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Vanessa Vaile

Dimensions to SDL in an Open Networked Environment - 1 views

    Kop & Fournier 2010 paper on Self Directed Learning: Abstract New technologies have changed the educational landscape. It is now possible for self-directed learners to participate informally in learning events on open online networks, such as in Massive Open Online Courses. Our research analyzed the agency and level of autonomy required by learners participating in a course of this nature. Using Bouchard's four dimensional model of learner control, we found that there are new dimensions to self-directed learning in connectivist learning environments. The research also brought to light new challenges and opportunities for self directed learners who might not be able to call on trusted educators for support in their learning endeavors, but rely on the aggregation of information and informal communication and collaboration available through social media to advance their learning
    Kop & Fournier 2010 paper on Self Directed Learning: Abstract New technologies have changed the educational landscape. It is now possible for self-directed learners to participate informally in learning events on open online networks, such as in Massive Open Online Courses. Our research analyzed the agency and level of autonomy required by learners participating in a course of this nature. Using Bouchard's four dimensional model of learner control, we found that there are new dimensions to self-directed learning in connectivist learning environments. The research also brought to light new challenges and opportunities for self directed learners who might not be able to call on trusted educators for support in their learning endeavors, but rely on the aggregation of information and informal communication and collaboration available through social media to advance their learning
Jaap Bosman

X-Change Lab: Learning through Disruptive Technologies - 0 views

    If the question concerning where technologies come from must be understood within a political context, how are we then to understand the agency of technology? Should it be approached from a deterministic point of view or are we, since it's a question about political processes, still in control?
    it is about rhizomatic education,

we don't need no thought control: the deep grammar of schooling | the theoryblog - 0 views

  • a constant filtering that exhausts us
    • wayupnorth
      Exhausting to be sure My filtering dilemma: To get a broad perspective I have to read more than I can budget timewise, but if I filter by Rheingold, Cormier, Downes etc, I get only that perspective.
  • desire for trusted channels
    • wayupnorth
      It's not that difficult picking some channels (people?) and starting there. Those will connect to other channels one begins to trust. The rhizome grows and pretty soon one is back to overload.
  • those channels tend to be corporate or institutional hierarchies
    • wayupnorth
      Lucky me who discovered MOOCs before our institution caught on to providing channels
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  • what would (or do) YOU do in a classroom full of people with devices
    • wayupnorth
      I teach a small adult literacy class and provide connected devices for each of them. I encourage them to use social media, help them to create Google and Facebook accounts if they don't have one. At least they are reading and writing authentically if not gramatically. Yes, it is a distraction, especially when I think we need some whole-class activity. I have not found THE ANSWER to balancing power and independence. But we have some wonderfully illuninating moments. See my blogpost about my own serendipitous encounter with Pink Floyd
  • without new ways to conceptualize the work of learning, we end up replicating top-down power and knowledge structures
  • filtering and prioritizing
  • We are skilled
  • but our culture is not giving us the meta-literacies to recognize and value and utilize those skills
    Bonnie Stewart on new ways of thinking about education
Scott Johnson

Tools for Scaffolding Students in a Complex Learning Environment: What Have We Gained a... - 2 views

    Found this paper useful for clarification of what makes good scaffolding. My original intro to the subject focused on the notion of threshold concepts which can reside too far into an expert domain for getting students engaged. Definition: "adult controlling those elements of the task that are essentially beyond the learner's capacity, thus permitting him to concentrate upon and complete only those elements that are within his range of competence" Do not defeat learning by going too far out into the unfamiliar. "Scaffolding is no longer restricted to interactions between individuals-artifacts, resources, and environments themselves are also being used as scaffolds." "...six types of support that an adult can provide: recruiting the child's interest, reducing the degrees of freedom by simplifying the task, maintaining direction, highlighting the critical task features, controlling frustration, and demonstrating ideal solution paths." "Central to successful scaffolding is the notion of a shared understanding of the goal of the activity. Although some elements of the activity may be beyond what the child could accomplish in working alone, intersubjectivity (Rogoff, 1990; Wertsch, 1985), or a shared understanding of the activity, is considered critical. Intersubjectivity is attained when the adult and child collaboratively redefine the task so that there is combined ownership of the task and the child shares an understanding of the goal that he or she needs to accomplish."
Jaap Bosman

