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Janos Haits

Encyclopedia of Puget Sound - 0 views

    Puget Sound hosts more than 100 species of seabirds, 200 species of fish, 15 marine mammal species, hundreds of plant species, and thousands of invertebrate species. These species do not exist in isolation, but rather interact with each other in a variety of ways: they eat and are eaten by each other;
Erich Feldmeier

Reiner Hartenstein: Werden Tumore Krebs Cancer durch Angiogenese-Hemmer aggressiver? (A... - 0 views

    dass bei Mäusen mindestens 2 der 3 zur Krebstherapie zugelassenen Angiogenese-Hemmer die Bösartigkeit von Tumoren erhöhen können (Cancer Cell 2009, Band 15: Seite 220 und 232). Wurden krebskranke Labortiere mit den Wirkstoffen Sunitinib oder Sorafenib behandelt, verlangsamte sich einerseits das Tumorwachstum deutlich, andererseits drangen die Tumore verstärkt in das umliegende Gewebe ein und bildeten mehr Metastasen. .. Offenbar verlangsamen Angiogenese-Hemmer zunächst das Wachstum eines Tumors, bis dieser auf das knappe Nährstoffangebot reagiert und sich gegen das Aushungern zur Wehr setzt. „Möglicherweise liegt das daran, dass ein Tumor sein Wachstumsverhalten ändert, wenn er nicht mehr ausreichend versorgt wird. Indem er in benachbartes Gewebe eindringt und Tochtergeschwülste bildet, könnte er versuchen, wieder mehr Nachschub zu bekommen
Erich Feldmeier

Psychologie des Feilschens - Das kostet 1523,67 Euro - Wissen - Sü - 0 views

    "Feilschen ähnelt einem sportlichen Wettkampf. Vor allem insofern, als der besser trainierte Teilnehmer in der Regel als Sieger aus dem Duell geht. Ein wertvoller Tipp zur Vorbereitung für den nächsten Besuch auf dem Basar kommt nun von Psychologen um David Loschelder von der Universität Saarbrücken: Um einen guten Preis zu erzielen, sollte man eine krumme Summe als Angebot aufrufen. Wer etwa ein Auto verkauft, sollte nicht mit einem runden Betrag ins Rennen gehen, sondern zum Beispiel 14.885 oder 15.225 Euro verlangen. Ein solcher, scheinbar präzise abgewogener Preis erzeuge nämlich die Illusion, dass der Verkäufer besonders gut informiert sei. Das beeindruckt beim Handeln"
Ivan Pavlov

Is there an ape for that? Orangutans plan trips - - 0 views

    What he and his orangutan buddies do in the forests of Sumatra tells scientists that advance trip planning and social networking aren't just human traits, A new study of 15 wild male orangutans finds that they routinely plot out their next day treks and share their plans in long calls, so females can come by or track them, and competitive males can steer clear.
Skeptical Debunker

It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs - Yahoo! News - 0 views

    A giant asteroid smashing into Earth is the only plausible explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs, a global scientific team said on Thursday, hoping to settle a row that has divided experts for decades. A panel of 41 scientists from across the world reviewed 20 years' worth of research to try to confirm the cause of the so-called Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) extinction, which created a "hellish environment" around 65 million years ago and wiped out more than half of all species on the planet. Scientific opinion was split over whether the extinction was caused by an asteroid or by volcanic activity in the Deccan Traps in what is now India, where there were a series of super volcanic eruptions that lasted around 1.5 million years. The new study, conducted by scientists from Europe, the United States, Mexico, Canada and Japan and published in the journal Science, found that a 15-kilometre (9 miles) wide asteroid slamming into Earth at Chicxulub in what is now Mexico was the culprit. "We now have great confidence that an asteroid was the cause of the KT extinction. This triggered large-scale fires, earthquakes measuring more than 10 on the Richter scale, and continental landslides, which created tsunamis," said Joanna Morgan of Imperial College London, a co-author of the review.
Walid Damouny

A better genetic test for autism - 2 views

    "A large study from Children's Hospital Boston and the Boston-based Autism Consortium finds that a genetic test that samples the entire genome, known as chromosomal microarray analysis, has about three times the detection rate for genetic changes related to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) than standard tests. Publishing in the April issue of Pediatrics (and online March 15), the authors urge that CMA become part of the first-line genetic work-up for ASDs."
thinkahol *

