touches of sense...: Target practice... - 0 views
a lark was singing joyfully.
in the bunker
got out of games
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Understanding the Basics of Rhizomatic Learning | Teaching Centre - 4 views
How PowerPoint is killing critical thought | Andrew Smith | Comment is free | The Guardian - 1 views
One either accepts them in toto, or not at all.
I seriously disagree with this statement. Not only can the audience pick and choose which bullets they swallow, the speaker herself also can deviate or disagree with what they previously had written. PowerPoint can be as dominating as the author suggests, but only if the PP user allows it to do that - in which case any other medium (including blackboard) would do the same.
It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control.
Writing the Unreadable Untext - Hybrid Pedagogy - 0 views
First, most MOOC research has not brought the connectivist experience to life for readers who have not experienced the rhizomatic swarm of open, online, connected learning.
Dear Rhizo15 | Dave's Educational Blog - 1 views
Insoumis. - Hybrid Pedagogy - 1 views
A 'starter' bibliography on MOOCs - 2 views
@Ignatia Webs: keynote #emoocs2015 @davecormier on rhizomatic learning - 0 views
Flipgrid. Week 5. Invasive Species - 1 views
Deleuze for Developers: Deterritorialization - 2 views
this diagram of the assemblage
writing style that they probably find opaque
This process is called 'deterritorialization.’ Healing the lines, repairing them, and re-containing the boundary is called 'reterritorialization.’
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Flipgrid. Relax and discuss. - 0 views
touches of sense...: Educare. - 1 views
a 'felt presence'
"Teacher as naturalist".
authentic embodiment of a role at an instant.
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Will · The Lazy Language of Learning - 0 views
I think Gary Stager gets it right:In the absence of a clear and publicly articulated vision for a school or district and a misguided quest for the holy grail of balance, the weeds will always kill the flowers. If you are a school leader with a coherent vision for educational progress, you must articulate your vision clearly and publicly so people will follow. Why make others guess what you want and stand for?
The elements that comprise this Gear include:Personalized Learning Student-Centered Learning Authentic, Deeper Learning 21st Century Skills College and Career Readiness Digital Citizenship Technology Skills Anywhere, Anytime Learning
Are students learning our stuff (curriculum) or their stuff (interests)?
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Enough About Getting Rid of 'dave': Exploring Spontaneity and the Metaphor of the Gardn... - 3 views
But I think that Dave has just shown us that it is possible in an online environment.
I don't always feel that way. Sometimes I feel it is a guiding hand, but after two of these rhizo things I am beginning to think of it as a shving hand in a cattle chute. The chutes only appear down, but the binaries still suggest two paths: objective/subjective, content/no content, dave/no dave and whatever the hell the other one was. This is not rhizomatic teaching.
Is it?
Dave has done a good job of modeling rhizomatic teaching
the teacher is the gardener
If Dave is the Gardener,then the way he weeds is to point to the weed and say, "Isn't that interesting?". Irresponsible? Unethical? Bait and switch? Not sure. Personally, I am much more drawn to Heraclitus and Voltaire. For the latter the world is in flux and idiosyncratic as can be and for the latter he has Candide say, "That is very well put, but we muct cultivate our garden." We must be our own gardeners.
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