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Vanessa Vaile

The literature on CAE (Collaborative Autoethnography) Reflecting Allowed | Reflecting A... - 0 views

  • collaborative autoethnography
  • Mainly this article (Geist-Martin et al) and this book (Chang et al)
  • plans to read this open access book on (non-collaborative) autoethnography
  • ...78 more annotations...
  • open access article by Ellis et al on autoethnography (only skimmed it)
  • Disclaimer: I’m not a methodological purist, I’m an omnivore & a quilt-maker. I don’t even think ethnography believes in methodological purity; the researcher is the instrument even more so if it’s auto
  • So what was MY question?
  • how are people experiencing rhizo14?
  • I am interested in sub-topics of making connections and building community]
  • Why am I interested?
  • I would like to understand how other experienced this MOOC
  • it’s important to note the diverse ways in which the course was perceived by different people
  • I’m interested in what didn’t work. But I am also interested in what did work, and for whom.
  • this knowledge to help influence future designers of connected courses by highlighting the participant experience
  • it will always be partial
  • Geist-Martin et al cite Ellis (2004, p. 30) on autoethnography, and it captures how I feel about this approach
  • “The goal is to practice an artful, poetic, and empathic social science in which readers can keep in their minds and feel in their bodies the complexities of concrete moments of lived experience”
  • collaborative autoethnography rejects the traditional approach of disembodied academic research
  • came out of Chang et al is that there are three broad types of autoethnography
  • the type that emphasizes the auto (closer to autobiography, more narrative)
  • OR a type that focuses on the ethnography part (more analytical, relating one’s own experiences to the wider culture)
  • but any AE contains elements of both
  • I *think* in #rhizo14 we’re attempting something closer to the latter, but what we have at the moment is closer to the former.
  • the practice needs to move beyond mere storytelling in order to be research
  • Autoethnography needs to “use personal stories as windows to the world, through which we interpret how their selves are connected to their sociocultural contexts and how the contexts give meanings to their experiences and perspectives” (Chang et al, p. 18-19).
  • Geist-Martin et al’s & Chang et al’s critiques of their own process – here are some parts I wanted to highlight:
  • They looked for themes across their stories
  • They helped each other clarify certain aspects of each other’s stories
  • They critiqued and recognized ways in which their stories reproduced cultural stereotypes
  • They struggled with how to “cut” parts of their stories in order to make this paper
  • They mention how social activities they participated in, in each other’s lives, influenced how they wrote together
  • They talk about community-building that occurs because of the collaboration on the autoethnography itself
  • They raise ethical issues about how personal narratives actually refer to people outside the narrative itself and the ethics of such story-telling that will get published and scrutinized
  • Clearly, doing autoethnography collaboratively is meant to diversify the viewpoints on a topic, making the interpretation richer and more complex than just one person’s autoethnography. It also, of course, makes it more complicated to do. Easier to start than to finish
  • Chang et al mention 4 key dimensions of CAE:
  • Self-focused
  • Context-conscious
  • Researcher-visible
  • Critically dialogic
  • the more “critically dialogic”  work is, the more it tends towards an analytic/ethnographic rather than evocative/biographical type of research
  • it makes sense to  do evocative research on emotionally sensitive topics, where over-analyzing it might actually lose the essence of what is being researched
  • for tales of abuse, illness, etc., but not for #rhizo14 which is less of an emotionally taxing thing to talk about
  • Some more stuff about CAE:
  • Alternation between solo and group work
  • This part in Chang et al made me laugh because of its vagueness:
  • Chang et al call it an “iterative process”), there’s data collection at the beginning (which can keep happening as gaps are found via group negotiation); there’s data analysis and interpretation (where we seem to be at – and I think that might raise areas of gaps to go find data about or to re-write our narratives about – will explain later); and of course writing.
  • what matters is that I can basically do whatever I want, call it CAE, and set my own criteria for rigor I’m only half-kidding.
  • CAE as an emerging research practice should not be limited to a particular approach or style of representation
  • The authors suggest the following benefits of CAE  (p. 25):
  • collective exploration of researcher subjectivity
  • power-sharing among researcher-participants
  • efficiency an enrichment in the research process
  • deeper learning about self and other
  • community-building
  • this quote (p. 26):
  • “CAE offers us a scholarly space to hold up mirrors to each other in communal self-interrogation and to explore our subjectivity in the company of one another”
  • this quote (p. 28):
  • “This kind of collaborative meaning-making requires that each team members be willing to be vulnerable and open with co-researchers in order to enable the deeper analysis and interrogation that enriches the final product”
  • the challenges of CAE:
  • Risk of incomplete trust to lead to premature consensus-building that compromises the data
  • Apparently quite difficult to do at a distance because of degree of closeness needed
  • Interdependency of research efforts
  • Mutlivocality can make each researcher influenced by the voices of others
  • Team effort
  • Ethics & confidentiality (this prob deserves a post on its own, but I’ll just give it a section here for now)
  • Ethics
  • Authors ask if CAE needs to go through IRB? Ours went through IRB. Not sure if they really understood the extent of what we were doing, but they approved it.
  • The biggest ethical issue I see is that when only indirectly reference others, we may be broaching on their confidentiality
  • We also need to be clear on who gets  access to the data after we write our “report”, and how they can use it
  • We as individual autoethnographers also need to recognize the need to protect ourselves – how much are we revealing about ourselves and is it OK that all of that becomes open to public scrutiny as we publish it?
  • The incident over the use of our data during #et4online by Jen Ross and Amy Collier was a case in point – it is not that simple.
  • Ch 5 of that book about the data analysis side of things
  • emerging coding approach
  • I’ll just come back to one MAIN point that’s running through my mind (well, points, plural, but they are all related):
  • Can we get multiple autoethnogs out of this
  • How do we incorporate  the views of people who wrote narratives in the autoethnog but who are not part of the team currently analyzing the data?
  • CAE implies that only the authors’ stories are told. Now the authors could react to stuff that happened by and with other people, but there are ethical issues in getting to deep with that
  • Can we use some of the other data in the narratives DIFFERENTLY? So not as autoethnog, but as narratives
  • The inherent “connectdness” of it all makes it almost paralyzing to imagine how we can tell our own stories (6-7 of us) without either implicating others, or needing to reference others
  • I usually do ethnography by using any and all data I can; this would mean referencing public blogs, etc.
  • I keep circling back to the same thing, right? There power questions, there are questions of who can tell whose story? There are multiple “others” in the “we” of autoethnography, and what do we do by telling our story and leaving out theirs?
  • What about the people who didn’t even blog visibly or at all, and so have no easy “trace” to find even if we wanted to incorporate their views?
Vanessa Vaile

