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Rhondda Powling

Global Digital Citizenship-in 15 Minutes! (Solution Fluency) - 1 views

    "By focusing on Global Digital Citizenship every day for 15 minutes, you can instil in your students a strong basis for Internet-savvy skills for the 21st Century. This is the first in a series of templates for lesson plans on the 21st Century Fluencies. You take this lesson in parts; one part each day. You can spread this out over a couple weeks time or however you wish. The premise for our 15 minutes comes in the form of flipped videos or material that students will examine at home, or at the very least to be highlighted and watched in class for 15 minutes or less. So it all begins with your PBL plan. We here at the Global Digital Citizen Foundation believe that PBL is one of the best ways to get students engaged in their own learning. PBL is the name-Solution Fluency is the game."
Rhondda Powling

Teaching copyright with video mashups - Innovation: Education - 1 views

    The meaning of the concepts of copyright and fair use, as applied to creative work, has broadened dramatically in the digital world. Students are some of the biggest consumers and creators of work created on digital platforms, but they don't often understand: 1. what they may legitimately use. 2. how they may use it what protection exists for their own creative work. 3.Introducing "fair use" concepts. The authors of the post explain how they took the excellent Rework, Reuse, Remix lesson from Commonsense Media to create the foundational lesson plan for an 8th grade Digital Learning class hat St. Francis Xavier School, in Winooski VT. It introduces the concept of fair use and how to apply it to case studies"
SLAV Connects

Weblinks login » Weblinks - 0 views

    Pledger Consulting present this product.  Link to resources for Australian Curriculum resources.  Lesson plans, teacher resources.
    Pledger Consulting present this product.  Link to resources for Australian Curriculum resources.  Lesson plans, teacher resources.  
SLAV Connects

Jacaranda Atlas | My World Atlas - 0 views

    Interactive online atlas with extended features for Geography and other subjects.  Incl lesson plans
    Interactive online atlas with extended features for Geography and other subjects.  Incl lesson plans
Rhondda Powling

Character Scrapbook Teaching Guide | - 0 views

    Character Scrapbook, produced by Scholastic, is a web resource that is a simple to use. It offers a reader's response activity that students can use to analyse any character in a book or story. The template allows them to include details and reflections about a character through text, but it also provides the students with an opportunity to create a visual representation of that character. Once created they can save or print it as a type of scrapbook. . It offers is a simple way to engage students and also offers an opportunity to help them form a deeper understanding of a book's character(s). Character Scrapbook could be utilized with fiction or non-fiction text as an individual, small group and/or even whole class assignment There is a detailed teacher's guide on the Scholastic site that has a detailed how-to as well as lesson extensions.
    Character Scrapbook, produced by Scholastic, is a web resource that is a simple to use. It offers a reader's response activity that students can use to analyse any character in a book or story. The template allows them to include details and reflections about a character through text, but it also provides the students with an opportunity to create a visual representation of that character. 6. Ten accomplishments XX achieved. Once created they can save or print it as a type of scrapbook. . It offers is a simple way to engage students and also offers an opportunity to help them form a deeper understanding of a book's character(s). Character Scrapbook could be utilized with fiction or non-fiction text as an individual, small group and/or even whole class assignment There is a detailed teacher's guide on the Scholastic site that has a detailed how-to as well as lesson extensions.
Rhondda Powling

Learning through ICT Resources. Thematic Units, Lesson Plans, Rich Topics, Educational ... - 0 views

    " provides free teacher and pupil resources. Learn to Think, Learn to Learn. Online for 15+ years. The developers are pioneering in providing integrated thematic unit learning resources, that provide a basis from which rich learning tasks can be undertaken. We are one of the leading educational web-sites for educators in New Zealand."
Rhondda Powling

Word Mover - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

    Word Mover (By ReadWriteThink) is designed to help students develop poems and short stories Students can use word banks already created or they can also add new words to the list. They can then drag onto a canvas they have selected to construct their poem or story. They are also able to manipulate and move the text as they wish to creatively publish poetry. There are six different categories and 12 canvas backgrounds students may select. Useful lesson plans that use the app for a variety of learning levels and subjects are also shared.
Rhondda Powling

