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thinkahol *

YouTube - The Psychology of Religion-Steven Pinker (part I) - 0 views

    In an illustration more typical of Pinker's cultural taste, he quotes the opening scene of Woody Allen's movie Annie Hall, when the young Alvy Singer tells a psychiatrist that he won't do his homework because the universe is expanding. If the universe is going to fall apart, he says, what is the point of human existence? "What has the universe got to do with it?" his mother wails at him. "You' re here in Brooklyn! Brooklyn is not expanding!" That kind of reductionism is confusing two levels of analysis," Pinker says. "We have meaning and purpose here inside our heads, being the organisms that we are. We have brains that make it impossible for us to live our lives except in terms of meaning and purpose. The fact that you can look at meaning and purpose in one way, as a neuro-psychological phenomenon, doesn' t mean you can' t look at it in another way, in terms of how we live our lives." The collection of genes known as Steven Pinker made the point most forcibly in How The Mind Works, where he explained his own decision not to have children - which apparently runs counter to the demands of evolution - and says that if his genes don't like it, "they can take a running jump.",4273,3926387,00.html Steven Pinker

Calling All B2B Marketers Now's the Time to Use Facebook | Branex - Digital Agency Toronto - 0 views

    Live video marketing is one of the hottest online marketing trends these days. Thanks to the introduction of Facebook Live and a large number of social mediums, more and more brands are working harder than ever to bring valuable, interesting, informational live videos to capture their customers' interest and boost engagement.

Living Safe | With Nicole Groch - Helping you live a healthier, safer and more natural ... - 0 views

    "Helping you live a healthier, safer and more natural lifestyle."
    "Helping you live a healthier, safer and more natural lifestyle."
yc c

Infographics - How Britain has changed since 1997 « Prospect Magazine - 0 views

    Richer, fatter, living longer, more indebted, drunker, better connected, politically disillusioned: there's no metric that can describe whether we are happier or living better lives after 13 years of Labour. But there are plenty to show how we have changed during a period of fulsome spending, borrowing and technological transformation;
thinkahol *

Do Our Personalities Pilot the Way We Live Our Lives? | Personal Health | AlterNet - 0 views

    The idea that our inborn predispositions dictate how we live our lives was once seen as antiquated and even reactionary. No more.
thinkahol *

Keeping Marriage Alive with Affairs, Asexuality, Polyamory, and Living Apart | Psycholo... - 0 views

    In my previous post, I introduced you to the first part of Pamela Haag's provocative new book, Marriage Confidential: The Post-Romantic Age of Workhorse Wives, Royal Children, Undersexed Spouses, and Rebel Couples Who Are Rewriting the Rules. The 21st century, she argues, is a post-romantic age of melancholy marriages. The couples are not acutely stressed nor entangled in constant conflict - they are just melancholy. They signed up for the marriage pact and lost a vital part of themselves in the process. In that first post, I reviewed some of the problems that Haag diagnosed as plaguing some contemporary marriages. Here, I will go through a few of them and tell you about some of the solutions Haag learned about in her research and interviews. Remember, her goal is not to generate alternatives to marriage but alternatives within marriage that have the potential to keep the marriages together. To longtime readers of Living Single, I bet you will anticipate the conclusion I am leading up to before you get to the end of this post.
MrGhaz .

Boredom: What are the Causes of This Affliction and How Can It be Counteracted? - 0 views

    Boredom occurs when one cannot stand not having anything to do. The body may be at rest but the brain wants something to happen or to do. The first thing I notice about boredom is that it is a peculiar human affliction affecting grown - ups and teenagers. Very young children and the other living things do not seem to be bothered by boredom. Suffer From Boredom My neighbor has two dogs whose only job is to stay around the house and bark if strangers approached. Beside that they have nothing else to do. However I have never ever seen them looked bored. Usually when there is nothing in particular happening, they just retire to a corner and have a nap. Of coarse just as easily they can wake up when they have to. They do not suffer the guilt that humans have when they take a nap. Also they do not suffer from insomnia or reluctance to get up from sleep. So it is the same with the other animals and living things that I know. They do not seem to suffer from boredom.
Dadang Wardhana