What do you mean by 'collaborative learning'? - 0 views

    "This book arises from a series of workshops on collaborative learning, that gathered together 20 scholars from the disciplines of psychology, education and computer science. The series was part of a research program entitled 'Learning in Humans and Machines' (LHM), launched by Peter Reimann and Hans Spada, and funded by the European Science Foundation. This program aimed to develop a multidisciplinary dialogue on learning, involving mainly scholars from cognitive psychology, educational science, and artificial intelligence (including machine learning). During the preparation of the program, Agnes Blaye, Claire O'Malley, Michael Baker and I developed a theme on collaborative learning. "
    "This book arises from a series of workshops on collaborative learning, that gathered together 20 scholars from the disciplines of psychology, education and computer science. The series was part of a research program entitled 'Learning in Humans and Machines' (LHM), launched by Peter Reimann and Hans Spada, and funded by the European Science Foundation. This program aimed to develop a multidisciplinary dialogue on learning, involving mainly scholars from cognitive psychology, educational science, and artificial intelligence (including machine learning). During the preparation of the program, Agnes Blaye, Claire O'Malley, Michael Baker and I developed a theme on collaborative learning. "
Kevin Hodgson

Kevin's Meandering Mind | The Making of the #Rhizo15 Radio Play, or The Complexities of... - 1 views

