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Nathan Goodyear

Biological functions and clinical implications of oestrogen receptors alfa and beta in ... - 0 views

  • ERα-positive cells respond to E2 with increased proliferation
  • ERβ was artificially introduced into these cells, E2-induced proliferation was inhibited
  • The proliferative response to E2 seems to be determined by the ratio of ERα/ERβ. The functions of ERβ in the breast are probably related to its antiproliferative as well as its prodifferentiative functions
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The risk of developing PC seems to be related to the diet
  • In the human prostate, ERβ is expressed in the basal epithelial cells and AR in the luminal epithelium.
  • For many years, DHT was considered to be the main hormone guiding prostate development and function. However, the idea was challenged when in 2001 Mahendroo et al. showed that mice in which both forms of 5α-reductase had been inactivated, have a normal functional prostate [50]. The question was then raised as to what is the real function of DHT in the prostate. In 1989 we hypothesized that DHT is a precursor of an oestrogen, 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol (3β-Adiol) and that physiological levels of an oestrogen could be produced in the total absence of aromatase [51]. We later demonstrated that 3β-Adiol is abundant in the prostate and is a good natural ligand for ERβ
  • The overall effect of oestrogens in the immune system is determined by a balance between ERα and ERβ signalling
  • The hypothesis of our group is that ERβ plays an important role in regulating the differentiation of pluripotent haematopoietic progenitor cells whereas ERα induces proliferation
  • In tissues and cell lines of mammary epithelium for example, it has been noticed that E2 in the presence of ERα elicits proliferation, but in the presence of ERβ it inhibits proliferation
  • ERα and ERβ have distinctive tissue distributions and to the great surprise of endocrinologists [7] many tissues previously thought to be ‘oestrogen-insensitive tissues’ were found to be ERβ positive and oestrogen sensitive. The most notable of the ERα-negative ERβ-abundant tissues were the epithelium of the rodent ventral prostate [8], the granulosa cells of the ovaries [9] and the parenchyma of the lungs
    Awesome article discusses the different balance of ER alpha and ER beta and the effects on tissue as it relates to proliferation versus differentiation.  This has clear implications in disease.  Physicians prescribing hormones without a knowledge and understanding of this are only causing potential harm to their clients.
Nathan Goodyear

Comparative Studies of the Estrogen Receptors β and α and the Androgen Recept... - 0 views

  • ER-β is predominately immunolocalized in basal cells and to a lesser extent in stromal cells of the morphologically normal human prostate
  • ER-α is detected in stromal cells and rarely in basal cells of the normal gland
  • AR was predominately localized in the nuclei of differentiated secretory cells and variably in basal cells of the normal acinar/duct unit as well as in stromal cells
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Hall and colleagues44 have reported that ER-β functions as a transdominant inhibitor of ER-α transcription and that it acts to decrease overall cellular sensitivity to estradiol
  • The expression of ER-β was diminished in high-grade dysplasias when compared to normal glands and lower grade lesions.
  • The transition from normal to low/moderate dysplastic glands in the peripheral zone was marked by the appearance of ER-β homogeneously immunostained nuclei in secretory as well as basal cells with no changes in the localization of the other receptors.
  • proliferative signals mediated by AR in basal cells or by ER-α and AR in stromal cells may be opposed by the purported growth-inhibitory action of ER-β25, 26, 27, 28 localized in basal cells.
  • The diminution of ER-β expression in high-grade dysplasias and grade 4/5 cancers may be therefore related to the alteration of DNA methylation pattern in CpG islands of the promoter, resulting in down-regulation of the receptor at the transcriptional level
  • based on the proposed anti-proliferative function of the receptor,25, 26, 27, 28 the presence of ER-β in secretory cells of low/moderate-grade lesions may represent a transient abortive attempt to counter growth of these cells
  • the attrition of receptor-positive basal cells in the high-grade dysplasias may signify a continuing loss of growth inhibitory function mediated by ER-β in these precursor lesions
  • Our findings in prostate therefore differ from those reported for human colon cancer in which Folley and colleagues48 demonstrated that a selective loss of ER-β protein but not receptor message expression occurs in these neoplasms
  • Our findings therefore differed from those of Bonkhoff and colleagues33 who found immunostaining for the receptor in high-grade dysplasias and grade 4/5 carcinomas. Using in situ hybridization these authors also reported that a high percentage of dysplasias and carcinomas in their study contained cells that expressed ER-α message
    Very nice study.  The authors looked at normal prostate, early disease and late stage prostate cancer.  The authors found that ER beta expression, as a general rule, was lost as progression occurred to the high-grade dysplasias and grad 4/5 carcinomas of the prostate.  Early low/moderate dysplasia was associated with an increase in ER beta--the authors propose that this was due to an attempt of the basal epithelium to counter the paracrine effect of ER alpha.   In contrast, androgen receptors appeared to be equally expressed across all.
Nathan Goodyear

Dynamic Regulation of Estrogen Receptor-β Expression by DNA Methylation Durin... - 0 views

    Methylation of the ER beta gene promoter region decreases ER beta expression and this has been associated with carcinogenesis of the prostate.
Nathan Goodyear