Health Psychology Tips for Better Living - 0 views

    Health Psychology Tips for Better Living. Life can become so much cruel for any people. Especially in the aspect of working and business activity
Page Turn Pro

Apple Magazine App - Digitize Your Publications - 0 views

    This article talks about apple magazine app. Furthermore, it talks about the benefits of digitizing your content. Smartphones have transformed our lives to a great extent. Let's accept the fact we can't live without our mobile phones even a week or more correctly to say even a day.
avul66 mans

Watch all your favourite New Video Movies online and TV shows online - 1 views

    Watch Online HD Movies Free Streaming New 2014 And Enjoy Free Streaming Live.....
    Watch Online HD Movies Free Streaming New 2014 And Enjoy Free Streaming Live.....
nat bas

Understanding the Anxious Mind - - 0 views

  • But some people, no matter how robust their stock portfolios or how healthy their children, are always mentally preparing for doom. They are just born worriers, their brains forever anticipating the dropping of some dreaded other shoe. For the past 20 years, Kagan and his colleagues have been following hundreds of such people, beginning in infancy, to see what happens to those who start out primed to fret. Now that these infants are young adults, the studies are yielding new information about the anxious brain.
  • Four significant long-term longitudinal studies are now under way: two at Harvard that Kagan initiated, two more at the University of Maryland under the direction of Nathan Fox, a former graduate student of Kagan’s. With slight variations, they all have reached similar conclusions: that babies differ according to inborn temperament; that 15 to 20 percent of them will react strongly to novel people or situations; and that strongly reactive babies are more likely to grow up to be anxious.
  • In the brain, these thoughts can often be traced to overreactivity in the amygdala, a small site in the middle of the brain that, among its many other functions, responds to novelty and threat. When the amygdala works as it should, it orchestrates a physiological response to changes in the environment. That response includes heightened memory for emotional experiences and the familiar chest pounding of fight or flight. But in people born with a particular brain circuitry, the kind seen in Kagan’s high-reactive study subjects, the amygdala is hyperreactive, prickly as a haywire motion-detector light that turns on when nothing’s moving but the rain. Other physiological changes exist in children with this temperament, many of them also related to hyperreactivity in the amygdala. They have a tendency to more activity in the right hemisphere, the half of the brain associated with negative mood and anxiety; greater increases in heart rate and pupil dilation in response to stress; and on occasion higher levels of the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The physiological measurements led them to believe something biological was at work. Their hypothesis: the inhibited children were “born with a lower threshold” for arousal of various brain regions, in particular the amygdala, the hypothalamus and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the circuit responsible for the stress hormone cortisol.
  • At age 4, children who had been high-reactive were four times as likely to be behaviorally inhibited as those who had been low-reactive. By age 7, almost half of the jittery babies had developed symptoms of anxiety — fear of thunder or dogs or darkness, extreme shyness in the classroom or playground — compared with just 10 percent of the more easygoing ones. About one in five of the high-reactive babies were consistently inhibited and fearful at every visit up to the age of 7.
  • By adolescence, the rate of anxiety in Kagan’s study subjects declined overall, including in the high-risk group. At 15, about two-thirds of those who had been high-reactors in infancy behaved pretty much like everybody else.
  • PEOPLE WITH A nervous temperament don’t usually get off so easily, Kagan and his colleagues have found. There exists a kind of sub-rosa anxiety, a secret stash of worries that continue to plague a subset of high-reactive people no matter how well they function outwardly. They cannot quite outrun their own natures: consciously or unconsciously, they remain the same uneasy people they were when they were little.
  • Teenagers who were in the group at low risk for anxiety showed no increase in activity in the amygdala when they looked at the face, even if they had been told to focus on their own fear. But those in the high-risk group showed increased activity in the amygdala when they were thinking about their own feelings (though not when they were thinking about the nose). Once again, this pattern was seen in anxiety-prone youngsters quite apart from whether they had problems with anxiety in their daily lives. In the high-risk kids, even those who were apparently calm in most settings, their amygdalas lighted up more than the others’ did.
  • Behaviorally inhibited children were much more likely to have older siblings: two-thirds of them did, compared with just one-third of the uninhibited children. Could having older siblings, he and his co-authors wondered, mean being teased and pushed, which becomes a source of chronic stress, which in turn amplifies a biological predisposition to inhibition?
  • high-reactive babies who went to day care when they were young were significantly less fearful at age 4 than were the high-reactives who stayed home with their mothers.
  • The predictive power of an anxiety-prone temperament, such as it is, essentially works in just one direction: not by predicting what these children will become but by predicting what they will not. In the longitudinal studies of anxiety, all you can say with confidence is that the high-reactive infants will not grow up to be exuberant, outgoing, bubbly or bold. Still, while a Sylvia Plath almost certainly won’t grow up to be a Bill Clinton, she can either grow up to be anxious and suicidal, or simply a poet. Temperament is important, but life intervenes.
    This is a good article that looks at how anxiety happens- it is more or less something you are born with, but you learn to live with, if you are intelligent about it. Liked it. Good writing.
Kingly Velvet

