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Roger Cook

2020 Vision: Outlook for online learning in 2014 and way beyond (Tony Bates) - 2 views

    12 Jan 2014 - A very interesting (and believable) take on the future of online learning in the next 5 - 10 years. Check out the list of future choices for: Students and learners; Faculty and instructors; Institutions; and Government.
Elizabeth Greener

University of the Future - 0 views

    "University of the Future", an Ernst & Young report released a week ago is a six month study on the changes in Australian and international universities. According to the study Higher education institutions will need to fundamentally transform their business models to survive; "Over the next 10-15 years, the current public university model in Australia will prove unviable in all but a few cases...".
Roger Cook

Envisioning the Future of Educational Technology » Online Universities - 1 views

    This blog posting deconstructs the recent infographic from the Envisioning Technology website - - and outlines some of the more interesting predictions.
Roger Cook

The Future of Tablets in Education: Potential Vs. Reality of Consuming Media | MindShift - 0 views

    The start of an interesting four-part series about how teachers can take students on a journey from consumption of media to curation, creation, and connection.
Natasha Giardina

Digital Big Bang to Shake Up Economy - 0 views

    This article is useful in considering the future of higher ed within the broader context of economic change brought on by digital technologies.
Natasha Giardina

Teacherless classrooms the way of the future | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News... - 2 views

    I note particularly the planed "engaging ed" competition. QUT staff could be part of this...
Roger Cook

University of the future is here | The Australian 01/06/2011 - 3 views

    In our new world of online plenty, "no matter what you are interested in you can go online and join a group of people attracted to something because they want to learn about it", ... "It also means education, knowledge and achievement are opening up to a much broader range of students, particularly visual learners who didn't have a chance to shine in text-based education systems, international e-learning expert Marc Prensky says. "What many educators often forget is that reading and writing, although they have enjoyed primacy for hundreds of years, are very artificial ways to communicate, store and retrieve information," he says." ... "We have to get over the myth that mobile phones have eaten the brains of our children and talk productively about using new communications tools. "There is an untapped reservoir of interest and enthusiasm, and if you can find the right tasks [that] empower students, it's like reaching a [teaching] tipping point," Allen says.
Roger Cook

UTS: Assessment Futures - Institute for Interactive Media and Learning (IML) - 0 views

    ...equipping students for the learning and assessing they will need to do after completing their course and the challenges they will face after graduation.
Roger Cook

The Sixth Wave - a book by James Bradfield Moody and Bianca Nogrady - 2 views

shared by Roger Cook on 05 Jul 11 - No Cached
    "THE SIXTH WAVE is a business book, a motivational book, a bold prediction and a roadmap to the future. It is for anyone interested in understanding how the next wave of innovation will change our lives, and how to succeed in a resource-limited world. "
Roger Cook

Innovating Pedagogy | Open University Innovations Report #1 - 2 views

    "The series of reports explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation." The ten innovations are: Assessment for learning Badges to accredit learning Learning analytics MOOCs New pedagogy for e-books Personal inquiry learning Publisher led mini-courses Rebirth of academic publishing Rhizomatic learning Seamless learning
Roger Cook

ELI Webinar - The Six Dimensions of Next-Generation Learning | EDUCAUSE (Sept 10, 2012) - 3 views

    (View webinar archive and support resources) - Next Generation Learning Challenges has identified six essential dimensions of next-generation learning: - learning goals focused on deeper, more comprehensive outcomes - measurement of progress through embedded and adaptive assessment - learning designs that are personalized, competency-based, and supportive - blended and open-source implementation and change management - conditions that enable "breakthrough models" to succeed - broad and rapid scaling to match the widespread need
Roger Cook

Flexible Pedagogies (Preparing for the Future) Project - Higher Education Academy (UK) - 1 views

    Will produce 5 five stand-alone reports focusing on: part-time learners and learning; employer engagement and work-based learning; new pedagogical ideas; technology-enhanced learning; institutional systems and infrastructures.
Elizabeth Greener

Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning - 1 views

    The Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning ITEL project is conceived as a future-oriented and innovation-focused contribution to OECD's work on teachers and teaching. It focuses on the pedagogical knowledge base and competences of teachers and how they should be redefined to be in line with recent developments in understanding effective learning, as for example as hightlighted in publication: The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice.
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