  • important artifact of content
    • Terry Elliott
      This makes the radioplay an object
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Yes. Right? Right.
  • a bit of mayhem.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Aren't we all in Rhizo15?
  • Dave Cormier, the facilitator of Rhizomatic Learning, will showcase the premiere of the radio play — A Multitude of Voices: Mr. X Loses His Battle for Objectivity — in his next post and message
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Then he should land here, too, unsteady in the subject/object just like you were and all of us were. Yes?
    • Terry Elliott
      Talk about rhizomatic.  Annotation is the mycellium/hyphae of rhizomatic learning
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • something to represent our relationship as friends and colleagues and collaborators.
    • Terry Elliott
      Or something beyond them, transcending them, entering into new realms.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Maybe it is that transformative process that lures me in ...
  • I would have slipped into file madness (it may have happened … I’m not saying).
    • Terry Elliott
    • Kevin Hodgson
      What? No little boohoo violin?
  • My aim as editor was to help nurture into place a radio play
    • Terry Elliott
      When something had to get done I think it's interesting that there had to be a director and an editor and whip wielder to get it done. Doesn't seem entirely rhizomatic to me.  Means to me that there are places for rhizo and other places for hiearchy.  
    • Terry Elliott
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Hmmm .. good point ... collaborative editing would be interesting and nearly impossible ... maybe ... there is the tension of "let's get this done" and the "let's wait to hear your ideas on how to get this done" in the mix ...
  • Sill, the many hours
    • Terry Elliott
      What is the dif b/t rhizomatic collab and non-rhizo collab?  
    • Terry Elliott
  • Terry had a great song earmarked for the ending (an Arabic version of Toy Story and “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”), but I could not figure out if it would violate copyright if we used it, so we abandoned it. As I told Terry, it probably is best, as Michelle Shocked wrote in one of her songs, to make your own jam anyway.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Didn't think you would get away that easily, did you?  The snarky beauty of Diigo annotations rears its janky head.  
  • Too many timezones.
    • Terry Elliott

Rhizomatic Education : Community as Curriculum | Dave's Educational Blog - 7 views

