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thinkahol *

TEDxRheinMain - Prof. Dr. Thomas Metzinger - The Ego Tunnel - YouTube - 0 views

    Brain, bodily awareness, and the emergence of a conscious self: these entities and their relations are explored by Germanphilosopher and cognitive scientist Metzinger. Extensively working with neuroscientists he has come to the conclusion that, in fact, there is no such thing as a "self" -- that a "self" is simply the content of a model created by our brain - part of a virtual reality we create for ourselves. But if the self is not "real," he asks, why and how did it evolve? How does the brain construct the self? In a series of fascinating virtual reality experiments, Metzinger and his colleagues have attempted to create so-called "out-of-body experiences" in the lab, in order to explore these questions. As a philosopher, he offers a discussion of many of the latest results in robotics, neuroscience, dream and meditation research, and argues that the brain is much more powerful than we have ever imagined. He shows us, for example, that we now have the first machines that have developed an inner image of their own body -- and actually use this model to create intelligent behavior. In addition, studies exploring the connections between phantom limbs and the brain have shown us that even people born without arms or legs sometimes experience a sensation that they do in fact have limbs that are not there. Experiments like the "rubber-hand illusion" demonstrate how we can experience a fake hand as part of our self and even feel a sensation of touch on the phantom hand form the basis and testing ground for the idea that what we have called the "self" in the past is just the content of a transparent self-model in our brains. Now, as new ways of manipulating the conscious mind-brain appear on the scene, it will soon become possible to alter our subjective reality in an unprecedented manner. The cultural consequences of this, Metzinger claims, may be immense: we will need a new approach to ethics, and we will be forced to think about ourselves in a fundamentally new way. At
Sarah Eeee

Ballastexistenz » Post Topic » "…knew the moment had arrived for killing the ... - 0 views

  • How many of the emotional and social problems autistic people have are actually related to being autistic?
  • And as I got into school, I became as subject to bullying by teachers as I was by other students.
  • . I couldn’t understand why people hated me so much, I hadn’t done anything to them other than exist near them. And eventually I just went numb. Nothing the few people in my life who did treat me like a person could do, was enough to counteract the fact that in the majority of my life I was treated more like a target. The only way I could deal with it was to cut off the parts of me that knew what it was like to be treated like a person.
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  • m telling it because assorted variants on these experiences are so close to universal among the autistic people I’ve known. How can you get a good idea of the social abilities or emotional range of a set of people who are treated like this from the moment we encounter other children, sometimes from the moment we encounter other people at all?
  • The myth of the refrigerator parent has been replaced with the myth of the refrigerator child, and many of our parents will believe the new refrigerator child myth.
  • The interesting part to me was that the social behavior of the children was not only often invisible to their parents, but often invisible to the people who worked at the Media Lab as well. I had to point out to them things like one child speaking to her mother and inquiring about her mother’s emotional state, another child’s affection, another child looking up at his mother’s face to gauge her feelings. We concluded that somehow through the camera person focusing on the mothers, combined with the mothers focusing on the camera people, the viewer’s focus was not on the social overtures of the children, who were then possible to describe as not engaging in social overtures even when they were very clearly affectionate, social, and concerned with their parents’ feelings.
    • Sarah Eeee
      Key point: People don't recognize social behaviors when they come from autistic children. Instead of observing what they see, they only see what they expect. There is ample evidence for how this could happen from distraction studies (tell someone to focus on members of the blue team, and they'll miss the gorilla dribbling the ball).
    Interesting blog post considering the emotional impacts of having autism. The author questions whether some of the social difficulties considered diagnostic of autism are actually the result of discrimination. Definitely worth reading for anyone interested in autism and hearing from someone with autism.
Erich Feldmeier

Kevn Lewis: Facebook-Studie: Gegensätze stoßen sich ab - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nac... - 0 views

