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Kevin Hodgson

INTERNET POEMPATHY | Thinking Out Loud - 1 views

    Maureen collects lots of stuff from rhizo14 here
Scott Johnson

Toward Reflective Conversations: An Advising Approach that Promotes Self-Authorship - 1 views

    List of reflective questions about the educational experience to help students find themselves in the conscious role of student / partner in their education. >"Jane Pizzolato writes that "if students were self-authored, they would be more likely to choose majors that were appropriate and interesting to them, engage in critical thinking about their choices, and develop healthy relationships with diverse others" (2008, 19). Becoming self-authored requires transformational learning that helps students "learn to negotiate and act on [their] own purposes, values, feelings, and meanings rather than those [they] have uncritically assimilated from others" (Mezirow 2000, 8)."< Additional information And here:
    There has been a model for this in Empire State College for 40 years. Individuals design their own degree programs with a mentor and are able to apply for credit for life experience. It has worked extremely well for the majority of the people who have obtained their bachelor's degrees in this manner The model was initially developed by Ernest Boyer: the scholarship of the educator and the integration of knowledge and practice are important: note the section on Mentoring and Uneasy Scholarliness in the previous document
Scott Johnson

Blurring the Boundaries? New social media, new social research: Developing a network to... - 1 views

    Woodfield, Kandy and Morrell, Gareth and Metzler, Katie and Blank, Grant and Salmons, Janet and Finnegan, Jerome and Lucraft, Mithu (2013) Blurring the Boundaries? New social media, new social research: Developing a network to explore the issues faced by researchers negotiating the new research landscape of online social media platforms. NCRM Working Paper. "On a practical level, some of our network members were struggling with the constant stream of social media data, finding it difficult to keep pace with their participants as they moved on in their conversations and discussions. Digital overwhelm might become counter-productive to reflective social science if researchers are not skilled at managing data flows. Similarly, gathering massive datasets requires a computing power outside of the grasp of many independent researchers or students. The increasing emphasis on 'big data' runs the risk of access to datasets being increasingly concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority of researchers and organisations. An alternative perspective sees this as an opportunity for researchers to come together in creative, cross-disciplinary collaborations, Either way, social researchers will need to find ways of convincing those who own social media sites about the merits of extending, or at least continuing, some freely accessible datasets. The politics of social media research will become an increasingly important agenda for social scientists to engage with. Despite the strengths that social media offer in terms of providing an accessible platform for some marginalised groups, other hard-to-reach populations like the elderly, the poor and those with limited literacy remain more difficult to reach online." Page 12
Vanessa Vaile

The Grateful Dead School of Business - 99U - 0 views

    What can the Grateful Dead teach adjuncts about organizing and community building? How is the Grateful Dead community like a rhizome?
    What can the Grateful Dead teach adjuncts about organizing and community building? How is the Grateful Dead community like a rhizome?

The Internet and Education - OpenMind - by Neil Selwyn - 0 views

  • First, is the potential of the Internet to offer individual learners increased freedom from the physical limitations of the&nbsp;real world.
  • Secondly, the Internet is seen to support a&nbsp;new culture of learning—i.e., learning that is based around&nbsp;bottom-up&nbsp;principles of collective exploration, play, and innovation rather than&nbsp;top-down&nbsp;individualized instruction
  • Thirdly, the capacity of the Internet to support a mass&nbsp;connectivity&nbsp;between people and information is felt to have radically altered the relationship between individuals and knowledge.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Fourthly, the Internet is seen to have dramatically&nbsp;personalized&nbsp;the ways in which people learn—thereby making education a far more individually determined process than was previously the case.
  • self-directed, non-institutional learning are initiatives such as the&nbsp;hole-in-the-wall&nbsp;and&nbsp;School in the Cloud
    • wayupnorth
      But will the majority of children/youth access these learning opportunities, or will they - as I have observed in hosting a community access point - gravitate toward entertainment? What learning experiences can be developed that will grab a young person's attention when watching Tupac and gang fights are available? Is there something that will motivate them to provide well-considered comments on Youtube and Facebook?
  • the most successful forms of Internet-based education and&nbsp;e-learning&nbsp;being those that reflect and even replicate&nbsp;pre-Internet&nbsp;forms of education such as classrooms, lectures, and books.
    • wayupnorth
  • elping already engaged individuals to participate further, but doing little to widen participation or reengage those who are previously disengaged
    It remains for teachers to figure out how to leverage the opportunities of the internet for their learner's advantage. It is not enough to rely on the internet to "do it for you". The internet is still not a teaching machine. Best practice (Jim's version): teach content creation, collaboration, and reasonable dialogue - globally if possible.
Vanessa Vaile