First life: The search for the first replicator - life - 15 August 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    Life must have begun with a simple molecule that could reproduce itself - and now we think we know how to make one
Charles Daney

Interview: Murray Gell-Mann / Science News - 0 views

    Shortly before his 80th birthday, on September 15, the physics Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann spoke with Science News Editor in Chief Tom Siegfried about his views on the current situation in particle physics and the interests he continues to pursue in other realms of science.
Walid Damouny

Steadier Traffic Flow Improves Health of Local Infants, Researchers Say - 0 views

    "The creation of E-ZPass lanes over the past 15 years has significantly improved the health of newborn babies living near highways in the Northeast, according to a Columbia study. The researchers found that reductions in traffic congestion generated by E-ZPass lanes reduced premature birthrates by 10.8 percent and low birth weight by 11.8 percent among infants born within 2 kilometers of toll plazas. The net effect has led to hundreds of millions of dollars in saved medical costs."

Growing Mustard: A Beginners Guide for Commercial Production - 1 views

Mustard is a common spice grown in Indian sub-continent and is used for garnishing various dishes. The plant bears seeds that are processed into dry seeds for garnishing or crushed to extract musta...

mustard seeds plants growing sustainable farming industrial agriculture organic The Trivedi Effect

started by anonymous on 25 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
thinkahol *

The surprise theory of everything - physics-math - 15 October 2012 - New Scientist - 3 views

    "Forget quantum physics, forget relativity. Inklings of an ultimate theory might emerge from an unexpected place "
Philip Solars

Solar Panel That Truly Saves Money - 1 views

The solar panel which is Suntech 195W Mono Panel that National Solar Traders has provided me is the most cost effective solar panel I have known. It is composed of monocrystalline cells and univers...

started by Philip Solars on 28 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

Kno - 15-Day Free Trials on over 100,000 eTextbooks - 0 views

    Kno is a killer education software company on a mission to shake up higher education by making learning engaging, efficient, and social for students.
Erich Feldmeier

Jessica Tracy, Alec Beall scinexx | Rote Kleidung beim Eisprung?: Psychologe... - 0 views

    "Studien haben zudem gezigt, dass Männer Frauen, die rote Kleidung tragen, sexuell besonders attraktiv finden - und das offenbar in vielen verschiedenen Kulturen: Auch Männer aus einer ziemlich isoliert lebenden Dorfgemeinschaft in Burkina Faso reagieren ähnlich auf Rot - und das, obwohl die Farbe dort sonst eigentlich mit negativen Assoziationen verbunden ist."


    Tema central será la innovación basada en la ciencia. LANZAN CONCURSO DE PERIODISMO CIENTÍFICO 24-09-2014 - 15:57:10 Con el objetivo de incentivar a los periodistas y estudiantes de periodismo del país a escribir artículos sobre ciencia, el Centro para la Comunicación de la Ciencia de la Universidad Andrés Bello lanzó el concurso "Reconocimiento al periodismo científico".

New report shares details about the United States siliconized film industry market rese... - 0 views

    Details WhaTech Channel: Materials & Chemicals Research Reports ACCESS REPORT : United States Siliconized Film Industry Report 2015 Published on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 16:32 Submitted by Vivian Dsena WhaTech Agency News from: Wise Guy Reports - Maket Research Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and Bill of Materials cost structures are also analyzed.
thinkahol *

Quantum entanglement holds together life's blueprint - life - 15 July 2010 - New Scientist - 0 views

    To see if quantum processes play a role in determining the shape of DNA, Elisabeth Rieper of the National University of Singapore and colleagues modelled each base pair as a cloud of electrons that oscillates around a positively charged nucleus. The team found that quantum entanglement between these clouds helped DNA to maintain its helical structure.
Ilmar Tehnas

Our world may be a giant hologram - space - 15 January 2009 - New Scientist - 3 views

    Amazing what can be made from a bit of background noise in the GEO600 with a bit of imagination (or desire). Intriguing article from 12 months ago. No new information since....
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