5 Excellent Rubric Making Tools for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    This is an annotated list of 5 useful applications. "Rubrics are helpful for both teachers and students: teachers can use them when designing lesson plans and grading assignments; students can use them to make sure they meet the learning expectations and requirements of an assignment or project work. Rubric making should not be a complicated task, it should only speak to the core requirements of a given task while channeling focus to the learning outcomes. There are  a wide variety of web tools and mobile apps teachers can use to create rubrics."
Rhondda Powling

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: Can Your Students Spot Fake News? Here are ... - 0 views

    A list of on-line resources that can to aid teachers and their students with the task of spotting fake news. The articles, guides, lesson plans and videos deal with the importance of evaluating websites.
Rhondda Powling

Digital Citizenship One Liners | Teacher Tech - 1 views

    "We all know we need to teach students how to behave appropriately on the internet, avoid scams, be safe and how to be digitally literate. Digital citizenship should be part of every classrooms curriculum, not just the responsibility of a tech class. Common Sense Media has a wealth of resources and lesson plans for teachers on digital citizenship. The presentation in this post is a crowd sourced document of one liners of digital citizenship that can be used in faculty meetings, with students or professional development workshops. You canAdd your own digital citizenship one liners @"
Rhondda Powling

Flocab's Best of 2015 - YouTube - 0 views

    A short video that address the issue of your onine persona "Published on 7 Aug 2014. Think before you post! This unit teaches students about digital citizenship. We offer the top ten to think about before you post to social media platforms. See the full lyrics and lesson plan at"
Rhondda Powling

DK Find Out! | Fun Facts for Kids on Animals, Earth, History and more! - 0 views

    This visual encyclopedia is created by the publisher DK. It is new, so somewhat limited but they have plans to grow. I see it as useful for younger students, ESL students and special education students. The site is easy to use and has clear categories. It also offers other sections: What's New?. Videos. Quizzes. Fun Facts. Galleries. Another section called My Space will also be added. Teachers may create an account and access a lesson planner. The DK Online World Desk Reference may also be of interest. You need to create an account to use it which takes seconds to do. This site "explores topics in physical and human geography for every country in the world, and practices critical-thinking skills
Cheryl Taylor

The Globalized Classroom: 18 Key Resources for 2015 | Edudemic - 2 views

    Resources to help plan lessons that promote global awareness with your students..
Cheryl Taylor

Keyboard classes take over from handwriting lessons in Finland's schools - 0 views

    Finland is planning to phase out handwriting classes in favour of keyboard skills, a recognition that this generation will never write a letter, birthday card or love letter. Instead, they'll text, tap and tweet. Is the answer that easy.?
Rhondda Powling

6 Principles Of Genius Hour In The Classroom - 0 views

    "Genius Hour in the classroom is an approach to learning built around student curiosity, self-directed learning, and passion-based work. In traditional learning, teachers map out academic standards, and plan units and lessons based around those standards. In Genius Hour, students are in control, choosing what they study, how they study it, and what they do, produce, or create as a result. As a learning model, it promotes inquiry, research, creativity, and self-directed learning."
Rhondda Powling

ISTE | 9 resources for teaching digital citizenship - 0 views

    "In classrooms where digital citizenship is taught effectively, the teachers often share two things in common: They model ethical technology use for their students on a daily basis, and they naturally incorporate conversations about it whenever technology is part of their lesson plan. In other words, they weave digital citizenship seamlessly throughout their curriculum." There are some resources here to help you ion your task
Rhondda Powling

Andrew Fuller: Remote learning tips and ideas for teachers - The Parents' Website - 0 views

    "Remote learning is a major opportunity for schools to refine their lesson planning and delivery. The efforts of teachers to adapt classes to online platforms has been nothing less than heroic. Now we have the chance to incorporate the ingredients that create effective remote learning, accelerate expertise and enhance the experience of our students.  The rapid shift to remote learning has been unprecedented and we are all learning as we go through this. At its worst, remote learning can be disorienting and disconnecting. We all need to be innovative in creating learning that is engaging and involving for our students. The ideas in this paper are derived from the author's research and work with schools of the air and distance education as well as his work with students who have been unable to attend school due to mental health issues.  "
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