Customer Reviews and Testimonials Of Kingly Velvet - 0 views

    Read these amazing reviews from people who tried Kingly Velvet. See how it changed their lives and how it help them become someone much better than before.
    Read these amazing reviews from people who tried Kingly Velvet. See how it changed their lives and how it help them become someone much better than before.

Buy Verified Cash App Accounts - 100% Verified Best BTC Enabled - 0 views

    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best Verified Cash App Accounts, then look no further. We have compiled a list of some of the best verified cash app accounts in the market today. These verified accounts will help you get started with owning a business on Cash App. We also provide guidance on how to buy real verified cash app accounts so that you can get more benefits out of this platform! What Is Verified Cash App Accounts? Verified Cash App Accounts are a type of verified account. They're real accounts that have been verified by the cash app and are used to send money to friends, family or businesses you trust. Verified Cash App Accounts are available when you start using the cash app to send money with other people (people who don't have a verified cash app account). When someone else sends you money through the cash app, it's added onto your balance by default. In this case, it's called "adding funds" because they're adding funds onto your account balance Buying cash app accounts Buying a verified cash app account Buying a verified cash app account for business Buying a verified cash app account for personal use How to verify a Cash App accounts? To verify your account, you can: Provide your personal information. This includes providing a valid email address and phone number, as well as uploading a photo of yourself in order to confirm that you are the owner of the account. Provide your address information by giving us a physical mailing address (if you reside outside of California), or providing an alternate physical location where we can mail something back to you (if you reside in California). How can I buy Real Verified Cash App Account? You can buy a verified cash app account from the official website. You can also buy a verified cash app account from the official app store. And, last but not least, you can also buy a verified cash app account directly through our website! Can you actually buy fully ve
    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best Verified Cash App Accounts, then look no further. We have compiled a list of some of the best verified cash app accounts in the market today. These verified accounts will help you get started with owning a business on Cash App. We also provide guidance on how to buy real verified cash app accounts so that you can get more benefits out of this platform! What Is Verified Cash App Accounts? Verified Cash App Accounts are a type of verified account. They're real accounts that have been verified by the cash app and are used to send money to friends, family or businesses you trust. Verified Cash App Accounts are available when you start using the cash app to send money with other people (people who don't have a verified cash app account). When someone else sends you money through the cash app, it's added onto your balance by default. In this case, it's called "adding funds" because they're adding funds onto your account balance Buying cash app accounts Buying a verified cash app account Buying a verified cash app account for business Buying a verified cash app account for personal use How to verify a Cash App accounts? To verify your account, you can: Provide your personal information. This includes providing a valid email address and phone number, as well as uploading a photo of yourself in order to confirm that you are the owner of the account. Provide your address information by giving us a physical mailing address (if you reside outside of California), or providing an alternate physical location where we can mail something back to you (if you reside in California). How can I buy Real Verified Cash App Account? You can buy a verified cash app account from the official website. You can also buy a verified cash app account from the official app store. And, last but not least, you can also buy a verified cash app account directly through our website! Can you actually buy fully ve
    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best Verified Cash App Accounts, then look no further. We have compiled a list of some of the best verified cash app accounts in the market today. These verified accounts will help you get started with owning a business on Cash App. We also provide guidance on how to buy real verified cash app accounts so that you can get more benefits out of this platform! What Is Verified Cash App Accounts? Verified Cash App Accounts are a type of verified account. They're real accounts that have been verified by the cash app and are used to send money to friends, family or businesses you trust. Verified Cash App Accounts are available when you start using the cash app to send money with other people (people who don't have a verified cash app account). When someone else sends you money through the cash app, it's added onto your balance by default. In this case, it's called "adding funds" because they're adding funds onto your account balance Buying cash app accounts Buying a verified cash app account Buying a verified cash app account for business Buying a verified cash app account for personal use How to verify a Cash App accounts? To verify your account, you can: Provide your personal information. This includes providing a valid email address and phone number, as well as uploading a photo of yourself in order to confirm that you are the owner of the account. Provide your address information by giving us a physical mailing address (if you reside outside of California), or providing an alternate physical location where we can mail something back to you (if you reside in California). How can I buy Real Verified Cash App Account? You can buy a verified cash app account from the official website. You can also buy a verified cash app account from the official app store. And, last but not least, you can also buy a verified cash app account directly through our website! Can you actually buy fully ve