Rhizomik - 0 views

    "The Rhizomik initiative is inspired by the rhizome metaphor when working with knowledge from a scientific, technological but also philosophical point of view. This metaphor has accompanied us in our research about knowledge in many different fields, fundamentally Semantic Web, Human-Computer Interaction, Web Science, Complex Systems and Cognitive Science."
    "The Rhizomik initiative is inspired by the rhizome metaphor when working with knowledge from a scientific, technological but also philosophical point of view. This metaphor has accompanied us in our research about knowledge in many different fields, fundamentally Semantic Web, Human-Computer Interaction, Web Science, Complex Systems and Cognitive Science."
Scott Johnson

The Art ofCritical Making, Rhode Island School of Design on Creative Practice. Ed: Rosa... - 1 views

    "In my teaching, I stress the importance of the creative process over the product, but the impact of how or when this shift in understanding takes place came into sharp focus only recently. In preparation for the final of my Studio Design{ course, I took my class to the study Room at the RISD Museum to view a portfolio of paper folding structures by the artist Tauba Auerbach. The Complex structural and color interactions in the portfolio make it a favorite to show[….] instead of witnessing surprised joy, I watched a roomful of heads and shoulders slump in desperation. I was startled to realize the little more than half-way through their first semester, my students were projecting themselves into this portfolio not with the passive eyes of spectators, but with the knowledge of makers. No longer just an end product to them, this portfolio now embodied hours of toil and experimentation, trial and error, measuring and calculating. Seeing it demonstrated to the students that if they wished to make successful work they needed to build up their creative muscles." Page 37
Cris Crissman

Keith Hamon - Google+ - 4 views

    Keith's Google Plus page for Rhizo14
Vanessa Vaile

900 Years of Tree Diagrams, the Most Important Data Viz Tool in History | Design | WIRED - 0 views

    HT @darrenmjones
Vanessa Vaile

Smoothness and Striation in Digital Learning Spaces - 1 views

    Smoothness and Striation in Digital Learning Spaces by SIÂN BAYNE
    Smoothness and Striation in Digital Learning Spaces by SIÂN BAYNE
Vanessa Vaile

Dimensions to SDL in an Open Networked Environment - 1 views

    Kop & Fournier 2010 paper on Self Directed Learning: Abstract New technologies have changed the educational landscape. It is now possible for self-directed learners to participate informally in learning events on open online networks, such as in Massive Open Online Courses. Our research analyzed the agency and level of autonomy required by learners participating in a course of this nature. Using Bouchard's four dimensional model of learner control, we found that there are new dimensions to self-directed learning in connectivist learning environments. The research also brought to light new challenges and opportunities for self directed learners who might not be able to call on trusted educators for support in their learning endeavors, but rely on the aggregation of information and informal communication and collaboration available through social media to advance their learning
    Kop & Fournier 2010 paper on Self Directed Learning: Abstract New technologies have changed the educational landscape. It is now possible for self-directed learners to participate informally in learning events on open online networks, such as in Massive Open Online Courses. Our research analyzed the agency and level of autonomy required by learners participating in a course of this nature. Using Bouchard's four dimensional model of learner control, we found that there are new dimensions to self-directed learning in connectivist learning environments. The research also brought to light new challenges and opportunities for self directed learners who might not be able to call on trusted educators for support in their learning endeavors, but rely on the aggregation of information and informal communication and collaboration available through social media to advance their learning
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