Storify "Redesigning Thinking in Libraries with Hamish Curry
At this workshop hosted by School Library Assoc of Victoria, Hamish Curry of NoTosh guided library staff through a design thinking approach to exploring the future possibilities for their individual school libraries."
Manage through EBSCOHost Collection Manager. Over 430,000 titles. Purchase on one, three or unlimited simultaneous users basis. Subscription model with or without downloading available or purchase individually. Can read through browser or down onto device. Go into current EBSCO databases. Downloads onto Bluefire devices.
Manage through EBSCOHost Collection Manager. Over 430,000 titles. Purchase on one, three or unlimited simultaneous users basis. Subscription model with or without downloading available or purchase individually. Can read through browser or down onto device. Go into current EBSCO databases. Downloads onto Bluefire devices.
Audio and ebook content. Top level publishers resources available. Accessed via a web portal and digital devices. Distributed via Borrow Boxapp. Students sign in then download audio or ebook.
Audio and ebook content. Top level publishers resources available. Accessed via a web portal and digital devices. Distributed via Borrow Boxapp. Students sign in then download audio or ebook.
The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.
The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.
Access-It Library is a single solution to all your library and resource management needs. Incredibly fast, flexible and easy to use. Both web-based and powerful SQL client/server with unicode support. Integrate with Wheelers Books and Overdrive resources plus others.
Access-It Library is a single solution to all your library and resource management needs. Incredibly fast, flexible and easy to use. Both web-based and powerful SQL client/server with unicode support. Integrate with Wheelers Books and Overdrive resources plus others.