University of psychoanalysis. - 0 views

    * Because as psychoanalysis works are meant to be read, and not to be piled, stacked, arranged, lined in bookshelves, our ideas are made to be called, published, discussed, proposed, otherwise they do not exist. * Because internet traffic movement, and it is better that our ideas are taken as living in a gangue of silence. * Because of the action as well as supports and validates the decision, I write (and I do not think it could be otherwise, here I assume that the subjective joined the lens, rather than the singular or my gesture joined the collective act of writing) and I can only write in a gesture that is continuous, that does not stop because everyday gestures come to intersect with it. Only there is a natural place for this, which is a space where one is asked to leave his name at the door and where the words flowing. * Because the dynamics of the publication supports the dynamics of writing, confirms, corroborates it.

Successful and Schizophrenic / The Psychology of Gang Rape: Dissecting Stuebenville - 0 views

    THIRTY years ago, I was given a diagnosis of schizophrenia. My prognosis was "grave": I would never live independently, hold a job, find a loving partner, get married. My home would be a board-and-care facility, my days spent watching TV in a day room with other people debilitated by mental illness. I would work at menial jobs when my symptoms were quiet. & Sex Crimes and Small Town Exaltation of Athletes in an Era of Anonymous by Darrah Le Montre On August 11/12th of last year, a 16-year old girl in Steubenville, Ohio, was allegedly repeatedly sexually assaulted by members of Steubenville High School's almighty Big Red Football team. When the story subsequently broke worldwide, it divided a small town and forced us to question the future of our men.
v s

Phobia - 0 views

    Fear is a natural in born response of all living beings. When fear becomes frequent, intense and unreasonable it comes to be classified as phobia.
avul mans

Watch all your favourite New Video Movies online and TV shows online - 1 views

    Watch Online HD Movies Free Streaming New 2014 And Enjoy Free Streaming Live.....
Stephen Frost

Being Bullied Can Bring Amazing Life Opportunities - NewsWire - 0 views

    Bullying is stated to ruin the lives of bullied people according to a new study. Is there more to it than that though?
thinkahol *

YouTube - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Creativity, fulfillment and flow - 0 views

  • Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow."
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