Independence as Essential for Lifelong Learning | Reflecting Allowed - 1 views

  • This might be the “role” of the teacher here – to make learners realize they are better off becoming more independent.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am thinking that this is the difference between inviting participation and permitting participation?
  • I don’t know how to foster this, or if it is possible.
    • Terry Elliott
      I bet you do know how to foster this. In social capital theory they describe two ways of connecting that we all use--bridging (across groups) and bonding (within groups). All of this is part of a larger tool-reciprocation.
    • Terry Elliott
      In fact annotating and sharing this is a way to reinforce both your independent stance and your interdependent connections. It is like Mrs. Malaprop discovered: she has been speaking dialogue here entire life. I think we all are doing this dance of independence and interdependence all the time.
  • my attempts to let them
    • Terry Elliott
      Invitation or permission?
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  • (with my help at first,
    • Terry Elliott
      the idea of 'minimal necessary scaffolding' is so important here. Have you read Myles Horton's The Long Haul. He addresses this question over and over.
  • because nothing essentially assessable or measurable needs to result from their learning
  • Even worse control because it becomes internalized,
    • Terry Elliott
      None of the issues of pre-requisites and order of learning and institutional imperatives matters if we put the power in the heart of the learner. After that 'engine' is started all of the world becomes fuel whether it is credentialing, certification, accrediting--it doesn't matter. It is all grist for each unique learning soul to turn into her or his own bread.
  • “A” for “answering”
  • “A” for “answering”
  • these questions an “A” for “answering”
    • Terry Elliott
  • You could argue he system is flawed, its structures non-conducive to learning,
    • Jaap Bosman
      Education is expensive, online courses are cheaper. Online courses engage people from all ages, they foster life-long-learning. Online courses are a means to make schools change. If schools do not change they will suffer and go down.
    The system of education will change, teachers should be change agents.
Jaap Bosman

Cheating and the new value of knowledge #rhizo14 | A Fine Balance - 1 views

  • what we have long taken to be essential to the structure of knowledge: a foundation.
    • Terry Elliott
      Just a metaphor that is as capable of change as any other metaphor.
    • Jaap Bosman
      knowledge never had a foundation,
  • copying what you love
    • Terry Elliott
      Pretty compelling idea. One of the more compelling and accessible ways to learn and play at the same time is to copy. I supose that is why it is such a common practice in master/apprentice relationships.
  • But we also know that we make ourselves stupid when we restrict ourselves to tolerating only the mildest disruptions of our comfort.”
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  • “in this world of abundance, knowledge is not a library but a playlist tuned to our present interests. It is not eternally truthful content but subject matter good enough for our current task. It is not a realm but a path that gets us where we’re going.”
    • Terry Elliott
      And we are walking the path together.
  • “educate our children from the earliest possible age about how to use the Net, how to evaluate knowledge claims, and how to love to difference.”
  • Now that the temple priests don’t control what we encounter” we need ”critical thinking skills more than ever”. 
  • The barriers that remain are not our technology’s but our own.
  • facts have played as the foundation of knowledge.”
Jaap Bosman

Self-assessment and self-remediation | Dave's Educational Blog - 0 views

  • Overcoming isolation
  • Active learning
  • Controlling learning behaviours
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Diagnosis and remediation
  • Student responsibility for learning
  • Teaching students how to make good questions for themselves, to ask them in ways that are going to lead to effective searching and learning,
    So i'm basically trying to give people something they can work with… a strategy rather than content… that can get them 'in the know' so that they can participate in the community effectively.
Terry Elliott

