of dietary fiber.
  • More severely, taking in too much protein could raise your risk of serious diseases including cancer, heart disease, and liver or kidney problems. Partially, that is because so many protein-rich foods are also high in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, all of which can enhance risk factors for those diseases. If you choose plant-based proteins instead of animal proteins and full-fat proteins, your personal risk may not be quite as high.
  • Protein contains calories -- sometimes more calories than carbohydrate- or fat-rich foods. Although it can help you gain lean muscle mass, eating protein in excess of your body's needs will result in fat gain.
  • The question of how much protein to eat can be a tricky one because the right amount for one individual may be far too much for another. recommends getting between 10 percent and 35 percent of your daily calories from protein, or about 50 to 175 g per day.
  • You can also calculate recommendations based on your body weight. Dr. Melina Jampolis, physician nutrition specialist for, suggests getting about 0.8 g of protein per day per kg of your body weight.
  • Unless you're following a diet that is very unbalanced, you're likely not at risk for eating too much protein. It's also important to realize that some protein is essential for health, since protein-rich foods build and repair muscle and bone tissue, satiate hunger and provide energy. If you have concerns about the protein amounts in your diet, talk them over with your doctor or a registered dietitian.
    • Wasif H
      This is a good website because it looks at the other point of view. Too much protein isnt good for you if your not properly working out and making sure it turns into lean muscle. 

What Do Protein Supplements Do To Young Weight Lifters? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Young weightlifters who want to emulate athletic heroes try to improve their own weightlifting skills and athletic motivation. Yet in the realm of protein supplementation, youngsters would do well to learn as much as possible about sensible nutrition
  • Young weightlifters should avoid relying on protein supplementation for muscle and strength gains, as excessive dietary protein might carry unwanted side effects, and protein supplementation can be unnecessary and expensive.
  • Teenage weightlifters immerse themselves in a demanding sport that emphasizes power and body weight. Already dealing with growth spurts and body changes, these teens may obsess about muscle gain. However, it is exercise, not high protein foods, that builds muscle -- although dietary protein provides the amino acids from which new muscle can be built.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Adolescents should obtain 13 percent to 14 percent of their entire calorie intake from protein. If an adolescent weightlifter's diet contains 3,000 calories, 14 percent of the total calories would be 428 cal.
  • diet containing protein-rich foods such as eggs, lean meats, beans, nuts and low fat cheese and milk easily fulfills the young weightlifter's requirements.
  • The National Kidney Association cites studies showing accelerated kidney damage in diabetics on high protein diets.
  • However, Body Building For You suggests that athletes regularly exceed protein requirements with no adverse effects, and that no study ever scientifically proved that high protein diets are dangerous to healthy individuals.
  • n 1998, "Journal of Nutrition" reported excessive protein metabolism encouraging calcium loss through excretion, yet in 2003 the same journal suggested that calcium is not always lost, possibly because phosphorous helps to enable calcium re-uptake by the kidneys -- at least in people with no prior health problems.
  • hus, protein supplements may not harm the young weightlifter, even if those supplements contribute to protein intake beyond recommended levels.
  • Still, two concerns remain: one is financial loss at the expense of weight gain. Expensive protein supplements are unnecessary if the young weightlifter includes protein-rich foods in every meal.
  • Another danger is hidden ingredients. Some of the most respected Olympian weightlifters have tested positive for banned drugs or steroids hidden in nutritional supplements that they believed to be protein or energy supplements.
  • Some cause physical and sexual characteristics to alter, and some hasten cancer. In short, young weightlifters aspiring to world-class competition must exercise the utmost responsibility regarding nutrition. It is never too early to start such discipline.
    • Wasif H
      This information is valuable because I can relate to it. I dont want to be taking some protein that may have other chemicals that are harmful for my body. 

List Of Carbohydrate Foods - Nutrition - 0 views

  • The basic four best sources of good carbs are: Raw or lightly cooked vegetables found on the healthy vegetables list, Most whole fresh or frozen fruits, chosen from the healthy fresh fruits list, Beans, legumes, nuts and seeds - make healthy choices from the bean list, And high fiber 100% whole grains picked from the healthy list of whole grains.
  • The basic bad carbs list includes: All candies, jelly and jams, Sodas, fruit juices, fruit drinks, Pudding, custards and other sweets, Processed refined grains, like white rice, Bread and pasta made with any refined flour, Cakes, cookies and other sweet bakery products
    Bascially these are the good and bad carbohyrdrates.

How To Plan A Healthy Diet & Meals For Teenagers | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Step 1
  • provide adequate nutrition
  • establish healthy habits
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • carry with him throughout his life.
  • Step 2
  • write down her plan for meals and snacks
  • plan a day's worth of food that fits within a healthy diet by helping her write down what she will eat and when she will eat it.
  • eat often enough to keep her energy up
  • Step 3
  • Discuss eating fast food
  • how to make healthier choices at fast food places by showing him how to look up the nutrition information for the items he usually chooses.
  • Step 4
  • Pack your lunch together.
  • to show her what makes up a healthy lunch that fits into a diet plan
  • Variety is important
  • Emphasize the importance of including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean sources of protein.
  • Step 5
  • Enjoy family meals together. This can be dinner or breakfast
  • will begin to understand what goes into cooking a healthy meal.
    Shows you how to plan healthy for question 5 

Benefits Of Healthy Eating For Maintaining A Healthy Body - 0 views

  • There are many benefits of healthy eating including increased vitality and energy
  • one of the most important benefits of eating healthy foods is weight control and protection from disease.
  • Top 5 Benefits Of Eating A Healthy Diet
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Weight Management.
  • Better Skin Tone.
  • Increased Energy.
  • Individuals that eat the wrong foods or eat at the wrong times are always complaining of tiredness.
  • you will feel more energetic and in due course your rate of metabolism increases as well.
  • Protection from Diet-Related Disease.
  • effect of a healthy diet in the protection from diseases may not be immediately apparent.
  • In fact, you may never realize what health problems you may have developed had you not followed a healthy diet
  • useful in the management of adult onset diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure and high cholesterol as well as other health issues.
  • Better Sleep Patterns.
  • If you eat the right size portions of healthy foods at the right time
  • find that you tend to sleep better in the night since the body is not busy trying to digest and excrete toxins found in junk foods.
  • You will begin to feel much healthier in no time!
    Good specific examples on the benefit of healthy living. 