    "20.12.2011 Facebook-Studie Gegensätze stoßen sich ab Facebook-Kontakte weltweit: Meinungen sind kaum ansteckend Freunde teilen meist viele Ansichten - doch warum das so ist, stellt Forscher vor Rätsel... Psychologen fasziniert schon lange, wie homogen es in Freundesgruppen zugeht. In der Schule, am Arbeitsplatz, im Sportverein, im Internet - stets tun sich Menschen zusammen, die viele Haltungen und Geschmäcker miteinander teilen. Warum das so ist, war bislang nicht schlüssig geklärt. Eine Theorie lautet, dass Menschen sich bevorzugt mit solchen Zeitgenossen anfreunden, mit denen sie viele Dinge gemeinsam haben. Eine alternative Erklärung für die Ähnlichkeit unter Freunden ist ein Phänomen, das Netzwerktheoretiker als Ansteckung bezeichnen. Ansichten und Geschmäcker breiten sich demnach unter Freunden ähnlich aus wie Krankheitserreger. Ein amerikanisches Forscherteam hat dieses Henne-Ei-Problem der Freundschaftstheorie nun in einer aufwendigen Studie auf der Plattform Facebook untersucht. Das Team um Kevin Lewis von der Harvard University in Cambridge verfolgte die Entwicklung von 1640 Studenten verschiedener US-Colleges über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren."

Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism - 0 views

    This two-day conference, supported by the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism (Birkbeck, University of London), Birkbeck College, University of London and the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies of the University of Essex, will bring together historians, social theorists and psychoanalysts to explore the impact of the Second World War and totalitarianism on psychoanalysis, and of psychoanalysis on the understanding of the war and totalitarian systems
Erich Feldmeier

Sian Beilock: Why Pretty Girls Can't Do Math | Psychology Today - 0 views

    "In the August issue of the journal, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Park shares the results of a series of studies with college-age women in which she finds that when women think about romance, they become less interested in studying STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. College-age men, however, can get interested in romance without any impact on their engagement with math and science..."
thinkahol *

The Case For Rebound Relationships | Psychology Today - 0 views

    Entering a new relationship when you are still feeling emotionally connected to your previous partner is a complicated affair, and most self-help books, newspaper articles and blog posts strictly advise against entering such rebound relationships. Indeed, the average advice column will ordinarily contend that rebound relationships distract us from dealing with lingering emotional ties and are unhealthy in that they keep us from achieving resolution. However, in the July edition of the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin we find a study that begs to differ from this popular notion by demonstrating possible merits of rebound relationships. In particular the study shows that rebound relationships might actually help anxiously attached individuals let go of their former partners and achieve closure.
Sue Frantz

Social Iciness Is Found to Alter Perception of Temperature - - 0 views

    For every congenial character who can warm a room, there's another who can bring a draft from the north, a whiff of dead winter. And even if the thermometer doesn't register the difference, people do: social iciness feels so cold to those on the receiving end that they will crave a hot drink, a new study has found.
thinkahol *

Long-term solitary confinement: a method of torture - 0 views

    19-01-2011 Medical evidence has shown that long-term solitary confinement is a form of torture. Dr Joost J den Otter, Medical Director at the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), adds that while there is no doubt about the damage caused by long periods of isolation, solitary confinement for a short period may also cause psychological harm. Dr den Otter highlights the fact that many qualitative and quantitative scientific studies have documented how solitary confinement in prison has damaging health effects. He asserts that the scientific debate on solitary confinement as a method of torture has been settled for many years, but that it seems there is still confusion among policy makers, prison authorities, and the general public. A recent commentary published by the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law about solitary confinement and mental illness in U.S. Prisons, the authors, Jeffrey L. Metzner and Jamie Fellner, support Dr den Otter's judgment. "Isolation can be psychologically harmful to any prisoner, with the nature and severity of the impact depending on the individual, the duration of confinement, and particular conditions (e.g., access to natural light, books, or radio). Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis". In August 2010, Physicians for Human Rights published a report (Experiments in Torture) which added to the growing body of evidence that solitary confinement causes psychological harm consistent with torture. In an interview with 'Life's Little Mysteries', Dr Scott Allen, one of the authors of the paper, said that solitary confinement "can lead to anxiety, depression, certainly disorientation, [and] it can even lead to thought disorders including psychotic thoughts." He added "The consequences can be significant." This backs up researcher Peter Scharff Smith, of The Danis
Erich Feldmeier