  • define what counts as knowledge.
  • painstaking process by which knowledge has traditionally been codified.
  • Knowledge as negotiation
    • Terry Elliott
      The Secret Sits We dance round in a ring and suppose, But the Secret sits in the middle and knows. Robert Frost
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • The rhizome metaphor, which represents a critical leap in coping with the loss of a canon against which to compare, judge, and value knowledge, may be particularly apt as a model for disciplines on the bleeding edge where the canon is fluid and knowledge is a moving target.
    • Terry Elliott
      The future is already rhizomatic, it's just not evenly distributed.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I wonder what disciplines he is referring to here. Which ones live on the edge these days? And is that changing?
  • clear definition of the word "knowledge" is difficult
    • Terry Elliott
      The definition of knowledge is considered 'key' to the search for shared understanding. The more I read that sentence, the more it becomes the worm Ourboros. If it's a key, then the there is a locked something behind it. In litcrit this has been a fiercely fought battle. Some say it unlocks the power relationships undergirding any society, some say it unlocks the mysteries in the knowers themselves. Some say, fuck it and let's just look at the shiny things inside the vault with no further intent. Yes, it is difficult.
  • simply another part of the way things are"
    • Terry Elliott
      I believe that one of the functions of theory is to reveal our cognitive blindspots. This they very much do while at the same time creating new blindspots that arise from the use of the 'tools' of the new theory. Any new system of knowledge exposes the assumptions of the the old system. For example, awareness meditation reveals the blindspot of categorization and differentiation, but the Buddha realized that say focusing on the breath is like pointing at the moon, just another step along the path toward no-mind. Mind and knowing is the problem.
  • Horton and Freire
    • Terry Elliott
      I am profoundly happy to see Myles Horton cited and used. I think he has had more influence on my teaching and learning than any other. His autobiography The Long Haul is absolutely must-read for a rhizomatic pov.
    • Jaap Bosman
      Myles Horton adapted Danish Grundtvig Folkehojskole to USA schools.
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, he did and then used it at the Highlander School in Tennessee.
  • The expert translation of data into verified knowledge is the central process guiding traditional curriculum development.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am quite taken by the word 'translation' here. I think the metaphor of translation is central to rhizomatic learning as we are always connecting and sharing information that then gets translated into knowledge (actionable knowing).
    • Jaap Bosman
      Experts are not to be trusted anymore, they work for big companies, their translation is skewed.
  • no community can live a healthy life if it is nourished only on such old marrowless truths.
    • Terry Elliott
      Brave words those--no community.
  • a negotiation (Farrell 2001)
    • Terry Elliott
      I wonder if this is similar to rhetoric and comp's idea of writing as a conversation?
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Interesting word, though: negotiation. It suggest an unfair balance at the start, right?
  • social contructivist and connectivist
    • Terry Elliott
      These are dead links to the innovateonline site.
  • (Cormier 2008).
    • Terry Elliott
      Great question by Alec Couros in the comments: how do we get to a place where we are really and truly decentralized, and will this make the difference?
    • Terry Elliott
      I don't think the decentralized rhizome has reached a tipping point society wide, but perhaps we can play at the rhizomatic game for this short few weeks and see what it might mean to live in this world that may or may not be emerging.
  • Information is the foundation of knowledge.
    • Jaap Bosman
      doubt if information really is the source of knowledge. Mostly it is, but the road from information, over statistics, logics, arguments is not that simple I think
  • If a given bit of information is recognized as useful to the community or proves itself able to do something, it can be counted as knowledge.
    • Jaap Bosman
      again info is not easily translated into knowledge. Distrust and care are needed, even in a rhizomatic world.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Or skepticism?
  • the prestige of a thousand-year history,
    • Jaap Bosman
      all over this history the prestige has been attacked. Prestige and knowledge are to be separated, so many experts were proven false and wrong.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      It's a loaded term, for sure, because those who call themselves experts are often the ones in power, and with books and writers to back them up. Is the Internet changing this paradigm? Not yet. Not yet.
  • fluid, transitory conception of knowledge
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I like this phrasing .. that knowledge is always in motion
  • rhizome.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      And here is it.
  • disciplines on the bleeding edge
  • The explosion of freely available sources of information has helped drive rapid expansion in the accessibility of the canon and in the range of knowledge available to learners.
  • Information is coming too fast for our traditional methods of expert verification to adapt.
  • In the rhizomatic model of learning, curriculum is not driven by predefined inputs from experts; it is constructed and negotiated in real time by the contributions of those engaged in the learning process.
  • The living curriculum of an active community is a map
    • Kevin Hodgson
      The cartography of learning. I am always intrigued by how this plays out, if done successfully. Most of the curriculum mapping I have done ... I would not call them maps. They are just plot lines going nowhere, it often seems. But the idea of a map continues to intrigue me.
    • wayupnorth
      I know D&G speak of a map as opposed to a tracing. I struggle with understanding this. The best I can come up with is the idea that a map gives possibilities for exploration, as opposed to a photo which declares what exists. This leaves me wondering about sites like Lino and Pinterest. Might they function as a map of one's exploration too, rather than just a collection of discoveries.
  • Knowledge seekers in cutting-edge fields are increasingly finding that ongoing appraisal of new developments is most effectively achieved through the participatory and negotiated experience of rhizomatic community engagement. Through involvement in multiple communities where new information is being assimilated and tested, educators can begin to apprehend the moving target that is knowledge in the modern learning environment.
  • we see as our goal the co-construction of those secret connections as a collaborative effort
    • Terry Elliott
      Is this what we are doing together here in Diigo, co-constructing secret connections collaboratively? Sounds like an underground conspiracy (forgive the lame joke there.)
  • Changing Knowledge
    • Terry Elliott
      Meta note here: I see our collaboration as a secret growing of knowledge among us. It may only even be true for us, on this web page, at this particular juncture because we are growing it out on the tip of the root of this text.
  • the conversion of information to knowledge
    • Terry Elliott
      Examples of this conversion in our work here? 1. Each of us runs these words through the filter of our own experience 2. sharing out on social networks 3 asking and answering quesions
  • members of several communities—acting as core members in some, carrying more weight and engaging more extensively in the discussion, while offering more casual contributions in others
    • wayupnorth
      And some of us are still mainly consuming, jumping in with perhaps superficial content, practicing our engagement.
  • students had the opportunity to enter the community themselves and impact the shape of its curriculum
    • wayupnorth
      Sharing power - deconstructing the tradtional power structures of the educational system. Did this recursion result in "watering down" the curriculum? From what I recall of Dave's story, the students put in extra effort instead. Like me, they had difficulty in knowing when to quit, the exploration was so rewarding.
  • if knowledge is to be negotiated socially
    • wayupnorth
      Stephen Downes ( and elsewhere) argues against socially "constructed" knowledge, saying instead that knowledge is recognized. Cormier's "negotiated socially" fits nicely.
    Let's play with group annotation here.
    the expert is the power. No resistance is tolerated, because who knows better than the expert? But curriculum is not only made by experts, pressure groups do influence curriculum, hypes and politics do either. Here is the reason for cheating.
    Recommended by Telli01 in Vialogues conversation as good intro to Dave's work on rhizomatic ed
Vanessa Vaile

