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Nathan Goodyear

Diet-induced obesity and low testosterone increase neuroinflammation and impair neural ... - 0 views

  • both obesity and low testosterone are also risk factors for neural dysfunction, including cognitive impairment [58–61] and development of AD
  • Levels of obesity and testosterone are often inversely correlated
  • diet-induced obesity causes significant metabolic disturbances and impairs central and peripheral nervous systems.
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • both obesity and low testosterone are linked with promotion of inflammatory pathways [70–72] and exert harmful actions on the central [73–75] and peripheral [29,76] nervous systems
  • In general, obesity-related changes were worsened by low testosterone and improved by testosterone treatment; however, this relationship was not statistically significant in several instances. Further, our data suggest that a common pathway that may contribute to obesity and testosterone effects is regulation of inflammation
  • fasting blood glucose levels were independently and additively increased by GDX-induced testosterone depletion and high-fat diet
  • testosterone treatment significantly reduced fasting glucose under both the normal and high-fat diets, demonstrating potential therapeutic efficacy of testosterone supplementation
  • fasting insulin, insulin resistance (HOMA index), and glucose tolerance, low testosterone tended to exacerbate and or testosterone treatment improved outcomes.
  • testosterone status did not significantly affect body weight
  • testosterone’s effects likely do not indicate an indirect result on adiposity but rather regulatory action(s) on other aspects of metabolic homeostasis
  • Prior work in rodents has shown diet-induced obesity induces insulin resistance in rat brain [63] and that testosterone replacement improves insulin sensitivity in obese rats [64]. Our findings are consistent with the human literature, which indicates that (i) testosterone levels are inversely correlated to insulin resistance and T2D in healthy [30,65] as well as obese men [66], and (ii) androgen therapy can improve some metabolic measures in overweight men with low testosterone
  • it has been shown that TNFα has inhibitory effects on neuron survival, differentiation, and neurite outgrowth
  • Our data demonstrate that low testosterone and obesity independently increased cerebrocortical mRNA levels of both TNFα and IL-1β
  • Testosterone status also affected metabolic and neural measures
  • many beneficial effects of testosterone, including inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine expression
  • neuroprotection [80,81], are dependent upon androgen receptors, the observed effects of testosterone in this study may involve androgen receptor activation
  • testosterone can be converted by the enzyme aromatase into estradiol, which is also known to exert anti-inflammatory [82] and neuroprotective [83] actions
  • glia are the primary sources of proinflammatory molecules in the CNS
  • poorer survival of neurons grown on glia from mice maintained on high-fat diet
  • Since testosterone can affect glial function [86] and improve neuronal growth and survival [87–89], it was unexpected that testosterone status exhibited rather modest effects on neural health indices with the only significant response being an increase in survival in the testosterone-treated, high-fat diet group
  • significantly increased expression of TNFα and IL-1β in glia cultures derived from obese mice
  • testosterone treatment significantly lowered TNFα and IL-1β expression to near basal levels even in obese mice, indicating a protective benefit of testosterone across diet conditions
  • IL-1β treatment has been shown to induce synapse loss and inhibit differentiation of neurons
  • Testosterone status and diet-induced obesity were associated with significant regulation of macrophage infiltration
  • testosterone prevented and/or restored thermal nociception in both diet groups
  • a possible mechanism by which obesity and testosterone levels may affect the health of both CNS and PNS
    Study points to obesity and low Testosterone contribution of neuroinflammation.  No effect of body weight was seen with TRT.  This animal model found similar positive effects of TRT in insulin sensitivity.  Obesity and low T increase inflammatory cytokine production: this study found an increase in TNF-alpha and IL-1beta and TRT reduced TNF-alpha and IL-1beta to near base-line.  Testosterone is neuroprotective and this study reviewed the small volume of evaded that pointed to benefit from estradiol.  Testosterone's effect on glial survival was positive but not significant.  Obesity and low T were found to be associated with increased macrophage infiltration in the PNS with increased TNF-alpha and IL-1beta.   Testosterone therapy improved peripheral neuropathy via its positive effects on nocicieption.
Nathan Goodyear

Cambridge Journals Online - Proceedings of the Nutrition Society - Fulltext -... - 0 views

    Peripheral 11Beta-HSD1 plays critical role in fat metabolism and energy utilization.  Good discussion on the role that extra-adrenal 11Beta-HSD1 plays in metabolism
Nathan Goodyear

Use of parenteral nutrition to maintain adequate n... [J Perinatol. 1990] - PubMed result - 0 views

  • It was concluded that PN can provide a safe means of maintaining adequate maternal nutrition and continued fetal growth
    IV nutrition shown to be safe during pregnancy
Nathan Goodyear

Parenteral nutrition in obstetric patients. [Nutr Clin Pract. 1990] - PubMed result - 0 views

  • Sufficient favorable clinical experience over the last 10 years suggests that PN is a relatively safe and effective method for reversing maternal malnutrition and promoting normal fetal growth and development.
    IV nutritional therapy shown to be safe 
Nathan Goodyear

Late Disseminated Lyme Disease: Associated Pathology and Spirochete Persistence Post-Tr... - 0 views