Kristin Laurin: Religion und Strafe - Gott wird ihn schon richten - Wissen - sueddeutsc... - 0 views

    "mmerhin konnten Verhaltensökonomen auch zeigen, dass Menschen entgegen dem klassischen Menschenbild der Ökonomie auch von sich aus zum altruistischen Bestrafen neigen: Sie investieren Zeit, Mühe und Ressourcen, um das soziale Fehlverhalten anderer Menschen zu ahnden. Sie tun es sogar dann, wenn sie selber kein bisschen davon profitieren. Allerdings verzichten sie gerne auf diese Aufgabe, wenn sich andere Akteure anbieten, die diese unangenehme Arbeit für sie verrichten können, Wissenschaftler nennen dieses Verhalten "social loafing" - soziale Faulheit. Dieses urmenschliche Streben nach Arbeitserleichterung ist nach Ansicht einiger Evolutionstheoretiker zugleich ein wesentlicher Grund für die Entstehung der großen monotheistischen Religionen: Wer könnte die Aufgabe des obersten Polizisten und Richters besser erledigen als ein Gott, der praktischerweise allwissend ist, allmächtig und außerdem immer am besten weiß, wo es moralisch gerade langgeht? Für diese originelle These gibt es erste empirische Belege, etwa aus der ethnologischen Feldforschung. In einer neuen Studie konnte nun ein Forscherteam um die Psychologin Kristin Laurin von der kanadischen University of Waterloo nachweisen, dass sich auch Menschen im Labor mehr oder weniger gemäß der evolutionstheoretischen Hypothese verhalten (Proceedings of the Royal Society B, online)."
Robert Kamper

Science News / Don't Worry, Get Attention Training - 0 views

  • Attention training helps subjects practice how not to focus on threatening words or on photos of threatening faces
  • anxiety disorder to achieve remission. The disorder, estimated to affect 6.8 million U.S. adults, involves constant, exaggerated worries about impending disasters regarding health, money or other issues.
  • A similar form of attention guidance, directed by psychologist Norman Schmidt of Florida State University in Tallahassee, provided marked relief for many patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. About 15 million U.S. adults struggle with this condition, which is characterized by a debilitating dread of everyday social situations and a fear of being watched and judged by others.
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  • attention training requires minimal professional supervision, causes no side effects and could be completed over the Internet.
  • Amir and Schmidt hypothesize that a habitual focus on potentially threatening events or situations causes the pervasive fear typical of anxiety disorders.
    attention training studies indicate technique works in reducing anxiety disorders
thinkahol *

The Empathy Ceiling: The Rich Are Different - And Not In a Good Way, Studies Suggest | ... - 0 views

    Psychologist and social scientist Dacher Keltner says the rich really are different, and not in a good way: Their life experience makes them less empathetic, less altruistic, and generally more selfish.
my serendipities

