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thinkahol *

Most Distant Galaxy Ever Confirmed | Wired Science | - 0 views

    Astronomers' new observations have spotted the most distant galaxy ever seen. The galaxy's light comes from about 13.1 billion light-years away, making it one of the first galaxies to form after the Big Bang.
Charles Daney

Farthest Galaxy Cluster Ever Detected | - 0 views

    Captured by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and combined with data from infrared and optical telescopes, this image shows the farthest galaxy cluster ever detected. Designated JKCS041, the cluster is located 10.2 billion light-years from Earth, beating the previous distance record by a billion light-years. Astronomers think JKCS041 formed just about as early as was feasible.
Janos Haits

Google and the world brain - Polar Star Films - The most ambitious project ever conceiv... - 0 views

    The most ambitious project ever conceived on the Internet: Google's master plan to scan every book in the world and the people trying to stop them. Google says they are building a library for mankind, but some say they also have other intentions.

Methods of Hypnosis - Blind Hypnosis - 0 views

    Have you ever wondered how a hypnotist is able to easily hypnotize people in front of million people? If you are thinking that it is just a stage trick or fake, my friend you are wrong the hypnosis acts are 100% real. Even hypnosis is so easy that anyone can become a Hypnotist, to learn more about Hypnosis methods follow the following link.
    Have you ever wondered how a hypnotist is able to easily hypnotize people in front of million people? If you are thinking that it is just a stage trick or fake, my friend you are wrong the hypnosis acts are 100% real. Even hypnosis is so easy that anyone can become a Hypnotist, to learn more about Hypnosis methods follow the following link.
Sneha S

First ever "Earth-like" planet discoverd: Kepler 22b! - 0 views

    Scientist recently discovered the first ever Earth-like planet. The discovery was announced on 5th December 2011.
Skeptical Debunker

New Rocket Engine Could Reach Mars in 40 Days - Yahoo! News - 0 views

  • A mission trajectory study estimated that a VASIMR-powered spacecraft could reach the red planet within 40 days if it had a 200 megawatt power source. That's 1,000 times more power than what the current VASIMR prototype will use, although Ad Astra says that VASIMR can scale up to higher power sources. The real problem rests with current limitations in space power sources. Glover estimates that the Mars mission scenario would need a power source that can produce one kilowatt (kW) of power per kilogram (kg) of mass, or else the spacecraft could never reach the speeds required for a quick trip. Existing power sources fall woefully short of that ideal. Solar panels have a mass to power ratio of 20 kg/kW. The Pentagon's DARPA science lab hopes to develop solar panels that can achieve 7 kg/KW, and stretched lens arrays might reach 3 kg/KW, Glover said. That's good enough for VASIMR to transport cargo around low-Earth orbit and to the moon, but not to fly humans to Mars. Ad Astra sees nuclear power as the likeliest power source for a VASIMR-powered Mars mission, but the nuclear reactor that could do the job remains just a concept on paper. The U.S. only ever launched one nuclear reactor into space back in 1965, and it achieved just 50 kg/kW.
    Future Mars outposts or colonies may seem more distant than ever with NASA's exploration plans in flux, but the rocket technology that could someday propel a human mission to the red planet in as little as 40 days may already exist. A company founded by former NASA astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz has been developing a new rocket engine that draws upon electric power and magnetic fields to channel superheated plasma out the back. That stream of plasma generates steady, efficient thrust that uses low amounts of propellant and builds up speed over time. "People have known for a long time, even back in the '50s, that electric propulsion would be needed for serious exploration of Mars," said Tim Glover, director of development at the Ad Astra Rocket Company.
thinkahol *

Smallest atomic displacements ever may lead to new new classes of electronic devices | ... - 0 views

    An international team of scientists has developed a novel X-ray technique for imaging atomic displacements in materials with unprecedented accuracy, using a recently discovered class of exotic materials - multiferroics - that can be simultaneously magnetically and electrically ordered. Multiferroics are also candidate materials for new classes of electronic devices. The researchers are from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble (France), the University of Oxford, and the University College London.
Janos Haits