Rhizomatic learning, knowledge and books | Jenny Connected - 0 views

  • don’t throw out your books
    • Terry Elliott
      Perhaps it is not the books themselves but the power we grant them just because they are books. There are lots of reasons why we did this: they were the best technology available for carrying information, they are the tools of power for status quo and revolutionary alike, they have are now the traditional, default method. Yet we are at the beginning of an age which has other methods that are even more ubiquitous. The mobile device is becoming preeminent because it not only carries words but also images, moving and static, and sounds, ours and others. It is immediate and easily reproducible.
  • Are we going to ignore or throw away our books and so throw away our history? Doesn’t our past inform our present and future?
    • Terry Elliott
      No, we are not going to do that, however we are going to put them in their place. To situate them in the power context, into their new community alongside images and sounds and the digital hierarchy of tools.
  • Iain MacGilchrist’s book – The Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am a real fanboy of MacGilchrist's book. If you hadn't brought him up, I would have. ;-)
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  • he traces how the left hemisphere has grabbed more than its fair share of power
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes and what has been the instrument of that power grab--books. Cormier's distrust comes from the valorization of yet another master of the holist part of our mind. Books are colonizers aren't they?
  • We need books, but we also need to engage with them critically. We need text, but we also need to be able to see its limitations. We need abstraction, but we also need embodied learning. We need to exercise both the left and right hemispheres of our brains.
    • Terry Elliott
      I say give books the comeuppance they deserve. Who is the boss of the mind? Mine is reactionary sloganeering here, so let me be less molotov. I, meaning my whole self, am the boss, the master. I am weary of being told and of accepting as writ (holy irony that) that the written word is supreme. I find myself revolting (please no Henny Youngman jokes) against words by my frail attempts to use tools that are decidedly not books--zeega, vine, photography, video, soundcloud, augmented reality--to wrestle control from literacy and return to orality.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      On your side Scott would agree that it is not books who are at fault. Please let us not shoot the messenger. It is our use of books and our abdication to their organization, to their legibility that is our downfall.
    Reader Response theory comes to mind here too. I see where this is both coming from and headed but my own attitude is, like anyone else's, still very much influenced by my personal reading history. I was an only child and, in a time when families moved much less than now, we moved often because of my father's work with a geophysical crew. I didn't spend entire school year in one place or even the same state until the 5th grade -- did not fall behind because my mother taught me to read early and my father made maths fun with cards, dice and dominoes. Add that all that up -- books spoke to me, were my family and friends. FYI Terry, my father was a storyteller and master punster
Vanessa Vaile

Ethics and soft boundaries between Facebook groups  and other web services | ... - 0 views

  • This is rhetoric, perhaps even rhizorhetoric, at it’s best
  • I want to frame my comments in the distinction between reductionist thought and complexity thought, a habit of mind I attribute to Edgar Morin’s book On Complexity
  • tension between a reductionist understanding of power and a complexity understanding
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  • Steven Luke’s short article about power
  • I find the fourth view, the one from Foucault, to be the most engaging, as it approaches a complex view of power
  • first three views of power assume a Classical, simple (not simplistic, but not complex, either) epistemology
  • “‘Power’ in its most generic sense simply means the capacity to bring about significant effects: to effect changes or prevent them.”
  • The One-dimensional View posits two agents disjoined from one another, and power occurs when one agent prevails in some way over the other agent
  • too simple, too explicit and over
  • The Two-dimensional view adds agenda control by the more powerful agent, and finally, the Three-dimensional view adds social influence
  • it also encompasses being able to secure their dependence, deference, allegiance or compliance, even without needing to act and in the absence of conflict.
  • the successive views move in the direction of complexity, but they are always limited by a Classical epistemology that posits disjoined, discrete agents interacting in deterministic ways across or through clear boundaries, either in accordance with or in violation of some social contract or rules.
  • its affordances are outweighed by its limitations
  • This is where Foucault’s view of power comes into play, and note that it’s the only unnamed view
  • complexity is often nameless, even unnameable
  • those flows all implicate power
  • an agent is formed and informed by the flows of energy, information, and organizational structures of the systems within which the agent lives and functions
  • we are not discrete entities, independent of an enclosing ecosystem
  • power is the flow of energy, matter, information, and organization throughout a complex, multi-scale system
  • Power is the weave of the fabric we are all woven into, and it is difficult, often impossible, to isolate any single thread of power and to trace it back to a single cause.
  • what does this mean for how we should decide who is in Rhizo14 and how we should behave there?
  • the more open the use and sharing of information, the more important it is to clarify how we expect that information to be used
  • Clarity has great affordances, but it also has its blindness
  • This is a fine example of a clear, classical social contract. Independent agents agree on boundaries and behaviors between themselves
  • This assumes discrete agents with clear boundaries, a simple view of power and reality
  • A complex view of power and reality—my view—says, however, that Frances is already part of the Rhizo14 group and the document
  • Likewise, I suspect that Frances has herself been in/formed by the Rhizo14 discussion
  • circular causality, a core mechanism of complex systems with their complex flows of power
  • Power as flows of energy, information, and organization have already woven us together in ways that I do not know how to disentangle.
  • really only a very small part
  • request not to be part of the group leaves me with some sticky issues
  • most views of plagiarism are based on the simple view of relationships among agents and social contracts
  • ole authorship is a reductionist’s fiction, a useful fiction perhaps, but perhaps becoming less useful as online, open spaces emerge
  • How to behave in an open community, then, where flows of power are unavoidable and many are uncontrollable, even unknowable
  • if we don’t confront this problem, then we will continue to apply the old social contracts. I don’t think those social contracts alone can address the issue
  • interested in learning how this group will write this document. Like all good ethnographers, I think I can learn most by living and functioning within the group, by helping to write it. I want to define the process from the inside
Terry Elliott