Excessive internet use linked to depression, research shows - 24 views

    "people classified as internet addicts are more likely to be depressed than non-addicted users..." "This study reinforces the public speculation that over-engaging in websites that serve to replace normal social function might be linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction."
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    This is a classic... perhaps it is the fact that the people who are depressed find solace in spending excessive time on the Internet..? The link is not over use of the Internet causes depression or addiction but people prone to these disorders are drawn to spending time on the Net..
    This seems odd to me and I'm an internet addict. If you examine what the people were doing online, it's likely a clue as to what they feel is 'missing' from their lives - the story said "They also discovered that addicts spent proportionately more time browsing sexually gratifying websites, online gaming sites and online communities." Maybe they're looking for true love, fun, and that feeling of community. Maybe it's something wrong with our "mediated culture" that's forcing that hand. I believe that this topic will likely grow worse as time progresses, unless we all find a way to bond on a global-level.
    I completely agree with you on the need and benefits of treatment, as well as the need for private counselling. This is a constant requirement. Especially for those who have experienced various forms of trauma throughout their lives best online therapy reviews has a lot of respect in my eyes, and he helps me cope with my ailments online.
Sarah Eeee

Hey interwebs! Can I have my brain back? | Ask MetaFilter - 0 views

  • What is it that makes the Internet so compelling to so many? Aside from the obvious fun and entertainment, educational and business opportunities, and show-offism; I think it boils down to a slogan taken from the eighties. No fear! The playing field is level. Size doesn't matter, really. Inhibitions and reservations are out the window. Internet life is people with diseases and addictions, exposing souls and sharing their recoveries. It's about overviews of history warning future generations not to repeat the mistakes of their predecessors. Sure there are a few kooks to throw us off guard, but mostly the Net is just us being ourselves without fear of reprisal. How refreshing. The Internet is people talking and sharing ideas. Our best and brightest, wallflowers and flower children, the girl next door and the Doc who delivered your kids. It's about you and me. We are all using our own cognizant voices, and we're listening too. We're challenging the status quo, and we're offering alternatives. Collaboration on a global scale all tied together by that simplest of cyber friendships, the hyperlink. Communication has never seen anything like it. I first considered all this ten years ago when that sociology study came out. Another ten years later, my life is even more enriched by the Internet. So to answer your question, I don't think it's the Internet that has whacked your brain, I think you might want to be looking elsewhere. If anything, the Internet is keeping you stimulated.
    • Sarah Eeee
      Some Metafilter users opinions on the Internet and attention span. Netbros takes a very optimistic approach, highlighting the wonderful communication realities & possibilities of the Internet. Still, I can't help but be convinced that my attention span has decreased as social networking has taken up an increasing proportion of my Internet use. When I was 10-11 years old (got my first computer with Internet access), I spent most of my time reading relatively long websites about all sorts of things. (Granted, I had been the kind of kid who read the encyclopedia and lots of non-fiction before we got a computer.) I'm 23 now, and my desktop is usually awash with tabs of news, blog posts, social networking sites, and an array of links I found from these aforementioned places. I hate to blame Twitter, Facebook, email, or any other social networking application. But still - I feel like my attention span has decreased, at a developmental stage when it should likely have increased (going from 10 years old to 23). What are your thoughts?
Robert Kamper

People With Higher IQs Make Wiser Economic Choices, Study Finds - 1 views

  • People with higher measures of cognitive ability are more likely to make good choices in several different types of economic decisions, according to a new study with researchers from the University of Minnesota's Twin Cities and Morris campuses.
  • People with better cognitive skills, in particular higher IQ, were more willing to take calculated risks and to save their money and made more consistent choices. They were also more likely to be cooperative in a strategic situation, and exhibited higher "social awareness" in that they more accurately forecasted others' behavior.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Breakthrough Stanford Research: Hypnotic Trance Changes Brain Activity - 0 views

    A groundbreaking Stanford Study lead by Dr. David Spiegel has revealed what hypnotists have long known about brain activity whilst under a hypnotic trance. That is: some parts of the brain function differently under hypnosis than during normal consciousness. In essence, hypnosis indeed alters brain patterns and activity. These findings might help explain the intense absorption, lack of self-consciousness and suggestibility that characterize the hypnotic state. Would you like to discover more about Dr. David Spiegel hypnosis research findings and how you can use hypnosis to control pain and increase someone's self-esteem? Check out the latest article on now…..
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