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What Defines a Meme? | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine - 1 views

  • What lies at the heart of every living thing is not a fire, not warm breath, not a ‘spark of life.’ It is information, words, instructions,”
  • “If you want to understand life,” Dawkins wrote, “don’t think about vibrant, throbbing gels and oozes, think about information technology.”

Blogsy for iPad on the iTunes App Store - 2 views

  • Blogsy is a tool designed specifically to take full advantage of the iPad’s unique touch functionality. Adding your photos and videos is as easy as dragging them from the media sidebar and dropping them into your blog post.
    It doesn't look like this works with MT. It only gives you the option of setting up a wordpress site or a blogger site. I thought I might be able to trick it use blogs@psu as a wordpress site, but no luck. I haven't had the chance to try it with a wordpress blog yet. The demo movies look like there is tons of great functionality here, but the interface is a bit complicated.
    So I've finally got around to testing this. Every time I tried to add a wordpress blog hosted at dream host it crashed even though the wordpress app worked. Maybe it can't deal with me having multiple blogs.

Joho the Blog » Why you won't care that the Net isn't neutral - 0 views

  • With so little competition, the access providers will be able to jack up fast lane prices as high as the richest players in the market can bear. So, let’s say Google decides to pay the access providers for “fast lane” service, but Bing does not. You’ll notice that Google results fly in, while Bing seems to be having trouble digesting its oatmeal. You won’t know if that’s because Bing’s search engine is slower or because it didn’t pony up for fast lane service. All you’ll know is that you’re not going back to Bing.

Blog Importer - Squarespace - 2 views

  • Squarespace is the only blogging platform on the web with a custom importing system designed to attack the nasty details of seamlessly and completely moving your blog. Our system goes beyond just importing all of your blog posts and comments -- we ensure that all your media is moved over, URLs remain working, and that all of your data comes with you -- where it belongs .
    I wonder if there would be a way to go to ss and then move to WP or another service with all the assets? I think we just found our recommended service provider for moving. Might be good to share that at the portfolio meeting Monday.
    I've tried importing some content in squarespace and it hasn't exactly worked as advertised. I'll keep playing. Also, check out the video under the tour section, so sick.

TED Talk: The best stats you've ever seen - 2 views

    Very cool trend in dynamic visualizations of data.
    Something that we should consider when we start looking at things like campus or college use of various TLT Services. Here's an interactive example:

The Default Major - Skating Through B-School - - 1 views

  • According to national surveys, they want to hire 22-year-olds who can write coherently, think creatively and analyze quantitative data, and they’re perfectly happy to hire English or biology majors
  • Virginia’s integrated course system is possible because the business school is swimming in money
    • Derek Gittler
      How could Social Media integrate these various fields, without hierarchical structures imposing a cost?  Let the network find a way?

Dan Milward: Games Powered By WordPress « - 0 views

    PResentation by the creator of the social game creation site, double happy 

Double Happy | Home - 0 views

    A marriage of flixel game creator and wordpress social networking. On this site you can create games, publish and share them, and discuss them.

Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders - 2 views

    Really interesting way to package web content.

Dropbox Hits 25 Millions Users, 200 Million Files Per Day - 0 views

  • That’s impressive growth from the 4 million users the company had a year ago (they had two million in late 2009).
    impressive growth from dropbox. Could we be heading to a time where dropbox becomes a de facto standard for dealing with files online?

University Classrooms - Office of Physical Plant - 3 views

    Overview of GPC at Penn State

What if he is right? - 2 views

  • The printing press brought about a radical change. People began getting their information primarily by seeing it -the printed word. The visual sense became dominant. Print translates one sense-hearing, the spoken word-into another sense sight, the printed word. Print also converts sounds into abstract symbols, the letters. Print is or derly progression of abstract, visual symbols. Print led to the habit of categorizing-putting everything in order, into categories, "jobs," "prices," "departments," "bureaus," "specialties." Print led, ultimately, to the creation of the modern economy, to bureaucracy, to the modern army, to nationalism itself.
  • People today think of print as if it were a technology that has been around forever. Actually, the widespread use of print is only about two hundred years old. Today new technologies-television, radio, the telephone, the computer-are causing another revolution. Print caused an "explosion"-breaking society up into categories. The electronic media, on the other hand, are causing an "implosion," forcing people back together in a tribal unity.
  • . There will be a whole nation of young psychic drop- outs-out of it-from the wealthy suburbs no less than the city slums. The thing is, all these TV-tribal children are aural people, tactile people, they're used to learning by pattern recogni tion. They go into classrooms, and there up in front of them are visual, literate, print-minded teachers. They are up there teaching classes by subjects, that is, categories; they've broken learning down into compartments -mathematics, history, geography, Latin, biology-it doesn't make sense to the tribal kids, it's like trying to study a flood by counting the trees going by, it's unnatural.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "Well . . . they're all working from very obsolete premises, of course. Almost by definition." By definition? "Certainly. By the time you can get a thousand people to agree on enough principles to hold such a meeting, conditions will already have changed, the principles will be useless." McLuhan pulls his chin down into his neck. The Hayakawa conference . . . disappears.
  • One thing that drew them to McLuhan was his belief in "generalism" -pattern recognition. McLuhan, for example, dismisses the idea of university "departments," history, political science, sociology, and so forth; he considers all that obsolete and works in four or five of the old "fields" at once. It is all one field to him.
  • from The New Life Out There by Tom Wolfe (c) 1965 The New York Herald Tribune

Colleges Aren't Keeping Up With Student Demand for Hybrid Programs, Survey Suggests - W... - 0 views

  • But the Eduventures survey found a gap between supply and demand: 19 percent of respondents said they were enrolled in blended programs, while 33 percent of prospective students listed that format as their preference. The report on the survey, which is not available free online, questions whether some students are being “forced” into studying entirely online because of a lack of hybrid programs. “Schools have jumped on the online bandwagon, and students end up with this rather unnuanced choice between more-or-less wholly on ground and more-or-less wholly online, when many of them actually want something that’s a more nuanced combination of the two,” says Richard Garrett, a managing director at Eduventures.
    this is happening within the college of engineering, and our center is working to address the lack of hybrid options.

The State News :: ANGEL alternative to come out this summer - 3 views

    story about MSU's move from ANGEL to moodle.

iOS App for Non-Verbal People - 2 views

    Sam Sennott created an app that helps some autistic and non-verbal people communicate using the touch screen and a series of pictures. He happens to be a PhD student at Penn State in the Special Education program.
    This is another market the iPad is disrupting. The previous devices to address this were incredibly expensive and bulky.
    I thought you'd be interested in this. I'd like to bring Sam down here for a demo and discussion about his app. I think it would be a very interesting discussion - and a truly excellent use of a mobile touchscreen device.
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