Dimensions to SDL in an Open Networked Environment - 1 views

    Kop & Fournier 2010 paper on Self Directed Learning: Abstract New technologies have changed the educational landscape. It is now possible for self-directed learners to participate informally in learning events on open online networks, such as in Massive Open Online Courses. Our research analyzed the agency and level of autonomy required by learners participating in a course of this nature. Using Bouchard's four dimensional model of learner control, we found that there are new dimensions to self-directed learning in connectivist learning environments. The research also brought to light new challenges and opportunities for self directed learners who might not be able to call on trusted educators for support in their learning endeavors, but rely on the aggregation of information and informal communication and collaboration available through social media to advance their learning
    Kop & Fournier 2010 paper on Self Directed Learning: Abstract New technologies have changed the educational landscape. It is now possible for self-directed learners to participate informally in learning events on open online networks, such as in Massive Open Online Courses. Our research analyzed the agency and level of autonomy required by learners participating in a course of this nature. Using Bouchard's four dimensional model of learner control, we found that there are new dimensions to self-directed learning in connectivist learning environments. The research also brought to light new challenges and opportunities for self directed learners who might not be able to call on trusted educators for support in their learning endeavors, but rely on the aggregation of information and informal communication and collaboration available through social media to advance their learning
Vanessa Vaile

Cooperation vs Collaboration - cloudhead - 0 views

    "We often use these words interchangeably, but they represent fundamentally different ways of contributing to a group and each comes with its own dynamics and power structures that shape groups in different ways …"
    "We often use these words interchangeably, but they represent fundamentally different ways of contributing to a group and each comes with its own dynamics and power structures that shape groups in different ways …"
Tania Sheko

Philosophy of Education Technology: Rhizomes in my Brain: Introvert, Extrovert, Ambiver... - 1 views

  • The thing is those other 4 people indicated that they agreed with the statement that the collaborative experiences were impeding their learning (S1) and they disagreed with the statement saying that the collaborative experiences were helping their learning (S2). What about those guys? Yes, there are not a lot of them but they are almost 10% of the respondents. If we believe that important things can come from introspection then I want to say that there is a good chance that they have something of value to offer the community. And when the community is the curriculum that seems of vital importance.
    • Tania Sheko
      Amongst these people who say that collaborative experiences impeded their learning there would be more subsets, ie various reasons why, eg some might have not had much experience so only had an unsatisfactory one. So much more to unpack.
  • I think that there is a good chance that we social learners can be somewhat (and often unconsciously) biased against solitary learners.
  • I think that there is room for the solitary learner in a cMOOC and I think that the solitary learner can have just as rich of an experience as a social learner.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • find the course is kind of haunting me and getting in the way of other things - it is breaking my brain a bit in a way that I’m loving
  • I think that many could benefit from not finding someone but rather finding some thing.
  • To get started as a new learner it seems I need to know or get to know the people. Could there be benefit to (alongside of curating by personality) curating by theme, topic, argument, or subject? So that one could search for topics that others are talking about that one might be interested in with the focus on the subject and not on the personalities?
    extroverts, introverts, ambiverts and the solitary learner in a social context (online learning eg #rhizo
Kevin Hodgson

Collaborative Autoethnography from Rhizo14 - 1 views

    a collaborative presentation
Cris Crissman

Painting Myself Out of the Picture | Virtually Foolproof - 2 views

    Week Two's question of enforcing independence leads me to revisit an old post about semester-long collaborative projects for grad students.

The Internet and Education - OpenMind - by Neil Selwyn - 0 views

  • First, is the potential of the Internet to offer individual learners increased freedom from the physical limitations of the real world.
  • Secondly, the Internet is seen to support a new culture of learning—i.e., learning that is based around bottom-up principles of collective exploration, play, and innovation rather than top-down individualized instruction
  • Thirdly, the capacity of the Internet to support a mass connectivity between people and information is felt to have radically altered the relationship between individuals and knowledge.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Fourthly, the Internet is seen to have dramatically personalized the ways in which people learn—thereby making education a far more individually determined process than was previously the case.
  • self-directed, non-institutional learning are initiatives such as the hole-in-the-wall and School in the Cloud
    • wayupnorth
      But will the majority of children/youth access these learning opportunities, or will they - as I have observed in hosting a community access point - gravitate toward entertainment? What learning experiences can be developed that will grab a young person's attention when watching Tupac and gang fights are available? Is there something that will motivate them to provide well-considered comments on Youtube and Facebook?
  • the most successful forms of Internet-based education and e-learning being those that reflect and even replicate pre-Internet forms of education such as classrooms, lectures, and books.
    • wayupnorth
  • elping already engaged individuals to participate further, but doing little to widen participation or reengage those who are previously disengaged
    It remains for teachers to figure out how to leverage the opportunities of the internet for their learner's advantage. It is not enough to rely on the internet to "do it for you". The internet is still not a teaching machine. Best practice (Jim's version): teach content creation, collaboration, and reasonable dialogue - globally if possible.
H DeWaard

