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Roger Cook

edX - Home - 2 views

    EdX is a joint partnership between The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University to offer online learning to millions of people around the world. EdX will offer Harvard and MIT classes online for free. Through this partnership, the institutions aim to extend their collective reach to build a global community of online learners and to improve education for everyone.
Elizabeth Greener

Survey of Online Learning in the States - 4 views

    Grade Change - Tracking Online Education in the United State is the eleventh annual report on the state of online learning in U.S. higher education. The survey is designed, administered and analyzed by the Babson Survey Research Group, with data collection conducted in partnership with the College Board. Using responses from more than 2,800 colleges and universities, this study is aimed at answering fundamental questions about the nature and extent of online education.
Roger Cook

ePrimer series | Ako Aotearoa - 0 views

    The E-Primer series: #1 - E-learning in context - An introduction to e-learning and the international experience; definitions of terms; a theory for e-learning; technologies; benefits #2 - E-education and faculty - Education theory and e-learning; the changing role of faculty; workload issues; quality #3 - Designing for e-learning - Instructional design; learning objects; constructing a hybrid course #4 - Online discourse - Synchronous and asynchronous communications; designing online discourse; online facilitation. #5 - Extending e-possibilities - Web 2.0; ePortfolios; virtual worlds; lifelong learning, etc A blog updating various elements of the E-Primers is being kept at
Elizabeth Greener

Beyond MOOCs: Sustainable online learning in institutions - 4 views

    Link: Beyond MOOCs Sustainable Online Learning in Institutions (PDF) Link: Beyond MOOCs Sustainable Online Learning in Institutions (MS Word .docx) Executive Summary The key opportunity for institutions is to take the concepts developed by the MOOC experiment to date and use them to improve the quality of their face-to-face and online provision, and to open up access to higher education.
Roger Cook

2020 Vision: Outlook for online learning in 2014 and way beyond (Tony Bates) - 2 views

    12 Jan 2014 - A very interesting (and believable) take on the future of online learning in the next 5 - 10 years. Check out the list of future choices for: Students and learners; Faculty and instructors; Institutions; and Government.
Roger Cook

University of the future is here | The Australian 01/06/2011 - 3 views

    In our new world of online plenty, "no matter what you are interested in you can go online and join a group of people attracted to something because they want to learn about it", ... "It also means education, knowledge and achievement are opening up to a much broader range of students, particularly visual learners who didn't have a chance to shine in text-based education systems, international e-learning expert Marc Prensky says. "What many educators often forget is that reading and writing, although they have enjoyed primacy for hundreds of years, are very artificial ways to communicate, store and retrieve information," he says." ... "We have to get over the myth that mobile phones have eaten the brains of our children and talk productively about using new communications tools. "There is an untapped reservoir of interest and enthusiasm, and if you can find the right tasks [that] empower students, it's like reaching a [teaching] tipping point," Allen says.
Paul Fenn

20+ Tips From The Most Effective Online Teachers - 0 views

    Most of the tips are relevant to higher ed, and each contains a decent paragraph description.
Roger Cook

Learning and the MOOC | - 0 views

    April 3-4 2013: ...we will engage the teaching and learning community in exploring this new online course model. Tour institutional examples of MOOCs, various instructional designs and delivery models, processes, methodologies for setting up and evaluating the model, and implications for teaching and learning.
Roger Cook

Project Based Learning - 3 views

    Welcome to PBL-Online, a one stop solution for Project Based Learning!
Roger Cook

Course Builder - Google Project Hosting - 2 views

    Course Builder is Google's experimental first step in the world of online education.
Roger Cook

Mapping Web 2.0 Benefits to Known Best Practices in Distance Education - DE Oracle @ UMUC - 1 views

    The benefits of using Web 2.0 tools and technologies in the online classroom reaches far and wide. This section looks at both documented and undocumented advantages.
Paul Fenn

8 Unique Online Presentation Tools for Students - 0 views

    Some interesting options for online presentations. (One of them, of course, is Prezi.)
Natasha Giardina

New Survey Uncovers Big Trends In Online Learning - 2 views

    Data is from US schools, but still useful to see the bigger trends emerge...
Roger Cook

EDUCAUSE Sprint 2013 | Beyond MOOCs: Is IT Creating a New, Connected Age? - 1 views

    July 30-August 1 = a free, online program of webinars, activities, resources, and discussions focused on the transformative elements of MOOCs-connectedness, scale, data, and new models-and IT's role.
Roger Cook

7 Things You Should Know About Navigating the New Learning Ecosystem | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    The LMS was once the undisputed center of the digital learning ecosystem. But on many campuses, the situation has changed such that the campus online learning environment might be better viewed as a continuum, with the LMS at one end and a student's own collection of applications, tools, and websites at the other.
Roger Cook

Pinterest and Education - Stephen's Lighthouse - 0 views

    Online pinboard - some good ideas for using it here.
Roger Cook

Succeeding With Reverse Instruction - One Instructor's Inspired Approach | Emerging Edu... - 0 views

    Kieran Mathieson, an Associate Professor at Oakland University who has developed an online site at where he publishes lessons, tools, a textbook and more, commented and shared his work.
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