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Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center - 0 views

    My ex-husband broke his back many years ago (before I met him) and wound up at this place. They taught him to be an architectural draftsman and gave him a second life. He talked about the teachers and therapists like they were saints :).

Touro University students show off inventions to help the disabled - 0 views

    I thought this was very encouraging. This is why I am proud to be on my way to becoming an OTA. These students came up with some amazing ideas. I'm sure some of our assistive devices this semester will be benefcial for many patients.It is our job to make sure that patients can get as close to their previous life as possible, and these students have done some great things.

Affordable Virtual Reality Opens New Worlds For People With Disabilities - 0 views

    This article discusses virtual reality is being used as a way to help people with disabilities explore the world that are unable to explore in real life. It also shares the video they use for the surfing simulation! Really neat!

Protecting your joints - 1 views

    This article gives different ways individuals can protect their joints. It identifies ways to relieve pain, distribute load, do things differently/easier, and different positions used to stabilize joints.

People's Values, Needs are Met by Occupational Therapy Says - AOTA - 0 views

    This article discusses how healthcare is changing and the ways it benefits OT. Making emphasis on treating the individual according to their values and what they find rewarding in life.

Exploring Careers in Aging: NAHB: Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist - 0 views

    NAHB: Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist Houses for Living. Homes for Life. American's are getting older - 88 million people will be over 60 within the next 15 years according to AARP, which also reports that 83% of middle-aged Americans wish to live in their homes indefinitely rather than an assisted living facility.

Chair Crazy Golf - 0 views

    I wanted to share this activity I came across. I was actually looking for something like this for an activity for one of our projects last semester but never found one I liked well enough so I just made it up. This is a lot like what I made for the activity, I wanted to make an activity pertaining to putting because my grandfather loved to play golf and is now unable and I thought that would be something neat he would enjoy and relate to in treatment. I wanted to share because I feel like this will be a good activity to have if you are working with someone like my grandfather who played golf everyday of his life for over 30 years. :)

3 Ways to Use Cold Therapy for Increased Recovery - 0 views

    This article discusses the ways that cold therapy can not only be used as a modality for healing but also recovery of muscle after working out. Thermal modalities can benefit people from all walks of life and diagnoses that range from extreme to everyday soreness and breakdown of muscle. Discussed are full cold water immersion, contrast therapy, and using swimming as recovery.

Mary Lou Retton- Total Hip Replacement patient of Brian Parsley MD - 0 views

    You may not believe it if I told you to grab some tissues to watch a hip surgery video, but this one will get you! For my much younger classmates, Mary Lou Retton was an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics. She was fun to watch and she had a bouncy, energetic personality to match. She was on the Wheaties box and was just one of those wholesome, American pie type figures for a long time. In this segment, Mary Lou explains her battle with hip dysplasia (her hips were "like plastic" she says, but she did not know this growing up) and her decision to have hip surgery. This video helps future practitioners see the big picture of health, therapy, and life.
    I remember Mary Lou!! Thank you for finding this!
Chris Ricker

NDT treatment with CP - 0 views

shared by Chris Ricker on 26 Nov 15 - No Cached
    Many asked after post our EBP article what NDT treatment "looks" like in real life. Here is a 1minute video to show a brief overview of applying treatment.

New TV Series Features Young Adults With Down Syndrome - 0 views

    The production company behind "Keeping up with the Kardashians" and other reality television staples will debut a new documentary series following young adults with Down syndrome. The six-episode series "Born This Way" will air on A&E Network starting Dec. 8 at 10 p.m. ET.----- I am anxious to see this show! I hope they portray it in a way that isn't dramatic and fake like all the other reality tv shows. I feel this show has to opportunity to show people more into the life of someone who lives with a disability! I know I'll be watching...anyone else?

History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian - 0 views

    "Hugh Herr's bionic limbs have already revolutionized life for amputees (including himself). Now he's envisioning new capabilities for everyone else."

What is Hospice - 0 views

shared by amanda03 on 27 Nov 15 - No Cached
    So we have learned that hospice is for people who have limited time left, and this video describes hospice a little bit more than what was mentioned in class. The one thing that stuck out to me was the part that life in hospice is not about quantity, but instead it is about quality!

Montessori Home-School (MontHome) - Practical Life - 0 views

shared by svettesd on 27 Nov 15 - Cached
    Check this out! Tons of OT interventions ! Description , purpose, and materials are listed. Some activities are more related to children, however, can be modified or changed to focus on adults needs.

What to Say to Someone Who Is Dying - 0 views

    Having recently learned more about end-of-life care and the psychosocial elements that come into play when treating people with fatal illnesses, this site offers advice that could help family and caregivers to communicate in a way that is sensitive to the situation of the client.

Understanding the Occupational Therapy Needs of Adults with Sensory Processing Disorder - 0 views

    We've learned a lot about the importance for children with sensory processing disorders to receive OT in our pediatrics class this semester, but often when those disorders go untreated they persist into adulthood. This webpage discusses the ties that SPD in adults have to higher likelihood of anxiety and depression and overall poorer quality of life. The page discusses the importance of OT intervention in desensitization training, education, and reduction of any negative coping strategies developed by those adults. Very interesting read.

Model of Human Occupation - 0 views

shared by amanda03 on 30 Nov 15 - No Cached
    This is truly inspiring!!! I am just so excited about helping make a difference in a person's life! This video contains true stories of how occupational therapy has impacted lives.

Keeping older drivers on the road - 0 views

    Here is a website that describes the research that is being done to help older drivers continue to drive in a safe manner. We all know that not being able to drive can limit our independence but can also diminish our quality of life.

Box and Blocks - 0 views

shared by bmsmith43 on 21 Oct 15 - No Cached
    Visual Learner alert! Here is a great video demonstrating the box and blocks test with an actual pt. I loved watching this particular video because the pt is funny and gives the therapist a hard time(which will happen in real life!). If you like to watch videos of the tests we are learning watch this one!
    This is a video on one of the assessments we will be doing next week to test hand coordination.

How to Dance in Ohio - 0 views

shared by kladybug85 on 22 Oct 15 - No Cached
    This is a documentary that follows 3 teenage girls with autism as they get ready for prom, and learn how to transition into adulthood. Education and early intervention is important with ASD, but as OTAs we also need to remember that these individuals will be dealing with their autistic symptoms for most of their life. This documentary gives us a glimpse into their lives, relationships, families, and therapy sessions as they learn the social rules and cues of the adult world. I wish I had HBO so I could watch this. I encourage all of you to watch it if you can. It looks like a beautiful documentary that shows the basic desire we all have to be loved and accepted.
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