Subjectifying my Learning! Reflecting Allowed - 2 views

    I have no idea how Dave Cormier does it, but before the offical #rhizo15 start date, there r already 1,000 tweets, an active fb group, an open learning recipe doc with more than 10 collaborators an...
    Good thinkers draw you in ..
Terry Elliott

So now I am in Diigo, what do I do with Diigo? - 7 views

I love the autoblogging tool. I use it to post links to my blog. Come join us in annotating Dave's post here:

help diigo bookmark topic

Terry Elliott

Down the Rabbit Hole | Exploring Digital Culture - 0 views

  • “the reader is invited to move among plateaux in any order.”
    • Terry Elliott
      In the #clmooc I helped to facilitate last summer one of the principles that we reiterated in welcoming posts was that of invitation. Not just any invitation, but invitation anywhere and any time. The course/collaboration had no beginning in that all who came to it brought with them a history that powered them like an artesian well. The cMOOC has also had no end either. It still exists and is used and is bring those who are and were a part of it into other worlds like #rhizo14.
  • A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo.  (Deleuze & Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus.  P. 25)
    • Terry Elliott
      Sometimes my familiarity with the the fact of real rhizomes saps the metaphor's usefulness. I understand that D & G are talking about power relationships, but in a way that makes no sense at all when discussing 'whole things'. There are power relationships in biological beings, but all the parts are pulling toward the imperative of surviving. So...I have been working through the uncertainty of applying this vague theoretical scaffold into the learning space of the classroom. Now that is where the idea of being always in the middle makes sense, suspended across to learners as a bridge and at the same time walking across other's bridges.
  • forever in flux.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Lines of Flight:  Deleuze and Nomadic Creativity,
  • Maureen Maher
  • Knowmadic thinking is “exposing metaspaces in between each, opening new opportunities for new blends of formal, informal, non-formal and serendipitous learning. As in the Invisible learning project, we focus on educating for personal knowledge creation that cannot be measured easily.”
    • Terry Elliott
      As a practicing teacher working under the constraints and affordances that make modern pedagogy such an act of hypocrisy, I find that these generic observations are 'unhandy'. In fact, I get visceral with them. I get pissed off and feel a certain amount of 'how dare you'.
  • Rhizomatic Learning
    • Terry Elliott
      This is what I asked about last week, too. What makes learning different from rhizomatic or deep or knowmadic learning. I think the modifiers (deep, rhizomatic, knowmadic) have a purpose. They allow us to filter learning differently very like having a variety of critical stances. It is, however, like the story of the blind men and the elephant. Which description is correct? All of them--in part.
  • “how do we bring this concept of embracing uncertainty into our classrooms?”
    • Terry Elliott
      I tried to address this in my blog post this week: I don't think I used the word 'uncertainty' once in that post, but the tone is, I think, one of taking that leap.
  • the leap into the unknown is the learning process.
    • Terry Elliott
      It is unnatural to leap into the total darkness of the unknown. In fact I think that by definition it is impossible. Instead I think we leap into the partly known. My analogy is the Kentucky pioneer Daniel Boone. Some might say that he worked his way into virgin, unknown territory. I would say yes and no. He did blaze trails into places no Euro-American had ever been, but the territory itelf shared lots of known traits with where he had already been. For example, water flows downhill to larger streams. The sun rises in the east. And the thousand other 'knowns' that come from a lifetime of living close to ground. And, of course, he really did blaze the trails he made by walking. He emblazened trees with marks for others to follow. Now that must've been an ego trip and a half! The other half of the analogy is that we too have general knowledge that we take with us into the knowmadic life and the rhizomatic wilderness of learning. We have theoretical knowledge. I would include the whole baggage of ed school in that. But we have to dump most of that when we move into the partly known territory of deep, rhizomatic knowmadicism. You need to travel light when you are blazing the trail. You need the practical stuff in your backpack. All week and every week I will be bringing back news as I light out into the territories. I expect to get well and truly turned around on occasion, but I don't plan on backtracking much except to send back reports. Boone wasn't much good at this part, but Lewis and Clark were, but I daresay I call more on the Kentuckian than I do the Virginian. All I know is that every one who reads this could be my Sacajewia, a real guide to the undiscovered country. Amen.
Scott Johnson