  • In this study, we have demonstrated microscopic pathology ranging from minimal to moderate in multiple different tissues previously reported to be involved with LD, including the nervous system (central and peripheral), heart, skeletal muscle, joint-associated tissues, and urinary bladder 12 to 13 months following tick-inoculation of rhesus macaques by Bb strain B31
  • Based on histomorphology, inflammation consisted predominantly of lymphocytes and plasma cells, with rare scattered histiocytes
  • in rare instances, morphologically intact spirochetes were observed in inflamed brain and heart tissue sections from doxycycline-treated animals
  • ...41 more annotations...
  • colocalization of the Bb 23S rRNA probe was not observed in any of the sections of experimental inoculated animals shown to harbor rare persistent spirochetes (Supplemental Figure S1). Previous in vitro work has shown large decreases in Bb rRNA levels when in a stationary phase of growth despite the majority of spirochetes remaining viable
  • The possibility that the spirochetes were intact but dead also exists, though this may be unlikely given the precedence for viable but non-cultivable B. burgdorferi post-treatment
  • The doxycycline dose utilized in this study (5mg/kg) was based on a previous pharmacokinetic analysis of oral doxycycline in rhesus macaques proven to be comparable to levels achieved in humans and was meant to mimic treatment of disseminated LD
  • In addition to the brain of two treated animals, rare morphologically intact spirochetes immunoreactive to OspA were observed in the heart of one treated animal
  • Although we did not measure the doxycycline levels in the cerebrospinal fluid, they have been found to be 12% to 15% of the amount measured in serum
  • We and others have demonstrated the development of a drug-tolerant persister population when B. burgdorferi are treated with antibiotics in vitro
  • The adoption of a dormant or slow-growing phenotype likely allows the spirochetes to survive and re-grow following removal of antibiotic
  • The basic premise that antibiotic tolerance may be an adaptation of the sophisticated stringent response required for the enzootic cycle by the spirochetes is described in a recent review as well
  • Although current IDSA guidelines recommend intravenous ceftriaxone (2g daily for 30 days) over oral doxycycline for treatment of neuroborreliosis, a randomized clinical trial failed to show any enhanced efficacy of I.V. penicillin G to oral doxycycline for treatment of Lyme neuroborreliosis (no treatment failures were reported in this study of 54 patients).
  • we can speculate that the minimal to moderate inflammation that was observed, especially within the CNS and PNS can, in part, explain the breadth of symptoms experienced by late stage Lyme disease patients, such as cognitive impairment and neuralgia.
  • Erythema migrans, the clinical hallmark of early localized Lyme disease, was observed in one of the rhesus macaques from this study.
  • In 2014, a trailblazing study in mice demonstrated a dramatic decline in B. burgdorferi DNA in the tissues for up to eight months after antibiotic treatment followed by the resurgence of B. burgdorferi growth 12 months after treatment
  • This study provides evidence that the slow-growing spirochetes which persist after treatment, but are not cultivable in standard growth media may remain viable.
  • The first well-documented indication of Lyme disease (LD) in the United States occurred in the early 1970s
  • Lyme, Connecticut.
  • Lyme disease is now known to be caused by multiple closely related genospecies classified within the Bb sensu lato complex, representing the most common tick-borne human disease in the Northern Hemisphere
  • approximately 30,000 physician-reported cases occur annually in the United States, the annual incidence has been estimated to be 10-fold higher by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.6
  • Current antibiotic therapy guidelines outlined by the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) are successful in the treatment of LD for the majority of LD patients, especially when administered early in disease immediately following identification of erythema migrans (EM)
  • ‘post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome’ (PTLDS)
  • host-adapted spirochetes that persist in the tissues, probably in small numbers, inaccessible or impervious to antibiotic
  • inflammatory responses to residual antigens from dead organisms
  • residual tissue damage following pathogen clearance;
  • autoimmune responses, possibly elicited by antigenic mimicry
  • Experimental studies on immunocompetent mice, dogs, and rhesus macaques have provided evidence for the persistence of Bb spirochetes subsequent to antibiotic treatment in the form of residual spirochetes detected within tissue by IFA and PCR, and recovered by xenodiagnoses
  • Ten male rhesus macaques
  • half (five) of the NHP received antibiotic treatment, consisting of 5 mg/kg oral doxycycline twice per day.
  • Minimal and focal lymphoplasmacytic inflammation
  • inflammation was observed in the leptomeninges overlying a section of temporal cerebral cortex
  • Minimal localized lymphoplasmacytic choroiditis
  • Peripheral nerves contained minimal to moderate lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with a predilection for collagen-rich epineurium and perivascular spaces
  • Inflammation was observed in 56% (5/9) of the NHPs irrespective of treatment group
  • For all animals, inflammation was reserved to perineural tissue
  • The treatment lasted 28 days
  • Minimal to mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation of either the myocardial interstitium (Figure 2Figure 2A), pericardium (Figure 2Figure 2B), or combination therein was observed in 60% of NHPs
  • A single morphologically intact spirochete, as indicated by positive red immunofluorescence (Figure 2Figure 2C), was observed in the myocardium of one treated animal
  • mild, multifocal lymphoplasmacytic inflammation was observed in one doxycycline-treated animal
  • three animals exhibited minimal to mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation affecting joint-associated structures
  • 10% to -20% of human patients treated
  • Multiple randomized placebo-controlled studies which evaluated sustained antimicrobial therapy concluded that there is no benefit in alleviating patients’ symptoms and indicated that long-term antibiotic therapy may even be detrimental to patients due to potential associated complications (ie, catheter infection and/or clostridial colitis)
  • and the rapid clearance of dead spirochetes in a murine model
  • higher doses may be needed to combat neuroborreliosis
    persistent borrelia burgdorferia were found in the brain (2) and the heart (1) up to 13 months post standard antibiotic treatment suggesting borrelia burdorferia, the cause of Lyme, can persist in a chronic, persistant state poste acute treatment.
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