CpG hypermethylation of the promoter region inactivates the estrogen receptor... - 0 views

    ER beta expression that is lost in prostate carcinogenesis occurs via methylation at the ER beta gene promoter sites 19CpG.  What is really interesting is that ER beta expression was present in all of the samples with BPH, but was absent in 83% of the prostate cancer samples.
Nathan Goodyear

Frequent Loss of Estrogen Receptor-β Expression in Prostate Cancer - 0 views

    Loss of ER-beta expression in the prostate associated with increased progression from a normal prostate to prostate cancer.
Nathan Goodyear

Loss of ERβ expression as a common step in estrogen-dependent tumor progression - 0 views

    Loss of ER beta expression is a very important step in carcinogenesis in hormone responsive cancers.  This includes breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, but this also includes colorectal cancer in both.
Nathan Goodyear

Estrogen receptor-β: Implications for the prostate gland - Chang - 1999 - The... - 0 views

    ER beta and the prostate.  Older review.
Nathan Goodyear

Estrogen Receptor β in Prostate Cancer: Brake Pedal or Accelerator? - 0 views

    Great article on ER beta and the prostate.  ER alpha expression is very important in the development of the prostate.  IN that instance, ER beta is down regulated.  In prostate cancer generation, ER beta expression in the epithelium is lost.
Nathan Goodyear

An endocrine pathway in the prostate, ERβ, AR, 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol, and... - 0 views

    Great discussion of how 5alpha-androstane-3beta, 17beta-androstanediol interacts with ER beta as an estrogen to inhibit proliferation of the prostate and carcinogenesis.
Nathan Goodyear

NAD+ and Vitamin B3: From Metabolism to Therapies - 0 views

    NAD+ is very important in ATP production and as a means to counter free radicals.  This is a nice discussion of NAD metabolism.  
Nathan Goodyear

ERβ Impedes Prostate Cancer EMT by Destabilizing HIF-1α and Inhibiting VEGF-M... - 0 views

  • Loss of ERβ1 expression also resulted in a significant increase in migration and invasion (Figure 2F), functions characteristic of an EMT
  • we hypothesized that ERβ functions as a “gatekeeper” of the epithelial phenotype
  • breast and prostate are different with respect to ER expression and function
    The process of androgen deprivation therapy needs to be re-evaluated.  Why?  First, the CVD side effects associated with the androgen depletion.  Second, the depletion of 3 beta androstanediol that has been shown to bind to ER beta and inhibit growth.  As in this study that finds that ER beta activity slows prostate cancer through destabilizing of HIF-1 alpha and by inhibiting VEGF.
Nathan Goodyear

Expression of estrogen receptor β in prostate carcinoma cells inhibits invasi... - 0 views

    Study finds that ER beta inhibits invasion, proliferation and actually triggers cell death of prostate cancer cells.  This fits with the other data that loss of ER beta promotes carcinogenesis.
Nathan Goodyear

Estrogen-Dependent Signaling in a Molecularly Distinct Subclass of Aggressive Prostate ... - 0 views

    Estrogen receptors play a role in prostate cancer.  TMPRSS2-ERG expression is associated with increased aggressive cancer phenotype--ER beta decreases TMPRSS2-ERG expression, whereas ER alpha increases it.
Nathan Goodyear

Elevated androgens and prolactin in aromatase-... [Endocrinology. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    aromatase knockout mice, thus elevated androgens without estrogen production, develop BPH but not prostate cancer.  This points to estrogen as the important hormone in carcinogenesis of the prostate. Granted this is a animal model.
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    Estrogen plays a critical role in the initiation of carcinogenesis of prostate cancer through the ER alpha/beta expression.  As the authors state in their conclusion, "...ER alpha signaling potentiates the carcinogenic effects of androgens on the prostatic epithelium."
Nathan Goodyear

Persistent intraprostatic androgen c... [J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Serum evaluation of hormones is useless from a functional perspective.  This study finds that post-castration, despite a 94% decline in serum androgens, intraprostatic androgens stay much higher.
Nathan Goodyear

Tissue and serum levels of principal androgens in benign prostatic hyperplasia and pros... - 0 views

    Serum evaluation of Testosterone and DHT poorly correlates with intraprostatic hormone levels.  Must look to saliva to get better clinical picture.
Nathan Goodyear

A potential paradox in prostate adenocarcinoma ... [Eur J Cancer. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Estrogen is proposed to play an important role in the initiation of prostate cancer.  
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    Nice review of the proposed complex interaction between hormones and prostate cancer.  The complex nature of the development of cancer will likely eliminate the complete elucidation of the mechanism of prostate cancer.  However, there are many pieces that would favor: increased aromatase activity appears to play a significant role int he development of prostate cancer, clearly intraprostatic hormones are different than serum making serum evaluation of sex hormones irrelevant--the move should be to salivary hormones, and the growing knowledge of DHT metabolites in the protection of prostate cancer--3 beta androstanediol.
Nathan Goodyear

Belief not science is behind flu jab promotion, new report says | BMJ - 0 views

    Science not belief proves the ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine.
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