Enough About Getting Rid of 'dave': Exploring Spontaneity and the Metaphor of the Gardn... - 3 views

  • But I think that Dave has just shown us that it is possible in an online environment.
    • Terry Elliott
      I don't always feel that way.  Sometimes I feel it is a guiding hand, but after two of these rhizo things I am beginning to think of it as a shving hand in a cattle chute.  The chutes only appear down, but the binaries still suggest two paths:  objective/subjective, content/no content,  dave/no dave and whatever the hell the other one was.  This is not rhizomatic teaching.  
    • Terry Elliott
      Is it?
  • Dave has done a good job of modeling rhizomatic teaching
    • Terry Elliott
      Not really too sure about this. He creates a binary and expects us to reconcile it.  And then where does that takes us as far as a rhizomatic practice is concerned?  Not very far at all.  
    • Terry Elliott
      I think that Dave stages the even well, but does not follow through
  • the teacher is the gardener
    • Terry Elliott
      If Dave is the Gardener,then the way he weeds is to point to the weed and say, "Isn't that interesting?".  Irresponsible?  Unethical? Bait and switch?  Not sure.  Personally, I am much more drawn to Heraclitus and Voltaire. For the latter the world is in flux and idiosyncratic as can be and for the latter he has Candide say, "That is very well put, but we muct cultivate our garden."  We must be our own gardeners.  
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • #rhizo15 needs Dave Cormier
    • Terry Elliott
  • I have some kind of sense for it
    • Terry Elliott
      Better off trusting this sense first and what the experts say a very distant fiftieth.
    • Terry Elliott
      And those experts include anyone giving unsolicited advice like me.
  • Enough
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Sometimes I have had enough of Dave.  
  • Deleuze and Guattari
  • we should get rid of dave
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Wait for it....
  • spontaneity
    • Terry Elliott
      Dunno, the videos seem pretty scripted to me.  He has an agenda and wants to get it out there.  The community has been guided by each week's prompts, using it as a jumping off point but not really going too far from fold.  I wanted to see much more rebellion and spontaneous, adhoc-osity.  I tried, but no one paid me any mind.  Par.
  • Of course it is the gardner who decides between the weeds and “flowers”, sets the parameters of the garden, and ultimately decides who lives and who dies – but that is my next blog post.
    • Terry Elliott
      I agree that the gardener controls but I think it is illusory.  Who plucks the gardener? Who tends the gardener? Who weeds the gardener?  The gardener lives in a larger system that subsumes the garden, a larger Garden.  The gardener thinks he is managing the complexity that is the garden.  Fools paradise for a sock puppet?  
  • Spontaneity and the Metaphor of the Gardner
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Is this spontaneous and rhizomatic?

How PowerPoint is killing critical thought | Andrew Smith | Comment is free | The Guardian - 1 views

  • One either accepts them in toto, or not at all.
    • wayupnorth
      I seriously disagree with this statement. Not only can the audience pick and choose which bullets they swallow, the speaker herself also can deviate or disagree with what they previously had written. PowerPoint can be as dominating as the author suggests, but only if the PP user allows it to do that - in which case any other medium (including blackboard) would do the same.
  • It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control.
    • wayupnorth
      so does any other medium for presenting information - including text. This author has proved that he can create the "illusion of understanding" without approaching at all a nuanced understanding of his subject.
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