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Information technologies foster freedom or reinforce repression - 0 views

    The media may portray text messaging and social networks as powerful new weapons for freedom fighters, but these new communication tools may not be as uniformly beneficial or as robust as suggested, according to Penn State researchers.

In times of unrest, Social Networks can be a distraction - 0 views

    The mass media, including interactive social-networking tools, make you passive, can sap your initiative, leave you content to watch the spectacle of life from your couch or smartphone. Enlarge This Image Apparently even during a revolution. That is the provocative thesis of a new paper by Navid Hassanpour, a political science graduate student at Yale, titled "Media Disruption Exacerbates Revolutionary Unrest." Using complex calculations and vectors representing decision-making by potential protesters, Mr. Hassanpour, who already has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford, studied the recent uprising in Egypt. His question was, how smart was the decision by the government of President Hosni Mubarak to completely shut down the Internet and cellphone service on Jan. 28, in the middle of the crucial protests in Tahrir Square?

Thoughts on tech adoption: "You can't win or lose in the first inning"-@Greg2dot0 - 0 views

    It really amazes me. We are still predicting failure/success, trying to figure out exactly what Enterprise 2.0 is. Why? Not because I know the answer, but because our expectations are off. It's like trying to predict the winner of the ball game at the end of the 1st inning.

What determines a company's performance? The shape of the CEO's face - 0 views

    Believe it or not, one thing that predicts how well a CEO's company performs is the width of his face. CEOs with wider faces, like Herb Kelleher, the former CEO of Southwest Airlines, have better-performing companies than CEOs like Dick Fuld, the long-faced final CEO of Lehman Brothers. That's the conclusion of a new study which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Female directors help to boost earnings quality - 0 views

    The results of this research project reveal that female directors are willing to tackle tough issues that are often considered unpalatable by all-male boards. Female board participation is also found to lead to more effective board communication with investors. The presence of female directors in monitor positions on audit and corporate governance committees also makes for more transparent reporting and earnings quality. There is evidence that boards with female directors promote greater vigilance over financial reporting, exhibit greater independence of though and ensure a more rigorous monitoring process.

Future Work Skills 2020 - 0 views

    We chose to highlight six drivers-big, disruptive shifts that are likely to reshape the landscape for organizations and workers. Although each driver is in itself important when thinking about the future, it is the confluence of several drivers working together that produces true disruptions. We then identified ten skills that we believe will be vital for success in the workforce: Sense-making: ability to determine the deeper meaning or significance of what is being expressed Social intelligence: ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions Novel and adaptive thinking: proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond that which is rote or rule-based Cross -cultural competency: ability to operate in different cultural settings Computational thinking: ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand data-based reasoning New media literacy: ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms, and to leverage these media for persuasive communication Transdisciplinarity: literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple disciplines Design mindset: ability to represent and develop tasks and work processes for desired outcomes Cognitive load management: ability to discriminate and filter information for importance, and to understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques Virtual collaboration: ability to work productively, drive engagement, and demonstrate presence as a member of a virtual team

Are your co-workers killing you? - 0 views

    We spend a large percentage of our lives at the office, engaged in the drudgery of work. Although we obsess over the medical benefits of various leisure activities - should I do yoga? take long walks? not watch television? - the amount of time we might spend in downward facing dog pose pales in comparison to the amount of time we spend seated in our chair, staring at the computer screen, surrounded by co-workers. A new study led by Arie Shirom at Tel Aviv University reveals the powerful impact of the workplace on longevity. The researchers tracked 820 adults for twenty years, starting with a routine health examination in 1988. The subjects worked in various professions, from finance to manufacturing to health care. They were interviewed repeatedly about conditions at their workplace, from the behavior of the boss to the niceness of their colleagues. Over the ensuing decades, their health was closely monitored, allowing the scientists to control for various medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, smoking and depression.

Free Coffee? A social experiment about consumption and altruism - 0 views

    Give a penny, take a penny - that's the concept behind Jonathan Stark's new "experiment in social sharing." He has put a picture of his Starbucks card online so that anyone in the world can use his account to purchase a cup of coffee. Just save the photo on your smartphone, go to your local Starbucks, and scan the barcode. Simple as that. You'll have a free cup of piping hot coffee.

Business Intelligence Challenged by Social, Mobile Data (via @dhinchcliffe | @HarvardBiz) - 0 views

    The same surveys that show CEOs' ideas of successful business strategies also show that they view the environment of the business, not the business itself, as the source of the greatest business risk - because it keeps changing faster and faster. As it does, customer needs and wants will inevitably do so as well, and probably faster and faster. Your business intelligence that analyzes these needs and wants must be open to the customer's indication of those changes - which often show up as information in an Other Category. And if you want to hug the customer closer, you need to ensure that the customer's changes result in the customer finding you to be an even better fit for purpose, and thus hugging you better. To do this, pick business intelligence solutions that will continue to handle the Other Categories of the future. Your customers may well hug you for it.