SpringerOpen - 0 views

    SpringerOpen gives you the opportunity to publish open access in all areas of science. It makes it easier than ever for you to widen your readership, comply with open access mandates, retain copyright, and benefit from Springer's trusted brand.
Janos Haits - 0 views

    UrtheCast (pronounced "EarthCast") is a company created around a unique vision: to provide the world's first ever, live HD video feed of Earth from space. Working in an exclusive relationship with world-famous Russian Aerospace giant RSC Energia, UrtheCast is building, launching, installing, and operating two cameras on the Russian module of the International Space Station. Starting in mid-2012, video data of the Earth collected by our cameras will be down-linked to ground stations around the planet and then displayed in near real time on the UrtheCast web platform or distributed directly to our exclusive partners and customers.
Janos Haits

Khan Academy - 0 views

    The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. We are complementing Salman's ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World.
Janos Haits

ACM Digital Library - 0 views

    Full text of every article ever published by ACM and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.
Erich Feldmeier

Peter Duesberg, Amanda McCormack Landes Bioscience Journals: Cell Cycle cancer, Krebs, ... - 0 views

    "Since cancers have individual clonal karyotypes, are immortal and evolve from normal cells treated by carcinogens only after exceedingly long latencies of many months to decades-we deduce that carcinogenesis may be a form of speciation. This theory proposes that carcinogens initiate carcinogenesis by causing aneuploidy, i.e., losses or gains of chromosomes. Aneuploidy destabilizes the karyotype, because it unbalances thousands of collaborating genes including those that synthesize, segregate and repair chromosomes. Driven by this inherent instability aneuploid cells evolve ever-more random karyotypes automatically. Most of these perish, but a very small minority acquires reproductive autonomy-the primary characteristic of cancer cells and species"
Janos Haits

plagium ::: plagiarism checker & plagiarism tracker ::: home - 0 views

    Plagium is free to use, but it costs money to maintain and develop. Help us make Plagium ever better by making a donation towards its upkeep and improvement:
Ivan Pavlov

BBC News - Oldest big cat fossil found in Tibet - 0 views

    The oldest big cat fossils ever found - from a previously unknown species "similar to a snow leopard" - have been unearthed in the Himalayas. The skull fragments of the newly-named Panthera blytheae have been dated between 4.1 and 5.95 million years old. Their discovery in Tibet supports the theory that big cats evolved in central Asia - not Africa - and spread outward.
Walid Damouny

Carbon nanotubes show the ability to amplify light, could lead to new photonic applicat... - 0 views

    "( -- "Carbon nanotubes have a lot of really nice properties that make them good for photonics," Laurent Vivien tells Ever since the discovery that carbon nanotubes have photoluminescence when encapsulated in micelle surfactant, Vivien points out, there has been interest in pursuing them for use in nanophotonics, and in microelectronics. "
thinkahol *

Why the 'sixth extinction' will be unpredictable - life - 03 September 2010 - New Scien... - 1 views

    A major extinction event is under way - but predicting which species will survive could be harder than we thought. That's the conclusion of one of the most accurate analyses ever of diversity in the marine animal fossil record.
thinkahol *

First Direct Photo of Alien Planet Finally Confirmed | KurzweilAI - 1 views

    A planet outside of our solar system, said to be the first ever directly photographed by telescopes on Earth, has been officially confirmed to be orbiting a sun-like star that is 500 light-years away.
thinkahol *

Fermilab is Building a 'Holometer' to Determine Once and For All Whether Reality Is Jus... - 0 views

    Researchers at Fermilab are building a "holometer" so they can disprove everything you thought you knew about the universe. More specifically, they are trying to either prove or disprove the somewhat mind-bending notion that the third dimension doesn't exist at all, and that the 3-D universe we think we live in is nothing more than a hologram. To do so, they are building the most precise clock ever created.
Charles Daney

From butterfly to caterpillar: How children grow up - New Scientist - 0 views

    In the past 30 years, a scientific revolution has completely transformed our understanding of babies and young children. Babies both know more and learn more than we would ever have thought possible, and we have recently begun to grasp the mechanisms by which they do this. I wrote The Philosophical Baby to try to show that thinking about childhood can help us answer deep questions about truth, imagination, love, consciousness, identity and morality. Without exaggeration, I believe it can tell us how we came to be human.
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