Tools for Scaffolding Students in a Complex Learning Environment: What Have We Gained a... - 2 views

    Found this paper useful for clarification of what makes good scaffolding. My original intro to the subject focused on the notion of threshold concepts which can reside too far into an expert domain for getting students engaged. Definition: "adult controlling those elements of the task that are essentially beyond the learner's capacity, thus permitting him to concentrate upon and complete only those elements that are within his range of competence" Do not defeat learning by going too far out into the unfamiliar. "Scaffolding is no longer restricted to interactions between individuals-artifacts, resources, and environments themselves are also being used as scaffolds." "...six types of support that an adult can provide: recruiting the child's interest, reducing the degrees of freedom by simplifying the task, maintaining direction, highlighting the critical task features, controlling frustration, and demonstrating ideal solution paths." "Central to successful scaffolding is the notion of a shared understanding of the goal of the activity. Although some elements of the activity may be beyond what the child could accomplish in working alone, intersubjectivity (Rogoff, 1990; Wertsch, 1985), or a shared understanding of the activity, is considered critical. Intersubjectivity is attained when the adult and child collaboratively redefine the task so that there is combined ownership of the task and the child shares an understanding of the goal that he or she needs to accomplish."
Vanessa Vaile

(100) Rhizo14 Discussion Thread - 0 views

    "Question for Dave Cormier Bonnie Stewart and other hard core rhizo14ers who have also been in things like CCK08/11 - how is rhizo14 different"
    "Question for Dave Cormier Bonnie Stewart and other hard core rhizo14ers who have also been in things like CCK08/11 - how is rhizo14 different"
    "Question for Dave Cormier Bonnie Stewart and other hard core rhizo14ers who have also been in things like CCK08/11 - how is rhizo14 different"
Vanessa Vaile

Steven Lukes: Power (overview of four approaches) - 0 views

    'Power' in its most generic sense simply means the capacity to bring about significant effects: to effect changes or prevent them. The effects of social and political power will be those that are of significance to people's lives. When these effects of power are such as to affect people's interests adversely we speak of power being held or exercised over them - and the social scientist's quest is to try to reveal what this involves. There are other ways of identifying social and political power: for instance, as collective power to achieve shared goals (as when people co-operate to promote a cause or pursue a campaign), or as positive or beneficent power, where power serves others' interests "
    'Power' in its most generic sense simply means the capacity to bring about significant effects: to effect changes or prevent them. The effects of social and political power will be those that are of significance to people's lives. When these effects of power are such as to affect people's interests adversely we speak of power being held or exercised over them - and the social scientist's quest is to try to reveal what this involves. There are other ways of identifying social and political power: for instance, as collective power to achieve shared goals (as when people co-operate to promote a cause or pursue a campaign), or as positive or beneficent power, where power serves others' interests "
Scott Johnson

Blurring the Boundaries? New social media, new social research: Developing a network to... - 1 views

    Woodfield, Kandy and Morrell, Gareth and Metzler, Katie and Blank, Grant and Salmons, Janet and Finnegan, Jerome and Lucraft, Mithu (2013) Blurring the Boundaries? New social media, new social research: Developing a network to explore the issues faced by researchers negotiating the new research landscape of online social media platforms. NCRM Working Paper. "On a practical level, some of our network members were struggling with the constant stream of social media data, finding it difficult to keep pace with their participants as they moved on in their conversations and discussions. Digital overwhelm might become counter-productive to reflective social science if researchers are not skilled at managing data flows. Similarly, gathering massive datasets requires a computing power outside of the grasp of many independent researchers or students. The increasing emphasis on 'big data' runs the risk of access to datasets being increasingly concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority of researchers and organisations. An alternative perspective sees this as an opportunity for researchers to come together in creative, cross-disciplinary collaborations, Either way, social researchers will need to find ways of convincing those who own social media sites about the merits of extending, or at least continuing, some freely accessible datasets. The politics of social media research will become an increasingly important agenda for social scientists to engage with. Despite the strengths that social media offer in terms of providing an accessible platform for some marginalised groups, other hard-to-reach populations like the elderly, the poor and those with limited literacy remain more difficult to reach online." Page 12
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