Cooperation's Genetic Code: Humans have a predisposition to cooperate - 0 views

    The assumption that human beings are inherently selfish-interested in the greater good only when it serves their own interests-has long-influenced capitalism's most prominent thinkers (Adam Smith, Alan Greenspan, Gordon Gekko) and served as a litmus test for modern America's so-called political realists. Employees are best motivated with bags of carrots and a big stick. Without law there is no order, and without the threat of punishment there is no law. We're all out for number one. Greed is good. Dogs eat dogs. Just turn on the news anytime of the day or night. The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. A compelling counter-narrative is emerging, however. In the latest issue of Harvard Business Review, Yochai Benkler points to "recent research in evolutionary biology, psychology, sociology, political science, and experimental economics [that suggests] people behave far less selfishly than most assume." "Evolutionary biologists and psychologists have even found neural and, possibly, genetic evidence of a human predisposition to cooperate," he writes.

Learning information the hard way may be best 'boot camp' for older brains - 0 views

    Canadian researchers have found the first evidence that older brains get more benefit than younger brains from learning information the hard way - via trial-and-error learning

"Boredom is easier to fix than an absence of belief"-@rands - 0 views

    Much has been written about employee motivation and retention. It's written by folks who actively use words like motivation and retention and generally don't have a clue about the daily necessity of keeping your team professionally content because they've either never done the work or have forgotten how it's done. These are the people who show up when your single best engineer casually and unexpectedly announces, "I'm quitting. I'm joining my good friend to found a start-up. This is my two weeks' notice." You call on the motivation and retention police because you believe they can perform the legendary "diving save". Whether it's HR or a well-intentioned manager with a distinguished title, these people scurry impressively. Meetings that go long into the evening are instantly scheduled with the disenfranchised employee. It's an impressive show of force, and it sometimes works, but even if they stay, the damage has been done. They've quit, and when someone quits they are effectively saying, "I no longer believe in this company". What's worse is that what they were originally thinking was, "I'm bored". Boredom is easier to fix than an absence of belief.

PCs to blame for rise in stressed out workers - 0 views

    Researchers interested in stress at work have been concerned at the increased intensity of work in the EU over the past 20 years. A more detailed breakdown has shown that this increase between 1995 and 2005 occurred in all countries with only one exception, the UK. Our early adoption of computers may be the key.

A living factory: making manufacturing smarter and more agile - 0 views

    The time it takes for new products to come to market is getting ever shorter. As a consequence, goods are being produced using manufacturing facilities and IT systems that were designed with completely different models in mind. Fraunhofer developers want to make factories smarter so they can react to changes of their own accord.

Social Media Poll Results: Fear of Losing Control Still an Issue - 0 views

    Social Media Poll Results: Fear of Losing Control Still an Issue (via @mitsmr)

Social business and enterprise usage: The lessons | ZDNet - 0 views

    Social business and enterprise usage: The lessons

Sweden turns its Twitter account aver to citizens - 0 views

    Sweden has surrendered its official Twitter account, @sweden, to the hoi polloi. The project, Curators of Sweden, signs up Swedes to tweet a week at a time. It started December 10 with Jack Wermer, a writer and marketing specialist. The second tweeter was Hasan Ramic, a Bosnian immigrant Currently, the position is filled by the moose-hunting, oral tobacco product enthusiast Anders Dalenius.

Best Buy manager thinks employee tweets can't be trusted - 0 views

    Best Buy hasn't been doing so hot lately, and here's another example that shows why. The retailer has a Twitter account @Twelpforce that uses 3,000+ employees to help run it. So far it has worked without a major disaster, despite the exposure it has with so many employees working on it. But at least one Best Buy manager disagrees, and thinks it's basically a load of crap, reports Chris Morran at the Consumerist.

Walmart buys mobile developer Small Society [Smart acquisitions, W+K ties ...] - 0 views

    Walmart has purchased Small Society, a Portland-based mobile developer that's built apps for Starbucks, Amazon, Whole Foods, ZipCar, the Democratic National Committee, and others. Financial terms were not disclosed in an announcement on the retail giant's @WalmartLabs blog earlier today. Small Society's team will join an existing @WalmartLabs location in Oregon, according to the post. Launched in 2011, @WalmartLabs is designed to create technologies that propel the multi-channel brand as a social-mobile commerce player in the years to come. The company also appears to be mounting an agency-like infrastructure that could bypass vendors, keeping some digital marketing development in-house at the Bentonville, AR-based big box merchandiser.

How Social Business Leaders Lead: Interacting with their Network (via @rawn | @Forbes) - 0 views

    How Social Business Leaders Lead: Interacting with their Network
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