Healthy eating for teens - Live Well - NHS Choices - 0 views

  • Your body needs energy and nutrients from food to grow and to work properly. If you don’t eat a healthy, balanced diet, you could be putting your health and growth at risk.
  • eating well doesn't have to mean giving up all your favourite foods.
  • means eating a wide range of foods so that you get all the nutrients you need, and eating the right number of calories for how active you are.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • If you’re feeling tired and run down
  • may need more iron in your diet.
  • Teenage girls are at higher risk of being low on iron
  • Good sources of iron include red meats, breakfast cereals fortified with iron and baked beans
  • Don’t follow fad diets.
  • If you often feel hungry,
  • eating more high-fibre foods such as wholemeal bread, beans and wholegrain breakfast cereals.
  • Aim to eat at least five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables a day.
  • good sources of many of the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
  • fruit juice, smoothies and vegetables baked into dishes such as stews can all count towards your total.
  • Don’t skip breakfast.
  • eating breakfast can actually help people control their weight.
  • Whole grain cereal like muesli with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and healthy start to the day.
  • Make sure you drink enough fluids.
  • drink six to eight glasses of fluids a day: water, unsweetened fruit juices and milk are all healthy choices
  • At snack time, swap foods that are high in saturated fat or sugars
  • High saturated fat foods include pies, processed meats such as sausages and bacon, biscuits and crisps.
  • And too much saturated fat can also cause high cholesterol.
    contains more direct information for question 4 

BBC - Health: Healthy eating for teenagers - 0 views

  • Teenagers and diet
  • should sustain growth and promote good health.
  • number of physiological changes occur that affect nutritional needs
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Nutrition
  • Intake of iron and calcium was also below ideal levels among many of the teenagers. Meanwhile the rising levels of obesity suggest many young people are eating too many calories.
  • Iron deficiency
  • most common nutritional deficiencies in the UK.
  • can result in iron-deficiency anaemia.
  • body doesn't absorb iron quite as easily from non-meat sources, but you can enhance absorption by combining them with a food rich in vitamin C
  • so it's better to have a glass of orange juice with your breakfast cereal than a cup of tea.
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Bones continue to grow and strengthen until the age of 30, and the teenage years are very important to this development.
  • Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous are vital for this process, with calcium requirements for the teenage years ranging from 800mg to 1,000mg per day.
  • Calcium-rich foods should be consumed every day.
  • Plenty of starchy carbohydrates
  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Two to three portions of dairy products
  • Two servings of protein
  • Limit sugar-rich food and drinks
  • Drink six to eight glasses of fluid a day
  • Eat regular meals from the main food groups, and minimise intake of high-fat and sugar-rich foods
  • particular attention to getting enough iron and calcium in the diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • physically active
    • Joti P
      This website provided useful information on balanced diets in teens and the statistics are surprising but seemingly true.
    question 4

How To Get Muscle Definition In The Abs | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Muscle definition in the abs comes from a healthy diet and regular abdominal exercises. Your abdominal workouts should target each of the three abdominal muscles: the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis and obliques. Eat a diet high in protein and low in fat to help build more defined abs.
  • Start with the upper abs and middle abs, which are considered part of the rectus abdominis, a lengthwise muscle that runs vertically from your sternum to pubic bone. For the lower abs, which tend to carry the most fat cells, perform stability ball knee tucks. The stability ball will strongly engage your lower abs, but also the rest of your core. Kneel with the ball in front of you. Lean over the ball and walk your hands out in front until your legs are straight with your feet on the ball. Engage your abs and pull the ball closer to your chest, lifting your hips and bending your knees. Roll the ball away until you are in a straight line again.
  • Work the middle abs and obliques. For these, do bicycle crunches. Begin on your back with your feet in the air, shins parallel to the ground and knees bent to 90 degrees. Interlock your hands behind your head, keeping your elbows out wide. Straighten your right leg, right foot in the air, and lift your chest and right shoulder to your left knee. Come back to the center and straighten the left leg, bringing your left shoulder toward your right knee. Keep going from side to side, keeping your chest lifted and elbows wide next to your ears.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Perform double-leg toe reachers. These exercises are beneficial in toning and strengthening the upper rectus abdominis and the transverse abdominis, which is the muscle that runs around your waistline. Holding a medicine ball or kettlebell in front of your chest makes the exercise more challenging. Lie on your back and bring your legs straight into the air. Hold the medicine ball in front of your chest and straighten your arms so the ball is in the air. Engage your abs and lift your chest straight toward the sky. Keep looking straight up and lower your chest. Repeat the move, keeping your arms and legs engaged and as straight as possible.
  • Combining a healthy diet with exercises that work the three abdominal muscles will help you get muscle definition in the abs. As with any exercise program, consult your medical professional before beginning these workouts.
    • Wasif H
      I think these are good tips on how to get defintion. I would use other exercises as well. 
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